The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and twenty-six chapters dug out the ancestors (22)


The sound of power activation sounded, and a red figure rose from the ground, and then rushed straight to the outside.


He Lingxi and He Yitian's mother and daughter are a little confused.

The ancestors, who have always been calm and unmoved by the wind, suddenly ran away like a little girl in love.

For the sake of speed, don't hesitate to use her own newly developed "aircraft"?

"The time has come!"

Such a sentence floated in the air, and in the next second, the red figure quickly disappeared.

【Fuck! This, who is this? Isn't it said that the He family in Dongzhou is a scientific research family, how can there be spiritual practitioners who can fly to the sky? 】

[That woman in red, how come I, I look familiar! 】

【and many more! I'm going to watch the replay! I'm going to take a magnifying glass and look at it frame by frame! 】

[The one in front, after seeing it clearly, don't forget to squeak! 】

However, after a long time, the netizens who said they wanted to watch the replay did not say anything.

At this time, He Yitian's live broadcast already had two split screens turned to the sky above the island.

Two small metal spheres, cautiously approaching the two figures in midair—

One white and one red, one male and one female.

White clothes beat snow, red clothes are like fire.

High in the sky, the sea breeze is hunting, and the white clothes and red clothes are all fluttering, as if two masters of immortality are dueling.

【Ahhh! It's so beautiful, just a distant back, it's as beautiful as a scroll. 】

[Program crew, what are you guys doing, hurry up and shoot! It's better to slap me in the face! 】

[The front, you are watching the fun and it is not a big deal. The white-clothed senior is the ancestor above the Spirit Pill Realm, raising his hand, he can drop the drone in seconds! 】

[That's right, this senior just dropped two drones in seconds,

One million yuan, the program group's funding is not burning, but the explosion of the horse! 】

Netizens are either excited or eager, and they are desperately posting barrages.

The director who was diss couldn't help laughing bitterly, "Come closer", I thought too.

But the white-clothed seniors are not ordinary people. These spiritual practitioners have always been high above, and their social status is also very high.

If he accidentally angered others, the white-clothed seniors would be angry, and even the public opinion would be one-sided against the show crew.

As a director, don't even think about it!

To be able to take a picture from a distance, he is already a jerk.

closer? Still slap in the face?

Netizens are afraid that he will not die fast enough!

【squeak! I am back! Guess what I saw in the replay? 】

【Ahhh! How sweet! How sweet is that woman in red! 】

After this barrage appeared, it instantly caused a shock in the live broadcast room.

【what? He Tiantian didn't die? 】

[Two hundred years later, she is still alive? 】

[It's amazing, the 'celebrity' that I thought was long gone, is still there! 】

[Weakly ask, who is He Tiantian? 】

Netizens are about to blow up, and there is an inexplicable excitement in their hearts that "I have witnessed history".

Even the director was completely stunned at the moment.

How sweet?

The supreme god of technology?

Is she still alive?

Omg, what kind of breaking news is this?

No, no, wait!

It should be, what kind of good luck is this Laozi riding a horse!

"First, I photographed the eldest man suspected of being above the Lingyuan realm, and then 'witnessed' the 'rebirth' of the Supreme God He Tiantian!"

These two things, any one of them, is enough to shock the entire network.

He was a director who met all of them at once!


developed! Really going to develop!

Unable to control the ecstasy in his heart, the director let out the scream of a groundhog.

"Director! Stop shouting, your smart bracelet is on!"

The assistant was also excited, but, as a qualified laborer, he still maintained a minimum of sanity.

Pointing to the bracelet on the director's wrist, he reminded loudly.

The director lowered his head, just in time to see the display lights of the wristband flickering wildly.

He stopped screaming, but the raised corners of his mouth couldn't be controlled—

"I was the director of the Spiritual Cultivation Association just now. Who will it be now? It should be the person in charge of the Scientific Research Alliance."

Thinking like this in my heart, the director is so proud.

However, he didn't dare to care too much, and hurriedly pressed the button of the smart bracelet.


"Ancestor?" Xuan Mo looked at He Tiantian with a smile, his brows and eyes were all tender.

"Senior in white?" He Tiantian frowned, her eyes full of the reflection of Xuan Mo.

"Little sister-in-law?"

"Little uncle?"

The two continued to speak words that outsiders did not understand at all.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo looked at each other deeply, as if to see the depths of each other's soul through their eyes.

After a long time, Xuan Mo closed his hands and clasped his fists and bowed gently, "Under Xuan Mo, dare to ask the girl's name?"

He Tiantian bowed slightly and bowed, "I am He Tiantian!"

Then, the two moved at the same time and hugged each other.

