The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 341: Go to hell with your beauty (11)

He Tianshi showed such a move, everyone present was shocked.

However, Father Tian and Mrs. Han have something to rely on - we are your biological father and mother, close relatives of flesh and blood. Even a married daughter cannot fight against her biological father and mother, right? !

Father Tian was the first to react. He looked gloomily at the grain and copper coins given to them by He Tian, ​​and then looked at the donkey cart full of supplies, and he had an idea in his heart.

Why is the He family the He family and the Tian family the Tian family?

He gave birth to Tian Danniu, and he is Tian Danniu’s biological father!

This disobedient, unfilial, and careless white-eyed wolf, really thinks that by saying some heartless words, he can really distance himself from the Tian family?

Even if you have to get rid of it, you still have to keep things.

Father Tian has been scheming with others all day long, and he has never suffered such a loss!

What's the use of Tian Da Niu being so powerful and speaking so harshly?

Father Tian didn't believe it. He and the old lady were lying in front of the donkey cart. Did Tian Da Niu really dare to push the donkey cart over them?

Huh, if she was really so heartless, the people around her would drown her out.

In addition, although there is a famine now, the imperial court has not yet fallen. If Tian Da Niu dares to harm her biological parents, even if she is a married daughter, as her biological father and mother, Tian Dad is qualified to go to the Yamen to accuse her of disobedience!

Father Tian thought this way without any ambiguity, and winked at Mrs. Han.

Mrs. Han was worthy of being the gun that Father Tian used best. With just one look, she understood what her husband meant.

In fact, even without the encouragement of her wife, Mrs. Han still wanted to make a big fuss with the He Tian family.

So what if you are strong?

Does she really dare to fight against her biological father and mother? !

Mrs. Han is confident, or in other words, although the He Tian family in front of her has changed, her years of obedience and responsiveness to her mother's family have caused both Mrs. Han and Father Tian to misunderstand - we can manipulate our daughter, even if she "awakens" !

However, He Tianshi told her the truth: Want to take advantage of me? impossible!

He Tian keenly caught the changes in Father Tian's expression.

And the eye interaction with Mrs. Han.

She spoke first before Mrs. Han started to cry, "Father, mother, I am a junior. Even if I marry He's wife, I can't completely cut off the flesh-and-blood relationship with you!"

"Fortunately, I still have a younger brother named Tian Yaozong. Parents, it is right for me to be filial to you, but as the eldest sister, it is also natural for me to 'discipline' my unmotivated younger brother!"

Therefore, if you want to make trouble, then go ahead and make trouble. I can't do anything to you, but I can "take care of" Tian Yaozong!

After all, "eldest sister is like mother"!

As a sister, you not only have the obligation to "support" your younger brother. If your younger brother does something bad, I, the eldest sister, can also exercise my "mother" rights and teach him a lesson!

He Tian's tone was very soft, but her eyes flashed with a fierce light.

There was a hint of expectation in her words, as if she was looking for an opportunity to "discipline" Tian Yaozong, but she lacked a legitimate excuse!

Father Tian: ...You thief, Sister Tian, ​​you, you dare to threaten me?

Mrs. Han's reaction was half a beat slower than that of Father Tian, ​​but she quickly understood: ...Wow, you're such a big girl Tian, ​​how dare you take advantage of your brother?

This old couple is angry and hateful. If looks could kill, He Tian would have been silenced by his own father and mother!

Father Tian still had some sense, so he didn't let Mrs. Han rush forward and beat He Tianshi directly.

He felt that he had been forbearing enough, but he was actually frightened by the threat of an unfilial daughter.

However, He Tian was still dissatisfied: How dare you stare at me? It seems that my good parents don't believe that I will take action against Tian Yaozong.

Also, in the past few years, under the brainwashing of her parents, she determined that her younger brother Tian Yaozong was her responsibility.

No matter what the reason was at the beginning, she took care of Tian Yaozong for more than ten years like a friendly elder sister with all her heart and soul, and she would have some feelings for him.

Even if He Tian has hatred in his heart now, it is more because he hates his parents for being partial and cruel, and he should not vent his anger on the "innocent" Tian Yaozong.

At least in the hearts of Father Tian and Mrs. Han, they felt that the He Tian family would not really kill Tian Yaozong!

