The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and seventieth IX female support she has a barrage (12)

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He Tiantian stroked the water so fast, as if she had her own motor.

Her condition is so good that not only the netizens in the live broadcast room saw it, but also those who were struggling in the sea.

As if they saw the savior, they desperately shouted at He Tiantian: "Help! Help!"

He Tiantian's paddling movement stopped slightly.

Obviously, she heard these cries for help and saw the people who were rising and falling in the sea.

"Help! Help me!"

"Little sister, I know you, and you and I are a business class passenger."

"Woo, help, please help me!"

Several drowning people who were closer to He Tiantian saw He Tiantian stop.

They hurriedly called for help even louder.

However, to their disappointment, He Tiantian didn't rush to save people.

She looked left and right, and found some objects such as debris, seats, luggage, etc. floating on the sea.

She pushed all the objects floating around her to the vicinity of the drowning people around her.

After doing this, He Tiantian swam away.

"It's too much, you, you obviously have the ability to save me, why not save me?"

"You stinky woman, you are so selfish, how can you die!"

"We're the same people in the cabin anyway, and we're a little incense, how can you—"

Seeing that He Tiantian was so selfish and cold, and just now begging for help, they instantly became furious.

While they kicked their legs desperately to keep themselves from sinking, they reached out to touch those objects that could be suspended.

They didn't forget to curse, maybe they were really angry, maybe they were just venting.

Those who saw this scene in the live broadcast room were a little silent.

He Tiantian didn't save people, which is really not noble enough.

However, there is absolutely no sin.

After a minute or two of silence on the virtual screen, barrages began to slowly roll out—

[Saving is love, not duty, what age is this, and they still engage in moral kidnapping? 】

[That's right, and Kang Yuhan is alone, a twenty-year-old girl, it's not easy for her to protect herself! 】

[Yes, saving people is on the premise of making sure that you are okay. And people are unpredictable. If Kang Yuhan is exhausted because of saving people, will those who were saved by her be willing to save her? 】

[I don't want to speculate on others with the greatest malice, but the social reality is that there are more "snakes" than farmers. 】

Everyone is an ordinary person. It cannot be said that everyone is a refined egoist, but more people will still consider themselves first.

[Kang Yuhan didn't do anything, didn't she help get things to them. 】

[Yes, people have already tried their best, do they have to sacrifice themselves and help others? 】

There are more netizens. Although they didn't post the barrage, they agreed with "Kang Yuhan" in their hearts.

Because if it is them, they must ensure their own safety first, and then rescue others appropriately.

However, not everyone can understand.

After all, there are still people who like to demand and judge others from the commanding heights of morality.

【cut! Kang San'er is selfish. Unlike my family, Xiangwan, she still struggled to escape, but she did not forget to help the people around her. 】

[Yes, when is this all? When everyone is in trouble, they help each other and hug each other for warmth, so that they can survive together. 】

[9494, Kang San'er is too selfish, too short-sighted, and has no big-picture view and long-term vision at all. 】

[I had a good impression of Kang San'er just now, but seeing her being so selfish and turning her way into the dark again is a shame. 】

Netizens:  …

There is no harm without contrast.

Si Xiangwan is indeed kinder than Kang Yuhan.

On the sea, Si Xiangwan lost all his suitcases in order to save people.

She paddled hard with one hand and dragged a seven- or eight-year-old child with the other. It was extremely laborious, but she never gave up.

Netizens couldn't help but think,

If I am in trouble, I definitely hope to meet Si Xiangwan.

But in their hearts, they themselves are more like Kang Yuhan - compassionate, but not rich enough to sacrifice themselves for others.

[Okay, what's the noise? This is a live broadcast, just a show. Those who died were not really dead, they were just eliminated. 】

Finally, such a relatively "sober" word finally appeared on the messy screen.

The majority of netizens reacted.

Yes, this is a holographic live broadcast, which is virtual in itself.

The people seen in the picture are not real people, they are just a holographic projection.

If you hang up in the live broadcast, you don't really die, but you can return to reality.

In addition, the participants felt that they couldn't hold it any longer, and even if they didn't die, they could choose to withdraw.

No, the few people struggling in the sea, unwilling to bear these pains, took the initiative to press the emergency button on their wrists.



Several lights and shadows disappeared instantly.

