The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and seventieth eight chapters female match she has a barrage (11)

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The time soon came to the day before the live broadcast officially started.

He Tiantian, Si Xiangwan and many people who participated in the holographic live broadcast received the script from the event team.

That's right, a real script!

Just like the previous reality shows, the holographic live broadcast also has a script.

However, this script is somewhat different from that script.

The script of the holographic live broadcast has a complete story line and is a real film and television script.

All the people participating in the event have their own roles in the script.

As long as they start to enter the live broadcast, their identities will immediately become the corresponding roles, and then they will perform according to the settings of the script.

For example, the holographic live broadcast this time, the script is "Desert Island Survival".

The setting of the script is that a gray plane had an accident at sea and made an emergency landing on an unknown desert island.

There are flight attendants and there are passengers.

Among the passengers are stars, bigwigs, and rich people in first class, elites in business class, and ordinary people in economy class.

More than a hundred people, all landed on the desert island.

In order to survive, they formed large and small groups.

In addition, there are natives, Meng beasts, and a certain foreign armed force on the island.

Everyone has the possibility of death, and can use their abilities to survive, even escape.

The character He Tiantian received in the script is a college student, because the video has gained a certain amount of attention on the Internet, and she is a proper little internet celebrity.

However, although there are scripts and character settings, they are not too detailed, just an outline and a brief.

The final direction of the plot and the fate of each person are not fixed, it depends on each person's performance.

[Haha, Kang San'er is a low-to-low little internet celebrity, we are different from Xiangwan, but Bai Fumei, who came from a famous family! 】

[This character is also invincible. It is said that the activity team is very knowledgeable, haha, it is properly reflected in reality. 】

[Bowl fans are too much, what happened to the internet celebrity? Net red is LOW? Please, please take a look. Which of those top Internet celebrities is not highly educated? 】

【right! You are right! Families, 123 on the link! Haha, high degree! Hahaha, not at all, no, LOW! 】

【What are you doing yin and yang? Kang Yuhan and Si Xiangwan are both students of S University, how can there be a distinction between high and low? 】

[That's it. Originally, I liked Si Xiangwan, but her fans are too high. The road turns black! 】

[Before you, it's hard work for you to pretend to be a passerby. 】

[If you talk about Xiao San every day, is it true that you are also a third child in your heart? Just like people who scold people who are sluts, they are basically very 'cheap'! 】

[Stop arguing, can you watch the live broadcast? This holographic live broadcast is very important to our female goose. 】

【right! It was through this live broadcast that the female goose showed her super strength, and also intersected with the destined official! 】

[Wow Kaka, Xiao Yi is about to go online, a bowl of fans, knock me to death! 】

After quarreling and cooling down, the barrage finally took a direction that satisfied both Si Xiangwan and He Tiantian.

Netizens finally began to spoil.

However, because the live broadcast has not officially started, there is not much discussion about the details of the plot.

He Tiantian and Si Xiangwan have a hunch that there should be more spoilers when they officially enter the holographic world tomorrow.

He Tiantian tested the holographic warehouse, and there was no problem.

She reinforced the laboratory's firewall, as well as intelligent monitoring, defense and other settings.

Then, a small program was set up with an ultra-brain and secretly embedded into a certain system.

After all the preparations were done, the time came to zero.

According to the rules of the game, He Tiantian entered the holographic warehouse and connected the brain nerves.


The holographic world opened, and the image of "Kang Yuhan" was instantly projected into it.

【here we go! It's finally started! 】

【Wow! I miss it so much, the first real holographic live broadcast! 】

【Female goose,

come on! The peak of your life begins here. 】

[...The first game should be on the hand-held machine. 】

【Have it! There is a picture! Let's see. 】

[Ah, ah, I found my female goose, and she is in first class! 】

[Haha, the female goose is Bai Fumei, of course, she is in first class, unlike Kang San'er, who can only be in business class. 】

[Si Xiangwan is really noble, unlike me, who can't even afford business class, so he can only be an economy class! 】

Throughout the ages, the people at the bottom have the nature of hating the rich.

Fans of Si Xiangwan may just want to raise their idols and step on Kang Yuhan by the way.

But the tone of showing off was not quite right, which directly stabbed the hearts of passers-by.

[That's right, Si Xiangwan's brain-dead fans are really too low-minded, and sometimes they have to wonder if they are true fans or black fans. 】

[Hahaha, is this the legendary 'one pink tops ten blacks'? 】

[This is the way the brain-damaged fans are, as if they are proud of how good their idols are. No matter how well-born and rich people are, does it have anything to do with you? 】


He Tiantian \u0026 Si Xiangwan: ...This is the beginning, dear, so we started arguing?

The two silently complained, and then began to look around.

They were indeed on the gray machine.

