The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and seventieth chapters female support she has a barrage (10)

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He Tiantian helped Mother Kang make dinner, and Father Kang came back just after dinner was ready.

Kang Xiaomei and Kang Xiaodi, one went to the library to read, the other went to the remedial class, and they all came back one after another.

A family of five takes the fast food and the food is served in a happy and harmonious manner.

During the meal, Mother Kang casually talked about "Kang Yuhan" selling small programs.

She also mentioned that He Tiantian wanted the whole family to move to the mansion, but she refused.

Father Kang nodded immediately, "That's right! That's how it should be! The same goes for the two of you. In the future, the money you earn will be yours!"

Father Kang is a more Buddhist patriarchal man. He really wants a son, but he will not take his daughter seriously, and he will not pressure his daughter to subsidize his son.

Hearing that the eldest daughter has earned a high level, of course Father Kang was moved.

However, his reason soon restrained his heartbeat—

Or the wife is right, the property earned by the daughter belongs to the daughter, not the whole family.

Daughter has the ability, they can be more relaxed as parents, they are already good children who come to repay their gratitude.

They can't "repay kindness and revenge" and lie down on the promising eldest daughter to suck blood.

When parents are fair and just, children will not have too many grievances. Instead, they can love and support each other.

After listening to Father Kang's words, the seventeen-year-old younger brother Kang and the fifteen-year-old younger sister Kang sucked back the envious tears from their mouths, and nodded in unison, "Yes! Big sister, that's your house, just keep it! "

[Fuck, the Kang family's atmosphere is really harmonious! 】

[That is, parents are not partial, and younger brothers and sisters are not greedy. 】

[Actually, Kang Yuhan is also very good to her family. She can hide it completely, but she still told her family. 】

[I don't know why, but suddenly I envy Kang Yuhan! 】

【Hey! Hello! What's wrong with you people? Actually started to say good things for Kang San'er? 】

[That's right, Kang San'er is an epic junior, even if her parents and siblings are good, she can't hide her low character and no bottom line! 】

[The Kang family's tutoring is so good, but there is still a Kang San'er, which is enough to prove that she is a born bastard! 】

[The one in front is too ugly to say. Didn't Kang Yuhan break up with Huo Scum Nan? 】

【right! I did break up, and I also received a breakup fee worth 25 million-]

【What happened to the money? Huo scumbag really failed Kang Yuhan and tried to take advantage of her. Why, as long as a man counts on a woman, a woman is not allowed to take revenge on a man? 】

【Yes! I think Kang Yuhan's approach is super cool! God bothers that kind of a lofty heroine who "I don't want your stinky money", a proper big grievance! 】

[Haha, Kang Yuhan deliberately pretended to be in love on the phone, but in the end, Huo Rin was so frightened that he immediately revealed the original part, which almost made me laugh. 】

[Laughter +1. I even got a little fan of Kang Yuhan. 】

The changes in the barrage are very obvious. In the dense comments, there are few people who open their mouths and close their mouths.

He Tiantian saw all of this in his eyes.

She kept calm and continued to eat and chat with her family.

Early the next morning, He Tiantian told Mother Kang and went out.

She quickly sold the large flat and purchased a laboratory and many related equipment within three days.

Netizens were dumbfounded and had no idea what He Tiantian was going to do.

The holographic live event party mailed a specially customized holographic warehouse to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian did not take it home, but put the holographic warehouse in the rest room of the laboratory.

She looked at the brand new laboratory and the equipment in the room, tsk, these were all "kindly provided" by Huo Zhannan.

The money is all spent, even if Huo Rin repents at this time, it is impossible to get it back.

Of course, the Huo family is capital, and there may be ways to exploit it.

However, it also takes a lot of energy and financial resources. Compared with the recovered property,

Not worth it.

He Tiantian opened the light brain on her wrist, found Si Xiangwan's contact information, and dialed it.

"Hey, Yuhan, did you also receive the holographic warehouse?"

Just after the call was connected, Si Xiangwan Ruanuo's voice came over.

"Well, I have already received it!"

He Tiantian responded perfunctorily and went straight to the topic, "Si Xiangwan, you and I have never been from the same world."

"I make friends with you, more for your family background."

"You are a pure and kind person, and I am very ambitious, and I have done something wrong to you."

"I don't feel sorry, because everyone is an adult, and everyone should have at least the ability to distinguish between good and evil."

"It's my ability that I can deceive you. You deserve to be deceived!"

"...I have passed you and got what I want, and you have no use value for me."

"From now on, we are no longer friends, and I will not contact you anymore!"

"Of course, I do owe you a debt, don't worry, I, Kang Yuhan, are bad, but I am a principled person, and I will compensate you!"

After speaking, she hung up the phone before Si Xiangwan could react.

Si Xiangwan: ...


Everyone was stunned, okay?

On the huge virtual screen, it was clean for the first time, and there was not a single barrage.

