The Heroine Took The Villain Script

The first thousand and thirty-four chapters dug out the ancestors (30)

The latest website: The next morning, the second live broadcast will start.

In an instant, countless audiences poured into the live broadcast room. In addition to netizens who really wanted to watch the live broadcast, there were also people from the seminary and spiritual seminary.

The people of the two camps have very clear goals—

Some people want He Tiantian's holographic warehouse, while others are eyeing Xuan Mo!

[After waiting for three days, the broadcast finally started! 】

[I read the preview of the program and said that there is a 'visitor' session today. 】

[I have a hunch that the show team is going to do something! 】

[It is a coincidence that I have the same hunch. 】

Netizens have watched a lot of variety shows, and they are too aware of the routines of these entertainment show groups.

And the director of the live reality show did not live up to the "expectations" of netizens, and gave a "surprise" as soon as the broadcast started——

In the live broadcast, He Yitian was wearing a training suit and just jumped off the plum blossom pile.

I received an "invitation letter" couriered by a drone.

Yesterday, He Yitian had already discussed with the ancestors.

So, after unfolding the invitation letter and seeing the contents, she was not surprised at all.

She turned the invitation over and showed it to the live camera: "Baby, you guessed it right, the program team is working on it again!"

"This is an invitation letter from He Shengtian, inviting me to be a guest at the ancestral house of He's family in Xizhou!"

【Ahhh! I know the urine of the show group! 】

[I just want to say: Well done! 】

【what? Am I the only one who discovered the point: the ancestral home of the He family in Xizhou? 】

【Yep! It is the ancestral home, not the ancestral land! 】

[Isn't it saying that He Shengtian is not valued by the He Clan in Xizhou at all? Then how can she talk about her ancestors and let the show team go to the ancestral house to shoot? 】

He Yitian's fans were puzzled.

He Shengtian's fans rejoiced.

Originally thought that their "Little Gongju" was torn off the painting skin and completely overturned the car.

Unexpectedly, the twists and turns.

[Xiao Gongju is a Xiao Gongju, people directly use facts to 'slap their face'! 】

[Those sunspots who slander and ridicule Xiao Gongju, let me ask, does your face hurt? 】

[Also said that our Xiaogongju is not a phoenix but a grass chicken? I bother! Can your grass chicken use the ancestral home of a spiritual family at will? 】

【Knock on the blackboard! Focus! Not the ancestral land, but the ancestral home! Ancestral home! Ancestral home! 】

Shen Injustice Zhaoxue, oh no, it's a proud look.

He Shengtian's fans, as if they had become a distinguished little public, not only cheered desperately in He Shengtian's live broadcast room, but also went to the live broadcast room of other guests (the key point is He Yitian) to frantically swipe the screen.

Netizens who like He Yitian and hate He Shengtian, although they feel uncomfortable, they are right.

If He Shengtian was not taken seriously in the He family in Xizhou, it would be impossible to "live broadcast" in the most honorable and important ancestral home.

He Shengtian turned over again? !

With such doubts, everyone followed He Yitian, who was wearing Iron Man, and flew to He's ancestral home in Xizhou.

Most people focus on He Yitian and the impending tear.

There are also a few people who have not forgotten He Tiantian and Xuan Mo.

This part of the talent is the real boss. They used their influence to ventilate the show team.

So, of the three drones that followed, only one shot He Yitian, and the other two were far away from the other two figures in the air.

He Tiantian was still dressed in red, with a "balance bike" under her feet.

Xuan Mo's white clothes fluttered, and he walked in the air.

Netizens soon discovered them:

【Ah, ah, this is He Tiantian? Oh my god, it doesn't look like an ancient person over 200 years old. 】

[How does she take care of it? What kind of cool technology did you develop by yourself? So young and so beautiful? 】

[Ah~~~ There is also a fairy brother, a prosperous and beautiful face, like an exiled immortal, with a temperament like a flower, a gentle gentleman...Ah, ah, I will know these idioms, who will continue? 】

【I come! Created by nature, the immortals roll together, the male and female cry, uh, the one in front doesn't count! 】

Netizens are licking the screen and playing tricks again, and they are very happy.

The cultivators and spiritual practitioners looked at the messy barrages speechlessly, and couldn’t help but complain—

"Why do you want to participate in such a vulgar show?"

"How noble originally was, but to be judged by these ant-like mortals?"

They can't understand and don't want to understand.

But these two people, one has been surpassed by no one in the scientific research community for two hundred years, and the other is suspected of having the secret method to break through the "shackles of cultivation".

The two camps, Kexiu and Lingxiu, both want to pull these two people into their side.

In order to gain further understanding and contact, they could only endure their impatience and watch this kind of nutritious entertainment program.

"Actually, we are better than the He Clan in Xizhou! Haha, they opened the ancestral house directly."

"Let's put it this way, I'm suddenly more balanced. Yes, at most we are wasting time watching a live broadcast, but the He family in Xizhou has to 'contribute' even the ancestral house!"

"Hey, you say, is that old man He Yongcheng crazy?"

"...Maybe they just love their little granddaughter?"

The spiritual practitioner who said this would not believe it himself.

