The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and ninetieth chapters female support she has a barrage (27)

【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

Following the guidance of the barrage, Si Xiangwan and Xiao Yi found Kang Yuhan.

"...That's the way it is, I can temporarily put aside my personal grievances and cooperate with you, let's-"

Si Xiangwan looked at Kang Yuhan's familiar and unfamiliar face, and explained the future clearly in a concise manner.

[Wuwu, the female goose is so wronged, in order to save people, she has to reconcile with her 'enemy'! 】

[Yes, the female goose is too kind and has a big-picture view. It's a shame that some black fans can actually black her out against her conscience. 】

[That's right, seeing her so aggrieved, I feel so distressed. 】

[Distressed +1. The sacrifice of the female goose is too great! 】

【+ID number. If it were me, I definitely wouldn't be able to do it. Reconciling with the enemy, or even taking the initiative to ask for peace, is hard to accept just thinking about it. 】

[So the female goose can become the real boss, and I am just an ordinary fart. 】

The barrage area was filled with voices of grievances and grievances for her daughter.

He Tiantian and Si Xiangwan both saw it.

Si Xiangwan: ...Although I felt a little embarrassed, I was comforted again.

These netizens who posted the barrage are all thoughtful and cute.

He Tiantian didn't feel anything.

Her psychology is already extremely strong, and she is not at all in the comments of unexpected people.

Furthermore, these barrages are much milder than the previous barrages that were often insulting.


"What? Are you still wronged?"

He Tiantian raised an eyebrow on one side and vividly performed a vicious female supporting role who "will be mad when he is successful".

"Si Xiangwan, please clarify one thing—"

He Tiantian sneered and pointed a finger at Si Xiangwan, "It's you, not me, who ask for help!"

Si Xiangwan choked for a moment, and the polite smile on his face suddenly froze.

"Kang Yuhan, what do you mean?"

As a victim, she has already taken the initiative to ask for peace, which can be regarded as giving "Kang Yuhan" enough face, why is this person still not forgiving?

She, how does she have a face? !

He Tiantian: I'm sorry, but I'm so "shameless".

There is no way, she still has to complete the task, and in her plan, the original owner's personality must not collapse, and even worse.

"I'm very clear, asking for help requires an attitude of asking for help!"

He Tiantian is still a complacent and arrogant villain.

Si Xiangwan looked incredulous, "Me? Please?"

I'm here to cooperate, not to beg for help!

Who gave you the illusion that you thought I was yours?

Si Xiangwan's apricot eyes were wide and round, and the resentment in his heart was clearly written on his face.

Even Xiao Yi couldn't help frowning.

He had already learned of the grievances between Si Xiangwan and Kang Yuhan through the barrage, and Xiao Yi had no good feelings for such a person who cheated his friend and refused to admit his fault even after the incident was leaked.

He finally understood the grievances Si Xiangwan endured.

Xiao Yi felt more and more that Xiang Wan was a good girl, kind, simple, knowledgeable, and considerate of the overall situation.

And this Kang Yuhan seems to be Si Xiangwan's control group.

Her selfishness and narrow-mindedness all accurately reflect Si Xiangwan's.

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

If it weren't for the imminent problem of the holographic network, Xiao Yi didn't want to deal with Kang Yuhan, let alone continue to be wronged by Xiangwan.

【Ha ha! distressed! Xiao Yi is distressed! Look at his eyebrows, they are almost twisted into a pimple! 】

[My sister asked me to see,

It is said to be sweet, tell me if you have seen it, is it really good-looking? 】

【nice! Absolutely sweet, utterly sweet. 】

[I still like to watch the interaction between Xiao Yi and Si Xiangwan. Oops, I like Brother Leng Nian Bing the most, and it has become soft around the fingers. 】

The barrage netizens commented cheerfully, temporarily forgetting the entanglement Kang Yuhan brought to everyone.

They went wild without even scolding Kang Yuhan for his success.

All kinds of Kang Yuhan seem to have become a taboo, and netizens try not to mention it.

"Miss Kang, I'm Xiao Yi, the operative sent by the military to investigate the security of the holographic network. It's also me, I know that you have conquered the second level, Miss Kang, and I want to cooperate with you!"

Feeling distressed, Xiao Yi directly stood in front of Si Xiangwan, and Shen Sheng said to He Tiantian, "If we cooperate, it will definitely benefit everyone."

"It's Miss Kang, you must also hope to get out of this virtual world as soon as possible."

Xiao Yi's meaning is very clear, they are here to seek cooperation, not begging for charity.

Si Xiangwan and Kang Yuhan have an equal relationship, and there is no such thing as a "beg" at all.

【Ding Dong! Wife Protector is online! 】

[Xiao Yi is mighty, Xiao Yi is domineering! He really would never let Xiang Wan be wronged in the slightest. 】

[Haha, look at the little eyes of the female goose, it's sweet and hilarious, and there is still a little bit of pride. 】

【Love love! This pair really is a match made in heaven, it is simply too good to eat! 】

The netizens were excited and sent barrages again, and continued to frantically hit CP.

He Tiantian \u0026 Si Xiangwan:  …

The former is speechless because of speechlessness.