"Tian Yaozong, you are a loser. There have been so many troubles in the family, but you are still hiding in the cave. Are you still not a man? Do you still have any sense of being the pillar of the Tian family?"

He Tian suddenly raised his voice and scolded the younger brother who he once loved as his darling with great disgust!

Father Tian and Mrs. Han were both shocked.

He Tian's cursing tone and her indifferent expression when she saw her brother peeking at the entrance of the cave made the old couple even more frightened.

How can such a cold and cruel woman still have the slightest trace of the loving elder sister she once was? !

At this moment, Father Tian finally realized that this damn girl Tian Danniu really had no parting with the Tian family at all!

If he and the old lady dare to make trouble with her, she will dare to take action against Tian Yaozong and even Tian Fugui!

"...You might as well just hit me!"

Tian Yaozong and his son are the life of Father Tian. When he thinks that his precious son and grandson Jin Gui will be bullied by this dead girl Tian Da Niu, Father Tian's heart feels as if it is being pricked by needles!

However, Dad Tian also understood that Big Niu Tian would not hit the old couple.

This damn girl, I don’t know what happened, she became cunning and cruel.

A daughter who hits her parents will definitely be scorned.

When the eldest sister beats the younger brother, she is still the kind of sister who once devoted everything to her younger brother. Everyone will only think that the eldest sister has good intentions.

Not only would they not stop her, they would also stand aside and applaud the eldest sister.

Father Tian closed his eyes hard, although there was still a trace of hesitation in his heart: he didn't believe that Sister Tian was really willing to beat his brother, but he didn't dare to bet.

Even though Tian Yaozong was born in a farm family, he had never been beaten or punished.

Even if Father Tian wants to test it, he will not use a lifeblood like Tian Yaozong as a raft.

...Forget it, that’s it for today!

Tian Da Niu might be angry. After a few days, her evil anger subsides. Then he and the old lady can have a good talk with her!

After all, they are a family, and the former Tian Danniu was really "sensible".

I guess I was pushed too hard today, so--

Father Tian's brain was spinning rapidly. He really understood the principle of advance and retreat, and he quickly made a decision.

"Big girl, what happened today is indeed something your mother and I did wrong, but these Yaozongs don't know that your brother and sister have a good relationship, so we can't get divided because of this!"

"Okay! You have to support the He family. Although your parents feel sorry for you, they won't stop you. After all, this is a rule and cannot be broken!"

"However, even if you get married and become a member of the He family, you are still the biological daughter of your mother and me."

"The times are bad now. Let's go out to escape the famine. There is no news about Erniu. You orphans and widowers——"

Father Tian apologized first and then played the emotional card.

There is also a faint "reminder" between the words.

Every word reveals his thoughts, but seems to be reasonable.

There are those people who are easily influenced by others. After hearing what Father Tian said, they couldn’t help but nod secretly——

"Tian Laosan did not do something right today, but his heart is not bad, maybe he was just confused for a moment!"

"Now that I have woken up and realized that I made a mistake, I corrected it immediately, which is pretty good!"

"That's right, you have to be merciful and merciful. Not to mention, Tian Laosan is Tian Da Niu's biological father."

"Big girl, that's enough. Do you really want your parents to kowtow to you and apologize?"

These people began to talk among themselves.

The direction of public opinion soon favored Father Tian.

Seeing that Father Tian pretended to be pitiful and conciliatory, and turned from a bad father who poisoned his daughter into a good father with troubles, Mrs. He Tian was not upset.

"Dad, look at what you said. I just said that I wanted to separate from the Tian family for the sake of the He family, but I am still your and mother's biological daughter."

"You want to sell Xiaobao, you want to poison me, I don't even hate you. I will leave now with the He family's things."

"I will give you part of the He family's money and food, just to take care of our flesh and blood ties!"

"From now on, I will continue to be filial to you and my mother! As parents in the world, my life was given to me by your elders. Even if I take it away, it is still my due."

"I'm just begging you to let me raise Xiaobao, to account for the ancestors of the He family, and then return my life to you, okay?"

He Tianshi said deliberately pitifully.

Her words instantly awakened the memories of the onlookers.

Yes, Father Tian is going to kill Big Girl Tian!

Even if father and daughter don't have an overnight feud, they can't be forced to pretend that nothing happened.

If it were Tian Da Niu, they would just not care about their parents and become strangers from now on.

Even saints can't repay kindness with kindness, let alone mortals like them?

