The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and ninetieth chapters female support she has a barrage (24)

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On the second day of the holographic live broadcast, I entered the hell mode of the hunting game.

The "desert island" was full of blood and killing.

On the third day, the slain began to come back to life.

The "hosts" and netizens who were trapped in the holographic live broadcast became anxious and angry, and the evil thoughts in their hearts were infinitely amplified.

The hunting game began to heat up, and many atrocious things that normal people could not understand or accept were staged one after another.

Si Xiangwan, Xiao Yi and others brought the conscientious anchors who gathered to fight back.

The murderous demons represented by Qin Yong and others became more and more rampant, and the holographic live broadcast completely fell into a state of madness.

On the fourth day, outsiders finally noticed the abnormality of the holographic live broadcast.

Especially the family members of the "hosts", or the relatives and friends of netizens, they knew about the crisis of their relatives, and they were all worried and asked the relevant departments for help and complaints.

Huo Rin doesn't pay much attention to entertainment such as live broadcasts and games, but his ex-girlfriend and pursuer all participated in the holographic live broadcast. Inevitably, he also paid attention to this event.

Huo Rin didn't read it himself, he specially arranged for a secretary to pay attention.

On the first day, the secretary could regularly report the specific situation to him.

But on the second day, the secretary was a little "burned out", and he didn't even have a phone call after the end of the day.

On the third and fourth days, she was directly in a "disconnected" state.

Huo Rin was a little angry. He didn't expect that there was a problem with the holographic network. He just thought that the secretary was dereliction of duty, and actually took the money and did nothing!

He ordered his assistant to go to the secretariat to urge him, but he got an answer that surprised him very much—

There is a major bug in the holographic network, and all those who participate and watch it have their "consciousness" imprisoned in the virtual world.

"How could this be? Then, aren't that Si Xiangwan and Kang Yuhan also trapped?"

Hearing the news, Huo Rin couldn't sit still.

For the sake of profit, he naturally valued Si Xiangwan;

But for Kang Yuhan, although they broke up, Huo Rin also really liked it.

Now that something has happened to these two women, Huo Rin's heart is clenched.

He hurriedly contacted the relevant departments, and used his personal connections and energy to inquire around.

Unfortunately, all the news feedback is not very optimistic.

Huo Rin was a little helpless.

Or his assistant is more reliable, of course, it can also be said that others are outside and can remain objective and rational.

The assistant was very calm, and took the opportunity to help Huo Rin with advice: "Mr. Huo, this time may be an opportunity!"

Huo Rin looked at the assistant, his eyes were frozen, but he was still a proper boss, "What chance?"

"Professor Si!"

The assistant only mentioned Si Xiangwan's father. He didn't say much about the rest.

Sifu is a scientist and has been hired as a visiting professor by several universities such as S University and S University of Science and Technology.

Therefore, outsiders will respectfully call him "Professor Si".

Huo Rin is greasy, but his brain is not stupid.

I would have been a little flustered just now, but it would be messed up because of the slightest concern for Kang Yuhan and Si Xiangwan.

Hearing the assistant's reminder at this moment, his reason and shrewdness returned to the cage in an instant.

"Yes! Professor Si!"

He will pursue Si Xiangwan, is it because of Si Xiangwan's background and her parents?

Especially Sifu, his research is simply too important for the development of the Huo family.

It was just a few days ago that Kang Yuhan, who had always been willing to "assist", suddenly turned his face, and Si Xiangwan suddenly cut off contact with him.

Originally, Huo Rin thought that after Si Xiangwan finished the holographic live broadcast, he would pursue it again.

Huo Rin was extremely confident, not mentioning his own superior grip condition.

Only his years of love experience and life experience are enough for him to easily win a naive rich girl.

However, I never expected that there would be a major problem with the holographic live broadcast, and Si Xiangwan was directly trapped in the virtual world.

Huo Rin was in a hurry for a while, but he forgot that he could take advantage of this opportunity.

Get in touch with Professor Si directly.

After being reminded by the assistant, Huo Rin's thoughts were completely opened up.

He touched his fingertips with ten fingers and lightly pressed them under his jaw, fully acting like the boss in the movie and TV series when he was thinking.

After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes, and he already had a complete plan in his heart.

"You said you were my Xiangwan's boyfriend?"

In the laboratory, Professor Si received a call from the guard and walked out suspiciously.

"Yes, uncle, my name is Huo Rin, I am the general manager of the Huo Group, I am twenty-four years old this year, and Xiang Wan is an alumnus of S University!"

Huo Rin put on a decent smile, and first made a self-introduction.

Then, he showed an anxious and worried expression, "Xiang Wan went to participate in a holographic live broadcast called 'Desert Island Survival', you know?"

Professor Si was stunned for a moment, then shook his head subconsciously, "I've been in the laboratory all this time, and I haven't been home for several days!"

He is a research maniac, as long as he enters the laboratory, he doesn't care about anything.

I don't listen to things outside the window, and I only do experiments.

Cell phones are basically just decorations.

The whole family is used to it.

Si Mu and Si Xiangwan didn't even make a phone call, at most they just sent a message when something happened.