The latter is silent because of shyness.

"Officer Xiao, isn't it?"

He Tiantian showed the villain's smile, "You are wrong, in fact, I am not in a hurry to leave!"

"Anyway, I'm a bad woman, fall below the moral bottom line, and do all the bad things. People like me are the same wherever I stay!"

"Perhaps, in this virtual world, I can gain more admiration and admiration, which is far more beautiful than in reality."

He Tiantian spread her hands and saw that Si Xiangwan and Xiao Yi really turned black, and became more and more proud, "So, I'm really not in a hurry!"

[I don't want to comment on Kang Yuhan, after all, she is really good, but her character is really bad. 】

[Yes, yes, look at her arrogant face, what if she is capable? Still not a bad woman? 】

[I may be scolded for saying this, but Kang Yuhan is so sassy as a bachelor who clearly shows that she is a bad woman and refuses to be blackmailed or kidnapped by morality. 】

[The one in front is indeed scolded, such a bad woman, you are also willing to fan? 】

[That is, to what extent are these three views crooked, can you still feel Kang Yuhan's 'Sa'? She is clearly doing harm to others! 】

[Yes, it's obviously a win-win situation, and she deliberately took it big, insisting that Si Xiangwan beg her, it's really bad. 】

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

Netizens finally couldn't bear it any longer, and began to scold Kang Yuhan for being shameless and despicable.

The true love fans of Kang Yuhan who became fans of Kang Yuhan because of "Mu Qiang", saw the excitement of the netizens, and they were scared to shut up.

In fact, they really think that Kang Yuhan is so good, and the bad is plain and clear, rogue and bachelor, making it impossible for people to threaten and morally kidnap.

"Kang Yuhan, you, you are going too far. What's the benefit to you if you hurt others and don't benefit yourself?"

Si Xiangwan blushed with anger, and she cursed angrily.

"I'm happy, I feel at ease."

He Tiantian continued to talk about finding people to hate.

Si Xiangwan's breathing became heavy. Just when He Tiantian thought she was about to explode, Si Xiangwan suddenly took a deep breath and calmed down quickly.

She fixedly looked at He Tiantian, raised the corners of her lips suddenly, and revealed a chuckle, "Okay! I see! You Kang Yuhan are the most selfish, as long as you are happy, you don't care about anything!"

He Tiantian smiled back, "You just know!"

"I also know that although you Kang Yuhan has a low character and no bottom line, you are also a person who keeps promises-"

"Demon Museum"

He Tiantian's eyes flashed with hesitation, as if he had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Si Xiangwan smiled and said, "Kang Yuhan, you said that although you refuse to admit your mistake, you owe me a favor, right?"

【Wahaha, the female goose is so smart! Just thought of this! 】

[Kang Yuhan said this? 】

[Before, you are not serious about watching the drama, go and watch the replay! 】

【Said it! Kang Yuhan did say it. But I was only concerned about being angry at the time, and didn't care at all. 】

【right! Me too, I can't help it, Kang Yuhan's refusal to admit his mistake is so hateful, if it wasn't for the female goose's reminder, I would have forgotten it. 】

He Tiantian pretended to be angry, "Si Xiangwan, you, you—"

Seeing that "Kang Yuhan" was angry and annoyed, Si Xiangwan was happy.

She became more and more proud, "Why, do you remember?! Now, it's time for you to fulfill your promise!"

"Let's work together to overcome the third level. The grievances between you and I are written off. How?"

He Tiantian deliberately bit her lower lip and stared at Si Xiangwan angrily.

Just when Si Xiangwan and the netizens were all in a good mood, she suddenly smiled again and said coldly, "That's it for you! Forget it, seeing that you are so stupid now, I will promise you."

"Stupid? Kang Yuhan, you, you scold me?" Si Xiangwan was a little bit incredulous.

Yes, the original owner and she are both naive.

But, at best, it is simple, not stupid.

Even if they are not smart enough, it is because they are too kind and too credulous.

This is not a disadvantage, if not an advantage.

Don't we have to be as good at calculating, insidious and cunning as Kang Yuhan?

Being stupid and soft-hearted, but never hurting others, how can you be ridiculed? !

Netizens think so too.

Could it be that Kang Yuhan is shameless, has no lower limit, and has created a sense of superiority?

This is clearly the rogue thinking of the bad guys!

Or Xiao Yi is calmer and more sober.

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

He sighed silently, leaned into Si Xiangwan's ear, and said softly, "Actually, Kang Yuhan said that on purpose just now, she just doesn't want to be disadvantaged in the negotiation."

Negotiations are, to a certain extent, a competition of momentum.

Therefore, if the sheep are strong, they can temporarily deceive their opponents, and then win the initiative.

Kang Yuhan didn't really want to stay in the holographic world. She said that, but she was pretending to make Si Xiangwan back down.

Si Xiangwan did not back down, but exchanged a rare "human affection" for a "cooperation" that should have been negotiated.

On closer inspection, it is indeed slightly, slightly "simple".

The heartbroken Xiao Yi naturally wouldn't say that the woman he loves is stupid.

However, for a bad woman like Kang Yuhan who is good at calculating, her own Xiangwan is indeed too simple...

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