The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 1000: Astonishment

【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

This time in the mission world, she spent more than fifty years.

Coming back again, still a little stunned.

However, He Tiantian had already carved out a small space of her own in her consciousness.

She reminds herself in this small space all the time.

Therefore, when she returned this time, she just got used to it after a brief moment.

She remembered that before doing the task, she perfectly replicated this technology with reference to the holographic skill book she bought from the mall.

Yuan Mei excitedly ran to report, and she went back to her room to rest in the name of "lunch break".

Now, it should still be her "lunch break" time.

He Tiantian got up from the bed, and all the virtual images came into his eyes.

In fact, the holographic state of the first island is only the most elementary.

All around are virtual projections, and they are all pre-set patterns.

There is no human involvement.

Although He Tiantian created a holographic warehouse and a holographic helmet, these things have not been tested by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Yuan Mei and others didn't dare to let her try easily—

Just kidding, this thing is linked to the brain's nerves.

And He Tiantian's brain is definitely the wealth of the country, and even all mankind, how can he take risks at will?

If there is a test, it should be done by someone else.

Therefore, He Tiantian simply did not propose it, so as not to be rejected by Yuan Mei.

At this moment, Yuan Mei's report has been completed, and relevant departments will quickly initiate corresponding measures.

He Tiantian thought for a while, but instead of leaving the bedroom in a hurry, she opened the system panel.

"Sweet! What are you doing?"

Feeling left out, classmate D jumped out again to brush up on his presence: "Do you want me to help you?!"

"Need not!"

He Tiantian replied casually, her fingers dancing quickly.

"You want to buy something again? Sweet, I found out. You've been thinking about it a lot lately. As soon as you earn points, you splurge!"

Little D's hairy head bears a big question mark.

It thought that it was He Tiantian's close friend, but for some reason, it became more and more unable to see through each other.

Woohoo, isn't the nest too stupid? Could it be that the mental retardation of the nest has been upgraded again?

Woohoo, don't! The nest must keep up with the progress of the little friends, otherwise, the nest will be abandoned!

He Tiantian, who can feel the fluctuations in the core of Xiao D's classmate: ... This little mentally retarded, what kind of messy bloody plot did he watch on the Internet?

"If you earn points, you will spend them. Isn't this what you want to see the most?"

He Tiantian made a perfunctory sentence, and then found the product she wanted——

"Space Folding Technology!"

Looking at the price, tsk, it is really high enough, with a full 1990 points.

He Tiantian felt pain in the flesh, but still happily pressed the purchase of health.

"Sweet, why are you buying this technology? Are you going to advance the interstellar immigration program in the real world?"

Xiao D is like a little strong who can't be beaten to death. He was crying just now, but now he is running up and down to join in the fun.

It shook the small round body, and the question mark above its head became bigger and bigger!

"In fact, our world has already had an interstellar immigration plan. For example, the Mars program of the Eagle sauce family. And our lunar exploration project is also laying the foundation for going deep into the interstellar space."

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

He Tiantian said calmly.

Xiao D thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's true. Humans' exploration of the vast starry sky has never stopped. It's just that they are trapped in space technology.

It's not-"

Having said this, the little D classmate who realized it afterward made an "ah" sound, with a look on his face: "That's why Tiantian, you will buy space folding technology and directly add 'wings' to this plan."

He Tiantian: ...Isn't it obvious? Why is Xiao D still so stupid that "I finally figured it out"?

"Fairy Wood"

However, when he thought that classmate D was a little mentally retarded, He Tiantian was relieved.

"Yes!" He Tian dessert nodded and gave Xiao D an answer.

"Sweet, after purchasing this technology, you only have 10 points left. Let's hurry up and do the task again."

Little D did not feel He Tiantian's perfunctory, but became excited again.

Hey, it's a good thing that Tiantian is willing to "consume".

Now that she has no points, she can only do the task desperately if she wants to "shopping" again.

And classmate D likes to spur He Tiantian to do the task the most.

He Tiantian didn't look up, "No hurry! Just wait!"

The points are almost exhausted, but there are still some coins for the reward.

Since He Tiantian has made a plan, she will fully implement it.

She opened the long-lost treasure chest drawing interface, and began to frantically draw treasure chests at a unit price of 10,000 points.

"Sweet, why did you start drawing primary treasure chests again? This skill or commodity can only be exchanged for the novel world!"

The randomness is too large, and there is a great probability that you will get a "prize" that you don't need.

He Tiantian: ... Of course I know!

The problem is, I don't have enough points to make targeted purchases.

Now she can only try her luck.

In the first round, I drew "How the God of Equity Was Made". He Tiantian tried hard to recall, this should be a skill book in the world of "Vicious Nanny".

Basically useless to her!

He Tiantian was not discouraged and continued to exchange.

