The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and twenty chapters dug out the ancestors (16)

The director was stunned.

He suddenly thought that the current law stipulates that the family ancestral land is a personal property, sacred and inviolable.

After the recovery of the spiritual energy, various families and forces of various sizes also rose up one after another.

In order to protect the interests of these people, but also to protect the safety of certain people, this provision was introduced.

The director only remembered that He Yitian was an artist who participated in his own show, but he forgot that she was also the head of the He family in Dongzhou.

The first island is the ancestral land of the He Clan in Dongzhou.

Without any prior notice, the program crew filmed the drone to go to the first island.

By law, First Island does have the right to shoot down the "invading" thing.

... This is also impossible. Most of the artists that their program team has collaborated with and filmed in the past are ordinary people.

Spiritualists, clerics, and their families are inaccessible to ordinary people (including directors and other staff).

They don't know at all, or are not very familiar with other people's taboos and rules.

And their program team's plan this time is to use the curiosity and desire of the ordinary class for special existence, and this is why they invited five artists who are related to spiritual practitioners and scientific practitioners.

Lainard, he is a spiritual practitioner himself, but his spiritual veins are damaged and he has become an ordinary person again.

Xu Mingyi, his own IQ is not enough to meet the standards of a scientific researcher, but his family is a scientific research family.

Zheng Yurou, she and her family are neither spiritual practitioners nor scientific practitioners, but her family is a martial practitioner, which is a class between ordinary people and spiritual practitioners.

As for the He sisters, one is from a spiritual family, and the other is the descendant of He Tiantian, the supreme god of scientific research. They are inextricably linked with the camps to which they belong.

The five guests were all carefully selected by the program team.

Facts have also proved that the idea of ​​the program group is not wrong.

The live reality show has only started for less than an hour, and there are already several hot topics.

The number of pageviews on the official website of the program group has grown exponentially.

Such a hot start made the director and the show crew go crazy.

The heart also floated up.

But there was a problem with He Yitian's live broadcast room, and the fluttering director took it for granted?

It was the cold and domineering female voice that instantly pulled the director's heart back to the ground - dear, you are breaking the law!

Slowly speaking, it is just shooting down the "invading" drone, and the first island can sue the director and the program team in turn.

Cold sweat broke out on the director's forehead, and he quickly explained: "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

"I-I'm the director of a variety show—"

As for variety shows, it will inevitably be "entertaining to death".

But he forgot that their entertainment industry was no longer what it was 200 years ago.

If you want to have fun, you can, but you must not play a legal edge, let alone offend those families.

The director wanted to explain desperately, but he found sadly that he couldn't explain it at all.

He Yitian saw that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, so what, she still wanted to finish the show.

Furthermore, He Yitian knew that the old ancestor was not really angry, but he was used to being domineering, and he spoke in this tone.

"Actually, it's my fault! I just thought about the convenience of shooting, but I forgot that this is the ancestral land of my Dongzhou He family!"

"Ancestor, don't be angry!"

"Director, I'm sorry, the show team lost three drones."

"Well, how much is it, I, I will pay!"

Woohoo, three million, three million, my little money, just flew away!

He Yitian worked hard to live delicately.

"Pay? Why lose money?" The female voice was still so cold and domineering.

The director reacted quickly and nodded again and again, "Yes! That's right! You don't need to lose money!"

Woohoo, it's fine if you don't get accused, how dare you ask for compensation?

"Then what, Mr. He, Mr. He, you watch this show—" The live broadcast continues.

"...Continue!" He Yitian turned to look at her ancestor.

He Tiantian nodded slightly.

This is not just a show, but also an opportunity for the younger generation to revive the prestige of the family.

Besides, they've been busy for half a month for today.

"Then, is that still filming on the first island?" The director's trembling voice was filled with obvious excitement.

Ancestral home!

A real family ancestral home!

If they can really photograph the ancestral home of the He family in Dongzhou, their show will definitely explode!

For two hundred years, the ancestral homes of those aristocratic families are extremely mysterious, and no relevant information has been photographed in any entertainment program.

And he, the reality show director, was able to shoot in the family's ancestral home!

Although the He Clan in Dongzhou has fallen, no matter how bad the family is, there is still an island as their ancestral land.

He's ancestral home should also be very stylish.

Uh, it should be!

He Lingxi's prodigal love brain, at most, sold the valuables in the ancestral house, but the house must still be there.

Besides, even if the ancestral home of the He family in Dongzhou loses the luxury of the past, this is a great selling point in itself - the former mansion, the ruins of today, the He family in Dongzhou for two hundred years, the current situation is embarrassing!

Thinking of traffic and topicality, the director couldn't help trembling all over.

He Yi dessert nodded, "That's right, we still shoot on the first island. And my ancestors allowed us to shoot in the ancestral home!"