However, soon, everyone reacted, and countless barrages appeared in an instant.

[Fuck, fuck, fuck! Kang San'er is too shameless to be so arrogant? 】

[94 Ah, are you a bad person, or something to be proud of? 】

[My three views have suffered an unprecedented impact, and Kang San'er is also, too bad. 】

[Did something bad and still didn't apologize, how could she have the face to say it? 】

[Poor female goose, she just lost her mind. 】

[More than a female goose, I am also dumbfounded, okay? 】

[I can't believe that there are such bad women in this world. 】

[…Actually, Kang Yuhan is okay too, bad is bad, there is no cover up. 】

[Yes, compared to hypocritical hypocrites, I prefer this kind of 'bad understand' real villain. 】

[There is also the phrase 'bad is bad, but he is a principled person', which is too sassy, ​​and suddenly I am looking forward to Kang Yuhan's next performance. 】

small book booth

[Is it just me, I somehow feel like I hit CP. 】

[Front, are you crazy? Knock CP can be grounded, but not grounded! Hey! 】

[Mad, the one at the front is poisonous. Let you say this, I, I actually want to knock for no reason. 】

[The kind and harmless white rabbit sister VS the ambitious and cunning black lotus? ! 】

[The front, you cow! I already have a picture in my mind, ┗|`O′|┛嗷~~]

He Tiantian: ... The netizens in this session are very good, and their brains are really strange.

Si Xiangwan was first caught off guard by "Kang Yuhan", and then saw these barrages, and she felt bad.


Me and Kang Yuhan?

This this--

She really wanted to shout to some netizens: Mud is enough!

Let you say this, I can no longer look directly at Kang Yuhan.


He Tiantian began to get busy in the laboratory.

She performs various operations on the supercomputer every day, and the crackling keyboard always echoes in the laboratory.

【What is Kang Yuhan doing? Is she also some kind of technical expert? 】

[Little San Faner in front of her has put gold on her cooking face less, Kang San’er is an epic little San’er, how could she be a master of technology? 】

[Bowl of noodles and a bowl of noodles, you are enough! When you open your mouth and swear at someone, Kang Yuhan has already had a showdown with Si Xiangwan, okay? 】

[I'm not a fan of either side of Kang or Si, just a passerby, I just want to say that there is no relationship between character and ability. 】

【right! Kang Yuhan has indeed had bad things, but it doesn't show that she is a weak chicken. 】

[That's right, bowls of noodles and bowls of noodles, don't forget that Kang Yuhan and your master are college classmates!

! 】

S University, the local double first-class top university.

Regardless of her character, Kang Yuhan can be admitted to such a university, which is enough to prove her ability.

Si Xiangwan, who is as simple and soft as the little white rabbit, can grow into a tech giant in the future.

Why can't Kang Yuhan?

[That's not possible, Kang Yuhan is the third child! She is immoral! 】

【have to! here we go again. Is it interesting that you stare at that little love all day long? 】

[That is, open your mouth and shut your mouth and talk about the third child. It was fine in the past, Kang Yuhan was indeed wrong, but now that people have withdrawn, it is not good to scold them like that. 】

[Yes, yes, some brain-damaged fans should eat more walnuts to replenish their brains. 】

【Those who scold people at every turn, you are enough! Yes, we are mentally retarded, you are all in the world (stupid) wake up (forced)! 】

[In a hurry, the brain-dead fans are in a hurry again! 】

He Tiantian \u0026 Si Xiangwan: ...It's the same again.

Can you be a little more harmonious and not scold at every turn?

Speaking of which, as the parties involved, it seems that none of them are more excited than netizens.

Tucao returns to Tucao, He Tiantian and Si Xiangwan are still busy.

He Tiantian was very busy in the laboratory, while Si Xiangwan continued to learn more about the "inside story" of the holographic live broadcast through Zhou Sisi.

With the holographic live broadcast attracting her attention, she can gradually distance herself from Huo Rin.

It was originally only an ambiguous stage, without Kang Yuhan's desperate bewitching, even Si Xiangwan would not easily fall into Huo Rin's love net.

Therefore, netizens did not find it strange to see Si Xiangwan gradually becoming estranged from Huo Rin.

It was Huo Rin's side, who received the news that Si Xiangwan and Kang Yuhan participated in the holographic live broadcast together, and instantly found the reason for Si Xiangwan's Leng Dan——

This is the case with little girls, when they have new activities, they forget about the rest.

However, it doesn't matter. After the event is over, I will pursue Si Xiangwan again.

Huo Rin was extremely confident in his own charm. He felt that even without Kang Yuhan's help, he could successfully catch up with Si Xiangwan.

He is Huo Rin!

Handsome, rich and young, a new generation of domineering presidents!

He Tiantian \u0026 Si Xiangwan \u0026 the majority of netizens:  … So greasy, so greasy, so disgusting~~~

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