The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and ninetieth chapters female support she has a barrage (28)

【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

On the light screen, it is rare that there are not many barrages.

Netizens were also a little silent-

No way, people are afraid of comparison.

With a cunning control group like Kang Yuhan, her own female goose does seem too "simple".

However, the silence did not last long, and some true fans carefully helped to explain:

[Actually, being pure is nothing, I just hope my good sisters are pure. 】

[That is, who wants to be surrounded by Kang Yuhan. Just thinking about it is terrifying, if it really is like this, you have to sleep with one eye open. 】

[Fuck, the front, your assumption is too scary, I'm already starting to be afraid. 】

[And the female goose was originally a growing heroine, just like you and me in the beginning. In the later stage, it grows slowly and becomes stronger. 】

This kind of character is the most immersive.

Every time they see Si Xiangwan's growth step by step, fans and netizens have an illusion: Xiangwan can do it, so can I!

Moreover, the idols of their fans are not born strong, but a little bit of transformation, which also gives fans a deep and strong joy of cultivation.

They have witnessed the rise of a big boss with their own eyes. That sense of substitution, that sense of accomplishment, is really great.

This is also the biggest reason why Si Xiangwan can attract so many fans.

Not because of how strong she is, but because of her amazing growth.

Fans may not be able to become Si Xiangwan, but they are still extremely satisfied and happy when they substitute it and YY.

Just now, seeing that the contrast between Kang Yuhan and Si Xiangwan was too obvious, they felt a little awkward for a while.

However, after they figured it out, they were all active again.

The barrage area has resumed its usual liveliness.

[Hey, I don't know what's wrong with this world? Kindness and simplicity are no longer an advantage! 】

【Yup! Take ten thousand steps back, even if it is not an advantage, it cannot be a disadvantage. 】

【What happened to the powerful villain? If you don't have enough positive energy, you will still be scolded! 】

【The ability is not enough, you can work hard! But the heart is broken, but it cannot be changed. 】

[Although, with the addition of Kang Yuhan this time, can the third level be broken faster? 】

[Yes, the female goose is still clearing the customs. What is the third level? 】

[Before, if you didn't watch the show carefully, I'm a five-brush person to tell you—]

[You mean, what are you selling? 】

[I said, for me, the key to the third level is the indigenous priest on the desert island, who is the projection of the source code of that bug. 】

He Tiantian and Si Xiangwan were all overjoyed when they saw this barrage.

Hey, spoiler again.

With the answer, and then to solve the problem, absolutely twice the result with half the effort.

"Okay, the cooperation is reached, let's talk about our own ideas."

Xiao Yi couldn't see the barrage, and didn't know that the two women in front of him already knew the answer.

He coughed lightly and brought the topic back.

Si Xiangwan had already foreseen the answer, and what he had to do now was how to say the answer in a reasonable and reasonable way.

Even if you can't say it directly, you must try to guide it.

She thought for a while and said, "That's how I analyzed it, the first level, to find and obliterate the invisible boss."

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

"And this big boss is actually Yu Fang, who belongs to the surviving "hosts" of us. "

He Tiantian had already guessed the number of Si Xiangwan's paths, so she followed her words and said, "The second level is the World Tree!"

"That is, the energy source that binds the brain waves of all participants.

After being destroyed, everyone will not be reborn repeatedly. Although their "spirits" cannot return to reality, they are no longer under the control of the virtual world! "

"The world tree belongs to the "things" on the desert island. "

Si Xiangwan glanced at Kang Yuhan and sighed to himself: Kang Yuhan is really amazing!

I am open, I can see the spoiler screen, and reverse the process according to the answer.

As for Kang Yuhan, it should be purely relying on his own ability, this is -

He Tiantian: ...Sorry, my plug-in is bigger and more powerful.

Kang Yuhan is amazing, and Xiao Yi is not an ordinary person.

He heard the words of the two girls, and his mind was instantly opened.

As he nodded lightly, he said, "The foreign anchors and the trees on the deserted island are the keys to customs clearance."

"According to this idea, you can try to guess the other joints in the third level. For example, the beasts on the desert island?"

He Tiantian glanced at Xiao Yi and deliberately made a "wrong guess", "For another example, a "stowaways" like Officer Xiao? "

Xiao Yi felt that he was being connoted, but he had no evidence, and it was even harder to protest.

Because they are "brainstorming", they naturally want to say everything they think and guess.

Moreover, although the words of "Kang Yuhan" are not very friendly, they are suspected of complaining about Xiao Yi, but they also have some truth.

When Xiao Yi and other personnel sent by the military to investigate, when they entered various holographic projects, they were indeed no longer on the announcement personnel list of related programs.

They are all "stowaways".

If that BUG is really that smart, it will use all the loopholes to set traps.

Then it is really possible to mix his own consciousness projection into the ranks of "stowaways".