"Okay! Haha! That's great!"

"I-I'll send the drone over here again!"

"Then what, don't shoot it down this time, hahaha—"

The director was so excited that he didn't pay attention to the "old ancestors" mentioned by He Yitian.

"no problem!"

He Yitian agreed and hung up the phone.


The hologram above the assistant's wrist disappeared.

The director was still excited, "Is it recorded? Is this video recorded?"

The assistant nodded.

The director patted the assistant on the shoulder with such force that the assistant almost stumbled.

"Hurry up and post this video online. Oh, by the way, send a copy to the military too!"

The director did not forget the proud look of the military agent when he bought the drone.

"What kind of artifact can't be shot down! A ruined household like He's in Dongzhou can be shot down easily, and three at the same time—"

When the director faced He Yitian just now, he didn't make a claim with He Yitian, and he acted extremely embarrassed, as if three million treasures were worthless at all.

In fact, the director was secretly distressed.

Three million, three million, he doesn't even have that much program funding on hand!

And this loss, in a sense, was personally caused by him.

According to the regulations, he is required to pay personal compensation.

The director didn't take advantage of it, so he found the military supplier!

Hey, this should be considered "false propaganda".

I don't want any compensation, and give me three more for free, which is not too much.

Agent: ... not too much, your sister!

However, the military has already received news from the Internet, and they agreed to the director's "claim" if they wanted to get a detailed video of the downing of the drone developed by themselves.

Without spending a penny, I got a few more drones, and the director hurriedly sent them all over.

At this time, the live broadcast of He Shengtian and several other guests entered a normal state——

[Ah, ah, this is the ancestral land of the spiritual family, the entire town is actually pure traditional retro style. 】

[Although the home of the 'eldest princess' is not an ancestral home, it is also very stylish. I heard that it was an estate given to her by her uncle. Her uncle and brother are both spiritual practitioners. 】

[Jealousy is the separation of my spiritual energy! Woohoo, I really want to have an uncle of a spiritual practitioner. 】

[Nephew daughter, I am your long-lost aunt! 】

[Go away from the front, I am the relative of Princess Shengtian. Ahem, Princess Shengtian, I'm your cousin! 】

【Mud is cute enough! Isn't that just a spiritual practitioner... I, I don't want to be a relative anymore, can I be an assistant? University-educated, multi-talented kind! 】

【what? When the camera passed the courtyard just now, I seemed to see a white figure. 】

[What white figure, the one in front, are you dazzled? 】

[...Fuck, I watched the replay, and sure enough there was a white shadow, the key is that people disappeared instantly! 】

【disappear? Oh my god, I finally saw the ghosts of spiritual practitioners with my own eyes! 】

[As expected of the eldest princess, anyone in the family is a spiritual practitioner with a super high level of cultivation! 】

[The princess' mother is also very beautiful. She doesn't look like she is in her 40s at all. She looks younger than my 30-year-old. The key is to have a good temperament. 】

【Yo! Has this started to wash? 】

【That's it! I know that 'face is justice', but for some brainless fans, your three views can't be distorted like this. 】

[Little San, damn it! Knowing that the third is the third is a sin that deserves death! 】

[You actually praised the good temperament of a mistress? Is she worthy of the word 'temperament'? Obviously she is the eldest lady, but she insists on robbing someone else's husband. It's not cheap! 】

[The front, your words are too ugly. Who are you Lingxi? Do you know how things were back then? 】

【Yes! I checked, He Fengming is Wu Xincheng's first love. If you really say what comes first, then it is He Fengming who knows Wu Xincheng first! 】

【Yes, yes! He Fengming and Wu Xincheng are true love——]

[Before, I beg you, don't abuse the word 'true love' any more. It's obviously a scumbag and a bitch, hooking up and becoming a rapist, how can it be involved in love? 】

[The one in front, I just ask you! Can you speak in a civilized manner, and don't be mean and rapist at every turn. 】

Unsurprisingly, just as He Fengming appeared on the live broadcast screen, the netizens in the live broadcast room started to quarrel.

Sure enough, netizens who admired the wealth of the aristocratic family helped He Fengming to clean up the ground, but there were also netizens with three views who spurned well-known third parties on the Internet.

He Fengming had been prepared for a long time, and her life assistant hurriedly released the navy army and began to desperately guide the topic.

[He Fengming's character is indeed not good, but it is undeniable that her appearance and temperament are really outstanding. 】

[In other words, if I'm going to be criticized, if I were Wu Xincheng, one was a weak and graceful young lady, and the other was a paranoid and crazy female ghost, I would definitely choose the former. 】

【What female ghost? Up front, are you talking about He Lingxi? 】

[In the front, it is recommended to search the Internet for He Lingxi's photos, there are 'surprises'~~]

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