【That, that doesn't work! Even if it is fake, it can reflect the character! 】

【right! Kang San'er is not as good as Si Xiangwan. 】

[Please, some brainless fans, this is difficult for some strong people. Since it is a live broadcast and there is a PK list, in a sense, all participants are in a competitive relationship. 】

"First Clan"

[I'll go, the first one doesn't say, I almost forgot, yes, they are not collaborators, but competitors. 】

[Yes, yes, I remember the top 10 of the holographic live broadcast selection list. The higher the ranking, the more generous the reward. 】

[Suddenly felt that Kang Yuhan was kind enough, and she was willing to help her 'enemy'. 】

Si Xiangwan's fans fell silent.

If you think about it in this way, your own female goose seems to be a bit "stupid"——

Baal tries to save people, but saves his own competitors.

Of course, some fans reacted quickly.

[What about competitors, that is also a living life. 】

[Yes, yes, in the eyes of us onlookers, the holographic live broadcast is just a game, but for those who are in it, it is an extremely real existence. 】

[At a critical juncture, Xiangwan's instinctive choice to save people is enough to prove her kindness. 】

[Those keyboard warriors who know how to be stupid, I suggest you open a share and experience the danger of the sea and the despair when you fall into the water. 】

The netizens fell silent again.

In fact, some of them, when disaster strikes, really open up sharing.

I really experienced the near-death feeling of falling from a high altitude and falling into the deep sea.

That taste is too real and too scary.

Under such circumstances, only fear and panic occupy the heart, and they simply forget that they are only "feelings" and think that they are really suffering.

Therefore, Si Xiangwan's "bowl of noodles" is quite right. Under such circumstances, Si Xiangwan can sacrifice himself to save people, which is indeed very kind and noble.

They admire such people, but they are soberly aware that they may not be able to reach such heights.

Alas, they are all selfish people at heart.

Perhaps in the event of a disaster, they are not even as good as Kang Yuhan.

Kang Yuhan at least helped those people a little.

There was a rare silence on the virtual light screen. Except for the occasional barrage of a few bowls of noodles and a bowl of rice praising Si Xiangwan, there were no other comments.

He Tiantian didn't care about those barrages, she was the first to swim to the island.

The moment she stepped on land, He Tiantian felt inexplicably relieved.

No matter how strong the ability is, I still like the feeling of "down to earth" the most.

He Tiantian took a few steps forward, regardless of her wet body, and sat down.

Then, following the force of the fall, he fell back, and the whole person was lying on the beach.

Blue sky and white clouds, bright sunshine, island coconut trees and seabirds soaring... What a beautiful picture of the seaside.

[Ah, ah, I opened 'Kang Yuhan Sharing' and felt the joy and happiness of her life after the catastrophe. 】

[The one at the front is really clever, I opened it too. Ah, lying on the beach, looking at the blue sky, I couldn't help but have a thought: It's good to be alive! 】

【And I! And I! I also turned it on, saying that this 'sharing' function is really awesome, I feel like I'm possessing Kang Yuhan's body. 】

【right! You can also feel Kang Yuhan's thoughts, heart and other emotional fluctuations. She is also a little regretful that she can't save people. No way, she herself can't guarantee whether she can save others while protecting herself. 】

People who have opened "Kang Yuhan Sharing" clearly perceive certain emotions, and they seem to be able to understand more and more.

While observing the world from the perspective of "Kang Yuhan", he launched a barrage.

【Just regret? Too cold-blooded, too selfish! Even if she can't save everyone, she can save the victims around her. 】

[That is, Kang San'er is selfish and has no moral bottom line. 】

[My goose is still the best, a kind-hearted little fairy, who can sacrifice her life to save people in a critical moment. 】

[Si Xiangwan's brain-damaged fans, shut up. Kang Yuhan took the initiative to break up, why is Kang San'er still screaming? 】

[The previous one is right, I couldn't see it for a long time. In other words, even if Kang Yuhan didn't break up with Huo Rin, the relationship between Si Xiangwan and Huo Rin was only somewhat ambiguous, and the relationship had not yet been determined. How could Kang Yuhan become the third child? 】

Unsurprisingly, the barrage on the screen began to smell of gunpowder again.

However, more passersby helped Kang Yuhan speak this time.

They didn't really think that Si Xiangwan was innocent and not good enough, but they hated her fans.

Too high and too high, too open-mouthed, as if they are the messengers of justice, who can abuse and judge a person at will.

It's true that Kang Yuhan is not a good person, even morally corrupt, but he doesn't need to whip the corpse every day.

Too late, bottoming out.

The superiority of the fans and their aggressiveness can easily arouse the rebellious psychology of passers-by and netizens.

If one fails, it will also affect the cooking division Xiangwan.

Si Xiangwan didn't realize the crisis at this moment, she dragged the little girl and finally came to the island.


The exhausted Si Xiangwan staggered a few steps before falling on the beach.

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