Xiao Yi is a straight steel man who is rational \u003e emotional. Although he finds the words of "Kang Yuhan" uncomfortable, he can still analyze it more rationally.

Si Xiangwan felt a little distressed.

What does Kang Yuhan mean?

What does it mean to come from the military like Xiao Yi?

They are all heroes, right?

Knowing that the holographic world is dangerous, he still came in resolutely.

They are all brave warriors who are not afraid of sacrifice!

How can it be so desecrated?

"There is another possibility!"

Taking a deep breath, Si Xiangwan stopped going around in circles and said the correct answer: "Indigenous!"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly, "Yes! Indigenous! According to the script, there are still indigenous savages on this deserted island."

"They are far away from human society, far away from civilization, still in feudal, even primitive society."

These natives, hidden in the mountains and forests, are elusive and easily overlooked.

If he is that secretive super-intelligence and wants to have a final boss on the holographic network, he is very likely to choose this highly secretive "character" for projection.

Xiao Yi's thoughts were suddenly opened.

Si Xiangwan made an appearance of being "inspired" at the right time, and said excitedly, "Savage tribes in primitive society? Will there be leaders, priests, witch doctors and the like!"

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

Xiao Yi's eyes were full of admiration, "Yes, these three people are the most worthy of attention!"

Si Xiangwan and Xiao Yi said each other's words, one guided by heart, and the other worked hard to speculate.

They seem to be a whole, an independent and complete world.

The third person (cough cough, that is, the big light bulb He Tiantian), can't be inserted at all.

【Famous scene! Another famous scene! 】

[Yi and Wan are indeed a match made in heaven. 】

[The Civil Affairs Bureau has been moved by me, and you will get married immediately! 】

[Lock the couple, ah ah ah, it's too sweet, too good to eat! 】

[This is the kind of perfect combination where you are strong and I am strong. Love this pair so much! 】

[Haha, look at Kang Yuhan's unlovable face, it's so funny! 】

[Single dog was forced into a mouth of dog food, MMP on the surface, all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred in the heart! 】

[Let her hate it, anyway, with her selfishness, greed and vanity, she will never have a beautiful and pure love in her life! 】

The bowls of fans and the bowls of fans first slapped CP frantically, and then spread the war to "Kang Yuhan".

He Kang Yuhan Tiantian: ... just speechless.

However, this is also the result of He Tiantian's operation.

She was "getting what she wanted" in a sense.

I was speechless, but after a "sweet" interaction between Xiao Yi and Si Xiangwan, a very likely "answer" was finally reached.

Then, with Feng Qianqian, their temporary team started to act.

Netizens in this world are excited to see that they have goals.

They began to "flow" in various live split screens.

Although most of the anchors who participated in the desert island survival were slaughtered in the hunting game.

When they stopped rebirth, their brainwaves continued to link with the holographic warehouse, unable to exit, and could only exist in the form of ghosts.

Their live split screen has not disappeared, and the screen can still be played normally.

And these anchors are scattered in every corner of the deserted island, and their live broadcast split screen is like dozens of cameras, monitoring the entire island in an all-round way.

Netizens kept changing the split screen of the live broadcast, and summed up everything they saw into Si Xiangwan's bullet screen area.

There are a lot of barrages, and the information is extremely complex. Si Xiangwan, Xiao Yi, He Tiantian, and Feng Qianqian, the three majors, extracted useful information from countless barrages.

According to this information, the team found the indigenous tribe hidden in the mountains and forests in the shortest time.

The savages of the indigenous tribe naturally attacked with all their strength, but in the melee, Xiao Yi and Si Xiangwan, the male and female pig's feet, really lived up to the protagonist's powerful halo and successfully wiped out the indigenous priest.


A wave of energy invisible to the naked eye was centered on the priest, rippling outward in circles.

A layer of shackles shrouded in the virtual world was instantly broken.

【Ah, ah, is it possible to quit? I am going to give it a try! 】

[I'm going to try it too, I can finally leave, I really can't take it anymore! 】

[The one in front, if you are successful, come back and say something! 】

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

【Head, are you stupid? Or are you not staying enough in this broken virtual world? 】

[That is, if I go out, I will not come back easily! 】

In the barrage area, scattered barrages floated past.

More netizens simply didn't have the time to post the barrage, and they chose to quit at the first time.

Finally, there are fewer and fewer online netizens of holographic live broadcast.

And those "dead" anchors can finally return to the real world.

Xiao Yi and Si Xiangwan felt the change in the virtual world, they looked at each other and nodded slowly.

The tacit understanding between the two has rapidly improved, and the ambiguity has spread freely among the two.

He Tiantian didn't pay attention to these, she quietly made some small tricks...

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Chapter 995 The female partner has a barrage (twenty-eight) Free Read.

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