The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 980th chapter female match she has a barrage (13)

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"Sister! Sister Xiangwan! What's the matter with you?"

The little girl asked with concern with a clear cry.

"I-I'm fine! Don't worry!"

Si Xiangwan pinched his palm hard to prevent himself from fainting.

She swallowed hard.

She was churning in the sea just now, and she choked on a lot of sea water.

But the sea water was salty and astringent, and drinking too much not only could not relieve her hunger and thirst, but made her lips chapped badly.

It was as if a handful of sand had been stuffed into her throat, and it was unbearably dry.

"Qianqian, help me take out the mineral water in the bag!"

Si Xiangwan squeezed out these words weakly.

"Okay! Sister Xiangwan, wait!"

The little girl named Qianqian didn't hesitate at all, and quickly and obediently took out a bottle of mineral water from the bag that Si Xiangwan was straddling her body.

"Sister Xiang Wan, drink up!"

Qianqian's own mouth was also very dry, and she licked it from time to time.

However, she still resisted not drinking water by herself, but carefully fed it to Si Xiangwan.

The cool and sweet mineral water was poured into his mouth, and Si Xiangwan swallowed subconsciously.

The dry throat was instantly soothed, and she seemed to be alive again.

[Those who believe in 'evil nature' have a good look, isn't little sister Qianqian great? 】

[That is, not everyone is a white-eyed wolf who repays his kindness, and there are also cute little ones who repay his kindness. 】

"Fairy Wood"

[Yes, Qianqian is very good. According to some people's malicious speculation, at this moment Qianqian should take advantage of Xiang Wan's weakness to snatch the supplies from her body, and then run away by herself! 】

A bowl of powder and a bowl of powder began to praise their idols.

The netizens were a little silent, and they couldn't say they were beaten in the face, but Qianqian's performance was really good.

Let them once again believe that "nature is inherently good", "there is true love in the world", and also believe that good people are rewarded.

This is also a proper positive energy.

The only thing that made them slightly uncomfortable was the triumphant, arrogant and contemptuous tone of Si Xiangwan's fans.

Alas, Si Xiangwan is fine with everything, but there is a group of brain-dead fans with worrying emotional intelligence.

Tucao returns to Tucao, but netizens will not really "remove their anger" Si Xiangwan.

They still have a minimum bottom line and three views, and will not deny or ridicule a truly good person for some external reasons.

[Uh, I might find someone to fight me when I say this, but I still dared to start 'Feng Qianqian Sharing'. All I can say is, gentlemen, the images we see are virtual, virtual, virtual! 】

[Fuck, it seems that something ruining the three views has happened, I will try it too! 】

[The one in front, don't do any damage. Let's believe for a moment what happened to 'human beings are good'? 】

[...I'm back, damn it, it really ruined the three views! Shout out again, the 'sharing' function is so awesome, like a perspective mirror, the 'shared person' has nothing to hide. 】

[I don't want to ruin your beauty, but I will remind you: dear, don't forget to check the 'conditions' for participating in the holographic live broadcast! 】

[Fuck, fuck, the age threshold for applying to participate in the holographic live broadcast is 18 years old, it is an adult! 】

Therefore, there can be no children in the holographic live broadcast at all!

The netizens are broken!

Si Xiangwan's fans also had a dog-like expression on their faces.

Only the netizens who opened "Kang Yuhan Sharing" showed emojis that covered their mouths and snickered——

"Kang Yuhan" has long been thought of.

Therefore, when a mother with a child came to her and pushed the child out to ask for help, she refused directly.

"Sorry, my supplies are also limited, I can't help you!"

"However, there are still a lot of supplies floating on the sea, and there are coconut trees on the beach. You should be able to gain something by working together as a mother and son."

The child is already ten years old. Even if the child is half-year-old, even if the physical strength is not enough, the core is an adult and can help.

rather than being miserable.

He Tiantian refuses moral kidnapping, and even refuses to be taken advantage of.

【So Sa! So refreshing! 】

[I admire Kang Yuhan so much, at this time, he can still be so calm. 】

【cut! Why don't you say she is like that? Just a blunder? 】

[Please, say you are a brainless fan, you really have no brains, you are joking when you 'share'! 】

[That's right, we all opened 'Kang Yuhan Sharing', but we could clearly read her voice, so we knew exactly whether it was really sober or shit luck. 】

[Without discussing character, not entangled in black history, and simply discussing matters, I have an inexplicable feeling that Kang Yuhan must have a very strong heart. 】

【right! Others are still immersed in the virtual plot, but she always remembers that she is participating in the holographic live broadcast. 】

[Hmph, can you not be 'strong'? Who can be a normal person who can introduce his male ticket to his best friend, and then be sandwiched in the middle as a mistress? 】

[Already said, this is the follow-up plot. And this time, Kang Yuhan did not follow the old way, but jumped out of the big mud pit of Huo Rin! 】

[Yes, yes, some brainless fans, can you always talk about the old version of the script? 】

He Tiantian has divided her sea of ​​knowledge into two parts.

