The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 341: Go to hell with your beauty (12)

What's going on here? !

He Tian, ​​the king-level supporter of his younger brother, who was foolishly filial to his parents, actually broke up with his mother's family?

Not only did she not acquiesce to her parents selling He Xiaobao, but she also took him away directly? !

If He Xiaobao had not been bought by that perverted old eunuch, then he would not have suffered those inhuman tortures.

If there is no disability or psychological distortion, then the biggest beautiful, powerful and tragic villain in this book will be lost to the butterfly!

What should we do next in the plot?

Is this world still the world in books that she is familiar with?

The plot collapsed, and the "prophet" that Qiu Zhaodi was so proud of also came to nothing.

Let alone seize the opportunity to become the female protagonist and replace the female protagonist as the beautiful, strong and miserable Bai Yueguang. Once she loses the advantage of knowing the plot well, it may be difficult for her to survive in this upcoming troubled world!

Traveling to the world of the book, she became the daughter of an extremely patriarchal family. She didn't have enough to eat or wear, and she had to work constantly...

After encountering so many things, Qiu Zhaodi did not collapse.

Because she has a trump card.

She is familiar with the plot, she knows who the heroine is, who the hero is, and who will be the one who will put down the chaos and conquer the Central Plains in the future?

She also knows all the opportunities for the male and female protagonists.

She also has the biggest advantage, that is, she is very close to the heroine.

The male protagonist has more opportunities, but he is too far away from her and has a huge disparity in status. She can't even cut off his beard.

The heroine Han Dong'er is different. She is similar to herself in age, and both are the daughters of ordinary farmers.

Qiu Zhaodi can always get Han Dong'er's opportunity as long as she intercepts it in advance.

The plan was good, but Qiu Zhaodi got off to a bad start.

He Xiaobao, the beautiful, powerful but tragic villain named He Keji in the future, is the first opportunity for the heroine, and the way to get married is also very simple.

Qiu Zhaodi thought she could hold the handle without any difficulty.

She doesn't have to do anything;

She just had to wait quietly, and when He Xiaobao was sold, she would give He Xiaobao the cake she had finally stolen from her grandma, and she would be done!


The He Tian family actually broke with the Tian family and left with He Xiaobao and a donkey cart full of supplies? !

Qiu Zhaodi was first confused about what happened.

Then, I was filled with fear and helplessness!

what do I do?

Has this plot just changed a little? Or completely collapsed?

If it was the former, Qiu Zhaodi felt that she might be able to struggle a little longer.

If it's the latter... ahem, she doesn't want to die either.

There are so many time travels, but none of them have written about: After time travel, you commit suicide, and you can go back again!

Besides, even if Qiu Zhaodi wears it back, she will still die.

She remembered clearly that she was in a car accident and her body was smashed to pieces. She might as well stay in the world of books.

Moreover, she didn’t completely lose her chance!

After losing the opportunity of He Xiaobao, Han Donger had other opportunities.

Qiu Zhaodi still didn't believe it. There were so many opportunities, but she couldn't seize any of them!

Looking at the darkening night, Qiu Zhaodi clenched her fists and secretly set a new small goal for herself!

He Tianshi didn't know Qiu Zhaodi's new plan, and she didn't want to know either.

After driving the donkey cart out of the forest, He Tian was not in a hurry.

She went around to the back and entered another forest less than two miles away from the main army.

There is no open slope here, but the vegetation is more lush.

If she were an ordinary orphan and widowed mother, she would really not dare to spend the night here.

But not Hetian. Not to mention the skills she suddenly mastered, the strength enhanced by Daliwan alone was enough for her to deal with all kinds of dangers in the jungle alone.

We chose a flat place not far from the creek but not downstream.

He Tian parked the donkey cart and lit a fire.

It was too late to make more preparations, so He Tian and his son planned to spend the night in a donkey cart.

But before going to bed, He Tian made some food for He Xiaobao.

Pots, pans and other items were left to the Tian family, but in the luggage pile, He Tian still found an earthen pot, a casserole and a wooden basin.

She built a fire with stones, placed earthen pots and casseroles on it, boiled water and cooked porridge.

He Tian discovered that there was a lot of food in the mysterious space in her head.

She had never seen them before, but she knew exactly what they were, how to prepare them, and how to eat them.

Some of them can be heated automatically, but He Tian was afraid that they would be too magical and arouse his son's suspicion, so he opened the things, threw the colorful packaging bags into the fire, and put the rice in a casserole to cook.

When the rice is almost ready, put the side dishes on top of the rice and heat it up with the residual heat.

