The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and tenth chapter dug out the ancestors (6)

He Tiantian sent He Yitian out and went to the bathroom alone.

Looking at the figure in the mirror, He Tiantian was a little dazed—

The facial features are still familiar ones, only the hair has grown longer.

He Tiantian vaguely remembered that before her accident, her hair was just over her shoulders, which belonged to medium-length hair.

At this moment, her hair has fallen to her waist.

His long black hair was as smooth as a waterfall and as soft as silk.

He Tiantian reached out and picked up a strand, feeling the unusual silkiness, and boasted childishly for a while: "Tsk, I can advertise shampoo!"

And such thick black hair is enough to envy many people who are "bald at an early age".

It was not until she saw herself in the mirror, touched her cheek, and felt a warm, soft touch from the pulp of her fingers, that He Tiantian had the real feeling of "I really came alive".

After taking a shower and changing into He Yitian's clothes, He Tiantian returned to the bedroom.

However, instead of sleeping directly, she opened an antique notebook placed on the desk by the window.

Although in He Yitian's mouth, she already knows a lot of "history".

But the past two hundred years have been too abstract and too model lake for He Tiantian.

She needs a detailed and deeper understanding.

He Tiantian has super-high hacking skills. What's even better is that her skills are still not behind after 200 years.

He Tiantian easily broke through the firewalls and entered the most comprehensive and confidential database.

So, she also saw the most real and detailed history and the world——

Two hundred years ago, the aura recovered.

But just as He Tiantian was worried at the beginning, the recovery of spiritual energy is not a pure good thing.

It has pros and cons.

For a while, the cons even outweighed the pros.

First, ordinary people have awakened their spiritual veins and mastered supernatural powers that surpass ordinary people.

They become arrogant, greedy, and ambitious.

China is better, originally the most orderly.

Coupled with the "Iron Man" and the small nuclear reactor developed by He Tiantian, the individual armed forces can completely fight against the power users.

And other places, not so good.

Chaos, carnage, and even the fall of nations.

Second, animal and plant mutation.

Not only have their shapes become huge, their "nature" has also changed.

Plants began to eat meat in turn, while docile animals became violent, and the already fierce birds and beasts directly became tyrannosaurs and fierce beasts.

Human society seems to have retreated to a barbaric era overnight.

Even in the city, the grass and trees used for viewing and greening have become towering trees or piranhas.

Mice, etc., have also mutated into the size of cats and dogs.

The once cute pet paradise and zoo have directly become a concentration camp for Meng beasts.

In the face of such huge and ferocious birds and beasts, even the spirits and iron men are also a little guilty, and they need to use the power of unity to annihilate.

Ordinary human beings are reduced to the bottom of the food chain.

The world order is also falling apart in the shortest time.

This chaos lasted for more than fifty years.

In addition, there are disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, and the earth's crust has shifted.

The layout has also changed.

A huge world, re-formed ***——

The large-scale flower consortium centered on China, its sphere of influence is probably the former Asia and the surrounding waters.

The European-African consortium led by the hairy bear, and the North-South American consortium led by the eagle sauce.

As for some continents located in the ocean, they were directly sunk to the bottom of the sea during the crustal movement.

The large flower consortium is divided into "New Kyushu".

He Tiantian's original first island was classified as "Dongzhou".

And He Yongcheng's Xizhou is probably the West Asia area.

Unlike He Polang, He Yongcheng's descendants seem to have spiritual veins, and each generation has spiritual practitioners with good cultivation.

When talking about spirituality, you have to mention the two aspects of the world (this chapter is not over!)

#1010 dug up the ancestors (six)

The privileged class that greatly surpasses ordinary people——

Spiritualists, clergymen.

As the name implies, spiritual practitioners are definitely spiritual ones who can practice.

They are born with spiritual veins, and the training rules of the Psionic Energy Association stipulate that only those with more than six spiritual veins can enter professional colleges to study and cultivate!

The Psionic Association will also provide these talented people with certain cultivation techniques and materials.

Of course, the Psionics Association is not a charity. If you want to get these, you must first join the Psionics Association.

The Psionics Association of the Great Planting Flowers has spiritual monasteries in New Kyushu, but these spiritual monasteries belong to different forces.

He Tiantian thought about it for a while and felt that the spiritual institutes in various states could be understood as the major sects.

Some small spiritual schools are small schools.

There are also some people who are unwilling to join the Psionic Energy Association, or the number of spiritual veins in their bodies is not up to the standard, and they are not recognized by the Psionic Energy Association. They practice alone and explore on their own, which is equivalent to "loose cultivation".

In the other two alliances, the Psionic Association is almost the highest-level existence, which can control the stability of power.

However, this is not the case in large-scale flowers.

Because there is also a "science seminary" for large planting flowers.

Although more than 50 years of chaos, Dazhonghua still delineated the site in the shortest time and stabilized the order.

It's just that due to all kinds of damage, science and technology have not continued to advance, but have been set back for decades.

Moreover, because of objective needs, the subsequent technological development has become somewhat deformed.

