The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The ninth and seventy-third chapter female support she has a barrage (6)

【Why? Of course, Kang San'er is greedy, jealous of our female goose, and doesn't want to give up the scumbag! 】

[Haha, does she really think Huo Scumbag loves her? Are you willing to fight the family for her? 】

[Kang San'er's San'er fans also advocate that true love is invincible, bah, Kang San'er may really love it, but Huo Zan'er is by no means a real man who loves beauty but not the country. 】

[That's right, that's right, Huo Zhannan is both worthy and stand-up, he wants both the country and the beauty. 】

[No, no, it should be that if the beauty is still good and sensible, he would be happy to ask for it. Now that the beauty is not sensible, he immediately kicked and flew. 】

[The one who kicked and flew in front of you, don’t go, I was drinking water, and the light screen was sprayed out by the water! 】

[What beauty is not a beauty, Kang San'er is also a beauty? We Xiang Wan are beautiful and kind-hearted fairies. 】

[A bowl of noodles, I know that Si Xiangwan is your cook, but I can't hold one and step on one! 】

[Uh, U1S1, although Kang Yuhan has an unrighteous view and moral corruption, she is really beautiful. 】

Moreover, Kang Yuhan's beauty is different from that of Si Xiangwan.

The former is brighter, the latter is more lovely.

Two types, two kinds of beauty, evenly matched.

It's just that Kang Yuhan's Tai Chi products make people only look at her actions, but ignore her beauty.

Looking at the bullet screen flying by in front of him, Si Xiangwan had already adapted to the existence of the bullet screen, and began to learn to extract useful information from a bunch of small talk.

Kang San'er, ah bah, no, is Kang Yuhan really breaking up with Huo Rin?


When he was in the cafe just now, Kang Yuhan's reaction was quite normal.

Through the barrage, we learned that Kang Yuhan followed the direction of the original script, and Si Xiangwan signed up for the "holographic live broadcast".

Why did she explode with such a big thunder as soon as she turned around?

The netizens who posted the barrage seemed to say that it was Kang Yuhan who was empathetic, sensible and well-behaved.

Like an unreasonable love brain, begging to force Huo Rin to give her a name.

Huo Rin was annoyed and worried about Kang Yuhan's mischief, so he promptly proposed to break up.

This doesn't match Kang Yuhan's character.

Kang Yuhan does love Huo Rin, but she is definitely not a lover.

Seeing that she was able to introduce her best friend to her boyfriend, and act like a "love consultant", induce and deceive her best friend in all kinds of ways, you can see that this woman has a deep scheming.

And very patient.

For such a woman, it was really hard for Si Xiangwan to imagine that she would be crazy about love.

Of course, people in love are always the craziest.

And the jealousy of women is also very scary.

Perhaps, this is just a small episode in Huo and Kang's love, a small tempering on their emotional road.

After all, it's not life, it can't do everything in detail.

Only some important conflicts will be written, and the eating and drinking of each character will not be written clearly.

This difference was only realized by Si Xiangwan when she personally entered the world of books.

There are always some characters who don't appear, even the protagonist.

Where the "camera" can't see, they each go on with their own lives!

Most importantly, Si Xiangwan didn't find any clues on the barrage.

The "netizens" were just commenting on the plot by Hipi, and they didn't say that the plot didn't conform to the original, or that the people who brushed twice did not say that it didn't conform to the plot.

Therefore, Kang Yuhan's reaction should be within the framework of the script constraints.

Thinking of this, Si Xiangwan no longer doubted.

Forget it, let’s think about the next “holographic live broadcast” first.

I have mentioned a few here, but now Si Xiangwan no longer dares to be too superstitious.

Compared with the original work that has changed, Si Xiangwan believes in the barrage more.

Well, how can we trigger discussions among "netizens" and obtain useful information from them.

Si Xiangwan pondered secretly.

After a moment, she had an idea.

Click on the light brain on the wrist, turn to the address book, find the contact information of a friend, and dial it directly.

【Ding Dong! 'One Bowl of Noodles' No. 1 CP Fan Head Dash is about to go online! 】

【Is it Zhou Sisi? She is my favorite female partner. 】

【is her! It's her! Absolute anti-routine. The other females love the male protagonist and add to the female protagonist. Zhou Sisi, the second female lead, is a CP fan of the male and female lead! 】

[Haha, God fucking CP fans, Zhou Sisi knows his identity! 】

[It should be, she is more crazy than the fans when she knocks on CP. 】

[Like Zhou Sisi, this is the second female lead. God bothers those women who love the male lead, so women can't appreciate the female lead and become the female lead's true best friend? 】

【right! Yep! In fact, it is women who love to see beautiful women the most! Hey, I especially like to see those beautiful young ladies. 】

【+1! Especially the little sisters who can wear clothes and make up, I like fried chicken, and I envy it! 】

[+Mobile phone number, I can't agree more. By the way, why did Zhou Sisi appear for the first time? 】

[The front, I didn't do my homework, of course, Zhou Sisi was an important person who was brought out because of the holographic live broadcast. 】

