The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and eighteen chapters dug out the ancestors (14)


The subtle roar of the machine is from far to near.

Xuan Mo subconsciously tensed his nerves, and he started the exercise in his body.

After a Zhou Tian's Promise Judgment was completed, his fingertips gathered strong spiritual power.

If something really attacks suddenly, Xuan Mo can destroy it by raising his hand.


Two more roars were added.

Xuan Mo did not perceive the danger, but he did not dare to relax his vigilance.

He released his consciousness and slowly searched in midair.


found it!

Xuan Mo found that the three humming sounds were released from three small metal spheres.

This is the newest drone!

The ball is the camera, which can shoot 360 degrees without dead ends.

Can fly, can be hidden.

A small piece, but has a great effect.

It is said that when troops are fighting, they use this for small-scale exploration.

Is this someone trying to spy on the secret of the He Clan in Xizhou?

Xuan Mo thought silently.

But soon, he denied the guess himself——

Although He Xingchen's home is also in the ancestral land of the He family in Xizhou, it is still far from the ancestral home.

He Xingchen is an ordinary spiritual practitioner, and there are no secrets in his family, so there is no need to use such a high-end drone.

and many more!

Xuan Mo's mind turned very fast, and suddenly thought: He Xingchen said that He Shengtian was going to participate in a live reality show.

Are these three spherical drones used for live shooting?

This is really not the same as 2022.

Not only the equipment of the live broadcast is updated, but even the way of the live broadcast is so "off-guard".

Xuan Mo made use of the spiritual power he had just gathered, and his white figure disappeared in the courtyard in an instant.

[Has the live broadcast started? Not even a notice? 】

[Yes, yes, I just came to the official website every day to swipe, but I didn't expect that, I really entered the live broadcast room. 】

[Haha, the show team is doing something! However, I like it! 】

[This is He Shengtian's live broadcast room? Isn't this large mansion below He's ancestral home? 】

[The front, you think too beautifully, still the ancestral home? What kind of family is the He family in Xizhou? It would be good to let the live ball enter the ancestral land for shooting, but do you still imagine shooting the ancestral home? 】

[That's right, He Shengtian is just the granddaughter of the He family in Xizhou, not a direct granddaughter. And I heard that He Shengtian's mother is just a concubine. 】

[In front, I can smell the sour smell on you through the screen! What happened to the concubine? What about the granddaughter? No matter what He Shengtian is, she is more honorable than your master! 】

【I'm sour? What am I sour? He Shengtian's brain powder is enough! The mother of the third child and the father of the scumbag, who have been illegitimate daughters for more than ten years, are now selling the characters of the wealthy Xiaogongju? ! 】

At the beginning of the broadcast, there were not too many netizens who "accidentally" entered the live broadcast room.

But it was already arguing.

And the fans who just said good things about why Shengtian can't help but be speechless when they see netizens diss He Fengming and Wu Xincheng.

No way, the "two he" dispute back then was too much trouble.

Both sides are wealthy families, and they are also special classes that ordinary people look up to.

The He family in Xizhou is a spiritual family, while the He family in Dongzhou is the first family in the scientific research world.

The two families have been feuding for a long time, and now there is a new feud for a husband, and the entire network has been quarreled.

In the end, He Lingxi suffered a fiasco, suffered from depression, and became a madman who everyone pitied.

And He Fengming and Wu Xincheng held a prosperous wedding.

Although there is a lot of scolding on the Internet, there are also netizens who have wrong views, or young girls who love to dream.

It has been more than ten years since the incident, and everyone has forgotten this story.

However, as He Yitian and He Shengtian entered the entertainment circle before and after, this past was turned over again.

The Internet has memories, and the Internet in 2222 has high-definition images of all the "past".

The "two-he" dispute, the little three scumbags or something, has been topped the hot search again.

Now He Yitian and He Shengtian have appeared on the same reality show, and netizens are screaming with excitement.

This reality show is a pure live broadcast, and the time of the live broadcast is kept secret.

Not only netizens and audiences do not know, but also the five stars who participated in the reality show, also do not know the specific launch date.

As a netizen said: "The show team is just doing things."

According to the address provided by the star, they suddenly obtained a live broadcast drone like a surprise inspection, and then filmed the most real situation of the artist.

This includes family, family members, and the artist herself.

There is no script, no time is announced in advance, everything is just a "true" word.

The show suddenly started live, but there was no announcement or publicity, and certainly not many netizens would know about it.

The first live broadcast will also be missed by netizens.

The program group has deliberately set it up so that the playback can be watched synchronously, and the live screen can be split-screened——

That is, netizens in the live broadcast room can continue to watch the live broadcast while watching the replay from the beginning on the other half of the screen!

At the same time, the two do not delay.

With such an "assault", netizens can see the most real situation, and naturally they are very excited, and they are more willing to be a tap.

In this way, the heat will come up.

