The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 1035 Digging out the ancestors (End)

The latest website: He Fengming and Wu Xincheng, the couple who were downcast a few days ago and looked like a concubine, now also appeared in front of the camera brightly.

They seem to have forgotten the embarrassment of being skinned and forced into debt before, and they are still acting as wealthy and wealthy couples.

They even showed their affection in front of He Lingxi.

[I can't stand it, I really can't stand it! This pair of scumbags and scumbags, how could they have the face to do this? 】

[In the front, if they wanted to face, they would not have done shameless and lowly things in the first place. 】

[But, it's too shameless. I was just stripped a few days ago, but now, but——]

【what is this? Laugh at the poor but not at the prostitute! Go to the live broadcast room next door to see, there are really bad-looking brains who eat their way! 】

[Yes, those netizens have simply eaten up the three views and the bottom line, and they even praised He Fengming and Wu Xincheng for their talents and looks. They are a match made in heaven. 】

【vomit! I really want to yue! 】

He Yitian's fans rejected and boycotted He Fengming and his wife.

However, there are also netizens who are blinded by the sweet love they deliberately performed, and they really think they are "true love".

[Although, true love is innocent! 】

[Yeah, they did do something wrong, but they should also be hard on themselves. 】

[I also know that they are shameless, but in the world of love, how many right and wrong are there? 】

【That's it! Besides, He Fengming and the others have been scolded for so many years, so it should offset their past mistakes. 】

【Yes! The property that Wu Xincheng embezzled has also been returned! Always thinking about those Chen sesame rotten millet, someone's fans, are you bothered? 】

The sailors invited by He Fengming took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and secretly guided public opinion.

Looking at the loving pair of middle-aged men in front of the camera, the male is mature and handsome, a typical uncle circle.

The woman is gentle and fragile, like a little, ahem, an old fairy who doesn't eat human fireworks.

Although the old little white flower is not as lovable as when she was young.

However, that weak temperament still attracted many netizens.

The most important thing is the attitude of the entire Xizhou He family towards their family of three - awe!

As if they were some great big man.

And everyone has a strong mentality.

Seeing He Fengming and his wife show off their love and wealth in their luxurious mansion is like watching a middle-aged idol drama.

All kinds of pictures satisfy all their fantasies about wealthy families and spiritual families.

In the live broadcast room, there was another navy leading the topic. Soon, the voice of scolding scumbags and scumbags was suppressed, and replaced by envy and compliments!

It seems that the cooking of his own fans is rich, and his fans have also increased their worth.

When He Fengming and Wu Xincheng saw these comments, they were sure that they were not all the navy soldiers they bought, but that there were real netizens and fans among them, and they were completely relieved.

Cleaned up!

Haha, with the help of their daughter, they finally got whitewashed!

The two of them were very proud, and looked at He Lingxi with even more show off and provocation.

Especially He Fengming, she has always been inferior in front of He Lingxi.

She finally won the man and took everything from He Lingxi. As a result, she was beaten back to her original shape before she was happy for a few years.

And He Lingxi, who was next door, transformed gorgeously and compared her again.

Just when He Fengming thought that he really couldn't stand up again, his daughter became successful and actually got the entire He Clan in Xizhou.

Haha, at this moment, seeing He Lingxi's blushing face, He Fengming is as refreshing as drinking ice water in dog days.

He Fengming knew that He Lingxi was jealous of her and envied her!

He Lingxi: ... If you are blind, you will be equipped with a guide dog. When did I envy you and envy you?

Just because Wu Xincheng is a dog man?

Bah, she deserves it too!

Today is the first time that He Lingxi saw Wu Xincheng after he got "new life"——

People in their fifties, although they are well maintained, they have the greasyness of middle-aged and elderly men.

The hairline is in a hurry, the body is in a hurry... From head to toe, the invasion of time and wine color is revealed.

Even without these, Wu Xincheng himself is full of "fakes" from the inside out!

"I must have been blind in the first place, and I actually fell in love with such a hypocritical 'oil' thing in the world."

He Lingxi didn't hide it at all, and said something mockingly at the camera.

[Haha, Sister Lingxi is so humorous, and she sums it up super well! 】

[Yes, I wanted to say it for a long time, that 'Boss' is too greasy. Although his appearance is good, his temperament really pulls his hips. 】

【That's it! I just took a look at the live broadcast room next door, two people who are almost 100 years old together are still pretending to stage an idol drama. vomit~~]

[…Hmph, I think you are just jealous! No matter how awesome He Lingxi was, he was also abandoned by Wu Xincheng. If no man wants, she is a loser! 】

【Fuck! I can't stand it! When will a woman's success be judged by 'do men want it'? 】

[The one in front, don't care about the idiots, you won't have to lower your IQ! 】

[Only the mentally disabled will call others "brainless" at every turn. Humph, you are a bunch of lemon essences! I envy the love of husband and wife! 】

With the continued guidance of the navy, He Fengming's family of three showed all kinds of luxury and privileges in the He family in Xizhou, and more and more netizens began to stand for them.

