The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and eighty-third chapter female match she has a barrage (16)

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Although Si Xiangwan's fans shouted "crowdfunding to help the female geese raise horses", they did not directly reward Feng Qianqian.

They still rewarded Si Xiangwan.

First, based on what they knew about Si Xiangwan, she was the most generous.

When he eats meat, he will let his horse boy drink soup.

Second, although fans seem to regard Feng Qianqian as their own, they have not forgotten that this live broadcast also has a PK list.

Before the final result came out, Feng Qianqian was still Si Xiangwan's competitor.

Even if she has "surrendered", even if she doesn't have any bad thoughts about Si Xiangwan, fans must take precautions.

If you spend money to buy props for the idol's younger brother, and the younger brother suddenly has bad thoughts or nurtures the younger brother's heart, what should I do to deal with the idol in turn?

Human nature is too complicated, and Si Xiangwan's fans are basically true fans. Such "oolong" things are never allowed.


Si Xiangwan easily dragged the wild boar to the direction of the cave, and found that he had received a lot of rewards, so he began to think about buying a handy weapon.

Not to mention self-defense, even cutting wild boar requires tools.

"Buy one get one for a multifunctional military shovel? This is not bad!"

Si Xiangwan browsed the products associated with the keywords he searched, and selected the one with the gift.

After spending 20,000 live broadcast coins, Si Xiangwan exchanged the military shovel and its gifts.

The ordnance shovel is the latest style. It is made of super new steel and has complete functions. It can dig, chop, saw and shoot.

The gift is a small multi-function saber, which is small in size but has many functions.

Of course, something so small is hardly lethal unless it goes straight to the aorta.

However, it is still ok to use it for some work, or for self-defense.

"Here! Qianqian, this is for you!"

Si Xiangwan saw the barrage, and naturally knew the joke from the fans that "crowdfunding helps the female geese raise horses".

She has learned through netizens that Feng Qianqian is reliable, she has long been convinced of herself and admired for takeaways, and she is a small partner who can always form a team.

Since we are on the same team, we should help each other.

With Dali Pill and a handy engineer shovel, it was a logical thing to give Feng Qianqian the gift.

"Thank you boss!"

Although compared with the sapphire shovel, this saber is miniature like a toy.

But, it's not really a toy.

It's razor-sharp and has many features.

With it, Feng Qianqian felt a little more confident.

[Feng Qianqian: The boss is so cool! 】

[Haha, I knew the female goose would do this. 】

【Basics. It has been said for a long time that the female goose has a good heart and a pattern, and being a small partner with her will definitely give you a hundred hearts. 】

On Si Xiangwan's split screen, fans were very proud to post a barrage.

He Tiantian peeped for a while, but couldn't find any useful information for him.

It is true that she also learned through the barrage that there is an excellent cave that can be used as a "base".

But she will not grab the "opportunity" that belongs to others.

In addition to her persistence, it was also because those "opportunities" were tailor-made for Si Xiangwan.

For Si Xiangwan, it was an opportunity.

For others trying to scramble, it could be a crisis.

And the most important point is that Si Xiangwan's path does not match the character of "Kang Yuhan".

Kang Yuhan is selfish and doesn't trust anyone.

It is impossible for her to form an alliance with someone on a desert island.

Even if they occupy a very good cave, they will only eat alone.

Unlike others, Si Xiangwan, used this cave to establish his first "personal circle".

He Tiantian clambered down from the tree, dragging his suitcase and a piece of wreckage resembling an axe picked up from the sea.

When she was looking out from the tree just now, she found a nice place.

Not a cave, but a big tree with a small mountain spring pool around it.

【What is Kang Yuhan doing? It won't be a rambling walk. 】

【Do not! I feel like she has a purpose. 】

[Yes, she was standing on the tree just now, she should have seen something. 】

[… Suddenly, Kang Yuhan felt like a lone wolf. 】

Lonely, arrogant and extremely distrustful of people.

Although "Kang Yuhan" has fans, he is not fanatical.

They also have very few barrages.

It's not that you don't want to talk, it's that you don't know what to say.

Compared with Si Xiangwan next door, "Kang Yuhan" does not have eye-catching words and deeds, nor does it have a "dramatic" plot conflict.

She stayed away from the crowd, kept silent, and never interacted with netizens in the live broadcast room.

The holographic live broadcast has just started, so the "hosts" can't see the barrage yet.

But some anchors still "talk to themselves" to the camera.

cute, miserable;

Picking fruits and mushrooms, trying to tempt netizens to open "sharing" with delicious food;

Deliberately forming alliances with people, or fighting with people to create plot conflicts to attract more attention;

Show off your talents by singing, dancing, etc...

Everyone worked hard, and netizens could feel their urgency.

These netizens, including indigenous netizens in this world, also have bullet screen netizens who "open the perspective of God".

