The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 1007th chapter dug out the ancestors (3)

The latest website: One meter, five meters, ten meters, twenty meters...

He Yitian felt that she was about to dig through the land, but she still hadn't found the so-called "family heirloom".

"Could it be that Grandpa lied to me? Probably not."

Like the scumbag, the grandfather was regarded as the "door-to-door son-in-law" of the He family.

But grandpa and scumbag are two completely different people.

The scum father is morally corrupt and has no bottom line. He doesn't love his mother at all, and he can only deceive and take advantage of this stupid woman.

He even felt humiliated in his heart, and that woman was the culprit who brought him the humiliation.

He seems to regard the original partner who paid so much for him as an enemy!

Maybe he hates Wu and Wu, or maybe he is psychologically distorted. The scumbag is also very disgusted with He Yitian, a daughter who is "from the mother's surname".

There is no family affection, only resentment and disgust.

Grandpa is different, he and grandma truly love each other.

He highly respects the He clan in Dongzhou, and he is even a historian who studies his ancestors.

With this connection, he and his wife, Qin Se and Ming, love their children very much.

Even if it is the eldest daughter who doesn't share her surname, ahem, who is He Yitian's love-brained mother, her grandfather is very fond of her.

He treats all his sons and daughters equally, and what's more, because the eldest daughter is the first child, the grandfather values ​​it a little more.

"Hmph, it's probably because my grandparents dote on my mother too much, so they raised her to be naive and stupid, full of love and love!"

Thinking of this, He Yitian couldn't help but spit out a small groove.

She didn't really blame her grandmother, nor did she really dislike her mother.

However, as a poor child who has not been treated by a scumbag since she was a child, and had to find a way to support her family and her mother in middle school, she felt grievances and resentments in her heart, and it was reasonable.

For her mother, she is more "hate iron is not steel".

"Tsk, Shengsheng has played a good hand to a pulp, and there is no one in the mother!"


In this case, He Yitian can only speak for himself.

If it were someone else, even if they didn't have bad intentions, but sympathized or sighed, He Yitian would be angry if he said such a thing.

Her mother, she can only complain, no one else is qualified.

Their He family is so protective of their shortcomings.

"Ancestor, what treasure did you bury back then!"

"It's almost thirty meters away, and Iron Man can't hold it anymore!"

While recalling the past, He Yitian secretly complained, and at the same time did not forget to chat with the "old ancestor".

It's not that she is dry, it's really digging soil or something, it's too boring.

She dug from noon to evening, and the sky was about to get completely dark, and He Yitian's strength was a little dissipated.


bang bang!

He Yitian was a little tired and even more depressed, and her hands in the super alloy armor digged mechanically.

She suddenly felt that perhaps grandpa's words were just a bedside story to coax the child.

And she, naively, believed it.

"I really am my mother's own flesh and blood, and the 'innocence' in my bones is really in the same line!"

He Yitian couldn't help laughing at herself.

However, just when she was about to lose it and wanted to give up.

With a sound of Peng, she seemed to have dug up something solid.

"Is there really something?"

He Yitian's eyes lit up, and all the tiredness and depression were swept away.

She became energetic again, and began to increase her strength and dig desperately.

This layer is a solid rock layer, not as easy to work with as dirt.

He Yitian carefully turned on the laser blade and cut it bit by bit.

The night was getting darker, and the surroundings were quiet, except for the low humming of insects and the roars of wild beasts in the distant jungle.

He Yitian didn't care, but continued to cut the rock layer.

Kacha, Kacha!

As the rock was chopped and thrown out of the deep hole, a matte metal layer was revealed.

"Heirloom! It must be a family heirloom!"

"Haha! Grandpa really didn't lie to me!"

"I'm getting rich! I'm going to get rich! Oh, no, it's me who can finally revive the He family!"

He Yitian cheered excitedly, her hands moving faster and faster.

She didn't rush to cut the metal layer, because it was not easy to cut, and secondly, she was worried about damaging the "baby" inside.

She controlled the ancient version of the mecha and flew out of the deep hole nearly 30 meters away.

She began to expand the opening of the hole, and the surrounding open space was full of dug out dirt and gravel.

The time is quickly approaching midnight, and according to ancient timekeeping, it should be approaching the hour.

He Yitian was so happy that she forgot the time.

With a single operation, the deep hole turned into a huge pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters.

With the expansion of the diameter, the metal layer slowly revealed the whole picture.

"Fuck! What a big metal box!"

He Yitian flew into the hole again, suspended above the metal box, and looked down from above.

She estimated the size of the box, um, it's so big, it's estimated to be about 20 cubic meters.

How many good things must be in such a big box.

He Yitian flushed with excitement, she took a deep breath and started to operate.

Find the steel rope, fix the metal box, then pull the rope, activate the energy of Iron Man, and carefully drag the metal box out of the deep hole.