The second treasure chest was drawn from the "Compendium of Chinese Operas". Tsk, this is vaguely a skill book in the world of "Needless Mom".

Still useless!

In the third exchange, He Tiantian got the "Pill Spectrum", which is not a skill book for alchemy, it should be from the world of "long-lost villain".

Estimated some use!

The fourth time, the fifth time... It was not until the sixth time that He Tiantian drew the prize she wanted most - Super Alloy.

She has spent 50,000 points, and the balance on the personal panel is only 85,000 points.

He Tiantian endured the pain and continued to exchange.

This time, she chose an intermediate treasure chest with a price of 30,000 points.


The golden treasure chest was exchanged, He Tiantian prayed secretly, and then opened it gently.

This round of luck was good, and I got my target in the first draw—original skill version 2.0.

He Tiantian added this skill to the genetic enhancement liquid.

As a result, He Tiantian got the ultimate version of the fortified liquid - nutrient solution.

With nutrient solution, the "miracles" that can only happen in fantasy, such as the regeneration of severed limbs, will become a reality.

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

He Tiantian can also combine the nutrient solution with the holographic warehouse to develop a "nutrient warehouse".

In this way, it can be regarded as a black technology that has truly entered the interstellar era.

There are only 25,000 points left in the reward points, and only the primary treasure chest can be drawn.

He Tiantian thought and thought, but did not continue to "waste".

Forget it, you can't consume it all, otherwise it's easy to cause suspicion.

Rao is so, Xiao D is also a little stunned: "Tiantian, can't you do it? Why is it all spent?"

"I don't want to either, but, no way, I have to prepare for the next mission!"

He Tiantian deliberately mentioned the "next mission". She knew that Xiao D, a little mentally retarded, likes to hear things related to the mission the most.

Sure enough, Xiao D's attention was quickly diverted, "Tiantian, you still remember to do the task. Hee hee, that's good! That's good!"

Xiao D is most afraid that He Tiantian will be addicted to the pleasure of reality and forget her work.

Spending points and mother coins for tasks is definitely doing the right thing, and Xiao D is more considerate.

After comforting Xiao D, He Tiantian closed the system panel.

knock! knock knock!

He Tiantian had just finished her work when there was a knock on the door.

"Is it Sister Mei? I'm already awake!"

He Tiantian knew that the person who came to "wake up" her at this time had no other possibility except Yuan Mei.

She got up and went to the door, opened the door, and she saw Yuan Mei who was excited.

"Tiantian, didn't I bother you? I, I have already reported to the superior, and the leader attaches great importance to..."

Yuan Mei turned into a machine gun, and what he said was one pass.

She said a lot, but only meant one thing—

Holographic technology is very important, and He Tiantian's contribution is great, and relevant departments will focus on it.

This concern is not only concerned with the testing and advancement of technology, but also about He Tiantian himself.

"...Sweet, do you need anything?"

After talking a lot, Yuan Mei finally asked He Tiantian carefully.

He Tiantian thought for a while, "Can I apply for a patent for this technology?"

She has decided to make a high profile, and naturally she will no longer hide in the dark.

The patent application was just an excuse, she wanted to get out in the public eye.


Yuan Mei was stunned, she had been with He Tiantian for a while.

I also have a certain understanding of this talented girl.

In her cognition, He Tiantian has always been a low-key person.

She doesn't seem to have much obsession with fame and fortune.

With inventions and creations, she turned it in directly, and did not seek anything for herself.

The only company under her name, HE Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd., has both external promotion and official secret promotion.

He Tiantian is more like "going with the flow" and has no strong desire and craving at all.

Some inventions cannot be patented, and even she herself needs to be "incognito". He Tiantian has no opinion, but is "happy to see it happen".

But this time, it was the first time that He Tiantian took the initiative to ask.

"Tiantian, don't get me wrong, we will not take away your achievements. We are mainly worried that once your identity is exposed, it may be in danger."

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

Yuan Mei hesitated for a moment, then suddenly woke up, she was afraid of He Tiantian's misunderstanding, and hurriedly explained.

The world has never been peaceful and stable, and the hostility and conspiracy of the outside world towards China have never stopped.

Some companies have been sanctioned, some people have been detained, and some people who want to return to China have even been targeted...

Yuan Mei can imagine that once He Tiantian moves from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, she will attract coveted by all forces, or even plot against her.

Yuan Mei and relevant departments will definitely protect it strictly, but, this kind of thing is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

He Tiantian is a national treasure-level talent, and there is simply no room for the slightest "what if".

"Don't be afraid! I have this—"

He Tiantian took out a metal bracelet. She put the bracelet on her wrist and pressed the switch. A few seconds later, a metal armor flew in from the window.

Yuan Mei opened her mouth in astonishment...


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