The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The ninth and seventy-fourth chapter female support she has a barrage (7)

Holographic sharing?

Can you "monitor" people's hearts? !

He Tiantian froze in her heart, she couldn't help thinking:

Is the so-called holographic "sharing" equivalent to adding a monitoring applet (Little D classmate?) in the human brain domain (sea of ​​knowledge?)? !

He Tiantian felt that she was getting closer and closer to the truth.

And this small world may be able to confirm and promote some of her guesses.

【Holographic sharing? I miss it so much! 】

[I still remember the first time I enjoyed this kind of black technology, I almost couldn't get out. 】

[Food, beautiful scenery, and beauties... Suck! It's just too expensive! 】

[Haha, don't go to the one who spends money in front of you, it's just saying what I'm waiting for the poor. 】

[Holographic sharing is here, is the holographic idol still far away? 】

[Woo, finally waiting for the holographic idol! so excited. 】

[Since I have a holographic idol, my mother is no longer worried about my fan idol collapsing! 】

[There is also a small probability of overturning. Just like the XXX last time, good guy, he's so awesome, his brain is so powerful, he actually deceived the many fans who "shared" with him. 】

【ah! You are talking about who is who, it is indeed cheating. I heard that his mental power has reached the SSS level. It is said that such a powerful person does not control the mecha, but runs to be an actor. 】

【what is this? There is also a great man in the X galaxy. He is also very strong in his brain, but he is very retro. He has to go to Gu Lanxing to be a farmer! 】

【Hahaha! This is what is called, a general who can't farm, is not a good actor? ! 】

[...mud is cute enough! I almost died of laughing at you. My mom thought I was having a convulsion. 】

[Mud Meng is indeed enough. This is Si Xiangwan's site, don't talk about other people, okay? 】

[That's right, talking about these, it's better to talk about Xiao Yi and Si Xiangwan of our family——]

[Bowl of flour, a bowl of flour,

Mud is enough. It's just a small chat, how can it stimulate these brainless fans of Nimeng? 】

【Who are you talking about? This was originally the home of a bowl of noodles—]

[God annoying CP fans! Please look up, there are three words 'Si Xiangwan' instead of 'Xiao Yi and Si Xiangwan'! 】

[Yes, yes, a bowl of noodles, please go to your own room to 'enclose yourself', don't be an eyesore here. 】

[Only fans are enough, aren't Xiao Yi and Si Xiangwan the official CP? Why can't we CP fans have a CP in Si Xiangwan's room? 】

[9494, Weifen is too domineering. You look like you're on top every day, why? Did our CP powder eat your rice? Or do you just like to live by the seaside? The tube is so wide! 】

[Haha, interesting, Si Xiangwan's fans are arguing. Is this called a dog bites a dog? 】

[Before, who are you calling a dog? 】

He Tiantian \u0026 Si Xiangwan:  …

They really want to grab the necks of all netizens and shout: Stop arguing! Say something useful, okay? !

However, after the irritability, He Tiantian and Si Xiangwan both captured useful information from the many barrages of netizens.

It's just that the two have different focuses because of their different identities.

He Tiantian is more like a bystander, she is more sober and rational.

Therefore, she paid attention to another term - holographic idol!

Holographic idols, as the name suggests, should be idols derived from holographic technology.

Not real, but virtual.

He Tiantian associates her many experiences with tasks and can't help guessing—

The so-called holographic idol is either a brand-new character virtualized directly by holographic technology.

Or, it is to "realize" the characters in the book and the play.

The former is brand new, while the latter has a "prototype"!

Combined with this task, when Si Xiangwan participated in the holographic live broadcast, netizens suddenly sent out a barrage of "holographic idols".

He Tiantian has reason to suspect that Si Xiangwan may be a holographic idol.

Perhaps a very representative one.

For example, the first true holographic idol.

The more He Tiantian reasoned, the more she found herself closer to the truth.

Si Xiangwan focused on one name—Xiao Yi!

Netizens say he (she) is my official match.

Is he my future partner?

By the way, there is also a bowl of powder, which should be the CP powder of the two of us.

So, who is Xiao Yi?

He, should be a man, right?

Ahem, I can't blame Si Xiangwan for thinking too much. It is true that with the progress of the times, his mind has become more and more open.

At the moment of 2050, it is no longer taboo to be a man or a woman.

It's just that Si Xiangwan is more conservative, and with the example of Huo Rin, she is very sure that she should like the opposite sex.



Thinking of all the things described in the online article, Si Xiangwan couldn't help nauseating and hating.

Uh, could it be that "Si Xiangwan" was emotionally hurt and moved from one extreme to the other?

Si Xiangwan shivered with fright at this guess.


I-I'm not that fragile.

He will not change his aesthetics and persistence for the sake of a scumbag.

"...Xiang Wan, do you really want to participate in the holographic live broadcast?"

