The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 1008th chapter dug out the ancestors (4)


He Tiantian opened the nutrition warehouse and sat up slowly.

She looked left and right, and found that the surrounding environment was unfamiliar.

She didn't know the young girl in front of her either.

Suddenly, large chunks of memory flooded into her brain.

Filming, the "reiki" recovered, the willow tree became a spirit... The first island overturned, and she was completely plunged into darkness!

"Ancestor, I, my name is He Yitian."

"Are you all right? Do you feel any discomfort?"

"Then what, you must be wondering at the moment, don't know—"

"Who am I", "What relationship do I have with you", etc., were interrupted by He Tiantian before he could say:


When He Tiantian said this, he paused for a while.

This girl calls her "old ancestor", so it can be judged that her "generation" is very high.

In other words, time has passed for many, many years.

He Tiantian has every reason to guess something, she said affirmatively in a questioning sentence: "Your ancestor should be the child of the Cheng family."

She remembered very clearly that she had never been married and had not undergone artificial insemination, and she herself could not have offspring.

She does have relatives, but these relatives are basically blood-related strangers.

He Tiantian did not think that the He Shengli couple and her cheap brother would take the initiative to "adopt" her offspring.

Although He Tiantian had just seen this He Yitian, she could feel a sense of respect and admiration from the other person's eyes and voice.

He Yitian and her parents and grandparents must be the real "He Tiantian descendants".

After many years of habit formation, this kind of respect and love for the ancestors will be integrated into the bones!

And He Tiantian searched all her memories, and the only thing that could be related to her child was her "joke" with Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing about recognizing their relatives.


She was quick to make such a guess.

He Yitian's eyes widened, and her bright apricot eyes were filled with wonder and admiration.


It's so arrogant!

Ever since I was a child, I have heard stories from my grandfather about how smart and how defiant their ancestors were.

But she still didn't expect that her ancestors would be so awesome.

She didn't have anything here, and the old ancestor actually guessed his "origin".

Seeing He Yitian's voice that was almost written on her face, He Tiantian knew that she had guessed correctly.

"Brother Yiming and sister-in-law, they also--"

Really my own child recognized her as godmother.

No, not right!

Should be more than just kissing!

Looking at nothing but He Yitian's surname, He Tiantian couldn't help shaking her heart.

"Yes! My great-great-great-grandfather's biological parents are Cheng Yiming and Zhang Xueqing!"

Seeing that the ancestors had already guessed the truth, He Yitian did not continue to sell off.

She Barabara told what happened back then.

It turned out that Zhang Xueqing gave birth to a pair of twins, both boys.

Cheng Yiming was naturally overjoyed.

The husband and wife discussed and let both children recognize He Tiantian as godmother.

However, at this time, a magnitude-9 earthquake occurred in the East China Sea, and the first island where He Tiantian was located was "subverted" and sank directly to the bottom of the sea.

The earthquake did not end, and the three small islands that disappeared reappeared to the sea, but there were no traces of the past, and a complete new island was formed.

He Tiantian himself "disappeared".

Relevant departments, He Tiantian's subordinates have tried their best to find it. They even dug the new island three feet into the ground, but could not find any trace of He Tiantian.

They also searched all the surrounding islands, sea areas, etc... In the end, it can be concluded that He Tiantian "disappeared" and has a very low possibility of survival.

He Tiantian "died", but she left behind a rich legacy.

In addition to those scientific research inventions, she also has a company, shares, and the re-formed island, which are all her personal assets.

He Tiantian has immediate family members. According to the law, her estate should be inherited by her biological parents, brothers and others.

He Shengli and his wife didn't rush to get ahead, ahem, not because they didn't want to, but because they were scared.

However, their son, He Tiantian's blood brother He Yongcheng, relied on himself to awaken the spiritual veins, and became a "spiritual person" that everyone envied and feared, and became swollen and arrogant.

He is not as afraid as his parents and his mother, but he ran to fight for inheritance very fearlessly.

Even He Shengnan, He Tiantian's cheap aunt, came out when he saw that his nephew was in the vanguard.

She is an aunt and adoptive mother, and is indeed qualified to inherit He Tiantian's legacy.

"...Ancestor, fortunately you have foresight and made a will long ago—"

Speaking of this paragraph, He Yitian was extremely excited, and couldn't help but dance.

He Tiantian curled her lips, she did make arrangements in advance.

Her property will definitely not be cheap for those superb items.

Although she slept for a long time, He Tiantian still clearly remembered her will.

90% of all the properties under her name are handed over to the state, and 2% are left to friends and subordinates such as Yuan Mei, Duan Yong, and Tan Rou.

