The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 343: Go to hell with your beauty (13)

After He Tian finished cleaning up the cave, he dug several traps near the cave.

Firstly, it was to catch some game, and secondly, it was to defend the cave.

She has a high level of martial arts and incredible divine power, so she is not afraid even if she encounters wild boars and tigers.

But she also has a son who is only six years old. She cannot guard her son all the time. There will always be temporary separation, so she still needs to build some necessary defensive traps near the cave.

He Tian was busy digging traps, whittling bamboo to make bows and arrows, and picking some medicinal materials.

He Xiaobao was not idle either. He was digging wild vegetables, picking mushrooms, or collecting firewood near the cave.

Working the same way, he used to feel tired and aggrieved, but now, he is full of joy.

I was so busy that I accidentally strayed from the cave without paying attention.

Just when He Xiaobao noticed the problem and was about to change direction and return to the cave, he heard a sound in the grass not far away.

He Xiaobao was startled and hurriedly clenched the sickle in his hand, as if such a dull sickle, which could only be used to chop wood and dig grass, was a life-saving weapon.

"...Help, help! Is there anyone? Help!"

He Xiaobao pricked up his ears, carefully identified it, and vaguely heard the cry of a girl.

Not a beast!

He's not a bad person, he's just a little girl who accidentally fell into a trap!

He Xiaobao followed the sound and saw a six or seven-year-old girl sitting in an abandoned trap.

She hugged one leg, cried, and called for help.

The trap is actually not deep, and the cave walls are not very steep. If you were an adult, you should be able to climb out.

But the trapped child was a child, and his leg seemed to have been injured by a fall. It would be difficult to escape with his own strength!

"Who are you? How did you fall into this pit?"

Seeing that the person calling for help was a little girl about his own age, He Xiaobao did not dare to take it lightly.

He stood cautiously beside the trap,

Stretching out his little head, he tried his best to look down, not forgetting to ask questions.

"My name is Han Dong'er, I'm from Hanjiaping. I know you. You, your rent-a-mother is our girl from Hanjiaping!"

Han Donger was scared and anxious, crying with tears all over her face.

Suddenly she heard the voice of a little boy. She raised her head, her eyes blurry with tears.

She quickly wiped her tears with her sleeves, widened her eyes, and looked at He Xiaobao carefully.

As a result, we really knew each other.

He Xiaobao's grandmother, He Tian's biological mother, was named Han. When she returned to her parents' home in the early years, she even took her grandson with her.

Coincidentally, Han Dong'er is the youngest daughter of the head of Hanjiaping Village and has met He Xiaobao several times.

This time, some families from Tianjiawa, Hanjiaping and other villages were the first to flee, and Han Donger's family was one of them.

In fact, when it comes to "escape", it is more about avoiding disaster.

There was a drought last year, and there was no rain this spring, so there were signs of a serious disaster.

But for farmers who are accustomed to living by holding on to their land, unless they are at the end of their rope, they will not abandon their fields and run away with their families to escape!

At least for villages such as Tianjiawa, Hejiacun, and Hanjiaping, it has not yet reached the point where they must flee.

However, more than a dozen families left their homes and property and took their children with them to escape.

They are not only worried that the drought will intensify, but if they escape early, they can also find a way to survive.

Most of them are caused by man-made disasters!

The families who were the first to run out all had one thing in common, that is, someone in their own family or in-laws was kidnapped and disappeared by mobs when they were building river embankments last year.

For example, in the Tian family, the son-in-law He Erniu has been missing since he was building river embankments. There are rumors in the countryside that he joined the rebel army and became a mob!

Another example is Han Dong'er, whose family is still the village chief. However, because of the large population in her family and the deliberate plotting by her enemies, Han Dong'er's brother had to do hard labor.

Also last winter, when there was a riot on the river embankment, there was no news.

There are also two or three families in Hejia Village who are also slandered as families of rioters!

In an era where joint sitting was important, one person rebelled and implicated the nine tribes.

Coupled with the bad years and the war and banditry, these families secretly made a plan to simply "escape".

If you continue to stay in your hometown, you won't suffer the pain of being displaced or being moved away from your hometown, but you may be implicated and end up losing your life!

Anyway, the world is already in chaos. If they run out to survive together, they might succeed!

Han Dong'er escaped with her family. While on the way, she met He Xiaobao again.

"Hey, isn't this the grandson of the third aunt's mother-in-law? He seems to be from Hejia Village. He is so sensible at such a young age."

