The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Nine hundred and ninetieth chapters female support she has a barrage (30)

【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

Mom, I'm fine! No injuries, no headaches! "

"Good! Good! I know, I'll go to the hospital for a full body check later."

"What? You want to come? No! No! I'll just go by myself."

"Good! Good! I know, I will be careful, you and Dad can rest assured."

He Tiantian picked up the phone, clicked it and saw that it was all calls from family members.

Think about it, too, there has been a major accident in the holographic network, and people in the outside world may not know it a few days ago.

However, those who are involved, especially the netizens who watch the live broadcast.

Their family members found that they stayed in the holographic warehouse 24 hours a day and did not come out for several days, so they would definitely find something abnormal.

Tried to wake up outside the holographic warehouse, but couldn't wake up.

Some family members couldn't help but also entered the holographic world, and ended up being trapped.

Some family members went to online forums to post for help, or asked relevant departments for inquiries and complaints.

After a toss, the outside world quickly spread—

There is a major bug in the holographic network. Everyone, as long as they connect to the network, they will be imprisoned in the virtual world.

Now, the world is shaking and everyone is panicking.

The families of those "participants" are even more worried and fearful.

They dare not continue to try, and can only guard the holographic warehouse of their relatives.

Kang's father and Kang's mother were very interested in holographic live broadcasting because of their daughter.

They were the first wave of relatives to discover anomalies in the holographic network.

However, they do not know where their daughter's laboratory is.

They want to protect, but can't find a place.

Kang's father, Kang's mother and two younger siblings can only make calls and send messages desperately.

Even if they knew it was useless, they had only one way to vent their worries and urgency.

Finally, the phone was connected, and Mother Kang came over with a series of inquiries.

He Tiantian understood Kang's mother's worries and comforted her with great patience.

She reassured her that she even opened a video to let Kang's mother see "Kang Yuhan" jumping up and down, which dispelled the idea of ​​Kang's mother running over immediately.

After appeasing his parents and sending a message to his younger siblings, He Tiantian came to the super calculation.

【What is Kang Yuhan doing? 】

【What else can you do? Put on a pose! 】

[Someone's brain-damaged fans, do you know that you give your master a good impression on you! 】

【Yes! Originally, I felt good about Si Xiangwan, but seeing her fans jumping up and down and messing around, I didn't like her a little! 】

【Pooh! There is no shortage of fake passers-by fans like you in my family. 】

[The front, you are the black fan. Our bowls of noodles and bowls of noodles are not like you! 】

【right! A bowl of noodles and a bowl of rice are very restrained. We are rational chasing stars, so we won't be foolish. 】

[Enough of you, I care how you chase stars. Here is Kang Yuhan's live split screen, only comment on Kang Yuhan, if you want to discuss other artists, please go out and turn right! 】

On the light screen, the barrage is in the daily fight again.

He Tiantian took a break from her busy schedule and took a look.


"Kang Yuhan" actually started to have die-hard fans.

Moreover, these people have already begun to break through the worldly vision, or break through the cowardice in their hearts, and take the initiative to stand up to help a "bad woman" refute.

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

This is not a good phenomenon.

It also conflicts with He Tiantian's original intention.

However, this is also impossible.

Mu Qiang is human instinct.

And once there are achievements, they will be extra tolerant.

Just like an ordinary man cheating, he must be a proper scumbag. His wife was forbearing, and would be scolded for being deserving and mean.

And if the world's richest man has an affair, many people will find it understandable. If his wife chooses to forgive, she will be praised for being rational and clever.

The same mistakes, the same choices, get completely different evaluations because of different identities!

This is the reality, He Tiantian can't change it.

However, in order to plan, she still has to continue to "kill".

After a lot of tossing and cracking, He Tiantian finally caught the main messenger hiding in the dark.

"It's done!"

He Tiantian deliberately showed a smug smile.

She picked up her phone and clicked on Si Xiangwan's contact information.

【what? Why did Kang Yuhan look for Si Xiangwan? 】

[It feels like she is going to do something! 】

Netizens were puzzled, and Si Xiangwan, who had just finished a phone call with his parents, was even more at a loss.

However, she still answered the call, "Is something wrong?"

The face has been torn apart. Although there is cooperation, the grievances between the two have been purchased and sold in batches.

Si Xiangwan will no longer hold a grudge against Kang Yuhan, but he will not continue to be her friend.

Between the two are strangers.

Therefore, when Si Xiangwan speaks, there is not much politeness, let alone kindness.

"I caught that messenger behind the scenes!"

He Tiantian's tone was obviously showing off.

Si Xiangwan was very uncomfortable listening, and subconsciously pursed the corners of his lips, "Congratulations! But, with all due respect, what does this have to do with me?"

Si Xiangwan knew Kang Yuhan well, this person is selfish and never does useless work.

She called, definitely not to show off, there must be a purpose.

It's just that Si Xiangwan couldn't think of it for a while.

"It really has nothing to do with you!"

Si Xiangwan's words were indifferent, and He Tiantian didn't know how to be euphemistic at all.

Si Xiangwan: has nothing to do with me, you still make a phone call from P!

To amuse me on purpose?

