The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The 1031st chapter dug out the ancestors (27)

"My God! Why are there so many spiritual practitioners?"

When He Yitian saw the surveillance video, she was instinctively terrified.

She even forgot that their first island also had defensive laser weapons and a reworked Iron Man.

She forgot, but He Lingxi, who had experienced all kinds of illusions, did not forget.

"What are you afraid of! I'll go out and see!"

He Lingxi was domineering and leaked, and directly activated the smart bracelet.


A fiery red shadow flew out of the warehouse.

Kacha! Kachacha!

With a very rhythmic sound of mechanical jamming, He Lingxi's body was wrapped in red armor.

She started the program, with a bang, flames burst out from under her feet, and He Lingxi rose into the air, then turned around in the air, and headed straight for the enemy.

"How dare you come to the first island to make trouble!"

He Lingxi is no longer a love brain who only knows how to cry and cry, and she is now a sturdy overlord.

Standing alone in front of twenty or thirty spiritual practitioners, she was not afraid at all.

The right arm drew a fan shape in the air, and a red laser sword appeared in his hand.

"Haha, do you really think Iron Man can fight against our spiritual practitioners?"

Among the incoming spiritual practitioners, there was a guy who looked like a pawn, laughing and jumping out.

He drew a sword with runes flashing on it.

"Spirit Sword!"

This is a sword with a magic talisman drawn on it. Although the quality is only elementary, its power can rival that of a hot weapon.

This spiritual swordsman once slashed a laser cannon with one sword.

In the eyes of spiritual swordsmen, the Iron Man He Lingxi wore was an old antique that should have been eliminated long ago.

Not even a laser cannon!

He Lingxi: say it's not as good as it is? Then come and taste the taste of being counter-killed for yourself!

He Lingxi doesn't talk nonsense at all.

Waving a laser sword, he fought with a spiritual swordsman.

The laser sword vs the spirit sword is not at all disadvantaged.

He Lingxi has been on the battlefield in the environment and has a lot of combat experience.

And she went all out, without the slightest contempt or negligence.

As for the spiritual swordsman, he was somewhat arrogant.

After a few rounds of fighting between the two, He Lingxi seized the opportunity and chopped off the arm of the spiritual swordsman with a laser sword.


The spiritual swordsman screamed, reluctantly grabbed his severed arm, and fled quickly.

He has to be fast, he has to find the hospital in the shortest time and enter the treatment cabin, so that the broken arm can be "in good condition"!

In the first round, He Lingxi won!

"Okay, I really didn't see it, such a broken Iron Man can still have such power!"

"Very good! Very good! The old man is here to meet you for a while!"

An old man who looked like he was thinking a little, stood up as the second pawn.

He Lingxi didn't talk nonsense, the villain died of too much talk.

If you want to fight, you will fight. If you say too much, there is a p use?

Swish! Swish!

He Lingxi continued to wield the laser sword.

But the old man took out a few talismans.

boom! Boom!

Thunder sounded high in the sky.

He Lingxi felt a sense of crisis in her heart, and she became more cautious.

However, no matter how careful she is, there is only one.

And Xuan Lei has several.

And Iron Man's armor has iron, and iron can conduct electricity.

When Xuan Lei choked onto the armor, He Lingxi, who was in it, clearly felt the surging current.

Numbness all over, pain into the nerves.

He Lingxi gritted his teeth, blood dripping from the corners of his lips.

But if she survived, and took advantage of the old man's "getting carried away" opportunity, she threw a laser cannonball backhand.


The laser cannon landed precisely on the old man's head.

At a critical juncture, the old man hurriedly threw out a pile of talismans.

Barely removed more than half of its power.

However, the remaining laser cannon still injured the old man.

The old man's gray hair was scorched, his face was pitch black, and there were even a few wisps of black smoke on his head.


The old man spat out a mouthful of black blood and fell weakly from the air.

One of his companions exclaimed, threw out a magic talisman, and lifted him up.

In the second round, He Lingxi won terribly!

Her Iron Man was in tatters, and she herself was severely injured by the power of lightning.

However, He Lingxi did not retreat!

Behind her is her home, her ancestors, her daughter, and she still needs her protection!

"Mom! Let me come!"

Just when He Lingxi decided to protect him desperately, a familiar voice came from the headset.

"Yi Tian?"

He Lingxi was shocked and realized what He Yitian was going to do, she hurriedly shouted, "Go back! Go back to me!"

She's not dead yet as a mother, how could Yitian be able to take a child on top of her?

Over the years, she has owed her daughter too much.

From the moment she "awakes", He Lingxi secretly swore that from now on, she will fulfill her mother's responsibilities, take care of her daughter, and do everything she can to protect her!

"Mom! I'm not going back! Don't forget, now I am the head of the He family in Dongzhou!"

He Yitian, wearing a black and gold Iron Man, flew to He Lingxi's side.

He Lingxi: ... This arrogant child actually talks about the "home owner".


Now the head of the He family in Dongzhou is He Yitian, and she, He Lingxi, is at most "Mrs. Tai".


Wasn't it because her brain was flooded in the past that she couldn't bear the burden of the head of the house.

