The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and twenty nine chapters dug out the ancestors (25)

[This is the end of the live broadcast? Shouldn't it be live? 】

[Please, the one in front, didn't you read the rules of the show carefully? 】

[That is, broadcast for one day, with three days apart, so that the participating guests have a breathing time. 】

[Yeah, this is a live broadcast. Apart from taking a shower and changing clothes, you have to be in the camera all the time. If the time is too long, no one can stand it! 】

[Don't think of the program team so humanely! Is there a possibility that the three days of rest after the live broadcast are for the purpose of looking for substitute guests? 】

【Fuck! The front is poisonous! However, it makes sense! 】

[The live reality show overturned too fast, just like the little man next door, who overturned the car in less than 12 hours! 】

【Yes. He Shengtian overturned, won't he continue to participate in the next live broadcast? 】

[Aite program group, do you want to change the guest? 】

[Please, even if the show team doesn't take the initiative to change people, is there still a face next door to continue to participate? 】

[Yeah, I was skinned on the spot, my parents and their personalities were all shattered, but if you want to make a face, you will not appear in front of the camera again. 】

【That may not be! How much is the face worth? Traffic is king this year. As long as there is popularity, black and red are also red, and you can still earn 2.08 million per day. 】

As time goes on, the first episode of the live reality show is coming to an end.

Netizens posted a bullet screen in the live broadcast room they followed.

They were very happy to watch the live broadcast all day.

Twenty-four hours, the three drones broadcast live without blind spots or obstructions.

The guests, their family members, and friends, under such a dense lens, will reveal a little abnormal more or less.

It's not overturned, but it has flaws.

Even He Yitian, who has the highest traffic and most fans, and her mother, He Lingxi, also have some performances that are not perfect.

Of course, compared with He Shengtian, who completely overturned, the other four guests were considered "complete".


Sometimes "defects" are not a bad thing, but make people look more vivid and three-dimensional.

Do you know why the perfect virtual idol has been developed, but the real idol has not been "eliminated"?

The reason is simple, something that is too perfect does surprise people at first.

But after a long time, if you get used to it, you will have aesthetic fatigue, and you will feel too fake.

And most importantly -

Too perfect idol, no scandal, no black material, no mistakes, and no topicality.

Without the gossip, what kind of popularity is there, and what kind of big stars are they called?

It is better to be a real idol. Everyone makes different mistakes, and there are differences in crisis PR for dealing with mistakes.

The audience and netizens can see that the entertainment industry is full of tricks and shatters the three views!

This time, the live reality show is more real and can magnify the shortcomings of an artist.

Netizens are even more happy.

The program group is even more harvested——

"Spiritual Association! Science Association! They all called me!"

"The top elders of the two camps have all appeared in my program. I, this luck, is definitely the rhythm of the ancestral graves."

The director looked at the various data of the show, and recalled the call from the old man he received today, his face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

"By the way, contact He Yitian again and see if the next live broadcast can continue to let the two elders leave the country."

While the director was complacent, he did not forget to explain to his assistant: "Oh! We are not just asking for help. This way. He Yitian's salary is doubled!"

Isn't it just money, the show is popular, and there are more advertising sponsorships.

Besides, it's not just a show anymore, the two major fields of spiritual practice and scientific practice have been disturbed.

The director knows what the real "breaking point" is, and naturally he doesn't skimp on the pay!

"Okay! I'll get in touch!"

The assistant also wants to make the next live broadcast more exciting, which is related to their work and bonuses.

For the sake of money, the assistant is absolutely conscientious. He did not forget to remind his director: "By the way, director, where He Shengtian—"

Is it a substitution, or continue to let He Shengtian go?

As discussed by netizens, He Shengtian has indeed collapsed, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to turn over in the entertainment industry.

But she is being ridiculed by the whole network now, which is a hot topic in itself.

If the program team can let He Shengtian continue to participate in the live broadcast, the popularity of the second episode must be very high.

It's just that she is not very friendly to He Shengtian. The barrage in her live broadcast room is estimated to be cynical, abusive and humiliating.

But so what?

Does it have anything to do with the show group?

As long as there is popularity, as long as there is traffic, even if the artist and guests are scolded as autistic, the show team will only be happy to fuel the flames!

"Let her continue the live broadcast!"

Sure enough, the director said almost coldly, "After signing the contract, we must act according to the contract."

"Otherwise, the liquidated damages will be brought!"

The director doesn't care whether He Shengtian will be scolded as a dog after he participates in the live broadcast again.

This is not only because of his occupation, but also because the director is sufficiently aware of current affairs——

In recent years, the He Clan in Xizhou has been suppressing the He Clan in Dongzhou, because the ancestor of the He Clan in Dongzhou "disappeared" and the family has no successor.

But now, Dongzhou He's ancestor "Return of the King", there is a friend (or couple?) who is suspected to be the old ancestor of Lingyuan, and the rise of Dongzhou He is in sight!

