The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and nineteen chapters dug out the ancestors (15)

The netizen was right, and the show team was also confused.

"What's the situation? The live broadcast drone was actually shot down?"

They looked at the live broadcast room where the surveillance screen was lost, their eyes widened, and "unbelievable" was written on their faces!

"Playback! Quickly call up the playback!"

The director was the first to react after being sluggish for a moment.

He shouted at the top of his voice.

The staff was awakened and hurried to operate.

Not long after, the playback video of He Yitian's live room appeared on the monitoring screen.


With the familiar roar of drones, the camera began to have a picture——

In the endless sea, a small island rushed into view.

The super-intelligent UAV began to divide the labor according to the set shooting requirements and the actual situation.

Three drones, one continued to maintain a forward-looking picture.

The other two are "flanking" from the left and right sides, and the entire island is included in the shooting shot.

Then, the forward-looking drone began to rise high, flew to a high altitude, and shot the entire island condescendingly.

The panorama of the island was photographed——

Surrounded by lush virgin jungles, trees of more than ten meters, and vines like horned dragons.

In the jungle, a giant figure flashed.

This is the outskirts of the island.

After crossing this virgin jungle, you can see a field and layers of courtyards.

【I go! No wonder the ancients said "a dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse". 】

[The person who said that the Dongzhou He family was defeated stood up! Why do you call this "defeat"? 】

[Damn, I counted, there are actually more than 20 yards. This is no longer a mansion with five or seven entrances, but a garden group on horseback. 】

【Ha ha,

I suspect you are next door to Inner, but I have no proof! 】

【What happened to the house? It can only show that the ancestors are awesome! 】

[Yes, yes, He Yitian's mother, He Lingxi, is a king-level love brain, and she has ruined her family's business! 】

[Another advocate of "victim guilt theory"! Shouldn't scumbags be cast aside as shameless about the "two he" thing, is love also guilty? 】

[Love is definitely not sinful, but you can't be stupid. The huge Dongzhou He clan was all buried by such an unworthy descendant of He Lingxi! 】

【yes! I really don't know if He Tiantian and He Da Lao under Jiuquan, knowing that he has such a five-generation grandson, will be so angry that he will climb out of the coffin! 】

【front! Entertainment is entertainment, don't make fun of scientists! 】

[9494, the artificial intelligence you are using now was developed by Mr. He. 】

The replayed video is very short, but there are still some netizens who are squatting and actively posting bullet screens.

The director was impatient to watch it, and directly let people shut down the barrage.

With his eyes fixed on the screen, he was eager to know how the latest drone he bought from the military was shot down.

When Mingming bought it, the military said that such a drone was the latest achievement of the Academy.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to find, and even if it is found, it will not be easily hit.

On the playback screen, there are three split screens, and each split screen displays scenes shot by different drones from different angles.

The three split screens constantly change the scenery, from far to near, from high to low.

The drone passed through the large fields and finally came to the courtyard.

However, before the three drones changed their positions again and took detailed pictures of the courtyard, they suddenly found an unknown object flying towards the camera.


Item hits the drone.

The drone shook violently, and then exploded with a bang.

The playback screen also stopped abruptly!

【Fuck! Was this shot down? 】

【impossible! He Yitian is neither a spiritual practitioner nor a seminary, where did she get her sophisticated weapons? 】

[In front of you, have you forgotten that He Yitian's ancestor is He Tiantian! 】

【What about He Tiantian? She has "disappeared". (This chapter is not over!)

#1019 dug up the ancestors (fifteen)

Two hundred years ago, even if she left a treasure for the younger generation before, the technology has been updated several times in the past two hundred years. Can those antiques shoot down the latest drones? 】

【I do not care! I don't listen! I recognized He Tiantian! 】

[Once again sighed, "The skinny camel is bigger than the horse". Your father is your father! 】

[It doesn't have to be shot down, maybe the drone itself has something wrong! 】

Although the screen of He Yitian's live broadcast room is black, he can still send barrage.

The number of netizens who came to inquire continued to rise.

The barrage flashing on the black screen is even denser.

【I go! In front of you, are you kidding me? Drone malfunctioning? Are the three still out together? 】

[That is, is it so difficult to admit the excellence of others? 】

[Disclaimer in advance, I am not jealous of He Yitian, I just find it incredible! This is a super-intelligent, super-sophisticated drone that even the military has said. 】

【What is there to quarrel about? Just ask the show team to ask He Yitian! 】

Among the many barrages, some netizens posted such a post.

This is definitely "a word to wake up a dreamer".

Not only netizens reacted, but also the director who stared at the black screen.

He hurriedly shouted at his assistant: "Quick! Contact He Yitian! Ask her what's going on!"

"Hey! Wait, when you call, don't forget to turn on the recording."

The director's response is not slow, and he will "infer other things".

