The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and eighty-two female support she has a barrage (15)

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"Go, let's go!"

Si Xiangwan urged Feng Qianqian while packing up.

However, she was still a little unwilling.

That's a wild boar, two or three hundred catties of "meat".

Once the operation is done, she and Feng Qianqian can eat for a few days.

If you don't run away, lay a trap, maybe you can get an unexpected harvest.

It's just that it's too late to dig a trap, maybe you can get a rope or something.

Si Xiangwan looked around and found that there were indeed vines and other plants in the nearby grass.

【Ah, ah, here we come, the famous scene is here again! 】

【High energy ahead! High energy ahead!

[My female goose is the best. She has no power to hold a chicken, but she can kill a 400-pound wild boar with the toxins of vines, spikes and poisonous insects. 】

【Yep! It is the green insect-like flower on the right front, which is the legendary poison-shooting insect flower. Its poison is extremely domineering, and it is not worse than poison arrow wood. 】

Si Xiangwan: ... Dear friends, thank you for your kindness!

He Tiantian: ... as expected of the protagonist, this treatment is invincible!

This time the barrage is not a spoiler, but a "hand-in-hand" teaching Si Xiangwan how to hunt beasts.

According to the content of the barrage, Si Xiangwan and Feng Qianqian divided the work and arranged a mechanism within a few minutes.

After doing this, the wild boar foraging for food also swayed its huge body and walked over.

When it saw Si Xiangwan and Feng Qianqian, a trace of cruelty flashed in its small eyes——

[I'm going, what a vicious beast! 】

[I am used to seeing domestic pigs, and I almost mistakenly think that pigs are vegetarians. 】

[Cough, wild boar is an omnivorous animal, it is extremely hungry, and it will eat people. 】

[The setting of this plot should be a wild boar that is hungry and mad, using all the creatures it sees as food! 】

Si Xiangwan: Don't be so cruel, I'm so scared!

However, she also believed in the barrage, knowing that she could not only escape this catastrophe, but also get hundreds of pounds of meat.


Si Xiangwan and Feng Qianqian turned around and fled, the wild boar chasing wildly.

It didn't care about the bunch of vines in the grass at all.

Immediately after Peng, the wild boar was tied up by the vines, and the poisonous thorns hidden in the crevices of the vines pierced the thick flesh of the wild boar under the struggle of the wild boar.

The toxin began to spread, and the wild boar struggled more and more slowly, and finally stopped moving completely.


Si Xiangwan and Feng Qianqian exhaled together.

They hid in the grass again and did not rush out immediately.

Si Xiangwan picked up a stone and threw it in the direction of the wild boar.


The stone hit the back of the wild boar, but the wild boar did not move at all.

"Boss, the wild boar seems to be dead."

Si Xiangwan nodded, "Let's go and have a look!"

While speaking, Si Xiangwan climbed out of the grass and approached the wild boar cautiously.

Feng Qianqian picked up a rock and followed her.

Si Xiangwan kicked with his foot, but the wild boar remained motionless.

"It's really dead! Boss, you are amazing!"

Feng Qianqian also kicked a few times, and found that the wild boar was indeed dead, and his tender face was full of excitement.

But soon, she thought of something again and asked hesitantly, "Boss, the wild boar was poisoned to death, can its meat still be eaten?"

Si Xiangwan: ...Yes, can I still eat it?

Almighty netizens, thoughtful barrages flashed in time——

【can! Certainly! The toxins of the worms are protein-based. As long as the meat is cooked, the toxins will be decomposed, and it is completely edible! 】

【Yes! My goose is like an encyclopedia, she knows everything! 】

[Hahaha, Feng Qianqian, don't worry, you have chosen a boss who is a good fried chicken, you just wait and eat spicy food with your boss. 】

[Wow, I want to eat too! Oops, I finally realized the benefits of 'sharing'.

[That's right, 'Shared by Si Xiangwan', you deserve it! 】

Netizens, especially fans of Si Xiangwan, said it was a hipi.

Si Xiangwan was also happy, and silently said to the barrage in the bottom of his heart: Thank you, dear!

Then, she began to cut wild boars with the wreckage she found in the sea.

Feng Qianqian also found a stone with a sharp edge, which he smashed and chopped.

But one of them is a young woman and the other is a loli, with limited strength and no tools at hand.

As for the wild boar, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick.

"Let's make it into bacon."

Si Xiangwan was covered in blood and looked terrifying.

She was too tired to lift her arms and could only think of other ways.

"Okay, boss, listen to you!"

As a qualified horse boy, the first priority is to be "obedient".

"But not here."

With the approval of his companions, Si Xiangwan began to prepare.

It's just that it's an open place, not even a place to hide.

If there are other "hosts" coming over, the other party is a little stronger, or the number of people is larger, this wild boar can't be kept.

Maybe they will be attacked, "manslaughtered" by those anchors, and then eliminated.

The theme of this holographic live broadcast is "Desert Island Survival".

On a desert island, anything can happen.

All can be enemies.

