The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and eleven chapters dug out the ancestors (7)

"Sister Mei, Chen Nan, you are all still alive!"

Looking at a few photos on the computer screen, He Tiantian didn't realize it, tears had already crept down her cheeks.

"It's so good! It's so good!"

It was only at this time that He Tiantian had a real sense of the world.

After sleeping for two hundred years, after waking up, the sea has become a mulberry field.

Everything around him became unfamiliar and illusory.

Although there is a descendant, this descendant still makes her very close.

But He Tiantian's heart is always floating.

But seeing the video materials of Yuan Mei and Chen Nan's two old friends, knowing that they have always been alive, He Tiantian's heart fell.

Yuan Mei became a spiritual practitioner, and He Tiantian was not surprised at all.

When Yuan Mei was her "assistant", she had taught him a set of entry-level training formulas.

It's just a commodity in the Xiu Xian Continent, but in the spiritual world where spiritual energy is revived, it is a rare good practice.

It was with this formula that Yuan Mei cultivated to the spirit pill realm.

He Tiantian has learned that the level of spiritual practitioners is now only three major realms——

The Spiritual Realm is roughly equivalent to the Qi Refining Stage.

The Spirit Pill Realm is similar to the Foundation Establishment stage.

The Spiritual Origin Realm is a bit worse than the Nascent Soul Stage.

Each big realm has nine small realms.

The average cultivation level of the current spiritual practitioners is probably the spirit element realm.

The "old ancestor" with the highest cultivation base is the elders of several spiritual academies, and basically they have just broken through the spiritual realm.

Yuan Mei has talent, and has a cultivation formula that surpasses this era. Her cultivation has reached the Great Perfection of the Spirit Pill Realm.

As long as she breaks through to the Spiritual Origin Realm, her lifespan can be extended to six hundred years old.

He Tiantian's cheap brother is now stuck on the sixth floor of the Spirit Pill Realm.

If you can't break through to the seventh floor,

His lifespan stopped at more than 210 years old.

If he breaks through, he will be able to live to the highest age of three hundred years old in the Spirit Pill Realm.

"...Tsk, I just don't know if he has "opportunity"!"

He Tiantian has no love or hatred for He Yongcheng, and has long regarded him as a stranger.

Whether he is good or bad, He Tiantian doesn't care at all.

She continued to follow her friends.

Yuan Mei guessed that she just wanted to sprint into the Spiritual Origin Realm, so she started to retreat three years ago.

Another friend, Chen Nan, was He Tiantian's roommate in high school.

Also from a patriarchal family, Chen Nan was not brainwashed and became a brother-in-law, but actively worked hard for himself.

She studied hard, and finally changed her fate by taking the college entrance examination, and broke away from the family that suffocated her.

She was admitted to the first college in the province, and successfully applied for a bursary and received a scholarship.

If there is no spiritual recovery, she will graduate with honors, or continue her studies, or become an excellent professional elite.

He Tiantian believes that no matter the situation, with Chen Nan's tenacity and hard work, she will live well.

It is a pity that the spiritual energy has recovered, and the original students of the famous school, the doomed sons of heaven, have been reduced to the bottom because they have no spiritual veins.

Of course, there is no spiritual vein, and there is IQ.

Chen Nan's IQ is as high as 131, just up to the standard of the Academy.

And she is He Tiantian's friend, and her name was even mentioned in He Tiantian's will.

The Academy of Sciences also gave Chen Nan a high look.

Relying on the inheritance that He Tiantian gave her, as well as her high IQ and hard-working personality, Chen Nan has her own laboratory and discovered factors that can inhibit mutant animals and plants.

She cooperated with several fellows to develop mutant animal and plant inhibitors.

Relying on this credit, Chen Nan successfully became a member of the Samsung Division and received the nutrient solution rewarded by the relevant departments.

With the nutrient solution, she is not only healthy, but her genes have also been strengthened.

Lifespan has also been extended.

Chen Nan is the beneficiary of the nutrient solution, and she has developed a strong interest in the nutrient solution.

When she was 101 years old, after decades of research, the formula of the nutrient solution was finally improved.

(This chapter is not over!)

#1011 dug up the ancestors (seven)

Nutrient Solution 2.0 has successfully extended Chen Nan's life for more than 100 years.

However, this is already the limit.

If it were not filled with aura, and absorbed energy from mutant animals and plants.

Even with Nutrient Solution 2.0, Chen Nan could not live to be more than two hundred years old.

Today's Chen Nan has come to the end of his life.

She didn't want to wait to die, she wanted to explore the wider interstellar space in her last time.

Or, in outer space, what adventures will she have to extend her life.

Even if she can't, she will die without regret if her last wish is fulfilled.

"...It's been three years, I hope Chen Nan can get what she wants."

Facing the computer screen, He Tiantian muttered to herself.

After a full investigation in the middle of the night, He Tiantian finally filled the gap in the past two hundred years.

She also understands the current situation in this world——

There are spiritual people, there are scientific researchers.

Cultivation and technology coexist, and they have become the two largest forces.