[Just read the announcement on the official website of the Scientific Research Alliance, they have announced the news of He Tiantian's 'resurrection'! 】

【So fast? God, who is the supreme god, after two hundred years, still attracts so much attention. 】

【Ahhh! What kind of magic combination is this? 】

[Uh, it feels so strange, one is the supreme god of technology, and the other is the ancestor of spiritual practice. How could the two of them get together? 】

[Although the dog program group did not dare to get close to filming, but just watching from a distance, you can also feel the tacit understanding and emotion between them. 】

[The one in front is He Yitian's stubborn fan, so let's help his ancestors blow it up first? 】

[Before, are you mentally ill? How sweet! How dare you use it for entertainment? 】

【What am I afraid of? She has appeared in variety shows, isn't she just being judged by others? 】

[I was an actor two hundred years ago. After 'return', I didn't say to report to the Academy or the official, but instead came to participate in some live show, I really want to be humble! 】

I don't know if the navy is too bold, or the scientific research community is not monolithic.

A very dissonant sound began to appear in the live room.

He Lingxi and He Yitian, their mother and daughter, started to paint the light curtain after the ancestors left.

Then, these very unbearable barrages rushed into their sight.

He Lingxi raised his head and looked at the only metal ball with a cold face, "The Internet is not a place outside the law. Slandering and slandering will still be severely punished by the law."

While speaking, He Yitian had already brought the light brain.


He Lingxi turned on his brain, and the virtual screen and keyboard appeared instantly.

With his fingers flying, He Lingxi began to frantically type on the keyboard.

Lines of code flashed quickly on the screen.

【What is Sister Lingxi doing? Ah, ah, she looked so domineering just now! 】

【cut! Pretending to be a love brain! But she is still pretending to be a boss woman here! 】

【It's too fake! I know He Lingxi, she is just an ordinary person, and her spiritual pulse and IQ are irrelevant. 】

[Last month she was a lunatic woman in a nursing home, but now she has become a female elite? 】

【What do you know? He Lingxi has a 'holographic warehouse' transformed by her ancestors. 】

The barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

But soon, when those sailors, sunspots, or secret opponents who could not see the rise of the He clan in Dongzhou, when they scolded people with barrage, they found out—

[I can't get used to the He Clan in Dongzhou for a long time. A group of women, not to mention good husband and child, but show their faces outside, the chicken Sichen, the world is upside down. ...He Chenming from Xizhou. 】

Real-name system!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was actually set up with a real-name system.

Not only the location of the other party is clarified, but even the name and even the ID number can be displayed!

In an instant, those mice who only knew how to hide behind the Internet were exposed in an instant.

They have nowhere to hide, and their dark calculations have been completely revealed!

【Ahhh! Actually real name system! ...Feng Yiyi from Nanzhou. 】

[Haha, I posted the bullet screen for nothing else, I just wanted everyone to see my real name. ...Fang Xiaona from Beizhou. 】

【And I! ...Western Federation Louise Mendes. 】

【You are paying attention to the wrong focus! Isn't the point of 'who did it'? ... Zhao Feng from Dongzhou. 】

【cut! Who else could it be? Of course it's He Lingxi, didn't you just see her operate on the light brain? ...Fang Xiaona from Beizhou. 】

[Impossible, He Lingxi is an ordinary person, why did she suddenly become a scholar? ...Xizhou Liang Siming. 】

With the real-name system, those sailors, sunspots, etc. would not dare to emerge.

Because behind their names, there is a special note about the company or studio name.

Doesn't this make it clear that he is going to be publicly executed?

Even some cadets who were "hostile" to He Tiantian for various reasons would not dare to show up again!

What a joke, although they look down on vulgar entertainment activities and don't care about public opinion, but some things can only be done secretly, but not on the surface.

Otherwise, it is to openly confront the Dongzhou He family, oh no, to be exact, to be the enemy of He Tiantian.

Although not every trainee can live as long as Chen Nan, all trainees are basically learning He Tiantian's techniques from childhood to adulthood.

The cultivator knows better than anyone how powerful this supreme god is.

In a sense, He Tiantian is not only the ancestor of the He clan in Dongzhou, but also the "grandfather" of their academy.

You can have opinions on your ancestors in your heart, but you can't express your opinions publicly, otherwise you will deceive your ancestors and destroy your ancestors.

Furthermore, no one can guarantee that the "reborn" He Tiantian is "the return of the king"!

Really completely torn face, the last unlucky, not necessarily who it is!

Without these people to disrupt the situation, He Yitian's live broadcast room returned to its normal state.

There are still some discordant voices, but they are all within the scope of "gossip", not vicious abuse or personal attacks.

[Sister Lingxi, talk about it, how did you become so awesome? 】

[Woooo, I also want to transform! I want to get stronger too! Sister Lingxi, please! 】

Seeing these comments from netizens, He Lingxi didn't hide it, and told the truth directly: "It's very simple! Just like what a netizen said just now, I used the holographic warehouse specially transformed for me by my ancestors!"

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