The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and ninetieth chapters female support she has a barrage (25)

【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

"Don't kill me, Ms. Si, I, I was forced, I, I am also a victim!"

Si Xiangwan glanced at the barrage distractedly, and the whole person was stunned for a moment.

Yu Fang, who was caught again, mistakenly thought that Si Xiangwan was soft-hearted again, and hurriedly begged for mercy as desperately as the previous few times.

Yu Fang is also about to collapse.

For the fourth time!

This is the fourth time.

For the first time, in order to survive, after being caught by the Blood Wolves, she took the initiative to betray Si Xiangwan and her cave and supplies.

Qin Yong really took the blood wolf group to the cave.

However, none of them thought that Si Xiangwan actually had a laser weapon.

With a few swishes, the blood wolves were wiped out!

Yu Fang, Zhao Mengxue and several other women and children who were trapped were released by the kind Si Xiangwan.

Si Xiangwan couldn't kill someone without blinking an eye, Yu Fang was indeed at fault, but she was not guilty of death.

At most, she drives people away and leaves her to fend for herself.

Yu Fang burst into tears and thanked her, and she and Zhao Mengxue had just left the cave when they met another group of villains.

In less than three minutes, the two of them hung up.

"Dead", but the link between the brain nerves and the holographic warehouse has not been interrupted.

After "cooling" for a few hours, Yu Fang was resurrected.

When he opened his eyes again, he was driven out of the cave by Si Xiangwan, and then encountered the critical point of the blood wolf group on the way.

This time, Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue learned the lesson of the last time and did not dare to mix with the blood wolf group.

However, they still didn't survive three hours.

The third time, Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue gave up their escape and joined the Blood Wolves again.

They tried every means to earn rewards, and then aggregated all the live broadcast coins into Qin Yong's hands.

Qin Yong was also a person who died twice and was resurrected again, and he also learned a lesson.

He integrated the efforts of everyone in the team, and finally saved enough live currency to buy laser guns.

He was full of confidence and went to the cave again. He didn't want to, he replaced his shotgun with a cannon, and Si Xiangwan had already used a higher-level laser weapon.

With a laser cannon, Qin Yong and his blood wolf group GAME OVER again!

This time, Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue knelt in front of Si Xiangwan, begging desperately for mercy, and swore and swore that they would never betray her, just asking her to keep them in the cave.

Woohoo, they are really scared!

Killed again and again, experiencing the fear of death again and again, they are about to collapse!

Si Xiangwan refused.

She is indeed kind, but she is not without bottom lines and principles.

Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue are indeed pitiful, but they are also hateful.

For such innocent people, Si Xiangwan's greatest kindness is not to kill them himself.

He was expelled by Si Xiangwan again, and was brutally murdered by the lurking villain again.

Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue were caught in a terrifying cycle.

This is the fourth time.

Qin Yong upgraded his equipment again, ran to the cave again to fight Si Xiangwan, Xiao Yi and others to the death, and then was hanged again.

Yu Fang, Zhao Mengxue and the others thought they would be expelled by Si Xiangwan just like last time.

But they didn't expect that Si Xiangwan raised his weapon at them.

"Why? You let us go a few times before!"

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

Yu Fang was puzzled and angry.

They are all women, and they had a relationship, why is Si Xiangwan so cold?

"Why? Don't you think about it yourself?"

With anger in his eyes, Si Xiangwan said coldly,

"In this rebirth, you continue to choose to cooperate with the Blood Wolf Group!"

"In order to win more rewards, you actually obeyed the demands of some perverted netizens and tortured and murdered the elderly and children who were weaker than yourself!"

"Yu Fang! Zhao Mengxue! You have changed from victims to perpetrators! You have a life to spare!"

Regarding the words and deeds of Yu Fang and others, there is no need for spoilers by "barrage netizens", just a reminder from local netizens is enough to make Si Xiangwan clear.

Therefore, this time, Si Xiangwan will not be soft-hearted.

Yu Fang and the others have already begun to do evil.

And this kind of thing, if there is a first time, there will be a second time.

When Yu Fang is reborn again, she doesn't even need to be "coerced", she will take the initiative to harm others.

Like Qin Yong, Yu Fang has become a bloodthirsty demon.

Just when Si Xiangwan was about to start, she saw those barrages, she was slightly distracted, and Yu Fang saw some hope.

She fell to her knees and desperately begged for mercy, "I was wrong! I really shouldn't have killed people! But I was forced too."

"Qin Yong wanted to give a reward, and the netizens put forward various demands, not only to let Qin Yong kill him, but also to appoint Meng Xue and me to do it!"

"Wuwu, I don't want to either. But Qin Yong said, if I don't do it, I will kill me in the same way!"

"I don't want to die, and I don't want to be tortured and killed! People don't want to be killed for themselves. I just made a choice that most people would make, and I'm helpless too!"

"Si Xiangwan! Ms. Si! I'm different from you. You have diehard fans. Even if you don't do anything, you can get crazy rewards from them."

