The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and thirty chapters dug out the ancestors (26)

"Ancestor, the program team said that the next live broadcast wants you and your seniors to leave the country too!"

After He Yitian answered the director's call, she hesitantly approached He Tiantian.

"Oh? Let me and my uncle also leave the country?"

Although He Tiantian used a questioning tone, he was not too surprised.

She has also been a star, and naturally knows the various routines in the entertainment industry.

Now she and Xuan Mo are very popular on the Internet. As long as the director of the program group is not emotionally intelligent, he will want to seize the traffic password.

"Yeah, ancestor, you also know that you and Senior Xuan Mo are so popular on the Internet that netizens even nicknamed the two of you - 'Shuang Jue'!"

When He Yitian mentioned this section, she couldn't help but get excited.

She said cheerfully, "You are the supreme god of science and technology, and your predecessors are the ancestors of the spiritual realm. In both fields, you are both top-notch beings. Together, aren't you 'double absolutes'?"


He Tiantian smiled, and Xuan Mo beside her was also full of tender eyes, "It's a good title!"

He smiled and asked He Tiantian, "Little sister-in-law, do we count as a cp formed by netizens?"

"Forget it! Why not! Don't you want to team up with me for CP?"

little uncle? Little sister-in-law?

Why do my ancestors and senior Xuanmo call the place so?

Did they already know each other?


You must know him, otherwise, why would Senior Xuan Mo come directly to him?

Moreover, looking at the speculations of netizens, senior Xuan Mo should have been looking for his ancestors, and he is very concerned about words such as "He" and "Sweet".

It's a pity that the first time Senior Xuan Mo made a mistake, he went to the He family in Xizhou, and He Shengtian had a "misunderstanding"!

He Yitian always felt that little sister-in-law, ah, it's not because the relationship between the ancestors and the senior Xuanmo is very good, they are like people from the world.

Two people always say something that outsiders can't understand, only they can understand.

Sometimes, they don't even need to speak, they can understand each other's meaning with just one look.

They seem to have known each other for a lifetime, and have been with each other until the end of their lives!

But the problem is that the old ancestor "disappeared" two hundred years ago, when she was only nineteen years old.

If he hadn't dug up the old ancestor himself, He Yitian would have guessed: maybe he met Senior Xuan Mo when the ancestor "disappeared", and they have gone through two hundred years together.

"The old ancestor didn't 'disappear', she was buried dozens of meters underground!"

"It's impossible for her to know Senior Xuan Mo, unless she can get to know Senior Xuan Mo in the form of a soul body!"

"But, is it possible? Huh? It doesn't seem impossible. The holographic warehouse developed by the ancestors can link people's brain nerves and put people in various virtual worlds?"

"Could it be—"

He Yitian's brain was wide open and she imagined countless possibilities.

Although it is far from the truth, in some respects, it is inexplicable.

He Tiantian did meet Little Master in another small world, but it was not a virtual world constructed by a holographic warehouse.


He Tiantian looked away from the face of the sixth generation grandson.

The child's thoughts were all written on her face, so He Tiantian knew what she was thinking without listening to her heart.

"How did my little uncle and I meet and stay together?"

He Tiantian suppressed the thoughts that were surging in a corner in the depths of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and a dark and inexplicable color flashed in her eyes.

"By the way, Xizhou He has returned the money and things back?"

He Tiantian didn't want to continue what he just said, so he changed the topic directly.

"Yeah! My mother went to take an inventory, and the damaged or sold items will be compensated according to the market price. This time, it is estimated that even if He Shengtian's family does not die, the skin will be peeled off!"

He Yitian said with a little emotion.

She didn't sympathize with He Shengtian, but felt it.

Once upon a time, she was so embarrassed.

It is said that in ten years of Hedong and ten years of Hexi, this feng shui has indeed been transferred to their side of the He clan in Dongzhou.

And these are all brought to her by the ancestors.

However, the ancestors were exposed in front of the camera, which also caused a lot of trouble to the ancestors.

He Yitian pursed her lips, and asked worriedly, "Old Ancestor, over there at the Academy—"

The many benefits of the holographic warehouse have been explained in detail by He Lingxi in the live broadcast.

Absolutely shocking network.

In the past, technology and spirituality were independent, even opposite!

However, this time, her ancestor He Tiantian used technology to assist her cultivation.

The spiritual academy was alarmed, and the spiritual family, large and small, even aimed at the holographic warehouse.

The Academy of Sciences seems to have been the second child of the millennium, and instantly had the opportunity to "counterattack" and "transcend", and began to pull up.

They have forgotten that although He Tiantian is the supreme god of technology, for now, He Tiantian has not joined the Academy.

Of course, the Academy soon realized.

Therefore, just after the live broadcast ended, there were countless phone calls.

They are extremely active in "recognizing their ancestors" and want to invite He Tiantian, the "giant god", to the altar of the Academy of Sciences.

