The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and thirty-three chapters dug out the ancestors (29)

The latest website: "Go to him and beg him! If possible, ask him to join our spiritual association!"

"Yes! Yes! He is our hope!"

"Hahaha! The spiritual world is saved!"

"Hey! That senior doesn't seem to have a good temper!"

"Oh, I can't blame the seniors. We made mistakes in our previous strategy. We shouldn't shoot a group of low-level spiritual practitioners to 'test'."

"Humph! If we don't try it, how do we know whether his cultivation is high or low? Do you listen to the nonsense on the Internet?"

"Okay, okay! Don't say a few words. Now is not the time to argue about this, but to discuss how to ask this senior for help!"

The elders from the Spiritual Origin Realm are usually the most aloof and arrogant.

But at this moment, it was like a group of children chatting and arguing endlessly.

Still the most prudent third elder on weekdays, he raised his hand and interrupted everyone's gossip.

"Hmph, you said lightly? How did you say please?"

There will always be someone who will stand up and pour cold water, "The cultivation base is higher than ours, so what you want is not easy to get?"

The way to be tempted is nothing more than power, wealth, beauty and so on.

As spiritual masters, they are more aware that as long as their cultivation is high enough, they will take the initiative to come to the door without deliberately pursuing them.

Therefore, although the words of this "I am awake alone" elder are ugly, they are very reasonable.

When the other elders heard the words, they couldn't help frowning.

Yes, people's cultivation base is so high, why not.

There is no need for the elders of them to go to "bait", and when people raise their fingers, there are countless people who offer what they need with their hands!

"There must be other ways!"

"Yes! As long as you are human, you have weaknesses!"

"...Weakness! There is! That He Tiantian!"

An elder blurted out,

All the elders looked at her in unison.

"I-Did I say something wrong? I just think that the white-clothed senior should like He Tiantian!"

This elder is the only female elder among the elders.

She is more emotional. When she was young, she used to be a love brain for a while.

As a result, she was abandoned by the scumbag. She couldn't think of it for a while, and ran to the primitive jungle to commit suicide.

Fortunately, she was bitten by a mutated poisonous flower. Under the stimulation of the poison, she did not die, but stimulated her spiritual veins.

Since then, the female elder has started the road of cultivation, and her cultivation has improved rapidly. In less than one hundred and fifty years, she has reached the Great Perfection of the Spiritual Origin Realm.

The cultivation base is high, and the horizons are naturally broadened.

In the past, true love came first, and in the eyes of the female elders, it also became a joke.

She never moved her sincerity. Anyway, there were little fresh meat and little wolf dogs around her, so she didn't lack men at all.

But deep down in her heart, she still believes in love.

Therefore, when she heard about the senior in white, she found a "breakthrough" from the perspective of love.


"Fuck! Seventh Elder, what are you talking about love?"

"Senior in white is the real eldest man, what does he want? He's still like a stubborn boy, obsessed with a woman without a spiritual vein?"

"He Tiantian is not an ordinary person. She is the supreme god of technology!"

"Heh! The great man two hundred years ago, with the rapid development of technology, her technology has long been outdated, okay?"

"...This doesn't work! That doesn't work either! Tell yourself, what should you do?"

The elders were talking in a fuss, and the female elder was angry with the diss, so she shouted at the top of her voice.

The crowd was silent.

Yes, although the suggestion of the female elder is a bit bizarre, as of now, it is the only possible method.

At least, they can't think of other better and more reliable strategies.

"Okay, then I'll send someone to contact He Tiantian!"

"If she can help us persuade Senior White, I, I will recommend her to join the Spiritual Association!"

Without spiritual veins, one can join a spiritual association and enjoy various benefits of the spiritual world.

As long as the person has made special contributions, or has the recommendation of the elders of the spiritual association, it is fine.

This, was originally the selfishness of the spiritual elders—

Ahem, even the elders of the spiritual world, no one can guarantee that their descendants will have spiritual veins.

In case it is a waste of wood without spiritual veins, and the IQ is not enough, does it really make them the bottom of the society?

Even if you can't become a spiritual practitioner, you must register in the spiritual practice association to improve your status!

Of course, there are limits to the unspoken rules of obviously going through the back door.

Every elder, every fifty years, can only recommend one "mortal" to join the spiritual association.

At the moment when the birth policy is liberalized and there are "concubines" in disguise, it is impossible for a man to have only one wife or only one child.

Wife, "training assistant", son-in-law, concubine... It's not too much.

The family is prosperous, but there are also many younger generations to worry about.

A privilege is really not enough.

Therefore, the elder shouted, "I would like to recommend He Tiantian to join the Spiritual Cultivation Association", which is definitely a bloodbath.

"Okay! Just do it!"

Everyone also felt that it was definitely a great honor and a huge benefit to let an ordinary person join the Spiritual Cultivation Association.

But they forgot that Xuan Mo's cultivation made them all jealous and coveted, and they could create a cultivation force on their own.