The technology for infrastructure construction and people's livelihood needs stagnated, while the technology related to weapons and armor is developing rapidly.

In order to promote development, the selection of talents is indispensable.

"Science Seminary" came into being.

Like the spiritual house, the academic house also has selection criteria: the IQ must not be lower than 130.

According to the IQ classification, 85-115 are normal IQs, and above 120 are considered high IQs.

And 130 can already be regarded as a super high IQ.

Therefore, the Academy also selected the group of people with the highest IQ in the crowd.

These people have high IQs, and they are extraordinarily effective in learning.

Technology has developed rapidly in the shortest time, and finally surpassed the previous year of 2022.

In the process of development, conflicts of interest with spiritual practitioners inevitably arise.

In the next hundred years or so, the war between spiritual practitioners and scientific practitioners broke out.

Thirty-four years ago, the relevant departments took out the last black technology handed in by He Tiantian, the space folding technology, and began to implement the interstellar immigration plan.

With the new "copy", the contradiction is transferred, and the world has returned to a state of equilibrium.

Psionicists and cultivators have also become two privileged classes.

It's just that both of them eat too much "talent".

Either you are born with spiritual veins, or you are born with a high IQ.

Such talent can be inherited, and there is also a certain probability of "mutation".

Therefore, the stratum is solidified, but there is the possibility of change.

A person has also begun to become particularly important to the rise and fall of the family.

He Yongcheng's branch, although not every generation has excellent spiritualists, but among the many children, there are always one or two who can be admitted to the spiritual academy.

The most important thing is that because of the cultivation of spiritual energy, the lifespan is extended.

Until now, He Yongcheng, who is more than 200 years old, is still alive.

"It's quite alive!"

He Tiantian commented indifferently.

To live is to live, but unlike He Tiantian, who still remains nineteen years old.

Today's He Yongcheng has already reached the end of his life.

If there is no better cultivation method, or some adventure, he will not survive this year!

However, even so, with such an "old ancestor" as He Yongcheng, the He Clan in Xizhou is still the number one family in the spiritual world.

It may be smaller, and there are even signs of decline, but it is also stronger than Dongzhou He.

He Tiantian: I feel very uncomfortable.

She just woke up, East State, West State or something, with (this chapter is not over!)

#1010 dug up the ancestors (six)

It was a strange existence to her.

But in He Yitian, He Tiantian felt the affection she had never had before, and she had an inexplicable sense of belonging to the He family in Dongzhou.

Ahem, no matter what, she is the initiator of the He Clan in Dongzhou, and the ancestor of this branch!

Compared with the He Clan in Xizhou, which has risen strongly and has not declined for two hundred years, the He Clan in Dongzhou is much "mediocre".

He Polang is better, there are five spiritual veins in his body.

Even if they did not meet the selection criteria for the spiritual academy, they could still cultivate spiritual energy.

His daughter, He Yitian's great-great-grandmother, has no spiritual veins, but has a very high IQ.

She is also a nationally recognized successor of He Tiantian, and is naturally valued in the field of scientific research.

She took advantage of the opportunity to become a cadet, and continued the scenery for the He family in Dongzhou for 50 years.

It's a pity that since her, the girls who inherited the He family have not been as good as the next generation.

However, because He Tiantian has a detached position in the scientific research community - until now, the country is still using the space folding technology and super alloy formula handed in by He Tiantian.

Whether it is the official or the Academy, they all have the greatest kindness and tolerance towards He Tiantian's descendants.

As long as the descendants are not too stretched, they can still live well with the shadow of He Tiantian.

However, the He family of Dongzhou just had a love brain, and the life and life of the He family were completely defeated.

Seeing all kinds of gossip about He Lingxi on the Internet, the blue veins in He Tiantian's forehead are jumping.

He Lingxi is He Yitian's mother, who has neither spiritual pulse nor IQ.

But she is the only girl of that generation, and the He family of Dongzhou is a typical "passing on women but not men".

He Yitian's grandmother could only grit her teeth and let He Lingxi take the surname He.

The old lady originally thought that she was also a cultivator of the four spiritual meridians. She could cultivate and use the gene fluid to prolong her life.

She gritted her teeth and lived a few more years. After He Lingxi gave birth to a daughter, she would train her granddaughter well, and then hand over the He family to her granddaughter.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes. Who would have thought that a laboratory explosion would directly take away the old couple.

Only He Lingxi, who is full of love and love, and He Yitian, who is only seven years old, are left.

The only thing fortunate is that although the old lady died, several elders who had a good relationship with He Tiantian were still alive.

Phoenix man Wu Xincheng didn't dare to be too arrogant.

He only dared to hollow out He's house secretly.

And He Lingxi's love mind is at the forefront, even He Tiantian's friends can't manage too much.

It wasn't until three years ago that He Tiantian's two friends went into retreat and the other went to outer space. They couldn't care about He's family for the time being. Without integrity, the true face of Zhongshan Wolf was revealed...

#1010 dug up the ancestors (six)

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