The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and seventeen chapters dug out the ancestors (13)

And love!

That is a P!

In extreme cases, even a wotou can't compare.

He Lingxi seriously doubted that the phrase "youqing is full of water" was written by some people when they were full.

Because people are really hungry to the extreme, only eat, eat, eat in their minds!

What kind of love and love, it is only after eating and thinking about it.

As the ancients said-

Full and warm thinking, ah, no, it is "cooking enough to know etiquette".

All spiritual pursuits are based on material foundations.

"Mom, do you remember what happened before?"

Seeing her mother who seemed to have been "robbed", He Yitian asked cautiously, "For example, the ancestors—"

"Of course I remember!"

He Lingxi gave He Yitian another blank look.

Uh, this time, it's far less confident than last time.

After all, she was not really depressed.

but escaping.

Maybe she has been sad for a long time and pretended to be more often, and she does have traces of depression.

However, her heart has always been clear.

She always knew what she had done, and what her daughter had done for her.

It was only at that time that she was full of resentment, and she was unwilling to face the world's pity, disdain, or ridicule eyes, so she hid in the ward!

In order to make money, my daughter became an actor.

The entertainment industry is too deep, her daughter blocked the way of others, was framed, and was hacked by the whole network.

When her daughter was at the end of her life, she was forced to have no choice but to dig treasures in the backyard of her ancestral house in a whimsical way.

As a result, the true family heirloom of the ancestors was dug out.

The old ancestor knew her "story" of He Lingxi,

He personally transformed the holographic warehouse and gave her "cure".

He Lingxi: ...I'm really tied to Q, my ancestor!

He Lingxi couldn't help trembling when he thought of all the things he had experienced in "Illusion".

Woohoo, that's too bad! Too much work!

She, a little princess who has always been spoiled by her parents, finally realized the hardships of life, the variety of life, and the complexity and ugliness of human nature!

Love brain?


Healed instantly!

And these are all given by the ancestors.

...Uh, well, rants are rants!

He Lingxi has also matured after experiencing too many ups and downs.

She understands very well that the ancestors are for her good!

And she was finally given a "new life" by her ancestors.

"Wu Xincheng! He Fengming! You two scumbags, see how I deal with you!"

"And those who are calculating and cannibalizing the He family, I will never let go!"

He Lingxi clenched his fists hard, the original face of "the flower of wealth and honor in the world" was full of sternness and determination at this moment.

He Yitian: ...Ah, ah, my mother has become so sassy! So domineering!


"Mom, your body is too weak, let's take a good rest first."

He Yitian is a pro-daughter, and of course she loves her own mother.

My mother's spirit is good, but her body has been ruined by years of "demonstration".

The most important thing for my mother right now is not domineering revenge, but recuperation.

He Lingxi;  …

"Yi Tian is right, since you're 'awake', then take care of your body first!"

He Tiantian came in and said a pun.


Seeing He Tiantian, He Lingxi, who was as domineering as the queen of revenge just now, instantly turned into a balloon with pierced eyes, and was let out.

She hurriedly saluted respectfully, her face and earlobes blushed, "I'm sorry! My granddaughter has embarrassed you!"

The heir of the He family in Dongzhou, the former head of the family, has actually become a love brain.

He lost his family business and was trampled under the feet of Xizhou He.

After being cured of his love brain, He Lingxi's heart was full of shame and self-blame at the moment.

"Well! It's good to know what's wrong!"

"You are still young, and your life is still going on!"

He Tiantian didn't even notice it, she had already fully adapted to the identity of her ancestor.

To reprimand He Lingxi, who is in his forties, is a righteous and natural person.

She is the ancestor of the prestige, and when she treats the unworthy younger generation, she hates that iron is not steel, but she will not really give up.

"Yes! Ancestor!"

He Lingxi is respectful.

He Yitian was dumbfounded, dear mother, you have changed too much.

It's just a core that has been replaced.

The former mother, crying, trying to compete with the next door who is the "little white flower".

The current mother, with the rules, obedience, and faint strength and pride, has changed back to her "worldly rich flower" again.

Both are "flowers", but He Lingxi and He Fengming are definitely not the same type.

He Fengming is a concubine born from a concubine, and he is very inferior in his bones, and always looks pitiful.

And He Lingxi, the proud daughter of heaven, was born in Rome.

There was an air of extravagance in her gestures.

Coupled with her appearance, a proper little princess, oh no, she is the princess.

He is the only heir to the He family in Dongzhou.

It's a pity that He Lingxi's head was caught in the love lake. He was stupid and selfish, and he forgot the responsibility and responsibility of being the heir.

...However, after being in a daze for decades, and now being "awakened" by He Tiantian, He Lingxi is really like being reborn after death.

"Also, do you remember what you learned in the illusion?"

Seeing He Lingxi's complete transformation, He Tiantian was satisfied, and suddenly asked again.


Mentioning these, He Lingxi's mood instantly rose.

"That's good! Study and digest well, this is what I, as an ancestor, taught you!"