And will the reinvigorated Dongzhou He Clan retaliate against the Xizhou He Clan?

Anyway, it was He Yitian or He Lingxi who was replaced as the director. He designated to return the injustices he had received over the years to He Yongcheng's lineage!

For a family that is doomed to decline, the director may not dare to offend directly.

But He Shengtian does not represent the He family in Xizhou, she is just an abandoned son without spiritual veins and high IQ.

Even if offended, Xizhou He, who is too busy to take care of herself, will not help her get ahead.

The director is not a snobby who wants to get down, but he is in the entertainment industry, the right and wrong nest, Vanity Fair, and some things, some choices that have to be made, are really unavoidable.

"It's not just us, you see, Dongzhou He has begun to formally file a lawsuit against He Fengming, Wu Xincheng and his wife!"

The director thought so, but his heart was still not at ease.

He clicked on the light screen on his wrist and began to check the hot news.

Coincidentally, he saw the news about "Er He".

After seeing the headlines of several news clearly, without having to read the content, the director was relieved: "There is also the He family in Xizhou, who once invaded the property of the He family in Dongzhou by fishing in troubled waters, and He Lingxi and his mother and daughter sued them as well. court."

"Oops! Xizhou He's cowardly! So fast? He actually said that he would return the property immediately and give compensation!"

Tsk tsk, you see, this is "strength is king".

He Tiantian and the white-clothed senior had only appeared for less than a day, and Xizhou He recognized it and didn't dare to fight against each other at all.

And the director just bullied He Shengtian a little, it's nothing at all, right? !

He Shengtian: your size!

She looked at the "arrogant" face of the assistant director on the light screen, and a deep hatred surged in her chest.


A good group of snobs who see the wind, hold high and step low.

At the beginning of Xizhou He's momentum was just right, she was still the young master of the spiritual family touted by everyone in the entertainment industry. When this show invited her, the director came to the door in person, and invited her again and again.

But now, when He Tiantian came back, the senior in white stood on the side of He's in Dongzhou, and the program team immediately turned their faces.

Knowing that letting He Shengtian go on the live broadcast again would invite ridicule and abuse, but still threatened with liquidated damages.

The point is that the director didn't even come forward, and only let a little scumbag send her away.

If she didn't practice, He Shengtian would still be a weak person. At this moment, she would only be sad and angry, and then helplessly accept the threat.

But now He Shengtian has transformed, she is no longer the poor little one who can be bullied by anyone!

"...Okay! I will continue to participate in the live broadcast in three days!"

"The program team really kept their promises! Very good! Very good! I, He Shengtian wrote it down!"

Such humiliation must be washed with blood!

He Shengtian clenched his fists, his eyes full of murderous intent.



Even across the camera, the assistant director was still taken aback.

His heart was beating wildly, and the hairs on his back crest stood on end, as if he was being stared at by some ferocious and bloodthirsty beast.

"Hehe. That's good! That's good!"

The assistant director's mouth was dry, he laughed shyly, and then hung up the phone quickly.

The communication projection of the bracelet disappeared instantly, but the assistant's heartbeat was still fast.

This feeling is too terrifying, obviously the other party is just an ordinary person like him.

But why does he have the fear of facing Tyrannosaurus Rex and Godzilla?


He Shengtian on the other end, after hanging up the phone, smashed the table beside him into pieces.

"He Shengtian, you are my great-great-great-grandson, and I am your ancestor!"

"You can't treat me like this! Have I been good enough for your family of three all these years?"

"If it wasn't for me, would your mother be able to grab a man from He Lingxi? Can you go from an illegitimate daughter to a married one?"

"And after you entered the entertainment industry, Xizhou He was the escort for you! Otherwise, what kind of 'Little Gongju' character can you smoothly market?"

"...He Shengtian, you unworthy descendant, you white-eyed wolf, you, you actually disobeyed your filial piety and tried to kill your ancestors?"

"You, you deceived your master and destroyed your ancestors! You deserve to die for your sins!"

"He Shengtian! You let me out! I, I beg you! As long as you let me out, I will give you all the treasure house of the He family in Xizhou!"

In the dark fog, an old voice kept roaring, cursing, and begging.

His voice was getting lower and lower, and his breath was getting weaker and weaker.

"He Yongcheng, you immortal, you still have the face to say this?"

"Do you think of me as a direct descendant, you know it yourself!"

"What else did you say to honor me and escort me? Bah! You just treat me as a pet. If you are happy, you will throw a bone, and if you are unhappy, you will kick me away!"

"As for your treasure house, haha, as long as you die, the entire Xizhou He family will be mine!"

He Shengtian stood aside, looking at the once aloof and invincible ancestor He Yongcheng, but now, like a pitiful bug, crawling in front of her and begging bitterly, her twisted heart was instantly satisfied.


He Tiantian's heart tingled slightly, as if something bad had happened.

Xuan Mo also frowned slightly, "That devilish energy is getting stronger..."

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