Just as Si Xiangwan was distracted, Zhou Sisi on the other end was still talking.

Si Xiangwan hurriedly came back to his senses, "Yeah! I've already signed up. It will officially start next Monday."

"According to the process of the event party, these two days, they will send me specially customized 'holographic equipment'."

Si Xiangwan was very curious about this holographic live broadcast.

Before, it was to deal with Kang Yuhan and those "audiences" who could send out barrages.

But with the understanding of holographic live broadcast, Si Xiangwan really developed a strong interest.

Black technology!

Proper black technology!

This was something she had never picked up in her real world.

Although there are some risks and the possibility of revealing his truest heart, Si Xiangwan still wants to give it a try.

Therefore, she answered Zhou Sisi's words with obvious yearning and longing.

"Since you really want to go and want to go, then I'll tell you something secretly—"

Zhou Sisi lowered her voice, ready to reveal some secrets to her good friends.

【Ha ha! I'm coming! 】

[The number one CP fan head is open for business. 】

[As expected of the second female lead who is the most anti-routine, other female secondaries are trying their best not to let the female lead meet the male lead, but Zhou Sisi has to take the initiative to match. 】

[Love, love, I declare that Zhou Sisi is my favorite female second, no one! 】

The playful barrage appeared again.

Si Xiangwan tried her best to control her emotions so that netizens in front of the "screen" would not discover her abnormality.

And her heart began to beat faster—

Does what Zhou Sisi wants to tell her has something to do with Xiao Yi?

Sure enough, Zhou Sisi said mysteriously, "Xiang Wan, let me tell you, there are people from the military in this holographic live broadcast."

"I secretly, oh no, I found a way to check the information, and finally determined that the person sent by the military was a special operations soldier named Xiao Yi."

[Wahaha, Zhou Sisi will not hack into an important department again. 】

[Before, be more confident and remove the word 'no'! 】

[Zhou Sisi is the most black-bellied, looking timid and autistic, in fact, she is a daring GIRL! 】

[Zhou Sisi: Hackers? Little CASE, sister can do it in minutes! 】

[Alas, the big technical bull is such a bull! 】

[Said in a low voice, is this not right? Hacking is illegal! 】

[The 'extrajudicial madman' appears in front of you! 】

[Please, just watch a drama, just be happy, why go online! 】

[Just please, the Internet is not a place outside the law, and online dramas need to promote positive content. How can you deliberately beautify some illegal and criminal acts? 】

[That's right, that's why I don't like watching these online dramas! 】

【Pooh! You don't like watching, so what are you doing here? to scold? 】

【Oh, oh, hurry! Brainless fans are in a hurry! 】

[You black fans are brainless! Black for black's sake, are you bored? 】

[9494, it's not a brainless black person, or it's a gangster, how unsatisfactory you people are in reality, so you are full of negative energy? 】

The barrage of fighting flashed quickly, and it was a new round of "blood and blood rain".

He Tiantian \u0026 Si Xiangwan:  …

It would be great if these barrages of fighting and cursing could be blocked.

It doesn't seem like a good thing to watch a group of people quarrel all day long.

"...That Xiao Yi, I checked it out, and it's very good. Not only is he a king-level special operator in the entire army, but he is also a technical talent."

"I heard that their military is cooperating with the research institute to study the content of brain development."

"Xiang Wan, I have reason to suspect that the holographic live broadcast this time is different from the previous one. This time there is official interference and some secret research!"

Zhou Sisi still had a soft and soft tone, but Si Xiangwan could still hear concern and worry from her timid voice.

"Sisi, don't worry, I will be careful!"

If there were no spoilers for the barrage, Si Xiangwan might have hesitated after listening to Zhou Sisi's words.

However, after reading the barrage and knowing that he has a close relationship with Xiao Yi, Si Xiangwan became more and more moved.

"...Well, come on!"

He could hear the firm attitude of his friend from his voice, and Zhou Sisi did not continue to persuade.

She said in a low voice, come on, instead of continuing to chat, she just hung up the communication.

After hanging up, Zhou Sisi looked at the screens in front of her, and suddenly thought, "Can't holographic sharing be eliminated? Or, I can find a way to help Xiang Wan open up her brain, so that she can find a way to deceive her. Holographic sharing!"

Do it if you think of it!

With ten fingers flying, Zhou Sisi tapped the keyboard cracklingly.

On Si Xiangwan's side, just after finishing the call with Zhou Sisi, the light brain on his wrist lit up again.

She looked down, tsk, Huo Rin Huo scumbag!

[Come, the famous scene is here! 】

[Hahaha, female goose, cruelly tortured, tortured this dead scumbag to death! 】

[The scumbag is cheap, Kang San'er is unwilling to help, so he will do it by himself, this time, why is he not arrogant and arrogant. 】

[God is so arrogant and arrogant, I am still three points cold and three points ridiculed and four points cold and thin...]

Si Xiangwan: ...

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