A metal box the size of a shipping container fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

He Yitian didn't care about taking a rest or backfilling the deep hole, so he started to operate the laser blade and cut the metal box bit by bit.

She turned on all the lights in the backyard.

Coupled with the bright moonlight, although it was already dark at this time, there was still plenty of light.

He Yitian worked attentively and finally cut the top metal layer.

She pulled with the rope again.


The heavy metal plate surface was overturned and fell to the ground, revealing the contents inside.

"Huh? This, this seems to be a nutrition warehouse?"

He Yitian flew over the metal box and checked it carefully.

When she saw the familiar and unfamiliar thing, a bad premonition suddenly surged in her heart.

Well, there seems to be no family heirloom, but, but one, oh no, it seems to be a corpse.

Gu Dong!

He Yitian swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty. She took a chance and cut open all the other metal plates without giving up.

The contents inside were completely exposed.

And He Tiantian saw the "people" inside through the transparent hatch of the nutrition warehouse.

"Fuck! I, I dug out the ancestors?!"


"Grandpa! Grandpa!

You lied to me! Woohoo, no family heirlooms at all! "

"Uh! No! The old ancestor is the biggest treasure of the He family. Now that I have dug out the old ancestor, it can be regarded as a treasure."

"Ancestor? Ancestor?! Are you still alive?"

He Tiantian in "Sleeping" seemed to hear a lively female voice.

Listening to the voice, this girl is not very old, she looks like she is in her twenties.

It's just too loud, and He Tiantian can't stand it.

She wanted to wake up from the darkness, she wanted to open her mouth and give the girl two words "shut up".

However, she seemed to be imprisoned by something and couldn't move.

"Huh? This nutrition warehouse is still running, my God, it's been two hundred years!"

"It's no wonder that Grandpa and the rest of the world say that the old ancestor is a super powerful old man. Her nutrition warehouse, even if it is an antique from two hundred years ago, is so resistant to fighting."

"Then what, old ancestor, I'm your sixth-generation descendant, don't blame me for offending—"

He Yitian rambled, she had taken off her armor and stood alone in front of the nutrition warehouse.

She studied this antique-like nutrition warehouse for a while, and after thinking about it, she found the button to open the warehouse.

However, she did not dare to press down easily.

The ancestor in the nutrition warehouse, I don't know if she is still alive, what is her physical state?

In case, if you open a position rashly, destroy the program of the nutrition warehouse, and harm the ancestors, you will suffer.

Of course, there is also a possibility that although the nutrition warehouse is still running, the ancestors have long since died.

However, the gene fluid in the nutrition warehouse can keep the "corpse" of the ancestors from decaying and spoiling.

But if you open the hatch yourself, let the air in, and destroy the components of the gene fluid, the ancestors are very likely to rot into a pile of bones in the shortest time.

Woohoo, she dug up her ancestors, disturbed her peace, and was unfilial enough.

If she destroys her body again, she is simply He's biggest sinner.

Not to mention the officials and the people from the Cheng and He families, even she herself couldn't forgive herself.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing his chaotic mood, He Yi dessert opened the light brain on his wrist and began to consult the instructions for use of the first-generation nutrition warehouse.

"Ancestor, please wait a moment. We'd better be safe!"

"Don't worry, I will 'rescue' you! Eh, even if that happens, I will find a way to protect your body."


What kind of wolf word is this?

He Tiantian in the darkness finally couldn't take it anymore. She desperately resisted the confinement and ran the Promise Decision with difficulty.

Little Master Uncle's practice is still so heaven-defying, after running for a week, He Tiantian finally broke through that layer of confinement.

In the closed nutrition warehouse, a young girl wearing an improved Chinese dress, with long hair like a waterfall, is beautiful and quiet.

Her thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and her wings fluttered like a butterfly.

Her fingers moved slightly, and it seemed that in the next second, she would wake up and break the dream-like picture scroll.

"Can't find it? Can't find it?"

"Oh, there's nothing you can do about it. It's an old antique from two hundred years ago. If you want to find a detailed manual, it's estimated that you have to go to a museum!"

"Furthermore, this nutrition warehouse is most likely made by my ancestors. It is estimated that it is difficult for outsiders to open it except herself!"

"Wuwuwu, Ancestor, what can I do? Do you want me to break it down violently? What should I do if it hurts you?"

"My great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother, great-grandmother, and grandmother will never forgive me..."

He Tiantian: ...what is this!

This child, looking young, how can he talk more than the old lady?

"Ancestor, let me tell you—"

He Yitian finally looked away from the light brain and looked at the nutrition warehouse.

However, in the next second, she was like a hen pinched by her neck, and her voice stopped abruptly.

She, she actually met the eyes of the ancestors.


In the huge courtyard, there was a scream that seemed to be mournful, but also like a surprise...

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