"Humph! They are so embarrassed! They just said that they want to invite you back to the Academy of Sciences and Seminary. Why don't they say that they will return the rights such as patents and works that were 'recovered' to you?"

He Yitian couldn't help but complained when she thought of the former domineering of the Academy.

The property left by the ancestors to the He family is more than the first island and the shares of several major companies?

The most valuable are hundreds of patented inventions.

Only these royalties, copyright fees, etc. are enough to make a family worry about food and drink.

However, just 20 years after He Tiantian "disappeared", the Academy of Sciences used the law as an excuse to judge that all patent rights under He Tiantian's name were "invalid".

And this huge wealth is inherited by the entire scientific research community.

It is said that it is the scientific research community, but it is actually a scientific seminary.

This matter, strictly according to the law, is indeed the case.

But the law is nothing but human affection. He Tiantian is not without descendants. The practice of the Academy is too eager for quick success and too ruthless.

Later, when the He family declined, the Xizhou He family in turn bullied the Dongzhou He family. Protect one or two.

He Tiantian's old friend Chen Nan also became one of the backers of the He family in Dongzhou in his own name!

He Yitian has always had a bad impression of the Academy.

Now, the ancestors have returned, and the Academy of Sciences has jumped out again.

As soon as the upper lip touches the lip, the ancestors must "return to the Academy of Sciences"!

So easy to say!

Why don't you first return those huge property such as patent fees, author fees, etc. to the ancestors? !

The more He Yitian thought about it, the more indignant she became.

Not right either!

After the news that the ancestor was not dead broke on the Internet, the Academy of Sciences did not respond.

It was He Lingxi who exposed the holographic warehouse, and the Academy of Sciences "actively" contacted the He family!

"Too utilitarian! Too snobby!"

"Ancestors, I think they are worried that you have been sleeping for two hundred years, and the scientific and technological knowledge you have mastered has long been outdated, so they pretended not to know."

"The fact is, even if you have slept for two hundred years, ancestors, you are still like this!"

He Yitian gave He Tiantian a thumbs up, and then continued to say in a disdainful tone, "They just liked your holographic warehouse!"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, the Academy was already a very unfamiliar existence to her.

Except for one Chen Nan, she didn't know anyone at all.

However, He Tiantian would not hold a grudge against the Academy.

Those scientific research results, she herself handed over to the state.

How the state uses and arranges it is the state's business.

The Academy is also official, and they control those patent rights, which is not against He Tiantian's wishes.

No enmity, but no kindness!

He Tiantian has completely separated the Academy of Sciences from the former Chinese Academy of Sciences.

She will not pursue her own interests, but she will no longer have any close relationship with the Academy.

Not to mention "returning" or something, after all, she has never joined this organization!

"Yes! We won't join!"

He Yitian listened to her ancestor's words and nodded her head like garlic.

Sure enough, it's her own ancestor, hehe, talking and acting is just to her appetite.

Therefore, when He Yitian received a call from several elders of the Academy, she quickly refused on behalf of her ancestors.


The elders of the seminary never thought that He Tiantian would refuse.

She is an "ancient man" who has no spiritual veins, so she can also do some scientific research and inventions.

How can she get a foothold in this world if she doesn't join the Academy?

The Science Seminary is the only huge existence that can fight against the Spiritual Monastery.

It is also an important force to restrain spiritual practitioners.

He Tiantian still has a grudge with that Xizhou He Clan, who is a member of the Spiritual Cultivation Association.

If one gets it wrong, He Tiantian will become the enemy of the entire spiritual world.

Oh, by the way, there is also a holographic warehouse, which is said to be very helpful to spiritual practitioners.

Pretend to be guilty!

If He Tiantian didn't have a huge power as a backer, her fate could be imagined.

"Humph! It's really like two hundred years ago!"

"The Internet touted her as the supreme god of technology, and she really became a 'giant'?"

"I have high self-esteem, I don't know what it is! I want to see, without our seminary, whether she Tiantian can fight against the entire spiritual world!"

Several elders were rejected one after another, and the anger also came up.

They decided to "hang out" He Tiantian and let her experience the cruelty of reality for herself!


"Huh? The air defense siren of the first island went off?"

The day after the live broadcast ended, and two hours after He Yitian's representative He Tiantian refused to accept the Academy, a rushing and harsh alarm sounded on the first island.

He Tiantian can detect with her divine sense that there is an invasion by foreign enemies.

But she still pretended to use her brain to check the surveillance on the island——

In the air, there are twenty or thirty people floating. They are either stepping on flying swords or sitting on a flying boat. Just by looking at the flying posture of this imperial "object", they know that they are all spiritual practitioners.

"He's in Dongzhou, hand over the holographic warehouse!"

"That's right! Hand over the holographic warehouse, oh, by the way, as well as that He Tiantian, also hand it over to us!"

How is a holographic warehouse enough?

I still have to hold the laying hen in my hand...

82 Chinese Network

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