The live broadcast room is naturally a new round of scolding.

He Shengtian watched happily, but she didn't know that her "old nest" had been discovered by He Tiantian and Xuan Mo.

"Little Master, it should be here, right?"

He Tiantian is holding a small detector, which is a gadget she developed by herself.

Specially used to detect energy fluctuations.

Whether it is positive spiritual power or negative dark power, the detector can detect it.

"Yes! Demonic energy seeps out of this room."

Xuan Mo nodded, he didn't find it strange that He Tiantian was clearly cultivated, but deliberately used black technology to hide it.

He will not stop.

On the contrary, Xuan Mo cooperated extremely well, and helped He Tiantian to make plays very dotingly.


He Tiantian put away the detector and took out the laser sword.

A red light flashed, and the thick superalloy door panel of the secret room was easily cut open.

"What a strong magic energy!"

Xuan Mo raised his hand and drew the Dao Ling Talisman, and a transparent layer of spiritual energy shield blocked He Tiantian.

"Little Master, be careful!"

He Tiantian took the laser sword, cautiously passed through the broken door, and entered the secret room.

"Well! Don't worry, I will protect you!"

Xuan Mo waved his sleeves and dispelled the tumultuous demonic energy.

"Huh? This is?"

The demonic energy receded, revealing an old and weak figure.

He Tiantian took a closer look and felt a little familiar.

A figure flashed in her mind, and she blurted out, "He Yongcheng?"

"Who? Who rescued me?"

The spiritual veins were destroyed, and there was no "torture" of demonic energy, and the man instantly became an old man.

He raised his head with difficulty and saw a young and beautiful girl.

Suddenly, he widened his eyes, "He, He Tiantian?"

The woman he hated for 200 years was also his only closest relative in the world.

He had a high cultivation base and lived for more than 200 years, but his direct descendants all died because of their low cultivation base or during fights.

The He family's mansion is already inhabited by his fourth-generation grandson, as well as his fifth- and sixth-generation grandchildren!

It is said to be a direct descendant, but in fact, the blood relationship is already far away.

Moreover, since he became a spiritual practitioner, his heart has already become as cold and hard as cold iron.

Those children and grandchildren are more Gu that he raised, not relatives.

Suddenly seeing his sister, He Yongcheng had an inexplicable emotion and nostalgia.

"Sister! I've never called you that in person!"

"I didn't know you existed in the past. After knowing, you have become enemies with our He family. I, I hate you!"

"You should hate me too. My parents and aunt told me that it was because they wanted me that they 'adopted' you to my aunt!"

"Sister, you don't know. In fact, parents have long regretted that they should not treat you like that. What happened to the daughter? The daughter can still win honor for her parents!"

"I'm not convinced! I'm a son, how can parents regret it?"

"...Two hundred years ago, I thought I had become a spiritual practitioner with a high level of cultivation, but now it seems that I am indeed not as good as you!"

"Sister, I'm sorry! Also, thank you!"

After saying this, He Yongcheng breathed out, and there was a relieved smile on his mouth.

He Tiantian couldn't tell what mood she was in. She looked at He Yongcheng's body for a long time.

Until a shrill scream came from my ear——

"Ah! Who are you? Why are you able to raise your cultivation base to the Nascent Soul stage in this world with mixed spiritual energy? Impossible! Impossible at all!"

"He Tiantian, we are the same kind, why don't you want to cooperate with me?"

"Why did you choose this little uncle? He is simply an NPC! He is a virtual existence! You, you would rather have a fake than form an alliance with me?"

"Ah ah ah! I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled! I, Lian Ye, are the son of heaven, the darling of heaven, why, why!"

The roars one after another awakened He Tiantian.

She followed the voice and found that Xuan Mo had rescued the "demon" hiding in the dark.

It's none other than her "peer", the wild writer Lian Ye!

Two hundred years ago, this person discovered the recovery of spiritual energy and actively cultivated.

In order to reign supreme in the Age of Reiki, he even plotted against He Tiantian to sink her first island.

It's a pity that Lian Ye didn't become a cultivator as he wished, let alone ascend.

He cultivated to no avail, was trapped by his inner demon, and directly entered the demon.

Raising her hand, He Tiantian threw out the laser sword.



Lian Ye, whose dantian was destroyed by Xuan Mo, was beheaded by He Tiantian with a sword.

"It's so good! I finally waited for the approval and apology of my biological parents and my biological brother, I have a filial and kind younger generation, I have a lover who knows each other and promises each other in life and death, and I also killed the biggest enemy..."

What a world!

It's a pity, all of this is, yes, false!

He Tiantian stimulated all the spiritual power in the body, and instantly burst out the suppressed cultivation base.


The world shook, as if the end of the world had come.

The picture in front of her began to shatter and collapse...

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