The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and thirty-two chapters dug out the ancestors (28)

Latest URL: "Who?"


The spiritual practitioners looked around, trying to find the owner of the voice.

Some spiritual practitioners even secretly released their spiritual consciousness, covering the entire first island for search.

However, they found nothing.

The voice seemed to appear out of nowhere.

The spiritual practitioner's nerves suddenly tense, and he uses his eyes to communicate with the people around him frantically——

[Could it be that senior in white? 】

[His cultivation has really reached the Spiritual Origin Realm? 】

[Maybe it's just a trick, after all, the ancestor of the He family in Dongzhou was a big tech giant! 】

【right! It must be some kind of high-tech secretly used! 】

【Don't panic! Don't mess up! 】

Xu Shi was really appeased by this "fantasy", and the panicked emotions of everyone were somewhat appeased.


Without warning, without warning, the spirit whip in the hand of the old woman who was clamoring with He Tiantian just now moved.

However, the whip was not aimed at He Tiantian, but instead attacked the old woman.


The force of the spirit whip was very strong, and it hit the old woman's face with precision.

There was a deep bloodstain, and the flesh on both sides turned out, and the old woman couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.

The whip did not stop, and continued to beat!


"Forgive your life! Senior, spare your life!"

"I, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, I will never dare again!"

"Ah~ it hurts to death! You are all dead people riding on horses! Come and help!"

The old woman screamed again,

Again begging for mercy, and desperately dodging.

Unfortunately, no matter how she twisted her body, she couldn't escape the spirit whip.

After begging for mercy to no avail, the old woman broke out.

But she still didn't dare to yell at that mysterious senior, so she could only yell at her "accomplice".

Middle Spiritualist: ... together? You think we are fools!

We did come to provoke, but we didn't insult He Tiantian as soon as we came up.

Not even because of jealousy and vicious desire to paint other people's faces.

Now he was taught a lesson by the ancestors of the Lingyuan realm behind He Tiantian, but he urged them to be "cannon fodder".

Hmph, it's really ugly, but it's beautiful!

The old woman was whipped by the spirit whip and fell into the air, rolling around, covered in bloody whip wounds, looking very pitiful.

However, He Tiantian did not pity her.

Even if there is no investigation, just by looking at the evil that comes out of her bones and her actions of slashing a woman's face, you can know how unscrupulous she usually is.

Such a person, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, has a twisted and perverted mind, and deserves to be beaten!


With the whipping of the whip, the old woman's shrill screams slowly turned into weak moans.

Finally, someone in the spiritual cultivator's team couldn't bear it any longer, and hid in the crowd and shouted, "Senior, Senior Sister Qin is indeed wrong, but you don't need to kill everyone."

As soon as the first person spoke up, some people began to echo, "Yeah, yeah! Why be so aggressive?"

"Even if your cultivation base is high, you can't bully people like this!"

"... They are all spiritual practitioners, so why bother with infighting over some scorpions and ordinary people?"

There were a few sporadic sounds at the beginning.

However, everyone has a herd mentality.

Hearing others "protesting" seemed to embolden himself, so he also shouted.


There was still no sign, and everyone was suddenly "banned".

Only a few of them with relatively high cultivation bases vaguely felt a wave of spiritual power.

Then, they couldn't make any sound anymore.

【Void talisman? 】

【Really so powerful? 】

[Grandma's, there is no deception on the Internet, this fellow, oh no, it is this senior's cultivation base must be the Spirit Yuan Realm! 】

【more than! I have seen an old ancestor of the Spiritual Origin Realm, and he is simply unable to use his spiritual power at will. 】

【Depend on! It was sloppy, and he actually acted as a pawn for others. 】

[…This time, we won’t fold here, will we? 】

A group of people realized that they had been hit with the "Speech Talisman". No matter how much they opened and closed their mouths, they couldn't utter a single word, and they felt a little flustered in their hearts.

They looked at each other, they rolled their eyes desperately and kept making eye contact.


Someone reacted quickly, and Li Suo knelt down in front of He Tiantian——

You can't move your mouth, but your body can move!

He couldn't find the senior who didn't know where he was, but he could see He Tiantian.

This person can be seen, He Tiantian has no cultivation, but she has a super powerful spiritual master behind her as her backing.

Why was the surname Qin beaten so badly just now?

It's not because she owes her mouth, she opens her mouth, and she also sinisterly and viciously wants to smear He Tiantian's face?

boom! Boom!

The man couldn't speak, he could only express his actions with all his might: He Tiantian, little aunt, old ancestor!

I was wrong, I was really wrong!

Please let the old man behind you let me go!

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, Oh Huo, he is a person who knows current affairs.

"You are very smart!"

He Tiantian said with satisfaction.

Then, the man who kowtowed frantically found that he could speak again.

have to! What is not understood.

"Thank you Jushen He! Thank you Jushen He!"

In order to escape, the man also fought hard, and actually used the "respectful name" that netizens gave to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian became more and more satisfied, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but rise.