"Oh, how could he be sensible? He was obviously forced into it. How can a child be born sensible?"

"Speaking of which, the third aunt is also biased. She has almost squeezed all the daughters out of her. Even her son-in-law -"

"Speak down, please, it's our girl from Hanjiaping after all. If someone hears it, they will think that we, Hanjiaping, are having internal strife!"

Han Dong'er had an impression of He Xiaobao after hearing too many discussions from her grandma and aunt.

Now, in a desperate situation, Han Dong'er was extremely excited and happy to see someone familiar.

However, after blurting out the mention of Mrs. Han, Han Donger soon realized that she seemed to be "not picking up the pot".

Along the way, whether she saw it with her own eyes or heard it with her own ears, the smart Han Dong'er realized a problem: Mrs. Han, who was of the same clan as herself, seemed not to be kind to her grandson, He Xiaobao!

In the past, Han Dong'er and He Xiaobao had no intersection, so the relationship between Mrs. Han and Han Dong'er was irrelevant.

But now——

Han Donger also wanted to ask He Xiaobao to rescue her. Who could be wrong to mention, but she only mentioned Mrs. Han who had abused He Xiaobao? !

Although Han Donger has been doted on by her family since she was a child, she has not developed a silly and sweet temperament that does not understand the world.

She is smart, innocent, and has lived in a loving environment since she was a child, making her extraordinarily kind.

Occasionally when Mrs. Han scolded He Xiaobao, she couldn't help but sympathize, thinking that when she got the chance, she would definitely help this poor man.

It is also her kind nature that makes her very understanding, rather than being condescending and self-righteous.

Realizing that she seemed to have said the wrong thing, Han Dong'er was really anxious and ashamed at the moment. She opened her small mouth, wanting to say something to apologize.

But she was afraid that if she said it, it would hurt He Xiaobao's heart again.

Just when Han Dong'er was secretly upset and didn't know what to do, He Xiaobao said, "Han Dong'er? Oh, by the way, I've met you. You are from Hanjiaping, and your sixth brother also went to build the river embankment last year, right? Bar?"

Han Dong'er's eyes lit up and she said quickly, "Yes! My brother is Han Liulang. He went to build the river embankment last winter, but -" He didn't come back.

Han Donger is the youngest daughter in the family, and her eldest son is three or four years older than her.

That is to say, Sixth Brother is closer to him in age, but he is also ten years older.

The relationship between the brother and sister is very good, and the sixth brother has always regarded her as his most precious sister.

This young man, who is only sixteen years old, was framed by his enemies and had to build a river embankment.

Now his whereabouts are even more unknown, and the Han family had no choice but to escape as a family because they were afraid of being implicated by their sixth brother.

Alas, just thinking about it brings me to tears.

Han Dong'er couldn't help but think about her sixth brother in her heart.

"Just wait, I, I'll find something to save you!"

Since he was an acquaintance, He Xiaobao was no longer wary and hurriedly left the trap without saying a word.

He walked around in the forest and pulled a cane back.

"Grab it, I'll pull you up!"

He Xiaobao threw the cane into the trap, grabbed hold of it, and then pulled Han Dong'er up little by little.

"He Xiaobao, thank you!"

Finally out of the pit, Han Donger was overjoyed, and she quickly thanked He Xiaobao.

"You're welcome, we are neighbors and we should support each other!"

He Xiaobao waved his hands proudly, not thinking it was a big deal.

However, he still asked curiously, "Okay, how did you fall into the trap?"

Moreover, just now he heard his mother murmur something in a low voice, which seemed to mean that everyone over there had already left.

Although his mother did not say which side "over there" was, the smart and precocious He Xiaobao reacted keenly.

My mother-in-law was probably talking about people who went out to escape with the Tian family. They had been resting in the forest on the other side.

And Han Donger's family should also be among that group of people.

Therefore, Han Donger's family members all left, leaving her alone!

This is so strange.

It looked like Han Dong'er had been raised to be white and clean. Although the clothes on her body were stained with mud and weeds, the texture was still very good.

The styles and colors are very new and very suitable for little girls.

The stitching is fine and it fits Han Donger perfectly.

It can be seen from these details that Han Donger should still be taken very seriously at home.

Even if he is not a darling like Tian Fugui, he is still a favored child and cannot be abandoned at all.

Besides, if you really don't feel sorry for your daughter, just sell it and get some money and food.

Why leave people in abandoned traps?