2% is given to her class teacher in high school, teachers who showed kindness to her, and roommates such as Zhou Zixuan, Wu Xiaohan, and Chen Nan.

The remaining 6% is reserved for her godparents.

When He Tiantian made her will, she didn't know whether Zhang Xueqing's belly was a boy or a girl, only that it was twins.

Therefore, she directly kept 6% according to the share of the two children.

It doesn't sound like much, but He Tiantian has a lot of property. There are three or four hundred patents under her name alone, and hundreds of millions of dollars in patent fees are earned every year.

There are also several companies she has cooperated with the state, she has original shares, and its value should not be underestimated.

Otherwise, He Yongcheng, who has become a "spirit man", would not lick his face and run for it.

"My great-great-grandfather's father, Cheng Yiming's ancestor, never thought that you would leave a legacy to his unborn child."

"It just so happened that the old man saw the various demons of He Yongcheng and He Shengnan with his own eyes, and learned about your original family."

He Yitian said slowly, this family history was the beginning of their Dongzhou He family, so as a direct descendant, she was very clear.

And this year's history, there are high-definition images.

He Yitian doesn't have to just listen to the oral traditions of her ancestors, she has watched those video materials since she was a child.

In the private library of the He family, there is even a video of He Yongcheng making a scene in the mourning hall.

"... He was very angry when he heard about the will, and scolded you for being unconscionable, saying that you would rather leave your money to a bunch of outsiders than your own biological parents and younger brother."

When He Yitian said this, her face was a little unsightly.

He Tiantian replied sternly, "I don't care about He Shengli and Wei Xue!"

She has long since had no expectations for the biological parents, and now she doesn't even want to call her parents.

"There is also a remark in my will: I hope the relevant departments will pay the pension according to the legal standards when He Shengli, Wei Xue and He Shengnan lose their ability to work and need pension!"

She is not an unfilial daughter.

Her parents have raised her for 18 years, and she will also pay her parents pension.

It's just that the amount may not be too high, after all, there are still legal standards.

He Yitian: ...Actually, this "remark" of yours is what annoys the He family the most.

Obviously, his biological daughter (sister) owns hundreds of billions (perhaps more) of property, but he is only willing to pay the minimum standard pension to his parents.

And they still have to wait for the two to retire and have no ability to work before starting to pay.

This, it is better not to give a penny.

The He family was also humiliated to the point of embarrassment.

He Yongcheng was even more embarrassed, and kept cursing: "You unscrupulous white-eyed wolf, what if you leave your money to outsiders? Do you still expect others to be your children and grandchildren, burning paper and worshipping you every year?"

"Hmph, there are no real descendants. After a few years, who will remember you? Who will offer incense for you?"

"Okay, even if the state leaves the cemetery for you, there will be an official memorial in the future, but with so many people in the cemetery, how much incense can you get?"

As a child who grew up in a family that was heavily patriarchal, although He Yongcheng was born after 00, his cerebellum had long been wrapped in a smelly and long foot-binding cloth.

What he said made the people around him speechless.

It's already 2022, how can there be such a superb product.

However, because of the recovery of spiritual energy, there began to be "cultivators", and "national style" began to prevail.

However, the so-called "national style" varies from good to bad. There are good inheritances, and naturally there are also feudal dross.

He Yongcheng's remarks, although a little strange, actually have a certain market——

Yes, the spiritual energy has recovered, and everything has begun to mutate. How unscientific it is.

Who can guarantee that there is no soul after death, no reincarnation? !

Without the ghosts of descendants and the incense offerings, it might be really miserable.

"Ancestor Cheng Yiming originally regarded you as a sister, and he was surprised and moved by the legacy you left for your godson. He saw He Yongcheng making a fuss and those rotten remarks on the Internet. After discussing with the ancestor Zhang Xueqing, he decided to make a decision. , I adopted the younger brother of the twins to you!"

He Yitian raised her head and said firmly, "It's not a joking acknowledgment, but a serious adoption."

"He Polang is your son in the family tree. Of course, the family tree of the He clan in Dongzhou begins with you."

"I, He Yitian, is the fifth-generation descendant of He Polang and your great-great-great-great-granddaughter."

Although there is no blood relationship, she is a legitimate granddaughter, with a family tree, the kind recognized by the country!

That's right! Nationally recognized!

"In the beginning, Cheng Yiming's ancestor just wanted to let you have a descendant. He didn't publicize it."

"But Yuan Mei's ancestor heard about this and reported it. So, the relevant departments made a decision. In addition to the share left for the 'god son' in your will, the first island was also allocated to He Polang. "

"He Polang built a house on the first island, and turned it into the ancestral land of the He family. He and his descendants will guard it for generations..."

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