According to their own preferences, they began to follow some "anchors".

When the interest comes, you will spend money to share, or reward live broadcast coins.

The only two people who didn't work hard to "please" netizens were Si Xiangwan and Kang Yuhan.

The former is because there are too many fans, and there is no need to try to please, some people cry and shout to "crowdfunding female geese".

Imagine Chinese Network

The latter has "self-knowledge": she has bad deeds, netizens resist instinctively, and it is useless to please.

There may be ridicule and abuse.

Of course, "Kang Yuhan" had the opportunity to change her image, but she didn't do that.

She unabashedly showed her "badness" and "no bottom line". Many netizens did not dare to show it directly even if they had empathy in their hearts.

Like someone with a dark history?

Or a person who is too lazy to cover up and directly shows all his shortcomings to the public?

This, this, it sounds good or not.

Birds of a feather flock together.

What kind of person would be a fan of a bad woman with a broken view and no bottom line?

[I am not as 'free and easy' as Kang Yuhan, I still care about the world's vision and evaluation! 】

Many netizens resonated with Kang Yuhan's words and deeds, but did not dare to shout out in an open and honest manner.

They could only watch silently.

If you don't post barrage, you won't be a fan idol, and you don't even dare to give a reward.

At most, it is to secretly open a sharing and experience Kang Yuhan's powerful heart.

He Tiantian: ... Well, you are free!

Dragging a suitcase, one person walks through the dangerous desert island.

The universal wheel of the suitcase made a rattling sound, which was very monotonous.

He Tiantian didn't say a word, just walked sullenly.

Her live split screen looks very boring, and slowly, even those netizens who felt the resonance were persuaded to quit.

It was not until the evening that He Tiantian arrived at the "destination" she had chosen.

【Finally change the scene! It is said that Kang Yuhan can endure loneliness too much, and he can still be neither arrogant nor impetuous, not panicked or afraid when he is alone in the jungle. 】

【Fuck! What a big tree, there is mountain spring water next to it, and there are fish in the water. 】

[...This is to set up camp on a tree? Are you going to build a tree house? 】

[The front, what are you thinking, Kang San'er has only one suitcase and nothing, what do you use to chop down trees and build a house? 】

[The bowl of noodles in front of me, I want to go next door to Fansi Xiangwan and run to Kang Yuhan's split screen to brush up on the presence? 】

[That's right, what time is this, Kang San'er who is still opening his mouth and shutting his mouth. 】

[It is said that Kang Yuhan's past behavior was indeed immoral, but as she said before: they are all adults, and they should have at least some cognition. 】

【right! If you have been deceived, you can't just blame the liar blindly. Is there no problem with yourself? 】

[Come and come again, the theory of victim guilt will never disappear. 】

[I didn't say the victim was guilty, but felt that adults should be responsible for their choices. Don't always put the blame on others. 】

[Kang Yuhan just introduced Huo Rin to Si Xiangwan and said some misleading words, but isn't it Si Xiangwan who made the final decision? 】

[Co-author believes that friends are also 'sin'? ! 】

[You also said, it's just a friend, not your mother. Even your parents can't decide your life. 】

Maybe it's bottoming out. The mockery of a bowl of fans finally made Kang Yuhan's "fans" stand up.

And more bowls of noodles, after hearing about Kang Yuhan's split-screen movement, rushed over to help quarrel.

The split-screen barrage was restrained at first, but scolded and scolded, all kinds of foul language that asked Zaan and was directly blocked by the number * became more and more.


The popularity of "Kang Yuhan" has exceeded 200 million, and it has successfully entered the TOP3 of the live broadcast rankings.

According to the regulations of holographic live broadcast, the "anchor" who ranks TOP3 after the live broadcast for 12 hours can unlock the barrage function in advance.

As a result, a virtual light screen appeared in front of He Tiantian, and all the barrages issued by netizens in this world flashed out.

He Tiantian glanced at it, tsk, this content is really exciting.

If it was replaced by someone with a weaker psychological capacity, seeing so many insults, it is estimated that they would not be able to bear it.

He Tiantian certainly doesn't care, and the Kang Yuhan she created is an existence who is "invincible even if the most humble".

It's not that He Tiantian deliberately distorted the original owner. The original owner can know that she is really cheap.

He Tiantian just showed the cheapness of the original owner, and no longer acted like the original owner.

The original owner: ... I thank you, not only did you not help me clean up, but also exposed my true face, so that people in the whole network can scold me with confidence!

He Tiantian:'re welcome! If you do something wrong, you must bear the consequences, be whitewashed, and turn into a "good person with hardships". That is to destroy the three views.

He Tiantian refused.

"Can you guys not be so naive? You're all adults, so be realistic?"

Instead of being frightened by the barrage, He Tiantian sneered at him.

Some netizens: ...Damn, this is too arrogant!

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