The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 998 Female Supporting She Has a Barrage (End)

【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

Si Xiangwan and netizens already felt that "Kang Yuhan" was shameless enough, but she didn't expect her bottom line to be even lower——

He Tiantian got Xiao Yi's contact information from the reluctant Si Xiangwan, and hung up the phone easily.

Even without a "thank you", Si Xiangwan was not surprised.

This person doesn't care about his face at all, and he completely ignores even the most basic courtesy.

[This is probably "to have no fear" and "to be mad if you are determined." 】

There was still a barrage posted by a netizen that resonated with everyone.

The number of likes behind this barrage has risen rapidly in the shortest time.

If Si Xiangwan wasn't worried that he would be exposed, he would like to give it a thumbs up.

He Tiantian glanced at the barrage and thought to himself: Where is this going?

Soon, she let Si Xiangwan and netizens know that "Kang Yuhan" can be even more arrogant!

"What? You caught that messenger behind the scenes?"

Xiao Yi couldn't believe it.

When he left the holographic world, although he guessed that Kang Yuhan would discover something, he still did not expect that this girl would be so powerful.

She actually caught it right away!

In other words, two or three hours have passed since the holographic live broadcast.

She, how did she do it?

"You don't have to worry about how I did it, and you don't have to confirm it repeatedly. I dare to call you, naturally I have the confidence!"

He Tiantian's attitude is not friendly.

Xiao Yi didn't care too much, capable people are more or less temperamental.

He has dealt with some national treasure-level talents and has more experience.

"Okay! That's great! Kang Yuhan, I represent the government and the people—"

With the words "Thank you" still on his lips, Xiao Yi heard a sneer coming from the receiver.

Xiao Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he cautiously probed: "Student Kang, do you, do you have any demands?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly added: "Don't worry, we won't treat you badly!"

"Of course you can't treat me badly! I found the behind-the-scenes messenger and saved the holographic technology. Not to mention the contribution, the value created is hard to estimate!"

"...Don't worry, I won't speak loudly, but you can't ask me to "generate electricity for love". "

Although this Nianda no longer respects selfless contribution and self-sacrifice, everything is in line with interests.

However, as Chinese people, they still have a strong sense of family and country in their bones. For the sake of the country and the people, more people are still willing to sacrifice some personal interests.

Even if he can't be as sincere as his predecessors, he will never put his interests on the bright side like "Kang Yuhan".

As a soldier who had already sacrificed for the country, Xiao Yi instinctively became annoyed with Kang Yuhan when he heard these words.

In addition, the tone of his speech was not so respectful. He even reminded He Tiantian: "Kang Yuhan, you are from China!"

He Tiantian smiled, still so arrogant, "Of course I remember that I am Chinese, otherwise, my first call would not be to you, but to the official contact person in another country! "

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

Xiao Yi:  …

Netizens with God's perspective:  …

Si Xiangwan, who saw the barrage issued by the angry netizens:  …

Everyone was speechless, but they couldn't say anything.

Yes, Kang Yuhan does have interests first, but her first choice for cooperation is her own country.

There seems to be a little bit of patriotism too.


My heart is still inexplicably unhappy, what's the situation?

It can only be said that Kang Yuhan did not forget his ancestors, but he did not have the feelings and greatness of those national treasure talents.

[Hmph, someone is a bad person in his bones, and he has to negotiate conditions with the country. 】

[That's it. If the country does not agree to her conditions, will she still cooperate with other countries such as Eagle Sauce and Footpen Chicken? 】

There is a problem with the holographic network, and it is not only China that is affected.

This is a crisis sweeping the world.

Kang Yuhan caught the mastermind behind the scenes, and the technology she showed also showed that she has a very high level in holographic technology and even in the field of super intelligence.

Such talents are desperately needed in every country.

However, this person does not have much patriotism, and his eyes can only see interests.

It's impossible to talk to her about feelings.

People just want money and benefits. For her, being able to choose Huaguo under the same conditions is already a manifestation of her patriotism!

This seems to make sense, and some netizens can understand it.

But, it just makes me uncomfortable.

Moreover, in this case, some people probably agree, but others will not say it.

Everyone retains a minimum of decency. Hello, I'm good, everyone is good, isn't it good?

Why does Kang Yuhan have to do this?

Chi Guoguo, brightly revealing her greed and lack of bottom line, is she really so unscrupulous and fearless?

Xiao Yi sighed in frustration.

After a while, he said solemnly: "My level is not enough, so I can't promise you anything. Well, I will report it immediately and let the relevant person in charge negotiate with you!"

He Tiantian looked content, "Okay! I'll wait! But, don't make me wait too long! I believe that in a short time, my phone will be blasted!"