The man was directly hit by a force, and the fan flew out.

At the beginning, the man hadn't reacted yet, thinking that he had made a mistake in his prediction and offended the senior.

Or did He Tiantian see that he was as frightened as a frightened bird, so she said, "Still not leaving? Do you want to stay and force me to hand over the holographic warehouse?"

Only then did the man understand what Senior meant, and he waved his hand hastily, "No! No!

Walk! I'm leaving now! "

Hukou escaped danger, after the catastrophe, the man desperately urged his spiritual power, stepping on the flying sword to escape in a panic.

Someone made a sample, and everyone else responded!

Thump Thump Thump Thump!

A group of people knelt down.

They couldn't speak, so they could only use body language to beg for mercy.

Some people kowtow, some slap themselves, some...

Even the old woman who was beaten by the spirit whip to the point where she could only breathe, clenched her teeth and knelt down.

He Lingxi and He Yitian, their mother and daughter, were all dumbfounded when they saw so many spiritual practitioners kneeling towards their ancestors.

"My God, this is the first time I see a spiritual practitioner kneeling, and so many spiritual practitioners kneel together!"

"The ancestors are mighty! Senior Xuanmo is mighty!"

He Lingxi silently communicated with the headset while secretly rejoicing——

Hehe, with these two great elders, who will dare to bully the He Clan in Dongzhou in the future?


Another invisible force, all the kneeling people were fanned out.

Their bodies turned over in mid-air, without the slightest hesitation, they all shouted "Thank you, He Jushen", and fled in all directions.


Quickly pass the news back to the spiritual house.

That senior in white is too arrogant.

There were more than 20 of them, including experts from the Spirit Pill Realm. As a result, the other party didn't even show their faces, so they almost wiped them out.

This person's cultivation must have exceeded their imagination, and his strength is even more unfathomable.

If the spiritual monastery still does not give up and wants to find out the details of this senior, then please invite the ancestors of the Lingyuan realm to come forward.

Otherwise, whoever comes will kneel!


The news came back to the spiritual house, and the spiritual world was shocked.

Several elders from the Spiritual Origin Realm watched the video secretly filmed by the spiritual practitioners, slowed down the playback speed, and studied it bit by bit.

Then, several people said in surprise: "This senior's realm must be higher than the spiritual realm!"

The spiritual practitioner who was in charge of filming the video had low cultivation and little knowledge.

He didn't quite understand why the elders were so excited.

Suddenly such a master senior appeared, and he didn't deal with the spiritual house very much. The elders were not angry but extremely happy. What is the reason?

"Don't you understand?"

It was still his master. Seeing his puzzled expression, he laughed and scolded, "Why? Of course this senior broke through the shackles of cultivation!"

Cultivation shackles?

The man chewed these four words silently.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he thought: Yes, after the aura is revived, there is a spirit person with a spirit vein in his body.

After spiritual practitioners practice, they become spiritual practitioners.

There are three realms of spiritual practitioners: Smart, Ling Dan and Ling Yuan!

Two hundred years later, the highest cultivation in the spiritual world is the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Origin Realm.

Originally, the spiritual masters guessed that if they had broken through the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Origin Realm, either there was a higher realm, or they had "ascended" to the upper realm.

However, those ancestors who have reached the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Origin Realm, no matter how they cultivate, they will never be able to break through, let alone find the "heavenly ladder".

In the end, they could only helplessly wait for the consumption of Shou Yuan.

However, because the lifespan of the Spirit Origin Realm can reach eight hundred years, those cultivation geniuses reached their "peak" when they were more than one hundred years old.

There are still five or six hundred years of time left, and it is completely possible to continue exploring.

It's just that, for some reason, they are inexplicably helpless.

It seems that they have reached the "end", and there is no possibility of breakthrough.

They can only passively "wait to die".

The realm cannot be improved, and the remaining five or six hundred years can only wait for death. This feeling is a great temper and damage to the state of mind.

Finally, a few years ago, there was an old ancestor in the spiritual realm who was born with inner demons.

The spiritual world was even more panicked.

Unsettled people, rumors abound.

Among the many rumors, there is a saying-

In this time and space, what revives is not the real spiritual energy, but the chaotic energy mixed with demonic energy and evil energy.

The spiritual practitioner's cultivation method is not the right way, and all the "energy" is absorbed into the body, and the cultivation base is naturally affected.

Moreover, if the problem cannot be solved fundamentally, the spiritual world will not only face the problem of the shackles of cultivation, but may also be overturned.

And what is the root cause of the problem?


Or is the aura too complicated? Can't direct air into the body?

These two problems cannot be solved by the current spiritual house.

Thus, "Magic" was born.

It is not the temptation of the devil, but the human heart is like this.

Spirituality has no future.

There is still a chance of being enchanted.

Just when the spiritual world didn't know how to choose, the white-clothed senior appeared.

His existence proves that this world can break through the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Origin Realm! You can even soar!

82 Chinese Network

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