"As for me, I have nothing, I can only rely on myself! Woohoo, please, please forgive me this time."

Yu Fang cried and howled, her face covered with tears and snot. She looked embarrassed and pitiful, not at all like the cruelty of killing the old and the weak just now.

Si Xiangwan recovered from the barrage, she didn't talk nonsense to Yu Fang, she just pulled the trigger.


The laser cannon landed directly on Yu Fang and Zhao Mengxue.

The virtual light and shadow of the two disappeared instantly.


Si Xiangwan suddenly felt a slight energy fluctuation.

That feeling was as if she had cleared a certain level, and she passed it smoothly!

[Finally waited for this moment, the female goose finally killed the invisible big BOSS! 】

[Haha, female goose, I didn't expect that Yu Fang is the key to 'clearance'. 】

【It's outrageous! Yu Fang has also died several times, so why hasn't the 'clearance' been triggered? 】

[Who knows, it is estimated that it is the evil taste of the source code! 】

[Perhaps, it wants to see the process of an ordinary mortal transforming into a demon, and also wants to see if the kind Si Xiangwan will kill a former 'victim'. 】

[Fuck, what a pervert! Good, good twist! Does it have some kind of flatbread? 】

[It’s definitely not normal, otherwise, it wouldn’t deliberately induce the greatest malice in the human heart. 】

【Is the first level over like this? How is it so unreal? Are we saved? Can you disconnect from the holographic network? 】

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

[Wow, I tried it, but it still doesn't work! 】

[Maybe this is just a way to prevent people from other holographic projects from being coerced into the hunting game. 】

On the light screen, two waves of netizens were discussing and guessing.

Si Xiangwan distills useful information from it.

Knowing from the "barrage netizens" that he successfully broke through the first level and effectively prevented the spread of holographic hazards, Si Xiangwan breathed a sigh of relief.

If there are no new victims, that's a good thing!

At least, this proves that they still have a chance to escape.

【Fuck! Kang Yuhan, did she hang up and found this place! 】

[By the way, shouldn't this 'array eye' be found by the female goose? 】

【right! right! I remember that it was Zhou Sisi who helped and Xiao Yi shot together, and the female goose smashed the 'world tree' by mistake. 】

[This is the second and most crucial one. After the breach, everyone will stop 'rebirth'. 】

【How did Kang Yuhan do it? She seemed to know this place from the beginning. 】

【right! I noticed that too. I have been squatting on her live split screen, so I can see it very clearly. 】

[Enough, you little three fans are too good at blowing rainbow farts, let you say this, didn’t Kang San’er become the most awesome elder? 】

[Is it so difficult to admit the excellence of others? Isn't it inappropriate to scold Kang San'er at every turn? 】

【9494! Maybe Kang Yuhan has luck, but luck itself is also a part of human strength! 】

[Those who scold Kang Yuhan, don't forget that Kang Yuhan and Si Xiangwan are classmates and roommates with a good relationship. People are divided into groups! 】

Excellent people and friends are basically excellent.

Si Xiangwan's bowl of noodles and a bowl of noodles suddenly choked.

"Poverty alleviation" interpersonal relationships are not popular these days.

Like love, so is friendship.

The right match and strong alliance are the kingly way.

According to this theory, Si Xiangwan is excellent, and none of her friends should be mediocre.

In fact, Kang Yuhan is an academic bully herself. She is only fascinated by money, fame and fortune, and is unwilling to fight by herself, but chooses shortcuts.

This shortcut made her go against her morals and became a little boy who everyone shouted and beaten.

And her character is stained with stains, and it is easy for people to deny everything about her.

Many people are more inclined to her shamelessness, but ignore her ability——

Being able to deceive a future boss is a kind of strength in itself!

[I don’t know if you still remember, before participating in the holographic live broadcast, Kang Yuhan added a laboratory! 】

【I remember! I still remember that she stayed in the lab for two days, working on various supercomputing operations. Gosh, I have a bold guess—]

[You said, let me do it! Kang Yuhan may have noticed the existence of the bug and set it up in advance! 】

【blow! Awkward! Brainless blow! You little three fans are really able to make up their minds. 】

[Yes, I am either a bowl of noodles, a bowl of noodles, or a simple passerby, I can't stand it anymore. Kang Yuhan, an epic mistress, can be so good? 】

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

[Starting to disguise passersby again, Si Xiangwan's brain-dead fans, are you bothered? 】

【right! Kang Yuhan is the third child, shameless and brainless! But it is such a person who deceived Si Xiangwan. Tell me, who is more powerful? 】

【Depend on! In front of me, my 50-meter machete was pulled out, almost dodging my waist. 】

[I bet that with a pack of spicy sticks, Kang Yuhan must have discovered something before he went directly to the 'world tree'! 】

【stop fighting! Anyway, whether it was intentional or not, the result was that Kang Yuhan broke the second level! 】

[Yes, yes, the reason is not important, the process is not important, the result is the key. 】

[Kang Saner saved the virtual world? How does this sound like a dream? I can't believe it at all...]

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