Si Xiangwan still didn't believe Kang Yuhan would do such a childish thing.

Rolling his eyes, Si Xiangwan wanted to hang up the phone in a fit of anger.

He Tiantian seemed to be aware of her small movements and hurriedly said, "I want to find Xiao Yi!"

"Then are you looking for it? What are you looking for me for?"

Si Xiangwan said angrily.

"I don't have his contact information." He Tiantian said very rascally.

Si Xiangwan: ...

Taking a deep breath, Si Xiangwan learned He Tiantian's tone, and said yin and yang strangely, "You don't have his contact information, what has it got to do with me?"

【right! Female goose, you can't have a good face for such a woman. 】

[Kang Yuhan himself said that asking for someone should have an attitude of asking for help. Now it's her turn to ask for help, why is she still so stinky? 】

Si Xiangwan took the time to take a peek at the barrage and just saw this sentence.

She took it seriously, so she used this sentence, "Kang Yuhan, are you begging me now? But I remember someone said, "Begging for someone should have an attitude of begging for someone." "

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

And you, apparently forgot about that.

[Hahaha, the female goose is so good! It seems to be my Internet mouth for ah. 】

【what? The female goose and I have a heart-to-heart connection. I just posted this barrage, and the female goose said it! 】

Si Xiangwan: ...Actually, I just learned from you.

Si Xiangwan felt a little guilty.

"I'm not begging you!


He Tiantian said sternly, "I have already caught the main messenger, and the official needs it very much! I have no official channels, and the only person I know who can have a link with the official is Xiao Yi!"

Si Xiangwan raised his eyebrows, "So what?"

"So, you have to tell me Xiao Yi's contact information!"

He Tiantian said confidently.

Si Xiangwan laughed angrily and blurted out, "Why?"

Why should I help you?

You don't even have the gesture of asking for help.

"Because I am a bad woman with no bottom line! Because you are a kind and beautiful little fairy!"

He Tiantian has a rogue face of "I'm wrong and I'm justified".

Si Xiangwan: ...

Netizens:  …

Ma Dan, this feeling of being kidnapped by morality is really unpleasant.

However, some netizens of "Kang Yuhan" were inexplicably poked at a certain cool point, and they secretly rejoiced——

"Sure enough, it's better to be the bad guy!"

"Yes! This is why I am bad and I am justified! You are a good person, you should be kidnapped by morality!"

"Although in reality, I don't dare to do it, but seeing Kang Yuhan do it is inexplicably refreshing!"

"Although this is wrong, it goes against my three views and bottom line, but it's really cool!"

"Kang Yuhan is really bad and plain and justifiable!"

These netizens did not dare to express their thoughts in the form of barrages, they only dared to silently excite themselves.

"You! You! How shameless!" Si Xiangwan was so angry that he couldn't even speak.

And she couldn't think of other words besides shameless and shameless.

He Tiantian looked like "dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water", and said coolly, "Have you seen the shamelessness of my "Kang Yuhan"? "

"You're still saying this now, are you really innocent or are you really stupid?"

"Also, even if you want to scold me, you still want to think of something new. It's always shameless and shameless to scold me. It's too low-level!"

Si Xiangwan felt that his breathing was a little difficult.

In the past, she just thought Kang Yuhan was shameless, but she knew how to cover it up.

But now Kang Yuhan has performed "Broken Pots and Falls" to the fullest.

It is a perfect interpretation of what is meant by "people who are cheap are invincible"!

At least, Si Xiangwan didn't know how to fight at this moment, let alone "counterattack".

"Si Xiangwan, hurry up, give me Xiao Yi's contact information!"

"The information in my hand is related to the life and death of holographic technology in the entire world, and it is also related to the lives of countless people."

"If it's delayed because of you, I'm nothing, anyway, I'm a bad woman, and your image of a beautiful and kind little fairy will be greatly reduced!"

"In addition, I believe that with your three views and bottom line, you are not willing to let the main messenger behind him escape and continue to harm society!"

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

A series of moral shackles were put on Si Xiangwan's neck by He Tiantian.

Si Xiangwan felt aggrieved and full of anger, she really wanted to hang up the phone directly.

But, sadly, Kang Yuhan really grabbed her life.

Yeah, with her kindness, she really can't stand letting the culprit for the holographic network go unpunished because of herself.

Si Xiangwan could even think that Kang Yuhan was deliberately embarrassing herself. If she didn't cooperate, Kang Yuhan wouldn't really let the main messenger escape.

Kang Yuhan certainly still has a way to contact the official.

But now, instead of looking for others, Kang Yuhan found himself...

Si Xiangwan forcefully closed his eyes, pressed the breath on his chest, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, "Okay! Just wait, I'll send it to you!"

I am not being held hostage by you, but for holographic technology and for more innocent people!

【Kang Yuhan is too shameless! So hateful! 】

This time, Kang Yuhan's fans couldn't stand it any longer.

Villains are indeed likable, but those villains are basically poor people with hardships.

Hateful and pathetic.

And Kang Yuhan in front of her has no difficulties at all, she is simply "evil"!

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Chapter 997 The female partner has a barrage (thirty) Free Read.

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