Tian Da Niu just separated from the Tian family, and left food and copper coins for her parents before leaving. She had already done her best. How could she still force her to continue to be a filial daughter?

There are no bad parents in the world, this sentence is correct!

At least everyone present agreed.

However, if the same thing is said to an innocuous stranger, the effect will definitely be different than if it is said by the victim who was almost poisoned by his parents just now.

Even those older people who stand on the same front as Father Tian don't know how to "persuad" at this moment.

Tian Da Niu had already said it herself, what else did they say?

Also, parents do give their children a life, but which parent with such a loving heart would really want their children to repay their lives with their lives? !

For thousands of years, just one Nezha cut the flesh and bones and returned it to his parents.

But the Third Prince Nezha is a god.

How could they, mortal beings, really give a life for a life?

Furthermore, if you push your children to this level, your parents are not loving or kind people.

Father Tian: ...You know this damn girl has become vicious and bastard!

Listen to what she said?

The image that Father Tian finally restored collapsed in an instant!

"You kid, oh, you still hate me and your mother after all. Come on, how can you give me your life?"

"Is it because we gave birth to you just to take your life?"

"That's all, let's not talk about this anymore. You can live a good life in the future. If you encounter difficulties or are wronged, just come to us!"

Father Tian pretended to be helpless and waved his hands, picked up the bag of grain, picked up the small bag full of copper coins, winked at Mrs. Han, and hurried to the cave.

He didn't dare to give He Tian a chance to speak again, lest this damn girl say something that would ruin his image.

When He Tian saw this, he didn't pursue him too hard.

Father Tian was pretending, so she cooperated with the acting. She pulled He Xiaobao and bowed deeply to Father Tian who ran away in a hurry, "Father! Mother! Farewell, unfilial daughter!"

After that, Mrs. He Tian put He Xiaobao on the donkey cart. She flicked her whip and drove the donkey cart out of the forest.

By the time everyone reacted and subconsciously tried to dissuade him, the donkey cart had already disappeared into the night.

"Here, are you leaving now?"

“It’s so unsafe to drive at night!”

"...The big girl doesn't look like a fool, but she is still so eager, alas——"

Orphans and widowed mothers would rather leave the large army gathered by the villagers and leave overnight, which is enough to show that they are frightened.

Yes, her parents were cruel to poison her. If she continued to stay with everyone, even if she lived separately from the Tian family, there would be no guarantee that she would be in trouble!

"This Mr. Tian, ​​I usually look honest and honest, but I didn't expect him to be so vicious!"

"...No, he is an old farmer in the countryside just like us. How does he know how to use poisonous mushrooms to harm people?"

The neighbors were talking a lot, and someone in the crowd suddenly said this, and everyone fell silent instantly.


They are all country people with little knowledge. When they usually have conflicts with others, they usually just fight and fight.


Or use poisonous mushrooms?

This is simply a story that only appears in story books.

No matter how bad they are, they are also those wealthy families with deep and intricate courtyards.

As a result, Father Tian, ​​an old farmer who looked simple and honest, actually had such deep thoughts!


Everyone gasped and felt a chill running down their spines.

They were all neighbors, and when they encountered a famine year, they wanted to stay together to stay warm, so they went out together to escape the famine.

However, now there is Tian Laosan, who even poisoned his own daughter, among them. How can they not be afraid?

Tian Da Niu is so kind to her parents. She doesn't even care about her husband and still wants to support her parents' family.

But somehow he offended his own father and mother, so he was treated like this by Tian Laosan.

As for outsiders like them, even if they don't have any big grudges, they usually quarrel or have some minor conflicts.

If Tian Laosan is not happy, he will also give everyone some poisonous mushrooms... Tsk, tsk, that's terrible!

Everyone felt shuddering when they thought about that possibility.

Poisonous snake!

This is the poisonous snake hidden between them.

Although everyone couldn't leave overnight like He Tian, ​​they were wary of Tian Laosan and the entire Tian family.

Even Tian Laosan's cousins ​​and clansmen murmured in their hearts: From now on, it is better to stay away from Laosan, otherwise, they will not know when they will lose their lives.

Father Tian:......

It is not known at this moment whether Father Tian will be speechless.

But Qiu Zhaodi, who was hiding in the crowd and watching the excitement with the adults, was dumbfounded...

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