Little granddaughter?

But they are descendants after five or six generations, and their blood ties have been diluted to the point that they are not so close. Where is there any feeling?

Besides, talking about feelings for a spiritual practitioner who has lived for more than two hundred years?

This is not a joke.

Instead of believing that He Yongcheng cares about the blood and family, it is better to believe that He Shengtian has come up with a bargaining chip that is enough to impress He Yongcheng.

"Little Martial Uncle, you said that He Shengtian is an artist who overturned the car. What can she have that can impress He Yongcheng?"

He Tiantian, who was flying in midair, was also chatting with Xuan Mo silently.

"Why must it be 'baited'? Is there a possibility that He Yongcheng was coerced?"

Xuan Mo once stayed in the He family in Xizhou, and also met He Yongcheng with his own eyes.

It is said that this person is He Tiantian's blood relative, the younger brother of a fellow mother.

However, Xuan Mo carefully observed that the two were not alike.

He Tiantian is independent, strong, and seemingly cold, but there is always a soft corner in her heart.

He Yongcheng, selfish and vicious, looking at kindness and kindness, is actually insidious and cunning.

He is a typical profit-oriented monk.

For his own cultivation, he can betray and give up everything!

Family, friendship, and love are all incomparable to tangible benefits.

He Shengtian wants He Yongcheng to "cooperate", it is useless to play emotional cards.

Either lure or coerce!

Therefore, He Tiantian guessed the former, while Xuan Mo was more inclined to the latter.

"Did you find something?" He Tiantian knew Xuan Mo, and he would not guess without reason.

"Magic Qi!" Xuan Mo was not like He Tiantian. After he appeared in this world, he "traveled" everywhere.

He Tiantian, after waking up, stayed on the first island, unaware of the outside world.

"Little Sister-in-law, you should have guessed it long ago. The spiritual energy of Fang Tiandi is not pure!"

"Yeah! It's very mixed! It's mixed with many dark energies such as evil spirits and filth. I suspect that there are only three realms of spiritual practitioners, which are also related to this 'reiki'."

"That's right! I think so too! Moreover, always using this kind of spiritual energy to cultivate, it is easy to breed demons. Once you can't control it, you will fall into the devil's way."

"...Is it possible that there are magic cultivators in this world!" He Tiantian thought, and she thought of a person.

"It's possible! As long as people have desires, there will be 'magic'."

This is inevitable.

Xuan Mo looked down and found that they had entered the area of ​​Xizhou.

He released his divine sense and wrapped the huge Xizhou in—


Xuan Mo took a deep breath.

He Tiantian knew the answer in an instant, the He Clan in Xizhou did have magical energy.

And He Shengtian, who can "show off his power" in his ancestral land, is even more suspicious.

Therefore, when the group arrived at the ancestral house of the He family in Xizhou, the two figures of He Tiantian and Xuan Mo disappeared in front of the camera in an instant.

【Ahhh! Am I blinded? One red and one white figure, why did it disappear in a flash? 】

【You have no dazzling eyes! I noticed that too! 】

[Before, you guys are too funny. The split-screen pictures in the live broadcast room are all 'still', and of course He Jushen and the immortal brother have disappeared! 】

[No, their speed is too fast, so-called most advanced drones have not caught up with their rhythm! 】

Not to mention the netizens, even the spiritual practitioners and clerical practitioners who were squatting in the live broadcast room had their eyes widened.

He Tiantian and Xuan Mo, just disappeared?

Where did they go?

What have they been doing?

no one knows!

Even He Shengtian, who thought he was in control of the entire ancestral house, did not find any trace of the two.

However, at this time, He Shengtian didn't care about He Tiantian and Xuan Mo. She just wanted to show off her wealth and status in front of the camera.

[Ah, ah, Xiao Gongju, oh no, now I feel like I am already the queen! 】

[It must be the queen, didn't you see those spiritual practitioners bowing their heads to me sweetly? 】

[I have a bold guess, could it be that I am sweet and have adventures? He was directly cultivated by the ancestors of the He family as heirs? 】

【Haha, it is possible! Even if it's not possible, I like this setup! 】

[...Someone's brain powder is really enough, can you not put gold on your own face? 】

【that is! What a queen? Really think this is the filming of Mary Sue's heroine. 】

【right! We are insane! We Shengtian are just mortals who are despised! You wise men tell us, why did the 'ant-like' Sheng Tian film in He's ancestral home? 】

【right! We are insane! The wise ones, please explain why those noble spiritual practitioners are so respectful and awe-inspiring to us Shengtian? 】

【Oh! I know, the smart people will definitely say that it was me who shamelessly coerced and lured me! Very good, the question comes again, how did I coerce and lure a group of high-ranking spiritual practitioners? 】

He Shengtian's fans were already ridiculed and aggrieved.

Finally got the opportunity to "counterattack", how could they easily let it go.

All kinds of yin and yang weirdness, all kinds of sarcasm, they use it so skillfully.

He Shengtian, who glanced at the light curtain from time to time, felt a sense of relief when he saw these barrages.


What my mother wants is this kind of happy face slap!

82 Chinese Network

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