He Tiantian brought He Lingxi to the holographic warehouse, not only to treat her illness, but also to make this unfortunate fifth-generation grandson stronger in the shortest possible time!

"Yes! Thank you, ancestor!"

He Lingxi bowed and saluted again.

He Yitian: Who am I? where am i? what did i see?

Look at the ancestor of the supreme god, and look at the mother who looks like I am very strong and I am very powerful, He Yitian suddenly has a premonition——

I seem to be lying down to win!


"He Yitian, how are you preparing?"

"Let me tell you, He Shengtian has posted a message on Xingwang, saying that he has returned to his ancestral land!"

"He Shengtian also said that there were mysterious guests at home, and netizens guessed that they were spiritual practitioners."

"That's a spiritual cultivator, a terrestrial immortal who flies and escapes! This alone is enough to attract countless traffic to He Shengtian."

"...Oh, He Yitian, if you really can't, just quit. I always think you will lose!"

In the communicator, Sister Hua, He Yitian's manager, was like a machine gun, talking endlessly.

In the end, this "female" strongman, who has always been strong, showed the decadence of admitting defeat in his words.

You know, at the beginning, Sister Hua strongly helped He Yitian to take over this live reality show.

He also strongly advised He Yitian to participate.

Now that the contract has been signed, the announcement has been made, and He Yitian has returned to her ancestral land to prepare.

Sister Hua flinched a little.

It's not that he has no ambition, it's just that he is too arrogant to his family.

As He Yitian's agent, Sister Hua naturally knows the grievances between He Yitian and He Shengtian, the half-sisters.

She also knew that because of the frame of the scumbag and the scumbag, He Yitian's own mother was driven crazy and could only stay in the nursing home pitifully.

Legally, He Fengming and Wu Xincheng are definitely innocent.

But morally, both of them are scumbags on horseback.

However, the world "laughs at the poor but not at the prostitute".

Sister Hua is very familiar with the routines of the entertainment industry.

On He Shengtian's side, there are spiritual practitioners, a mansion in a paradise, and his parents are all glamorous.

As for He Yitian, there is only one abandoned ancestral land, the house is dilapidated, and the only mother is also a skinny lunatic.

No need to see the comments on the Internet after the broadcast, only because of this obvious comparison, Sister Hua is not optimistic about her own artist.

"Oh, it's my fault! I just wanted to help you seize the last chance."

"As a result, who would have thought—" It would be such a hellish pattern? !

Miss Hua felt a little guilty.

Lying in the courtyard that had already changed, He Yitian drank the juice from Lingguo lazily while chatting with Sister Hua.

"Sister Hua, how can I blame you for this!"

"When we signed the contract, He Shengtian didn't say he wanted to participate!"

"She, she came to me on purpose! Knowing that I signed the contract, she deliberately found a relationship and airborne!"

"...Anyway, the contract has been signed, and I have made preparations here, so let's take part."

She relies on her ancestors, and the eldest elder who has just been promoted to full level, she is afraid of a der.

Let's talk about He Shengtian slowly, that is, the He family in Xizhou. With the towering tree of the ancestor, He Yitian is not afraid.

Not to mention the space technology developed by the ancestors, it is the holographic warehouse used for the treatment of my mother——

Think about the changes before and after the mother, which is comparable to the "snatch", and then think about the ability of the mother to defy the sky. The holographic warehouse is not just a simple technology. For spiritual practitioners, it seems to be the most wonderful "testing ground". ".

He Yitian dared to bet that as long as the true efficacy of the holographic warehouse was spread out, it would definitely cause a sensation in the whole world.

Her ancestors are indeed not spiritual practitioners, but they can rely on high technology to become the father of all spiritual practitioners!

This is the power of science and technology, and it is also the real power of the supreme god of science and technology!

With such an ancestor, why is the Dongzhou He family not revitalized?

And that Xizhou He Clan, who only knows how to give birth and raise Gu, is not at all, nor worthy of being the Dongzhou He Clan's opponent!

"Oh, that's all it can do!"

Sister Hua was not persuaded by He Yitian, she just accepted her fate.

Now she just wants to find a good sailor in advance, look over the gossip about He Fengming fooling around with a married man, and emphasize He Shengtian's birthday.

Only one month younger than the original wife's daughter, and divorced after more than ten years.

He Shengtian, the little princess of a spiritual family who is now touted by netizens, has been an illegitimate daughter for more than ten years, and is a proper wild breed.


"I'm not a wild breed! I will definitely prove to the world on the live broadcast that I am the real eldest lady."

"And that He Yitian is just a poor diaosi who can't even afford his own mother's medical expenses, a poor little guy who has never even enjoyed the luxurious life of a real family!"

"The Guard is Here"

He Shengtian was very confident before, but now——

She glanced at a snow-white figure standing in the yard outside the window, and became more and more confident.

Xuan Mo, who had high hopes for He Shengtian, was a little disappointed at this moment——

Not her!

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