【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

"Steel, Iron Man?"

Yuan Mei opened her mouth and widened her eyes, staring blankly at He Tiantian, who quickly "armed".

Card, card!

With a crisp sound, the cool armor was automatically buckled on He Tiantian's body.

The whole process is like watching a movie.

In fact, in Yuan Mei's cognition, she always felt that "Iron Man" or something was just a fantasy of a science fiction movie.

It was hard for her to imagine that there was such a thing in reality.

He Tiantian put on the armor, and with a light grip of both hands, the armor was officially activated.

A burst of energy traveled in the armor, and then, He Tiantian's whole body was suspended.

Looking at He Tiantian who was already half a meter above the ground, Yuan Mei pinched her thigh first, then rubbed her eyes vigorously——

Not a dream!

She has no dazzling eyes either!

He Tiantian really came up with Iron Man, who can fly and fight.

Such "individual" armed forces may not have much effect in the face of a real large-scale war.

After all, no matter how powerful Iron Man is, it is only one.

To put it badly, a Dongfeng Express can kill it.

However, if in a small-scale confrontation, or simply as a self-protection tool, Iron Man is definitely an "artifact".

"You, when did you—" get this out?

Yuan Mei was really puzzled.

In the past two years, she has been following He Tiantian.

Even if it does not reach the point of being inseparable, it is almost a twenty-four hour guard.

He Tiantian came up with such an "artifact", but she didn't know at all, this, this—

"Of course, I'm not questioning you, I, I'm just curious!"

After asking this sentence, Yuan Mei realized that it was not right.

She quickly explained.

He Tiantian didn't care and said with a smile, "Sister Mei, I know what you mean."

"When I developed a small nuclear reactor, I tried to 'copy' Iron Man."

"It's just that the raw materials were not suitable at that time, and my Iron Man function was not as powerful as in the movie-"

In the movie, Iron Man can fly into space.

And the alloy material He Tiantian had at hand could not withstand the low temperature and supergravity of space at all.

Therefore, the armor on He Tiantian's body is just a copycat version.

"That, that is already very powerful!"

Yuan Mei couldn't help but admire.

After a while, she suddenly reacted, "You mean 'at that time'? Sweet, can I understand that you have solved the problem of raw materials now?"

After Yuan Mei was shocked, her reason quickly returned to the cage.

She was smart and keen, and guessed the "truth" from He Tiantian's few words.

He Tian dessert nodded, "That's right! I have developed a super alloy suitable for space!"

"That, that...this, this..." Yuan Mei was so excited, she rubbed her hands together, looking eager, but stammering when she spoke.

He Tiantian smiled lightly, "Sister Mei, don't worry! I'll sort out all the information about Super Alloy later and give it to you!"


Yuan Mei said hello, and then she said embarrassedly, "I'm not rushing you! Sweet, your character, your loyalty and love for the country, I and the leaders are very aware of it."

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

"...Well, I will report your appeal immediately. I believe that the relevant departments will consider it as appropriate.


Yuan Mei was excited for a while, but she forgot to be cautious and made a promise easily.

However, after Yuan Mei reacted, she did not regret it too much——

Tiantian has made so many contributions, she just wants to stand in front of people and enjoy flowers and applause, this is not an excessive requirement!

It was not exposed in the past, there was a need for confidentiality, and it was more to protect her.

But He Tiantian has developed an "artifact" enough to protect herself, so her safety is no longer a problem.

At most, He Tiantian will not go abroad in the future.

Uh, well, with Iron Man who can go to the sky and enter the sea, even if she leaves the country, some forces can't "keep" her.

Sure enough, after receiving Yuan Mei's report, the relevant departments agreed to He Tiantian's request after consultation and consultation.

However, even if it is to be exposed, it must be done gradually, and all of He Tiantian's contributions cannot be displayed all at once.

Not reluctant, but afraid of external doubts.

artificial intelligence;

Gene-enhanced solution, and based on this, a gene-targeted drug has been developed, which can cure some genetically terminal and rare diseases;

"Sword Comes"

small nuclear reactors;

guardian bracelet;

Holographic technology;

as well as the superalloy just handed in;

And Iron Man!

With so many achievements, the key is that each technology is not single, and there are many other related technologies.

If you want to apply for patents one by one, the patent certificate alone can pile up a mountain!

So many high-end technologies are all the credit of a young girl under the age of 20.

Not to mention the professionals, even those "civil subjects" who are imaginative and unreliable!

Of course, there is an official why Tiantian endorsement, which must be very authoritative.

However, the relevant departments still do not want He Tiantian to fall into the storm of public opinion.

What she should enjoy is praise and admiration, not the questioning and abuse of netizens!


He Tiantian gave everything to Yuan Mei, and then stopped paying attention.