Then, let the woman he loves directly serve as the boss of this cultivation force.

Instead of accepting the self-righteous "reward" of the spiritual association, be a "connected household" with a false name and no real power.


"Spiritual Association? Don't go! Not interested!"

He Tiantian refused abruptly.

"Yes, ancestor, you are the supreme god in the world of science and cultivation, how can you go to the spiritual association?"

He Yitian nodded vigorously, agreeing with the decision of her ancestors.

He Tiantian glanced at the sixth generation of grandsons, and said in a daze, "Kexiu has nothing to do with me either!"

The current Academy of Sciences is unfamiliar and indifferent.

He Tiantian has no sense of closeness or belonging at all.

Moreover, because of the holographic warehouse, the Academy of Sciences showed an ugly appearance, which made He Tiantian even more disgusted.

What kind of science repairer, can't she independently engage in scientific research and invention without joining the science repair association?

He Tiantian was used to being lazy and was unwilling to be controlled and regulated by any forces.

The Science Cultivation Association doesn't have an appetite for He Tiantian, and He Tiantian doesn't want to participate in spiritual practice, so she won't choose any power!

"It's good to be a 'free man'!"

Xuan Mo looked at He Tiantian tenderly, and said softly, "Don't mix with those vulgar things, follow your heart, and do whatever you want!"

He and the little sister-in-law are both free and undisciplined people, and they don't want to be bound by anything.

Even if it is "the way of heaven"-

A sharp cold light flashed in Xuan Mo's eyes.

But soon, he quickly hid it again.

There are some things that he and the little sister-in-law know very well, but they can't say it.

The time has not come!

"Yes! Follow your heart!"

He Tiantian nodded and looked at Xuan Mo with gentle eyes.

He Yitian: ...Ah, ah, I was fed rations again, ancestors, can't you take pity on me, a single dog?

"Right! Ancestor, the second live broadcast will start tomorrow!"

He Yitian changed the topic bluntly, "The program team called and said that tomorrow's live broadcast will have a 'visitor' part!"

After hearing He Yitian mentioned the live reality show, He Tiantian became somewhat interested, "What visitor?"

"Is it letting the five guests visit each other? Or is there a designated 'mystery guest'?"

He Yitian gave a thumbs up, "Ancestor, amazing!"

As expected of his ancestors, he is so clear about these routines of variety shows.

"The program team asked five guests to visit each other. The roles of the host and the guest were 'randomly' drawn!"

When He Yitian introduced it, he did not forget to emphasize the word "random".

Hehe, where's the randomness?

All the programs have been planned in advance.

"Has He Shengtian quit the show?"

He Tiantian also thought of it and asked.

He Yitian gave another thumbs up, "Cow! Ancestor, you are so awesome!"

When I heard the word "random", I asked He Shengtian directly.

If He Shengtian did not quit, then He Yitian would have a 99% chance of drawing He Shengtian.

And the variety show group that loves to do things, will He Shengtian quit?


Therefore, when He Tiantian asked He Shengtian whether to quit, his tone was very determined.

"He Shengtian continues to participate in the show! Tsk tsk, ancestor, you didn't go to He Shengtian's personal account, Leda."

"The comment section is full of sarcasm, ridicule and even abusive words."

"I don't sympathize with He Shengtian. She will end up like this. It's pure retribution, it's the backlash of evil forces."

"However, He Shengtian deserves it, and can't prove the innocence of those trolls!"

"I can't imagine that so many dirty words are words that humans can write. In reality, do they dare to scold such dirty and poisonous words?"

He Yitian is really moved. She used to experience the whole network black.

If she hadn't been lucky enough to dig out her ancestors, she would only be worse than He Shengtian now!

He Tiantian didn't speak. This kind of people who wantonly vent on the Internet because of their bad life cannot be completely eliminated.

"... If He Shengtian doesn't quit, then the show team will continue to do things!"

He Tiantian was silent for a moment, then continued, "You better get ready. Either the program team will let you 'visit' He Shengtian, or let He Shengtian come to our first island!"

But no matter what the situation is, He Yitian has to be prepared.

He Tiantian will not speculate on others with the greatest malice, but she will keep the word "cautious" in mind.

"Mmmm! Ancestor, what do I think too. I'm going to take all the amulet that Senior Xuan Mo gave me, and my mother, she will always be with me!"

He Tiantian nodded, she suddenly thought of something, and said deliberately: "If you are selected as a guest and you are going to be a guest at He's in Xizhou, then tell me."

He Tiantian looked at Xuan Mo, "My little uncle and I will accompany you!"

The He family in Xizhou, the family established by He Yongcheng.

Two hundred years later, I don't know what her cheap brother has become.


"Ah~~~ You white-eyed wolf, I am your ancestor, how could you treat me like this?"

"Let me out! He Shengtian! I, I beg you..."

In the ancestral house of He's family in Xizhou, and in He Yongcheng's training room, a cloud of black mist became more and more dense, and the shadow wrapped in it became weaker and weaker!

82 Chinese Network

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