Today's technology level is higher than 2022, but it has not reached the true interstellar era.

In the civilian field, technology has even gone backwards.

Therefore, the He family does not have many black technology products. It is not because of He Tiantian's guess that he is poor, but the current level of technology is like this!

Uh, what, He Tiantian didn't wrong He Jia.

Today's Dongzhou He Clan has only an empty shell left, and it is really poor inside.

As the head of the family, He Yitian even became a "player".

This year is not the same as it was two hundred years ago.

The most sought after profession is no longer a glamorous star who is making millions every day.

Spiritualists and scientific monks are the real top-level beings.

They have a detached social status, and their income is unimaginable for ordinary people.

In some poor families, if a child with six spiritual veins or an IQ of over 130 is born, the entire family can turn over immediately and successfully cross a class.

And the big star, in 2222, is just a tool person for entertainment, and has no social status at all.

It's a bit like an old-fashioned play.

Of course, this is relative to spiritualists and clerics.

For ordinary people, stardom is still a good career.

Because no matter what, the income of stars is higher than that of ordinary people in other occupations.

But He Yitian is different. She is the heir to the He family in Dongzhou and the only owner.

What kind of honor and wealth was the former Dongzhou He family?

But now-

He Tiantian: ... an inexplicable feeling of unhappiness.

"Oh, sure enough, there was a love brain that affected the entire family!"

"It's because He Yitian is suffering. He has to take on the burden of raising his family and revitalizing He's family at a young age."

He Tiantian feels a little distressed for He Yitian.

Although it depends on the age, He Yitian is two years older than He Tiantian.

However, at this moment, He Tiantian has successfully assumed the identity of the "ancestor".

In fact, based on her experience of traveling through dozens of worlds and having lived for tens of thousands of years, He Yitian is indeed her junior.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if He Yitian is not regarded as a descendant, only on the basis of her and her ancestors' two-hundred-year guardianship, He Tiantian will not leave any Yitian alone.

"Well, isn't it just to revitalize the He family?"

He Tiantian didn't feel any pressure at all.

Wait, the most important thing now is not to revitalize the He family, but—

He Yitian is a star and a bad actor who is almost forced to quit the circle by the whole network.

Perhaps her agency wanted to save her, or to squeeze the last bit of her use value, so she won a variety show for her.

This is a reality show.

However, instead of arranging videos in advance according to the script and editing them later, it is a 24-hour live broadcast.

"Live? Live again!"

For some reason, seeing the word "live broadcast" makes He Tiantian feel uncomfortable (this chapter is not over yet!)

#1011 dug up the ancestors (seven)


"Fortunately, it is not a holographic live broadcast, and there is no "sharing" function."

He Tiantian searched for the introduction of the variety show, studied it carefully, and then let out a breath.

In the middle of the night, He Tiantian was also a little tired.

She turned off the computer and went to bed.

Originally, she thought she would be too excited to fall asleep.

However, when her head touched the pillow, it didn't take long before she fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, He Tiantian was not awakened by the sound of birds and flowers, but was awakened by a loud scolding.

"Okay! Good you, He Shengtian, actually want to participate in a live reality show."

"Intentionally! You must be intentional!"

"You, you are really going too far, do you have to block my last path?"

"Ah! Ahhh! And these netizens, what do you know?"

"True love? My true love at TM! It's obviously a scumbag and a scumbag, and even those who ride horses can wash themselves?"

Roaring to the end, He Yitian lost her strength.

She squatted on the ground, hugged her knees with both hands, and started crying.

She was so tired, really tired.

And the unspeakable grievance and anger that almost crushed her, a 21-year-old young girl!

"Woo, grandpa, great-great-grandmother, I'm sorry for you!"

"I'm so useless, I really embarrassed the He family!"

"Ancestor, I'm sorry, I, I—"

Crying here, He Yitian stopped crying, and she suddenly remembered, "Old Ancestor? Wait!"

"I had a very strange dream last night. I, I actually dreamed that I dug up my ancestors."

Thinking of this, He Yitian laughed dryly.

Ha ha!

how is this possible!

The old ancestor has been dead for two hundred years. Even if she disappeared back then, after all these years, her old man estimated that——

"He Yitian, you didn't dream! You really dug up my ancestor!"

Being woken up early in the morning, even if He Tiantian didn't get up, she was not very happy.

She was wearing a retro dress and long black hair like a waterfall. She strode into the yard and said something angrily.

He Yitian raised his head and looked at He Tiantian, the emotions in his eyes diminished layer by layer: shock, doubt, disbelief, and overjoyed!

He Tiantian: ... This child's eyes can't hide things, and outsiders can see at a glance what he is thinking.

He Yitian rubbed her eyes hard, then pinched her thighs.


It hurts!

Not dreaming.


He Yitian screamed again, "Oh my god, I actually dug up my ancestors!"

"Ahhh~ I'm saved! Haha, with the ancestors, I think who would dare to bully our Dongzhou He Clan!"

#1011 dug up the ancestors (seven)

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