He Tiantian was in the business class, the seats were slightly looser, and there were a few elites around who were typing on the keyboard or looking at the tablet.

Si Xiangwan was lying leisurely on the spacious seat of the first-class cabin, while the flight attendant lady on the side pushed a cart full of drinks and food, and served them attentive and thoughtful.

Instead of taking champagne, Si Xiangwan ordered a few servings of steaks, chocolates and other small food items that could replenish energy.

Under the stunned eyes of the young lady, she stuffed a few bottles of high-luxury brand mineral water into her bag.

[Haha, the female goose's sassy operation directly makes the flight attendants look stupid! 】

[Actually, it's alright, Si Xiangwan wears a famous brand and has a very good temperament. At first glance, she looks white and rich, not a poor diaosi with a swollen face and a fat man! 】

【right! As far as your family Si Xiangwan is noble, we are all poor diaosi! 】

[…The one in front is sick! When others pick up money, do you pick it up? ! 】

[Alright, alright, let's just discuss until late, don't quarrel with people, fan behavior, idols pay! 】

[I always feel that Si Xiangwan has a super powerful sixth sense. She may have sensed the approaching danger, so she hid food and drinking water in advance! 】

【cut! Only then did you know that our Xiangwan was originally a "magic Xiangwan"! 】

[Si Xiangwan's brain-dead fans are really enough, Si Xiangwan's popularity is exhausted by you! 】

Without exception, the barrage became noisy again.

Si Xiangwan and He Tiantian are used to it.

They glanced at it and found no useful barrage, so they directly blocked those boring fights.

He Tiantian also asked the flight attendant for lunch boxes and mineral water.

She also asked for a blanket.

It is midsummer now, and the temperature on the island is very high.

However, it is also the rainy season. If it rains, it will still be cold sooner or later.

In the script, the handicraft successfully landed on a desert island without damage.

The materials on the hand-held machine should not be damaged.

Therefore, the other live broadcast participants, after a brief curiosity, did not take much action.

Such as hiding food, supplies, etc.

He Tiantian doesn't think so. The script is the script, and the real plot is the plot. No one can guarantee that the plot will follow the script.

Perhaps, at the moment when these participants enter the virtual world, the whole world forms an independent and complete world.

As long as there is a slight change, it will trigger a huge butterfly effect.

The handcraft may not be able to land on the island completely.

At this moment, it seemed that the gray machine had already encountered turbulence and began to shake violently.


These two words popped up in everyone's heart.

The flight attendant followed the procedure and broadcast standard words.

He Tiantian began to put on a life jacket, got up with difficulty, and took the suitcase off the luggage rack.

【Ahhh, here we come! Disaster has finally come! 】

[Girl goose, quickly put on a life jacket, and bring everything you can use ah ah ah! 】

Si Xiangwan saw the barrage, did not hesitate at all, quickly put it on, and carried the suitcase in his hand.


A loud bang, countless exclamations and screams.

He Tiantian closed her eyes and felt her body fall.

The wind blew past his ears, making a whistling sound.

The feeling of rapid falling made He Tiantian's heart beat faster.

He Tiantian finally fell into the sea with the sound of help and mother calling in and out.


puff puff!

Dozens of huge splashes suddenly appeared on the tumbling sea.

[I go, this feeling of dying is terrible. I opened the sharing just now, and experienced it myself, and almost scared myself to death! 】

[The one in front is really courageous. Even at this time, dare to share. 】

[Actually, it’s good to feel it, at least with such an experience, I don’t dare to commit suicide again! 】

[Wow, it's so good to be alive! 】

[Fuck, look, the live broadcast list is updated in time. This is just the beginning, and one third has been eliminated? 】

[No way, everything happened so suddenly, many people didn't react! 】

[No, isn't there a script, don't they know? 】

[Please, what era is this, you still believe in the script? 】

Si Xiangwan didn't bother to check the barrage, and fluttered in the sea with difficulty.

Fortunately, she can swim, and her technique is not bad.

It's just that she was carrying a suitcase in her hand, and her coat pockets were still stuffed with things.

The load was a bit heavy, and when Si Xiangwan was swimming, it was extraordinarily strenuous.

Fortunately, the location where she landed was not far from the island. Seeing the target, Si Xiangwan gritted her teeth and swam hard.

He Tiantian is also paddling hard.

She has the water against the sky, and the water is also her home field.

She aimed at the island and moved forward quickly.

[Fuck, Kang Yuhan is so awesome, this swimming skill is invincible! 】

[Like a mermaid, with firm eyes, my sister kills me! 】

[Yeah, others are still suffering and struggling, but Kang Yuhan has been able to step on the water and come to the island in a hurricane. 】

[Ah, ah, I don't want to fan a bad woman, but I can't help it...]

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