The larger part is the "public area" that can be explored.

The small part is the "private territory" that no black technology can touch.

She can think and speculate at will in her private space.

"Follow-up plot? Go the old way?"

He Tiantian secretly pondered these words.

With the information revealed by netizens inadvertently in the barrage, He Tiantian feels that she is getting closer to the truth.

For example, in this world, she vaguely touched the origin.

Here, it is not a pure book world, nor a film and television drama, but an existence similar to a live game.

Every live broadcast is different. If a character has an "adventure", the direction of the entire script will become uncontrollable.

Netizens should have accepted such a setting, so no matter how abnormal the "characters" are, they will not be surprised.

They only care about whether the plot becomes good or not, and whether the characters in the play become likable or not, and they don't care much about the rest.

This, couldn't help but make He Tiantian think of more.

This time-travel is an experiment for her, and it is also a preview in advance. She will not only complete it well, but also gain more.

Secretly made up her mind, He Tiantian continued to play the role of Kang Yuhan.

【Look, look! My goose is finally awake! 】

[Lalala, who said that only Kang San'er is mentally strong, and our female goose is also sober in the world. 】

[Hey, no way, my female goose is too kind, and often makes emotions suppress reason. Just like this time, she was kind-hearted and wanted to help the weak instinctively without thinking too much. 】

[After she has escaped the danger temporarily, she will be able to think rationally. She has now exposed Feng Qianqian's 'true face'. 】

[The female goose is great, the female goose is rushing to the duck! 】

The barrage was filled with the joy of Si Xiangwan's fans.

Si Xiangwan: ...Actually, you think too much, I, I just saw the barrage.

The barrage is the golden finger opened by the world consciousness. It is a super plug-in, and it can actually escape the black technology of holographic live broadcast.

Therefore, even if someone started "Sharing with Si Xiangwan", they would not be able to find out the truth.

The barrage or something is directly silenced.

And Si Xiangwan saw through Feng Qianqian's true identity for no reason, and fell into the eyes of fans. Isn't she powerful enough and amazing enough?

In addition, Zhou Sisi, Si Xiangwan's good friend, also secretly helped her make some small moves.

As a super technical house, Zhou Sisi used his black technology skills to set up a "firewall" for Si Xiangwan's "sharing" function.

Netizens can indeed perceive part of Si Xiangwan's thoughts and feelings, but not all.

Zhou Sisi reserved some privacy for Si Xiangwan.

It was this privacy that escaped the careful investigation of netizens, especially black fans, and allowed her to further consolidate her personality.

"Feng Qianqian, you are not a simple child, you should be an adult in reality."

"I'm not blaming you. After all, I didn't expect it at the beginning. But you went along with the flow and concealed your situation."

"However, although you are not frank enough, you have no bad intentions. We can go together, but it is just an ordinary cooperative relationship."

There are no sisters and sisters, and no one is weak or justified.

They are only temporarily forming a team and can bulk cargo at any time.

No one should morally kidnap anyone, let alone count on each other.

There was a gloomy look on Feng Qianqian's immature face, but soon, she returned to her innocent look.

Nodding obediently, "Okay, Sister Xiang Wan!"

"I repeat, don't call me Sister Xiangwan! Maybe in reality, you are older than me!"

Si Xiangwan was not polite, and was no longer as soft and talkative as before.

Maybe she didn't realize it herself, but she began to have the shadow of Kang Yuhan on her body.

Even netizens didn't notice it.

Fans cheered and cheered:

[Haha, that's it! Another A and Sa! Xiang Wan has finally started her journey of being a great old man! 】

【right! right! That's why I'm a fan of Xiangwan like this. Kindness is not Madonna, sober and rational. 】

[This is probably the growth, from the innocent and soft Bai Fumei to a calm and steady woman. 】

[Wuwu, the person in front said it so well, I suddenly want to cry! 】

Fans were crying and laughing, all moved and sighed.

But some calm passers-by and netizens have an inexplicable feeling—

Such Si Xiangwan is the kind-hearted version of Kang Yuhan.

It's just that compared to Si Xiangwan, Kang Yuhan is more selfish and unobtrusive.

She just showed everyone carelessly: I am a bad woman.

Don't kidnap my morals because I have no morals.

Don't expect me to sacrifice myself to save others, because I am the most selfish.

Such a "bad" person, but her heart is not bad, she is an imperfect ordinary person.

Like most of the thousands of people on the web.

It's just that Kang Yuhan is more "calm", living a self-conscious and unrestrained life.

[Wuwuwu, my three views are so dangerous. But Kang Yuhan is too, too down-to-earth, and can always resonate with her in a certain way! 】

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