She continued to nest on the first island and began to study and understand the space folding technology.

Suddenly, He Tiantian's scalp felt numb, and the whole person was on alert.

In the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness, in the reserved space, a voice suddenly sounded.

"He Tiantian, do you really not choose to cooperate with me?"

He Tiantian was shocked.

It's him, Lian Ye!

He Tiantian was not surprised that Lian Ye would find himself again.

What made her horrified was that he could actually penetrate the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness, and he could transmit voices over thousands of miles!

This is the means of high-level cultivators!

Lian Ye is a writer, and her ability is as strong as hers.

He Tiantian can acquire skills in the system, and even Ye can naturally.

It's just that in reality, He Tiantian is more inclined to the field of black technology, and rarely uses the means of cultivating immortals.

One is the lack of spiritual energy in reality;

Second, she didn't want to expose herself too much!

Lian Ye seems to be more flamboyant than her, or more confident, and he is not afraid of causing trouble for himself after exposure.

The last crash event was also the first time He Tiantian discovered that there were "similars" in the real world.

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

It is because Lian Ye used "super power".

At that time, He Tiantian mistakenly thought that Lian Ye was at a critical juncture, so he had no choice but to expose it.

But recently, after having contact with Lian Ye, He Tiantian discovered that this person has no "last resort" at all, that's his nature.

He regards himself as a high god, and his heart is full of superiority.

In his eyes, the people around are all NPCs, low-level tool people.

For tool people, how could he, a writer with a versatile plug-in, care, let alone fear.

Therefore, He Tiantian is not at all surprised that such a conceited person shows his immortal means in reality.

However, she still didn't expect that Lian Ye's cultivation had improved to such a level.

He was actually able to break through the "enchantment" he set up and enter the deepest part of her sea of ​​consciousness at will!

"He Tiantian, big changes are coming. Ordinary people may have powerful opportunities, not to mention you and me?"

"With such a great opportunity, do you still want to continue to hide in the corner? Or continue to be an actor who can be judged by everyone?"

"You're making a fool of yourself, do you know that?"

"Although I don't understand why the system chooses you as a useless waste of ambition, but since you have such an adventure, you can't waste it!"

"He Tiantian, let's join hands. Looking at the whole world, only you are qualified to be my teammate."

"Joining you and I, we will be able to—"

Before Lian Ye finished speaking, He Tiantian quietly mobilized his spiritual power and directly expelled Lian Ye's sense of consciousness.

She didn't even forget to give a "return gift".

In a seaside star hotel several hundred miles away from the first island, Lian Ye sat cross-legged on the bed.

Suddenly he made a wow sound and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

His face was full of pain, the whole person fell on the bed, and his body kept twitching.

His divine soul was attacked, and his cultivation base fell directly into three small realms.

"Ho, sweet, sweet!"

With blood spraying from Lian Ye's mouth, he gritted his teeth and shouted these three words.

He directly sentenced He Tiantian to the death penalty - okay, what a stupid woman who doesn't eat toast and eat fine wine!

Originally, I wanted to invite her to cooperate because of the same kind of affection.

Unexpectedly, this person not only does not know how to praise, but also dares to hurt him, so damn it!

Lian Ye completely forgot that he was the one who rashly invaded other people's sea of ​​knowledge. He Tiantian's approach was not even a counterattack, it could only be said to be "self-defense".

However, for Lian Ye, "self-defense" is not enough.

"Very good! Since you are so ignorant, I'm welcome!"

I don't want to keep a low profile, I don't want to be stubborn, I don't want you to do it!

Lian Ye frantically ran the exercises and stuffed a pill in his mouth, finally controlling the injury.

He slowly sat up and ran for a few more weeks, allowing the spiritual energy to travel through the meridians.

After a long while, he stabilized his cultivation.


After letting out a long breath, Lian Ye rolled over and got out of bed, took out his laptop, and started typing frantically on the keyboard.

Lian Ye completely broke through the network blockade of relevant departments and exposed He Tiantian, a national treasure-level genius, to the world.

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【The heroine took the villain script】 【】

He Tiantian didn't know Lian Ye's follow-up actions yet. After she forcefully expelled Lian Ye's consciousness, she began to study his words carefully.

"The big change is coming!"

"Major opportunity?"

"Ordinary people may have powerful opportunities?"

What's the meaning?

Could it be that Lian Ye found something?

For example, is the world about to have a major change?

and many more--

Big change?

Can support the spiritual energy of immortal cultivation? !

He Tiantian's mind flashed, and she hurriedly sat down cross-legged and started to run Little Master Uncle's Promise.

The spiritual energy on the sea is extremely full, pouring in from all directions, wrapping He Tiantian round and round.

While cultivating, He Tiantian secretly guessed: Sure enough, the spiritual energy has recovered!


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