The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and twenty-five chapters dug out the ancestors (21)

He Yitian didn't know what happened in the live broadcast room of He Shengtian next door.

She is also very lively here.

The navy recruited by He Fengming and Wu Xincheng was very conscientious.

They found that He Lingxi seemed to be reborn, and the black plan of "stepping on one and holding one" previously set could not be implemented at all.

They changed tactics immediately.

They did not continue to seize the ugly photos of He Lingxi, but found a "family" of a depressed patient——

[My mother's attending physician once also treated He Lingxi, and He Lingxi did suffer from depression. 】

[I am a volunteer. I once worked as a volunteer in a nursing home. I also saw He Lingxi last month. She is not like this at all! 】

【yes! He Lingxi, has your depression recovered? How did you cure it? 】

【Have you changed your doctor? Madam He, please, tell me, my sister has committed suicide three times! 】

[Yes, yes, if there is really a cure for depression, please tell Ms. He. This is a kind deed that will benefit countless depressed patients and their families! 】

On the surface, these sailors are "begging" He Lingxi to share the cure for depression, but in fact, they are still questioning He Lingxi's "transformation".

A month ago, she was a scrawny, crazy female ghost, but now she has transformed into a graceful and luxurious flower in the world!

That's how dare to write online novels. In reality, how can there be such a "miracle"?

The sailors are very good at controlling the rhythm.

They first begged to lead the topic, and fanned the netizens in the live broadcast room.

There are so many depressions these days, who doesn't have a family member who is prone to e?

If He Lingxi really encountered a peerless famous doctor, or what good treatment he used, everyone wants to know.

Even if you can't use it yourself, you can help your friends and relatives around you.

So, the netizens who were chasing He Lingxi and calling "Sister Lingxi" just now also "cry and beg" together.

He Lingxi was a little stunned when he saw these barrages.

She subconsciously looked at He Tiantian outside the camera: ... Ancestor, what should I do?

Can you tell me about the holographic warehouse?

Having "practiced" in the holographic warehouse for several lifetimes, He Lingxi is no longer the silly white sweet who never cared about everything and was full of love back then.

She is very aware of the value of the holographic warehouse.

This is not just high-tech, in addition to the academy, the spiritual world will also need it.

Spiritual cultivation is not only the practice of the exercises, but also the cultivation of the state of mind.

The virtual world of the holographic warehouse is like the fantasy of the immortal, which can temper the mind and overcome the demons.

The most important thing is that spiritual practitioners can also set up exercises on the holographic warehouse, and low-level monks can learn in the illusion and conduct "practical drills" when they enter.

This kind of experience is just as effective as the real experience, but it is not dangerous.

... It can be said that the holographic warehouse of the ancestors is an artifact.

Both spiritualists and seminarians need it!

Once exposed, it will surely cause a sensation in the world.

And her ancestors can't continue to hide, she is destined to be noticed by the world.

If one is not done well, it will also attract the coveted by ambitious people.

Embrace the guilt.

He Lingxi truly respects and loves her ancestors, and she doesn't want to put her in danger.

He Lingxi's hesitation made the sailors even more joyful in the live broadcast room.

In fact, even if they didn't take the lead in calling, those netizens who begged, shouted a lot, and felt a little dissatisfied in their hearts——

I've been begging you, but you're still unmoved?

Did you mean to pinch?

Still don't want to reveal the secret?

You are too bad!

I can't blame the netizens for being unreasonable, but the atmosphere is so strong that people's emotions are up, and it's easy to go to extremes.

These "angry" netizens are not necessarily violent in reality.

However, on the Internet, there are still people with rhythm, and they are impulsive when they are not careful.

For a time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

If He Lingxi still keeps silent and greets her, it is estimated that she will be accused and abused.

"Lingxi, just say it!"

He Tiantian looked at the light curtain on her wrist and gave an order without raising her head.

"Ancestor, but, but—" If it is exposed, it will cause you trouble.

He Lingxi was still worried.

Isn't it just a few words from netizens, it doesn't hurt or itch, He Lingxi, who has been tempered to be very powerful in the illusion, doesn't care at all.

"Don't worry! I have everything!"

If He Tiantian doesn't even have this confidence, she shouldn't be this old ancestor!


He Lingxi looked at He Tiantian deeply for a while, then turned his head and said coldly, "You really want to know, how is my depression cured?"

"Also, how did my love brain, my selfish weakness, be eradicated?"

Being kidnapped by the morality of netizens and forced to tell the truth, He Lingxi felt really uncomfortable.

Therefore, her attitude is definitely not good.