[That’s right, Zhou Sisi is a genius techie. The Zhou family and the Si family are family friends. Zhou Sisi has a slight autism and likes to do research at home. 】

[Haha, Zhou Sisi looks at the tall guy, but he actually likes to peek at Gu Zao’s bloody romance, and he also likes to play CP in reality. 】

【Such a strange hobby? The filter of the high-cold genius girl shattered all over the place! 】

[I heard that this "holographic live broadcast" uses new black technology, and the audience can also have a holographic experience. 】

[I also know to come to the professionals for help, the female goose is so smart! 】

[…Some brain-dead fans, really enough, is this smart? Isn't this common sense! 】

[Bowls of noodles, bowls of noodles, don't fight with others, fan behavior, idols pay the bill, we can't recruit black people for Xiangwan! 】

small book booth

[...God hates fan culture, it feels like he has been dropped! 】

【Hey! The one in front is muddy, and the fans have always been restrained, but you are always provoking! 】

[That's right, if you don't like watching, you can go out, don't jump up and down and make trouble. 】

【Ouch, is this urgent? Brain powder! 】


The barrage began to develop in a discordant direction.

Si Xiangwan: ...

Dear friends, don't just focus on fighting, it's a bit more spoiler anyway.

However, through the barrage, Si Xiangwan knew that in the follow-up plot, Zhou Sisi, a friend, could give him a great help.

Knowing this, Si Xiangwan felt more confident.

When I pressed the dial button, it rang a dozen times before being connected by the person on the other end.

"Hey, Xiang Wan, what's the matter?"

It was a shy voice.

Si Xiangwan had just merged the original owner's memory and knew that the original owner and Zhou Sisi were good friends.

Not a poisonous girlfriend like Kang Yuhan, but a true friend.

From memory, Si Xiangwan also knew that Zhou Sisi was introverted and sensitive. After all, she was shy and not good at dealing with people.

Even close people are brief and straightforward.

Chatting and chatting are not needed, and she is not used to it.

Si Xiangwan went straight to the topic, "Sisi, I signed up for the new season of 'Holographic Live Broadcast'. I heard that this time there is a new black technology, which is different from the previous one—"

As soon as Si Xiangwan finished saying these words, he saw a barrage floating in front of him——

【Fuck! Magical line up for the evening! 】

What's the meaning?

What is "The Magical Night"?

Am I magical, or is there something magical about the original owner?

Si Xiangwan thought to himself, but he didn't dare to show the slightest bit on his face.

[Si Xiangwan is really awesome. She looks cute and simple, but she can always 'predict the future'. 】

[The sixth sense is strong, can you? 】

[The front, I just said casually, what is your yin and yang anger? 】

[Your ear hears my yin and yang weirdness? 】

[Bowl of fans and a bowl of fans pay attention, do not quarrel with others, fan behavior, idols pay! 】

[You are a robot, this is what you say every time? Are you bothered? 】

[Please, the front, why do you not distinguish between friends and enemies? I am an ally! Allies! 】

【I see you are a navy! 】

Yes, it's noisy again!

Si Xiangwan's forehead twitched, if it wasn't for the fear of revealing the secret that she could see the barrage, she really wanted to shout out—

"What's the noise? It's useful to say something!"

The autistic girl on the other end said in a soft voice, "Yes, this time there is indeed a new technology that adds a 'sharing' function."

"In the past holographic live broadcast or holographic film and television, the audience is just the audience, at most they can be immersed in the scene, but they cannot 'empathize' with the people in the live broadcast and video."

"With the 'sharing' function this time, as long as the audience starts, they can truly experience those feelings!"

"For example, 20 or 30 years ago, some netizens joked that they hoped to have a mobile phone that can smell, and the 'sharing' function can achieve this effect."

"This is an upgrade of holographic technology. In the past, holographic technology can only be regarded as a holographic projection, but this time, it is the real holographic experience!"

Although Zhou Sisi is slightly autistic, he can talk openly about topics he is good at with people he is familiar with.

Si Xiangwan was fascinated.

Taking advantage of Zhou Sisi's pause, she asked, "Do I understand that after turning on the 'sharing' function, I can really feel the pain, taste, smell, etc.!"

"It's like the virtual restaurant that netizens once fantasized about, where you can feel the wonderful feeling of enjoying food without actually eating?"

This is simply the biggest dream of a big foodie who is afraid of being fat, and it can really achieve crazy "eat" without getting fat.

"Yes! You can understand that!"

Zhou Sisi nodded and gave a positive answer.

"However, after opening the 'sharing' function, there are still some 'side effects'."

After thinking about it, Zhou Sisi still reminded in a low voice, "Participants of 'sharing' may be able to feel the true thoughts of the initiator."

Holographic technology has long been used in live broadcast and film and television.

In principle, holographic technology is a virtual world constructed through human brain waves.

It is basically difficult for ordinary people to control their "thoughts", so projection on holographic images is the most realistic appearance.

However, there are also people with strong consciousness or strong psychological qualities who can hide their thoughts.

Reflected in the holographic image, it seems to have a second face, which can also be called acting.

The "sharing" function will break this "acting skill" to a certain extent, allowing the sharing participants to "see" the initiator's heart...

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