The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and twenty-seven chapters dug out the ancestors (23)

"Sweet, what is this?"

In mid-air, Xuan Mo curiously pointed to what was under He Tiantian's feet and asked.

In fact, what he wants to ask more is why He Tiantian hides her cultivation.

Obviously she's on par with herself.

Xuan Mo's current cultivation base has reached the Golden Core Great Perfection, and is about to move towards the Nascent Soul Stage.

This is because Xuan Mo deliberately controlled the speed of cultivation.

Because he found that the world is a little weird.

The aura is indeed full, but it is miscellaneous. In addition to the pure aura, there are also some tyrannical and sinister energy.

In other words, Xuan Mo's self-created Wuji Jue is the most heaven-defying, whether it is spiritual energy or evil energy, it can be transformed into the spiritual power required for cultivation.

If there is no Wuji Jue, but other cultivation methods, Xuan Mo will bet that the cultivation of the monks will stop at the early stage of Jindan.

Unless they can get out of this world.

However, a new problem has arisen. If you leave this "aura" full of energy, can you find another place full of purer aura?

It's just that these questions are nothing to He Tiantian at all.

She has also practiced Wuji Jue, and can convert all energy gas into spiritual power. As long as she wants, she can break through to Jindan stage in minutes.

But in front of He Tiantian, although there are spiritual power fluctuations in the dantian, it has not broken through the cultivation realm!

This made Xuan Mo a little puzzled.

He Tiantian heard Xuan Mo's question and raised her skirt, revealing her feet and the things under them.

It turned out that she was able to float in mid-air, not by virtue of her cultivation, but by something similar to a balance car under her feet.

【what? what is this? Balance car? Can, can the balance car also fly? 】

【Fuck! As expected of a big tech giant, he has actually created a balance car that can fly in the sky! 】

[I would like to call it 'Hot Wheels'! 】

【Ha ha! What a god damn hot wheel! but,

Not to mention, there seems to be a flame under He Jushen's aircraft. 】

[It should have been inspired by Iron Man, and the armor was removed, leaving only the soles of the feet. The sole of the foot is the key to the energy launch, so it can make people fly! 】

[The one in front, the genius of the Academy, right? I didn't deliberately say some professional terms, but explained things in an easy-to-understand way! 】

【Really old man! Worship! 】

[Don't dare, I'm just a student, I haven't become a cadet yet. However, He Jushen is really powerful! Her aircraft should have other functions, such as keeping warm, such as oxygen supply! 】

At high altitude, the temperature will be very low and oxygen will be deficient.

He Tiantian in midair, although the height is not particularly high, there should be some troubles in these two aspects.

But He Tiantian, he didn't have an oxygen helmet, and he didn't wear a cold suit, but he was still so leisurely and comfortable.

People in the science and repair world will not think that she has practiced any exercises, but speculate whether she has developed a new black technology!

【Fuck! One of the scumbags, after listening to the popular science of the first few elders, I finally knew He Jushen's awesomeness! 】

[Two hundred years, there has been no knowledge gap, and it has not been left behind by the rapid development of technology. Instead, it has been able to develop more sophisticated black technology. 】

[The real name envy He Yitian, the awesome ancestor is resurrected! It's time to protect the Dongzhou He Clan again! 】

【Not only! Have you forgotten that there is a senior in white? 】

【Fuck! Don't say the first, I almost forgot! Yup! This, this... He Yitian, I am your half-sister! 】

The netizens had all kinds of joy and fun, and the live broadcast room was very lively.

It was He Yitian himself. Seeing these comments, and then looking at the white figure on the first two live broadcast split screens, he was a little dazed.

I dug up the old ancestor, and the old ancestor came to another spiritual ancestor!

Old Ancestor*2, a subject repair, a spiritual practice, are still the top existences in the two camps...

Ahhh! I'm really lucky, the ups and downs in the first ten years are just for the next few decades, oh no, it's two or three hundred years of wealth and arbitrariness!


He Yitian was so happy that he was about to fly, but He Shengtian next door was sad.

The parents are accused and all property must be returned.

The white-clothed senior also left, and there is no nostalgia for her at all.

The old ancestor also ordered someone to call her to the ancestral house, reprimanded her, and punished her to kneel in the yard for a long time.

His knees were numb, and his body was shaky.

He Shengtian felt like he was about to die.

The only thing she is happy about is her current ancestral home.

The live broadcast drone did not dare to fly in, otherwise, her humble and miserable appearance would be spread all over the Internet.

Rao is so, she also completely overturned in the entertainment industry.

Her appearance was not that sweet, bright, delicate, and her temperament was not that pleasant little white flower.

In the past two years, he has been able to explode in the entertainment industry, relying on the family background of the spiritual family, as well as the rich and luxurious life.

As a result, their family's property was stolen from the Dongzhou He family.

People want to claim it back, and it is estimated that there is still part of the compensation for the loss.

Let's talk about what assets are left, and the parents are most likely to carry huge debts.

Wealth is gone!

He Shengtian suspected that he had offended the white-clothed senior, and the ancestors were also angry.

Although she was not kicked out of the He family, she was 100% out of favor.

The power is gone!

"It's not fair! I'm not convinced!"

He Shengtian finally couldn't hold it anymore, and fell softly to the ground.

She was in pain, grief and anger, and couldn't help roaring in her heart: "Why? Why?"

"I was born in the same year as she, the same father, and the same mother's surname, but our fates are so different?"

"It's not fair, it's not fair! Woohoo, I don't want to be like this, I want to become stronger, I want to step on He Yitian under my feet!"

"By the way, there is that bullshit senior. The cultivation base is amazing, why does he insult people so much?"

He Shengtian is an absolute double standard. When he relied on his family background to bully the weak, he never felt "unfair".

Now that she was stepped on by someone stronger, she began to complain.

【Do you really want to counterattack? Want to slap those scumbags who have insulted you? 】

Just when He Shengtian was full of resentment, a sinister voice suddenly sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

He Shengtian's spirit was suddenly shaken, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

"Who! Who is talking?"

She propped herself up with difficulty and looked around, trying to find the person who was speaking.

[Don't look for it, you can't see the deity! 】

"Deity? You, are you a spiritual practitioner?"

【Forget it! However, I am stronger than a spiritualist! 】

"More powerful than a spiritual practitioner? How does it compare to Xuan Mo?"

The voice visibly hesitated.

But soon, it rang again—

[I have broken through to the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Origin Realm! 】

In this time and space, the highest realm of spiritual practitioners is the spiritual realm.

Lingyuan realm is complete, and it is only one step away from "ascension".

Then, it should be more powerful than Xuan Mo!

Thinking like this, He Shengtian said excitedly, "Great! Can you help me? As long as you are willing to help me! I, I promise you everything!"

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