Threat is full of ah.

It seems that your side is not active enough, so I will contact other countries.

Xiao Yi choked again, biting his back molars hard, he said angrily, "Don't worry! I won't make you wait too long!"

Netizens were completely speechless.

Some netizens who were fans of Kang Yuhan because of her strong ability also began to feel conflicted in their hearts.

They originally thought that Kang Yuhan has flaws in her personal character, but she has great love and love, and has contributed to the country and the people, so that she can become a great figure in history.

What's more, because of her contributions, her past mistakes will be ignored and even "beautified".

Such a situation has not never happened in history.

Even those who are fans can have reasons to fight back in the face of accusations and abuse from passers-by and even black fans.

However, Kang Yuhan blocked his way.

Not only does she not leave room for herself, but she also does not give the world room to "play"!

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

However, there are also "benefits" for "Kang Yuhan" to act like this.

The relevant departments learned about the situation from Xiao Yi's mouth, focusing on the nature of "Kang Yuhan", without any delay, and immediately got in touch with He Tiantian.

In addition, the relevant leaders also offered an extremely generous reward based on the "market price".

Huge scientific research bonuses, the job transfer of Kang’s father and Kang’s mother, and school problems such as Kang’s younger brother Kang’s younger sister…

Anyway, basically the rewards and benefits that can be given are all given to He Tiantian by the relevant departments.

"Okay, not too bad!"

He Tiantian still looks reluctant, and portrays the ugly face of "people are not enough to swallow elephants".

Si Xiangwan and all the netizens have become numb, and they are even used to the unlimited limit of "Kang Yuhan".

[I really don't know what language to use to describe this Kang Yuhan. 】

[She should have broken through the lower limit of the lower limit. 】

[I bet that there should be no one more shameless and philistine than her in this world! 】

Netizens posted angrily.

However, the slap in the face came like a tornado.

Another scum who broke through the lower limit quickly appeared in the eyes of netizens.

"Xiang Wan, marry me!"

On the campus of S University, Huo Rin, in a hand-made custom suit, got out of the luxury car.

Around him, a large sea of ​​roses had already been arranged in advance.

He looks like a prince charming from a fairy tale.

The onlookers, especially the girls, couldn't help showing a dreamy and envious look.

Only the party involved, Si Xiangwan, was stunned.

what's the situation?

Isn't she rejecting Huo Rin all the time? Why did this scumbag come to propose?


A slight roar sounded, and a drone flew from a distance.

It hangs a small flower basket under it, and inside the flower basket is a delicate jewelry box.

Huo Rin pretended to force Fan Er to raise her hand, took out the jewelry box, and gently opened it, revealing a huge pink diamond ring.

Such large diamonds are very rare, and pink ones are especially rare.

Under the sun, the pink diamond glowed brightly, reflecting Huo Rin's smile that became more domineering and arrogant.

He came to Si Xiangwan, knelt down on one knee, and said affectionately, "Uncle and aunt have agreed to our marriage! Xiangwan, marry me!"

"Marry him! Marry him!"

But the crowd of melon eaters kept booing.

They thought they were helping a pair of lovers, but they didn't know that they had become accomplices in the kidnapping of the scumbag's love.

He Tiantian stood upstairs in the teaching building, watching the farce on the playground condescendingly, she couldn't help feeling sympathy for Si Xiangwan.

You see, being too kind is easy to be bullied by others.

Just like the "Kang Yuhan" she played, she directly wrote "bad" and "no bottom line" on her face.

Therefore, after the news of Kang Yuhan becoming the "Holographic Queen" came out, Huo Rin also tried to find her.

After being rejected by her, he never provokes her again.

Because he knew that Kang Yuhan's threats were not just words, but would actually be put into action.

As for Si Xiangwan, although she sternly refused, she is a kind and beautiful little fairy.

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

The cruel words she said would not come true.

Huo Rin even regarded it as Si Xiangwan's desire to welcome and refuse, a little fun between young lovers!

Go to your desire to welcome and refuse!

Si Xiangwan couldn't take it any longer when faced with such a dead scumbag who didn't understand human words and seemed to only live in his own world.


Si Xiangwan stretched out a fist and hit Huo Rin's nose heavily.

Kacha, the nasal bone made a crisp sound.

With a whimper, blood splattered everywhere.

Si Xiangwan scolded domineeringly: "Go away!"

【The female goose is mighty! The goose is domineering! 】

[Haha, finally waiting for the famous scene again! 】

[Although the plot has been changed into a mess, the female goose has grown step by step. 】

[Ding Dong, Da Lao Si Xiang Wan is about to go online. 】

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Chapter 998 The female partner has a barrage (End) Free Read.

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