"Mom, these, these are all ours?"

The steaming and fragrant braised pork, the white and hot rice, He Xiaobao's saliva finally couldn't help but flow out.

He asked vaguely, and the good-looking Danfeng's eyes were full of expectation and disbelief.

"Yes, these are all ours from now on!"

He Tianshi was deliberately vague, causing He Xiaobao to mistakenly think that these were supplies found in the donkey cart.

The space in her brain is so incredible that He Tian doesn't even know where it came from, how long it can exist, and whether it will cause any harm, so naturally she doesn't dare to expose it to others.

Not telling He Xiaobao was not because he didn't trust his own son, but because he was afraid of putting his son in danger!

All unknown things will not be revealed easily until He Tian has complete control.

After finding two pairs of chopsticks, mother and son He Tian and He Xiaobao guarded a large casserole and started gobbling it down.

"Mom, this rice is so delicious! This meat is so fragrant!"

He Xiaobao's face was covered with gravy and rice grains, and his thin little face was full of excitement and happiness.

Because he had an unreliable biological mother, He Xiaobao had memories very early.

And since he could remember, he had never had such a good meal.

The braised pork is soft, glutinous and fragrant, and the rice is soft and fragrant. It has an indescribable taste when chewed in your mouth.

Swallowing it into your stomach will give you a feeling of fullness.

It’s such a wonderful feeling to eat well and be full.

He Xiaobao felt that even if everything today was just a dream, he would still feel satisfied.

"If it tastes good, eat more of it, but you can't eat too much of this meat, or your belly won't be able to bear it!"

I haven't eaten oil and water all year round, and suddenly eating such oily meat dishes will easily cause stomach upset.

If He Xiaobao hadn't felt that He Xiaobao's life was too hard, and the food in her space was not too vegetarian, He Tian wouldn't have brought out this braised pork rice bowl.

He Xiaobao is very sensible. Although he still wants to eat meat, after hearing his mother's words, he obediently put down his chopsticks and only used a spoon to dig out the rice soaked in soup.

My belly is bulging, and the hot water in the earthen pot is ready.

Mrs. He Tian wiped her son's hands and feet, then made room in the carriage and spread the bedding for He Xiaobao to sleep.

And she sat cross-legged by the fire next to the donkey cart, meditating and practicing while keeping vigil to watch the fire.

In the quiet forest late at night, the sound of wolves howling in the distance and the crackling of a fire nearby should have been scary, but inexplicably made people feel at ease.

Sometimes, beasts are not scary, but people's hearts and some so-called relatives are scary.

He Xiaobao slept very soundly. He originally thought that he would be too excited to fall asleep, but when he lay in the carriage and knew that his mother was beside him, he relaxed completely.

As soon as his eyelids closed, he fell into a deep sleep.

He slept until dawn, not hearing the rooster crow, nor Mrs. Han knocking on the window, pointing at the mulberry trees and cursing the locust trees, only the chirping of the birds in the forest. Even if He Xiaobao opened his eyes, he had the illusion that he was in a dream.

"...This dream is so wonderful, I really wish I could never wake up from it!"

He Xiaobao opened his two big round eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling of the carriage. He didn't want to get up, and he didn't want to get up.

I was afraid of standing up, walking out of the carriage, and finding that I was indeed dreaming!

"Xiaobao, are you awake? It's time to have breakfast!"

He Xiaobao was afraid that he would find out that he was dreaming, and he was like an ostrich afraid to face everything outside the carriage.

Just at this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded outside.

Familiar because he knew it was his mother who was speaking.

And it felt strange because in his memory, his mother was rarely so gentle and meticulous.

So, he is still dreaming?


The door curtain hanging on the carriage of the donkey cart was opened, and a ray of sunlight shone in.

In the halo of the sun, there is a woman's smiling face.


He Xiaobao screamed cautiously, fearing that his voice would be too loud and wake him up from his sweet dream!

"You're awake, then get out of the car and eat!"

He Tian deliberately pretended not to see the confusion and confusion in He Xiaobao's eyes, and there were still some water stains on her hands.

Seeing her son's dazed and disbelieving look, he suddenly felt very cute. She felt playful for a moment and deliberately wiped her son's face with her wet and cold hands.


So cold!

He Xiaobao trembled subconsciously.

But, soon, He Xiaobao finally realized that he was not dreaming!

"Are you completely awake this time?"

He Tian made a pun, but did not expose He Xiaobao, but continued to greet him to get out of the car, "Hurry up, we have eaten, and we have to go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables, pick mushrooms and get some game."