Netizens didn't care too much, they paid more attention to what He Lingxi said——

【Depend on! Can depression really be cured? 】

【What did I hear? Can the love brain be eradicated? 】

[That's right, isn't the former He Lingxi a king-level love brain? If it wasn't for her depression, she would probably have to dig wild vegetables! 】

[My best friend is a love brain, so I'm going to be mad at her! If it can be eradicated, I will be the first to sign her up! 】

【And my mother! Oh my god, people in their 50s are still full of love! She also needs to be treated well! 】

Netizens are very excited.

He Lingxi took a deep breath and said to the camera, "The method is very simple, I used the holographic warehouse developed by my ancestors!"

Holographic warehouse?

Is it the kind of holographic bin they know?

wrong! That's not the point!

The point is-

【Ancestor? If I remember correctly, the ancestor of the He family in Dongzhou seems to be He Tiantian? 】

[The front, you remember correctly! He Tiantian is indeed the supreme god of scientific research! 】

[Artificial intelligence, holographic technology, gene fluid 2.0, Iron Man, small nuclear reactors, space folding technology, super alloys for starships... These are all inventions of He Tiantian! 】

【Fuck! It's so arrogant! 】

【and many more! That's not really the point either. The real point is that He Tiantian has been missing for 200 years! 】

[Could it be that the holographic warehouse she developed 200 years ago still has such miraculous effects? 】



Netizens were shocked.

The program team was also shocked.

The relevant staff directly recorded the screen and posted it online without any editing.

Once the video was released, it attracted the attention of the scientific community.

The matter has something to do with He Tiantian, the supreme god, that's a big deal.

Moreover, many cultivators are really interested in the holographic warehouse mentioned by He Lingxi.

Because the holographic warehouse on the market is basically an auxiliary tool.

Use it to heal?

Or treat a mental illness like depression, think about it and feel——

Hey, it's not impossible!

If a targeted virtual world is constructed according to the script, the human brain may experience various experiences in the virtual world, which may be able to heal spiritual wounds.

Then cure some mental illnesses.

But does such holographic technology exist?

Isn't it just in the imagination?

The most terrifying thing is that such a holographic warehouse was actually developed by a person two hundred years ago!


The clerks couldn't help but gasp.

Originally, they were disdainful of watching such programs as variety shows.

Too vulgar, too nutritious!

However, after watching videos on the Internet, or receiving calls from teachers, classmates, etc., they were all hooked.

They left their work and ran to watch the live broadcast online.

[I suddenly have a bold guess, let's just say, is there a possibility that He Tiantian is not dead? 】

[It's really bold and mindless! Please, the officials have determined that He Tiantian is 'missing', and the age has exceeded 200 years! 】

[I think it is possible. The one in front, I also ask, now is the era of spiritual energy, people's lifespan has been extended, what is more than 200 years old, and 600 years old is not a dream! 】

【That is a spiritual practitioner! He Tiantian is a clerk! And the longest-lived member of the faculty is Chen Nan, who is only 220 years old! 】

[Before, don't forget, Chen Nan is He Tiantian's old friend, in a sense, He Tiantian's younger brother! 】

A young horse can live to be more than 200 years old, not to mention the real Daniel He Tiantian!

[Bearing the lid to reveal the truth, He Lingxi is really an ugly, old and crazy woman, and He Yitian is just an actress who has made her way out of the circle by her looks! 】

[Before, I suspect what you are connoting, but I have no evidence! 】

【cut! What He Nei said about Yunshan and Mist cover, he simply said: He Tiantian is still alive, and with her help, He Lingxi and He Yitian and their mother and daughter have become what they are now! 】

He Tiantian \u0026 He Lingxi \u0026 He Yitian: ... Who said netizens are brainless? This insight, this brain circuit, is absolutely incredible!

At this time, netizens from He Shengtian's live broadcast room flooded in.

The topic was transferred instantly, and the director hurriedly called He Yitian.

"What? Senior in white? He, he came to me?"

He Yitian is the second monk, and she is completely clueless.

"Yeah! At the beginning, this senior probably made a mistake, and actually went to the He family in Xizhou!"

"Later, the senior found his mistake and corrected it in time! He has already flown over the first island!"

"Yi Tian, ​​that elder of the Spiritual Origin Realm, the true ancestor of spiritual cultivation! You must be respectful and respectful."

"By the way, don't be stupid, go out to meet the elder!"

The director's voice trembled with excitement.

Now that things have developed, it is no longer a matter of whether the show is popular or not.

Just now, he actually received a call from the spiritual association.

My God, that's a noble person who I don't even think about and can't touch.

As a result, on the phone, the director of the association was very polite, as if the director was not an ordinary person like an ant, but a person of the same status as him!

"Old Ancestor! The director said, there is a white-clothed senior on our island, seems to be looking for me?"

He Yitian hung up the phone and said to He Tiantian dreamily.

Senior in white?

He Tiantian thought about it, and suddenly showed a bright smile like a spring flower——

Uncle, is that you?

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