His keen professional intuition told him that this must be a huge flashpoint.

If the "marketing" is good, maybe it can add another wave of traffic to the show.

The assistant hesitated a little, "Director, the He family in Xizhou—"

Even before the show started, several people in charge of the show team received calls from Xizhou He, He Fengming, Wu Xincheng and others one after another.

They made it clear on the phone that they must take good care of He Shengtian.

Other people's words are quite euphemistic, He Fengming, as He Shengtian's mother, directly told the director, "I invested 10 million, and I must let that little **** of He Yitian "overturn"!"

It would be even better if he could be directly ruined in the show, forcing He Yitian to retire in a daze!

He Yitian's recent popularity on the Internet is not good. Playing a big name and being a junior has reached the point of blackness on the entire Internet.

At the beginning, the program team would choose He Yitian, but also wanted to get a wave of traffic.

Black and red are also red.

As long as there is a topic, as long as it can bring traffic to the show, the director does not care whether He Yitian rolls over or not.

"I can't handle this much! The most important thing is the explosion of the show!"

If He Yitian does not have any explosive points to be discovered, the director will naturally be happy to push the boat and sell it to Xizhou He and others with a lot of favors.

But now, He Yitian obviously has the potential to be a big hit, and the director can't care about it.

The show is the most important!

The show is popular, and he has a popular variety show in his hands, so that he can continue to mix in the variety show circle.

As for the He family in Xizhou, they are only a small family, the director will be polite, but not afraid.

Oh, He Yitian is still the head of the He family in Dongzhou.

Compared with family background, the He Clan of Xizhou is nothing at all in front of the He Clan of Dongzhou.

That is to say, the two big backers of He's family in Dongzhou are temporarily unable to reach the floor.


and many more!

The director suddenly remembered that one of the backers of the He family in Dongzhou was Chen Nan from the Academy of Sciences.

This old man is definitely another legend in the scientific research world.

With the power of science and technology, she lived to the age of more than 200 years and developed many high-tech technologies.

A few years ago, the old man resolutely set foot on the starship bound for the stars.

Such an awesome character is also a close friend of He Yitian's ancestor, He Tiantian.

Before she left, wouldn't she leave He Yitian with a "next to body" baby?

Oops, I don't want it anymore!

Guessing to and fro, my head hurts.

The director shook his head impatiently, again. (This chapter is not over!)

#1019 dug up the ancestors (fifteen)

Urge the assistant: "Hurry up! Start the recording, oh no, just start the video and choose the screen recording mode."

"it is good!"

Seeing that the director was so determined, the assistant didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly turned on the communicator on his wrist.


When the bracelet-shaped communicator was activated, a holographic image appeared in mid-air.

On the video screen, it was He Yitian's communication number.



After a few waiting tones, the video lights up.

He Yitian's indescribably beautiful face was instantly in front of the screen.


The assistant and the director standing behind the assistant couldn't help being shocked.

They knew that He Yi was sweet, but they still didn't expect that a person could be so beautiful—

The facial features are delicate and three-dimensional, and the skin is fair and transparent.

Thick, cool brown long curls like seaweed.

The key is that this kind of front-view camera's "face shot", the angle of death that countless artists have rejected, He Yitian actually easily resisted. First Release Update@

Prosperity beauty, this is the real prosperous beauty.

Not relying on high-tech, nor does it rely on filter microdermabrasion, but pure original ecology.

Assistants and directors can even see the tiny fluff on He Yitian's face through the clear hologram.

I go!

Does this even use makeup?

Pure makeup? !

The director suddenly felt that the He Yitian in front of him was even more perfect than the popular virtual idol.

"Director? What's the matter? Is the live broadcast about to start?"

He Yitian asked with a curious expression as if Yang didn't know what to do.

He Yitian's words awakened the director.

He hurriedly stuck his head out of his assistant's shoulder and said, "The live broadcast started half an hour ago."

"Ah? It's already started?" He Yitian continued to act, her face blank.

Ahem, I can't do it without acting. When I didn't even react, my ancestor sent out three lasers at the same time, and directly sent the broadcast drone of the program group to "seconds".

Woohoo, this drone is said to be a super high-tech black technology, and one unit costs millions!

The ancestors directly killed three other people, and they lost three million miles just to lose money.

Uh, well, although their He family is not short of money now.

But poverty was afraid of He Yitian, and he had long been used to "comparing money with money".

Three million, if you work hard to play stupid and try your best to get around in the lake, maybe you can save it.

"That, Mr. He, didn't you discover our live drone?"

The director was rather euphemistic and did not question directly.

He Yitian was about to continue to play stupid, but a cold voice came from the side: "I didn't even say hello, I just photographed the drone. Do you really think my first island is a "no man's land"?"

So domineering!

Sister kill me! .

#1019 dug up the ancestors (fifteen)

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