On the way to escape famine, he rarely encountered a forest that was still alive, so He Tian had to stock up on some supplies.

In addition, she also wanted to teach her son some skills through words and deeds.

For example, how to survive in the wild, such as some boxing and kicking skills for physical fitness and self-defense.

In addition to these, Hetian also wanted to isolate himself from the group of people next door.

She really didn't want to have anything to do with the Tian family anymore.

However, as long as there is an encounter, once the Tian family runs out of food or encounters some trouble, He Tian, ​​as the daughter of the Tian family, cannot stay out of the matter.

He Tian didn't care what others said, but she had to worry about her son.

In addition, Mr. He Tian also wanted to have some time to recuperate and take good care of his own body and the health of his son.

In particular, He Tian herself has already developed a foundation. If she does not take good care of her, even if she has infinite strength, it will be difficult for her to live well until her son gets married and starts a family.

She didn't want to die so early. Firstly, she wanted to compensate her son well, and secondly, she wanted to support him.

He Tian did not forget that when Qiu Zhaodi was talking to herself, she once mentioned "her father is partial".

He Tian did owe He Erniu, but He Xiaobao was innocent.

He shouldn't be treated differently by his biological father.

And as long as He Tian lives well and stays by He Xiaobao's side, she will not let her son be wronged!

"Yeah, my mother and I dig wild vegetables and mushrooms together!"

When He Xiaobao heard that he could help his mother, he immediately became energetic. He ate breakfast hard and nodded heavily.

"There's no rush! Let's find a place to stay first."

He Tian wanted to stay in this forest for a while, so he couldn't sleep in the donkey cart every day.

He Tian was going to find a cave. Food, copper coins, etc. could be hidden in the space in her head.

The donkey is taken with him, while the frame, shed, etc. are stored in the cave.

He Tian made all these plans when he meditated last night.

At dawn, the child woke up. The mother and son had breakfast, packed their luggage, and started looking around.

He Tian found the tallest tree nearby, climbed up dexterously, and then stood on the branch to look into the distance.

She saw the mountain forest where they had stayed before and found that several families were already busy.

Because they had been in this forest for three or four days, had almost rested, and had picked a lot of wild vegetables and mushrooms. The leader, Tian Xiucai, and his family were ready to set off.

The other families may have their own plans, but they are more convinced by Tian Xiucai and want to follow him.

Father Tian is more positive. He is not in a hurry, but wants to find He Tian as soon as possible, who drove away in a donkey cart in the middle of the night.

He Tianshi:......

From a high position, he saw several busy houses in the mountains and forests in the distance, so He Tian didn't pay much attention.

They are destined to part ways, and from now on they will only treat the Tian family as strangers.

Instead of wasting time paying attention to these strangers, it is better to find a place to stay as soon as possible.

Not to mention, He Tian stood on a branch and looked far away, and found a good cave.

He Tian roughly estimated the distance and then jumped down from the tree.

Driving a donkey cart and taking his son with him, He Tian didn't forget to dig some wild vegetables and collect some firewood along the way. Before the sun rose to the middle, He Tian arrived at the cave.

He Tian did not rush into the cave to check, but threw some firewood into the cave and lit it.

The cave started to burn, and a numbing sound came from the cave. Immediately afterwards, He Tian saw some scorpions, reptiles, centipedes, snakes and other wild animals crawling out of the cave and quickly entered. In the grass.

He Xiaobao was startled, and He Tian was also frightened: Fortunately, he didn't run in rashly! Being frightened by a snake is a trivial matter, but if you are bitten or poisoned, it will be fatal!

The fire lasted for a long time, burning the stone walls of the cave red, and the vegetation at the entrance of the cave was burned to ashes.

He Tian collected the plant ashes and waited for the cave to cool before going in first.

Burning the cave is not only to expel snakes, scorpions, insects and ants, but also to sterilize and disinfect the cave.

He Tian cleaned up all the ashes or charred bones and debris, then put the materials in the donkey cart into the cave and unloaded the frame.

After having a simple meal at noon, He Tian cut some branches from the surrounding area and tied them into a fence gate.

He Xiaobao helped pass things around, watched the fire and boiled water.

The mother and son worked hard until it was getting late, and finally they had a decent little nest.

On the other side of the mountain forest, at ten o'clock in the afternoon, several families were dragging their feet and finally getting ready to get back on the road.

Qiu Zhaodi ran out of the woods in a panic, and followed the large army amidst the scoldings from her mother and her father...

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