When Professor Si finishes a stage of work, he thinks of looking at his mobile phone, and he will naturally see those messages, and then reply one by one.

Therefore, even though the storm of the holographic network has swept the world, Professor Si, who is doing research in the laboratory, has no idea at all.

"What? Something happened? Xiang Wan, she—"

Seeing Huo Rin's dignified expression and the appearance of a major incident, Professor Si, who is an unconventional technology master, also realized that something was wrong at this moment.

He is indeed more addicted to his work, but Xiang Wan is his only daughter, and he loves him immensely.

"There is a major bug in the holographic network..."

Huo Rin briefly explained the matter, and then his eyes were full of affection and worry, "Xiang Wan is trapped in the holographic world. I am her boyfriend, but I am just her boyfriend."

"For many things, I am not 'qualified'."

After all, there is no legal relationship. Huo Rin, the "authentic boyfriend", has many things, and it is not easy to take action directly.

Professor Si just doesn't like to pay attention to those mundane things, but he doesn't really understand the world.

He saw Huo Rin's anxious and embarrassed face, and he understood after a little thought.

Yeah, just a boyfriend, not even a "legitimate" identity.

What Huo Rin wants to do as a family member of the client is restricted.

"... boy, you are good!"

Professor Si felt Huo Rin's urgency, thinking that he must love his daughter very much.

Although his precious daughter is going to be kidnapped by the bad boy outside.

But if this bad boy loves her enough and is responsible enough, Professor Si can barely accept it.

"Uncle, what should we do now? I have already contacted many departments, and they only speculated that the technicians are working overtime to overcome the problem, but nothing came of it."

Huo Rin was overjoyed when he saw the approval in Professor Si's eyes.

Very good, his first goal was successfully achieved, and the success made the Sifu "identify" with him.

With the acquiescence of his parents and even an assist, his road to chasing his wife will be much smoother.

"Hmph, Kang Yuhan, do you think I have no other way without you?"

Huo Rin still didn't forget Kang Yuhan's "obsessed" or even "threatening" him that day.

This woman, love him is true love, selfish is also really selfish!

In fact, if the Kang family's family background was better, Huo Rin would still be more willing to marry Kang Yuhan.

Unfortunately, there is no "if" in this world.

Huo Rin thought to himself, and continued to actively behave in front of Professor Si.

Just at this moment, the phone of the mother also called.

Sifu hurriedly expressed his position: "Wife, don't worry, I will definitely find a way! Oh, by the way, Xiang Wan's boyfriend is also..."

Huo Rin took the phone and made another positive call, successfully gaining the favor of "mother-in-law".

【Pooh! shameless! He actually lied to his parents while Xiang Wan was away! 】

[Huo Zhannan, I advise you to be kind! 】

[Fuck, if this scumbag doesn't have 'assist', he won't pursue girls. 】

[Without Kang Yuhan, he ran to talk nonsense to his parents again? ! Who are these people! 】

[The female goose is still desperately trying to survive, but the Huo Zhannan side is 'taking advantage of the emptiness'? 】

[I'm really afraid that Professor Si and his wife will be deceived by the scumbag man, and they will come to the "parents' order" and directly finalize the marriage! 】

[Don't worry, Si's father and Si's mother are his own, and will never force the female goose. 】

Netizens with God's perspective began to post barrage.

Si Xiangwan fought side by side with Xiao Yi, strangling Qin Yong and other wicked men of the blood wolf group for the third time.

She took time to scan her vision screen and happened to see these barrages.


Why is there still him?


He actually claimed to be her boyfriend and went to find his parents?

He, why is he so shameless?

If he hadn't seen the barrage, Si Xiangwan would have completely forgotten about this scumbag.

Not to mention him, it's Kang Yuhan. Even if he and Si Xiangwan were on the same "desert island" and didn't meet for a few days, Si Xiangwan also threw this person out of the sky.

It was these barrages that made the "dead memory" attack Si Xiangwan again.


Kang Yuhan!

In Si Xiangwan's subconscious, it seems to have been a matter of his previous life!

Especially Kang Yuhan, Si Xiangwan realized, "I and she are both in the holographic live broadcast. Is she, is she okay? Has she been bullied or tortured?"

Si Xiangwan didn't mean to be mean, and took the initiative to care about a bad woman who harmed herself and refused to admit her fault.

She just felt that no matter what, she and Kang Yuhan also knew each other.

The most important thing is that everyone is a woman, and she really doesn't want to see Kang Yuhan suffer those inhuman abuses!

But soon, Si Xiangwan thought again: Probably not!

Kang Yuhan is selfish and cool, and in a peaceful and stable environment, he can make calculations with deep scheming.

In this "jungle world", she will only be better off.

Don't really believe that "evil will be rewarded", in fact, it is more "harmful life for thousands of years"!

Sure enough, just after Si Xiangwan killed Qin Yong for the fourth time, a barrage suddenly appeared on the light screen——

【Fuck! What the hell!

Kang Yuhan is on the hook! 】

【Fuck! Kang Yuhan is awesome! 】

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