As for the artists participating in the show without any preparation, they made a fool of themselves in front of the live broadcast camera, and even broke their character.

That's not what the show team needs to worry about and be responsible for.

Ahem, the program group has the idea of ​​"doing things". The more explosive it is, the more traffic the program will have.

Netizens also all have the temperament of "watching the fun without taking it too seriously", and feeling the good (xian) hard (e) intentions of the show team, they not only do not think the show team is too sinister, but they all applaud.

Some people run live broadcasts and use other digital devices at hand to "break the news" online——

"Ahhh! The live reality show is on!"

"The show team is a good dog! But I like it!"

"Without the slightest precaution, He Shengtian's mansion rushed into my sight."

"Surprise! The former spiritual practitioner came to Nader, what does his Heavenly Paradise look like?"

"Come on, guys, come and see, Zheng Yurou's house is really awesome, there is such a big martial arts arena, and there are 18 kinds of weapons!"

"Xu Mingyi's house is also a paradise, but this guy likes to live on the cliff behind the mansion. It's still a special castle!"

Just half an hour after the show team secretly engaged in sneak attacks, the Internet exploded.

On the hot search list, half of the topics related to live variety shows.

And that number keeps rising.

Obviously, this live broadcast reality show exploded!

Still a blast.

Many netizens who were originally not interested in reality shows were also attracted by the topic, and followed the link to find the official live broadcast website of the show group.

Then, according to their own preferences, they entered the live broadcast room of a certain star participating in the show.

This live broadcast reality show is the first attempt, and it did not make the scale too large, and only invited five "big stars".

And the coffee seats are not very big——

Lainad, a Chinese-foreign mixed race, is in his fifties this year.

He used to be a spiritual practitioner, but he was seriously injured in the battle and his spiritual veins were damaged.

Now he is just an ordinary person with some strength.

However, because he has practiced in the end, his body has been tempered.

From the outside, he looked like he was in his thirties.

Moreover, he is familiar with spiritual affairs, and there are many old friends and relatives who are spiritual practitioners...

Relying on these resources and contacts, he started a live broadcast on the Internet.

Become a top 5 outdoor live broadcast celebrity on Star Online.

Xu Mingyi's parents are both academicians.

His own IQ is 126, and he is only a little short of meeting the selection criteria for the Academy.

Xu Mingyi was not discouraged if he couldn't cultivate or be a trainee.

He loves to sing and is extremely talented.

His singing can actually echo with the spiritual energy, which in turn helps spiritual practitioners to cultivate.

The effect is very weak, but it does have some effect.

Therefore, his albums are not only liked by ordinary people, but also by some low-level spiritual practitioners.

Slowly, Xu Mingyi became the little king of the music world, and he has quite a position in the entertainment circle.

Zheng Yurou, her mother is a spiritual practitioner and her father is a martial artist.

She inherited her father's talent for martial arts, but not her mother's spiritual veins.

As a result, she could only practice martial arts and became a rising martial arts actress in the entertainment industry.

In addition to these three, the remaining two are the most talked about He sisters.

He Shengtian and He Yitian are both college students.

He Yitian is a top student at Dongzhou University, while He Shengtian is a little inferior and only went to an "aristocratic" university.

The two are less than a year apart in age, but they are completely different styles.

He Yitian is a coquettish beauty, and He Yitian is exactly the same as her little white flower mother, and she also looks delicate and timid.

And the family background of the two...

One was originally the head of the He family in Dongzhou, but the Naihe family has fallen, and now he is not as good as an ordinary wealthy businessman, and he became an actor for money;

An illegitimate daughter who was originally not valued by the family, suddenly gained the attention of the ancestors in the family, and overnight became a small public act of the He family in Xizhou. She showed off her wealth and family background on the Internet, and successfully attracted millions of fans.

"Huh? Everyone is talking about He Shengtian, Lainard, Xu Mingyi and Zheng Yurou, but no one mentions He Yitian. What's going on?"

"Cut! What else is going on? Maybe He Xiaosan was frightened and quit the show!"

"What He Xiaosan? Upstairs, he said that He Yitian is a third party, please come up with evidence! If you open your mouth and talk nonsense without a real hammer, do you really think the Internet is a place outside the law?"

"Hurry up! He Xiaosan's stubborn fan is in a hurry!"

The comment area was immediately filled with the smell of gunpowder.

However, there are also netizens who don't care about the topic of junior three and four, they only value the program itself——

"Ah, ah, hurry up to He Yitian's live broadcast room! I'm all stupid, okay?"

"Haha, it's more than just you being stupid, it's probably the show crew, and they're all dumbfounded at the moment!"

"...What about the most sophisticated live broadcast drones? What about the black technology that even the military is using?"

"The show crew, let me ask, does your face hurt?!"

Netizens:  …

what's the situation?

What happened to He Yitian's live broadcast room?

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