The campaigner discourages clearly illegal acts such as slaughter.

But if there is a fight for survival resources, it is tacitly allowed to injure people's lives during the fight.

After all, this is the real human nature, and it is also the "reality" that will happen in the process of surviving on a desert island.

Officials can only discourage it, but cannot strictly prohibit it.

Therefore, every "host" participating in the live broadcast can take advantage of the live broadcast rules as long as they don't put killing intent on their faces.

Si Xiangwan may not be as powerful as netizens "misunderstood", but she also has at least a sense of crisis.

"We must find a place to stay as soon as possible, preferably a cave with a water source."

Si Xiangwan looked around, trying to find a high place to search.

Climbing trees?

She doesn't know much.

[Haha, the cave is here! 】

[The luck of the female goose is super good, and she just turned around and found the best 'camp'. 】

【What luck? It's obviously super perceptive! 】

[Yes, yes, as if she knew that by walking in the direction of the third tree from the right, she would find a cave that completely met her requirements within a few miles. 】

"Fairy Wood"

Si Xiangwan: ...Received, thank you!

"Qianqian, get some vines first, let's tie up the wild boar."

Knowing where the cave is, Si Xiangwan is not in a hurry.

She shouted at Feng Qianqian, and the two of them pulled a lot of vines together and tied the wild boar with five flowers.

Then, Si Xiangwan deliberately looked around, and finally stood in front of the road pointed by the netizen.

"Try in this direction first, there may be surprises!"

Si Xiangwan smiled and said to Feng Qianqian.

Feng Qianqian had already bowed to her, and agreed with Si Xiangwan as the boss from the bottom of her heart, and naturally had no objection to her words.

"Okay, boss!"

Si Xiangwan was dragging in the front, Feng Qianqian was pushing in the back, the two girls, one big and one small, exerted their strength to suckle, and were barely able to drag.

[Ah, ah, seeing the female goose working so hard, backhand rewarded 1,000 live broadcast coins, and the female goose can buy a prop. 】

[Not to mention the previous one, I almost forgot. Yes, we can help the female goose crowdfund to buy props. 】

[Although I know that Xiang Wanhui has successfully arrived at the cave, I still can't bear to see her suffer! Not to mention, crowdfunding to raise female geese! 】

【Crowdfunding to raise female geese! 】

【Crowdfunding to raise female geese! 】

The neat and uniform slogan instantly covered the entire split screen.

Immediately afterwards, there are one after another rewarding special effects.

The background of the live broadcast system on Si Xiangwan's wrist kept sending out prompts——

"Ding! Received a reward of 1,000 live broadcast coins from the netizen 'I am a fan of Si Xiangwan's brains'."

"Ding! Received a reward of 10,000 live broadcast coins from netizens 'I am a dog, a single dog'."


After a burst of beeps, Si Xiangwan glanced at the system account.

ho! There are actually 460,000 live broadcast coins.

And such an amount is enough for her to buy a prop in the live broadcast mall.

Si Xiangwan sincerely thanked the split-screen camera: "Thank you netizens, thank you everyone!"

This is a world of "live set live".

Si Xiangwan participated in the holographic live broadcast in a live broadcast world, so she knew that some netizens were watching the live broadcast.

It is reasonable to receive rewards and thank netizens.

If Si Xiangwan's performance in the holographic live broadcast is good enough to enter the TOP10, she can also see the split screen barrage.

However, these barrages are only discussions about the holographic live broadcast, there are no spoilers, and there is no evaluation of Si Xiangwan's entire life.

"Girl goose, don't thank me! Hurry up and buy props!"

"That's it! Get a Dali Pill or a martial arts secret book or something to make yourself stronger in the holographic world."

This is a normal split-screen barrage, which is a basic function of holographic live broadcasting.

Originally, the "indigenous people" of this world can also see these by watching holographic live broadcasts.

Si Xiangwan didn't have time to tell the difference between these barrages. After all, at her current level, she shouldn't even be able to see the basic barrages.

Therefore, Si Xiangwan pretended not to see anything, opened the system panel, clicked on the live broadcast mall, and spent 400,000 live broadcast coins to buy a powerful pill.

Dianabol is virtual, but a set of data.

Si Xiangwan is also a virtual light and shadow. After taking the powerful pill, he just added a buff to his own data.


The moment Si Xiangwan exchanged the power pill, he instantly felt that he seemed to be full of power.

A wild boar weighing four hundred pounds is like a toy to her.


Seeing Si Xiangwan dragging the wild boar with ease and striding forward, Feng Qianqian was dumbfounded.

[Haha, I somehow think Feng Qianqian is also quite interesting. 】

[Anyway, it's the maid of the female goose, so let's give him some live broadcast coins. 】

[Crowdfunding to help female geese raise horses! 】

[Crowdfunding to help female geese raise horses! 】

[Crowdfunding to help female geese raise horses! 】

Si Xiangwan's live split screen is very harmonious, and He Tiantian is a little envious of it——

Tsk, this is the heroine, the aura of the protagonist is so shining, even the horses follow it!

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