Now that the ancestors have dried up the water control in her mind, she should take up the responsibility of the big parent again.

"You are the head of the family? Hehe, well, my former head of the family announced that from now on, you are no longer!"

He Lingxi took out the authority of the elders and began to suppress the bloodline!

He Yitian: ...Mom, it's so unreasonable not to take you.

All spiritual practitioners: "Are you mother and daughter arguing enough? Do you really think we don't exist?"

They are spiritualists! Spiritualist!

The strongest existence in this world.

Usually they just dispatch one, enough to make ordinary people fear and surrender.

As a result, a large group of them came today. These two mortals without spiritual veins and high IQ actually ignored their existence like this.

How nasty!

"Enough is enough for you! Didn't you see that we were discussing things, you wait first!"

He Lingxi and He Yitian looked at the spiritual practitioners together and shouted angrily.

When they were shouting, the mother and daughter did not discuss in advance, and they started at the same time.

Swish! Laser sword unsheathed.

boom! The magic weapon is activated.

In midair, lasers flickered, thunder and fire flickered, and the fight was lively.

He Lingxi's mother and daughter, and then the advantage of sneak attack, had the upper hand at the beginning.

However, they are few in number, and the magic techniques of the spiritual practitioners are diverse and powerful.

In a few rounds, the two Iron Man were beaten to pieces.

He Lingxi and He Yitian, who were in it, were also injured.

The mother and daughter refused to admit defeat, and they desperately had to stand in front of the spiritual practitioners.

The spiritual practitioners were also a little annoyed, and the leaders finally issued an order, "Go!"

They no longer hide their strength, but go all out to attack.

More than 20 spiritual practitioners don't need to go all out, just a few people can show their true strength, and they can tear He Lingxi to pieces!

"Who dares!"

At this moment, a voice came from far to near.


"Oh, didn't I let you rest, why did you always come out in person?"

He Lingxi and He Yitian were anxious and exclaimed together.

He Tiantian didn't wear armor, and was still stepping on Hot Wheels, ahhh, no. Is standing on the aircraft.

She was still dressed in red, her long black hair was combed into a high ponytail, and the tips of her hair and her robe swayed gently in the wind.

"In my territory, bully my grandchildren, who will give you the guts."

He Tiantian ignored the fifth and sixth grandsons, and looked at the spiritual practitioners proudly.

"Dog guts"?

How dare this ant-like common man dare to call these spiritual practitioners dogs?

"What good is a girl with sharp teeth, what's the use of being sharp? In this world, strength has always been respected!"

"I will teach you the rules today!"

Among the spiritual practitioners, an old woman in her 50s or 60s stood up, sneered and put down her harsh words.

She looked in her fifties, but she was actually one hundred seventy or eighty years old.

Just based on "age", she must be younger than He Tiantian.

He Tiantian's "actual age" is 219 years old.

But because of "sleeping", her appearance and body stayed at 19 years old.

The old woman looked at He Tiantian's youthful and beautiful appearance, her eyes were full of jealousy——

Why, he is clearly forty or fifty years younger than her.

Just because the time to open up the spiritual veins is a bit late, even if he has already cultivated to the spirit pill realm, he can only stay in the ugly appearance of fifty years old!

The old woman had distorted her psychology by jumping directly from the bottom to the top, and then she got used to the feeling of being on top and controlling everything.

She no longer has the least sense of awe, and is regarded as an ant to the weaker than herself, especially the ordinary people who "do not depend on the two".

He Tiantian, the former "legend", was just a somewhat famous ant in the eyes of the old woman.

Still outrageous!

He Tiantian: ... Oh, I really thank you! Gave me such a "high" rating.

"Rules? Whose rules?"

He Tiantian also sneered like the old woman.

It's just that she is young and beautiful, even with a sneer, she is as beautiful as a painting.

As for the old woman, her face was wrinkled and sad.

He sneered, without the slightest sense of beauty, but with gloom and meanness.

There is no harm without contrast.

Even if the old woman couldn't see her own appearance, seeing He Tiantian sneer and still be so beautiful, her jealous heart became more and more distorted.

"Of course it's my rule!"

While speaking, the old woman raised her hand.

She was carrying a long whip in her hand, which was made by the mutant dragon tendon, a low-level spiritual weapon.

Because of her dark psychology, the old woman especially likes to use the "spirit whip" to smash beauty's face.

"Little prostitute, just because she is young and good-looking, dare to be presumptuous in front of her old body?"

"Who is the prostitute scolding?"

"Of course I scold you!"

"Oh, so it was the prostitute who scolded me!"

"...This old man will suck your mouth!"

"It's not certain who will suck it out!"

He Tiantian's mouth cannon skills, even if "sleeping" for two hundred years, is still strong.

In just three or two sentences, the old spiritual woman turned ashen with anger, wishing she could kill her and hurry up.


"Be careful!"

When He Lingxi and He Yitian saw the old woman put on a decisive offensive posture of "even if she blows herself up, she will kill the little bitch", and they all shouted in fright.

He Tiantian remained motionless, neither dodging nor dodging, and there was no fear on her face.


In midair, a doting male voice suddenly sounded...

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