Just want to feed her to the wolves?

That, that's too vicious!

He Xiaobao, a small person, actually thought of so many things.

I thought about it in my heart, and brought some of it out on my face.

Han Dong'er was smart and smart, and she knew He Xiaobao had misunderstood when he saw the look in his eyes.

Han Donger hurriedly said, "I was pushed in, but the person who harmed me was not a member of my family. I, I can't say -"

Because when the accident happened, there were only two of them, and there was no third person to testify. She told the truth, and no one would believe it as long as that person didn't admit it.

After all, the two of them had no grievances, and the two families had no grudges.

Even Han Dong'er herself was still confused: Why did she trick me into the woods and push me into the trap?

I didn't offend her at all. I just met her a few times on the way to escape, and we didn't even speak to her.

Moreover, when she was beaten and scolded by her grandmother and parents, Han Dong'er once felt pity for her in her heart and felt that it was really pitiful for her to be born in such a weird family.


"Huh? Who is so evil? Pushing you into a trap and not telling your family?"

He Xiaobao asked in surprise.

After experiencing Mrs. Han trying to sell him, He Xiaobao already knew at a young age that people's hearts are sinister.

But he thought quickly and knew that his grandmother sold him in order to exchange for money and food, and to reduce the burden on the family.

It is profitable!

Mrs. Han who did such a thing is indeed bad enough, but she can understand it.

However, what good does pushing people into a trap do to the person who harms them?

It is difficult for people to understand if it harms others but does not benefit oneself.

Han Donger pursed her lips, "When she pushed me, there were only two of us there. If I said it was her, she would definitely not admit it, and it would be difficult for others to believe me easily."

Therefore, saying it was tantamount to not saying it, so she simply stopped saying it.

If she doesn't do it right, people will suspect that she deliberately framed her.

"...Okay, forget it if you don't say anything. No matter whether others believe it or not, just be on guard against her in the future!"

He Xiaobao actually understood the meaning of Han Dong'er's words. He nodded in agreement and reminded Han Dong'er to pay attention in the future.

"Yes!" Han Dong'er responded forcefully, clenching her fists and making up her mind.

She is indeed kind, but that doesn't mean she will be bullied.

She must settle the score with Qiu Zhaodi, and she will never let such a bad boy go!

"Han Dong'er? You said your name is Han Dong'er?"

He Tian's pupils shrank, and he looked at the beautiful little girl in front of him in disbelief.

Is this the heroine?

She was once kind to her son, and she was missed by him all her life, and in the end he died trying to save her?

He Tian looked Han Dong'er up and down, but couldn't see anything special about this girl.

Well, at most, his eyes are extraordinarily bright, the little person is extremely smart, and he also has the kindness and beauty that shines from his bones, which makes people feel good about him at first sight.

Born with invincible affinity!

Is this the so-called halo of a heroine?

Some strange and new words popped into He Tian's mind.

She even thought that she could actually take the heroine with her. With the heroine's lucky halo, mother and son, the cannon fodder, might also have good luck.

However, He Tian quickly gave up this idea.

First, she has to take into account the heroine's own wishes. No child in the world wants to leave his parents, especially a child like the heroine who is loved by her parents and relatives.

Secondly, she had a strong feeling not to have anything to do with the protagonists.

If you encounter someone occasionally, don't get too entangled. It's the right way to just separate and live in peace.

Forcibly tying them together may have a counter-effect - luck is not there, but the protagonist's bad luck is sucked away.

For example, in the same encounter with bandits, the protagonist has a halo to protect his body and cannot die even after being stabbed a hundred times or falling off a cliff.

And the cannon fodder standing next to the protagonist may die directly even if his skin is just scratched.

He Tian was originally worried that his son would become a tool to help the heroine succeed in the future and would end up tragically.

If the son owes the heroine a favor, it would not be an injustice to sacrifice for the heroine in order to repay the debt.

But this time, He Tianshi awakened, and He Xiaobao not only did not owe the heroine any kindness, but actually saved the heroine.

He Tian felt that He Xiaobao really didn't owe the heroine anything, no matter whether it was the past or present life or destiny.

There will be no need to make any sacrifices for her in the future.

"I'll send you to be reunited with your family..."

Without saying a word, He Tian took advantage of the fact that the sky was not completely dark, carrying Han Dong'er, and ran all the way, just in time to bump into the Han family who discovered that their daughter was missing, and the whole family turned back to look for her...

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