The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 344: Go to hell with your beauty (14)

Village Chief Han and his wife were excited and happy when they saw their lost daughter.

Village Chief Han's wife held He Tian's hand and kept saying thank you.

Mr. He Tian waved his hand, proud and unrestrained, "They are all from the hometown. If you think about it carefully, I still need to call you cousin."

Mrs. Han is a girl from Hanjiaping. From her side, Village Chief Han really has a close relationship with the He Tian family.

"Okay, then I'll help you and call you cousin!"

Seeing He Tian's generosity, Village Chief Han was very impressed.

During the day, Village Chief Han also heard about the Tian family's grievances.

Village Chief Han is from Hanjiaping and instinctively wants to side with the Han family.

Although she knew that Mrs. Han was aggressive and cunning, she also blindly exploited and calculated her daughter.

However, her surname is Han. As long as she doesn't do anything harmful or illegal, it is impossible for Village Chief Han to help outsiders attack her.

Even when I heard that someone was having a dispute with Mrs. Han, I would still think of helping a bunch of Mrs. Han if conditions allowed.

This is the clan, these are the rules passed down from our ancestors.

Therefore, Village Chief Han didn't have much favorable impressions of the unfilial daughter He Tian who had a falling out with her biological father and mother.

As the saying goes, "There are no bad parents in the world." Even if their children are beaten to death, it is because they have their own problems and have trapped their parents into being unkind and unjust.

However, his precious little girl was rescued by He Tianshi, who even ran all the way to bring her to her. Village Chief Han, who had always had a clear sense of grudges, completely changed his view of He Tianshi.

Thinking of the kindness, Village Chief Han pursed his lips, lowered his voice, and whispered a reminder, "...A few days ago, I got news that the people who were building the river embankment were taken to Heyin."

Village Chief Han's sixth son is there, and He Erniu, who "missed" with Han Liulang, should also be in Heyin if he is still alive!

Village Chief Han felt that by telling He Tian about He Erniu's whereabouts, even if it could not completely offset the family's help in saving his daughter's life, it was still a gesture of goodwill.

In the future, if there is a chance, he or his daughter will repay the favor with all his strength!

He Tian's eyes lit up,

He hurriedly thanked you: "Thank you, cousin, you are really helpful. You just saved the lives of our mother and son!"

Therefore, the grace of saving lives and so on, we cancel each other out.

From then on, Han Donger and He Xiaobao never owed each other any more!

Village Chief Han heard the elegant meaning of Xiange and heard that He Tianshi did not want to get too entangled with his family, so he did not say anything about "repaying the favor in the future".

Perhaps, Mr. He Tian was really heartbroken by Mrs. Han, and even his cheap cousin didn't want to be involved too much!

Village Chief Han misunderstood, but he also sympathized with He Tianshi.

He secretly thought that if Mrs. Han continued to behave like a demon in the future, as the village chief and young clan leader of Hanjiaping, he would inevitably have to "admonish" her.

He Tian didn't know what Village Chief Han was thinking. If he knew, he would just smile.

She no longer cares about her biological father and mother in this body, and she is not afraid if Mrs. Han makes a fuss.

However, if someone is willing to help, it would be a good thing for her to compete directly with her mother without risking being scolded.

In addition, it was an unexpected surprise to learn the whereabouts of He Erniu.

Of course, He Tian was not thinking about He Erniu as her husband, but had other plans.

It is strange to say that after she suddenly woke up yesterday, she was filled with guilt and love for her son, and resented her parents.

As for her husband, she only felt indebted and didn't miss her too deeply.

Perhaps, she and He Erniu were not a loving couple, they just lived together.

Having learned from Qiu Zhaodi that her husband was still alive, she felt much less guilty.

Now that she learned about her husband's whereabouts from Village Chief Han, He Tian only thought about her own plan. As for the reunion of husband and wife, or the reunion of the family, she didn't even think about it.

Saying goodbye to the Han family, He Tian quickly returned to the cave.

Xiaobao is the only one in the "home". Although He Tian has made defenses in the cave, he doesn't dare to leave for too long!

Moreover, the child Xiaobao lacks security in his eyes. If He Tianshi delays for too long, the child will also be worried and scared.

Sure enough, when He Tian rushed back to the cave as fast as he could, from a distance, he saw He Xiaobao holding a sickle, guarding the entrance of the cave, looking out eagerly.

When he saw his mother's figure, his whole little face lit up, he rushed out like a cannonball and threw himself directly into He Tian's arms.

"...Xiaobao, don't worry, my mother will never leave you alone again!"

He Tian will never allow anyone to harm this child, including herself and He Erniu!

"..." He Xiaobao didn't say anything. He just buried his head in He Tian's arms, feeling the warmth that belonged to his mother.

After sending Han Dong'er away, He Tian's mother and son began living in caves in the mountains and forests!

Every morning, He Tian would take his son to practice martial arts on the slopes at the entrance of the cave.

Seeing that his mother actually knew martial arts, He Xiaobao was not too surprised.

My own father can also do it. It is said that the ancestor of their He family once had a martial arts exam, and the martial arts is passed down from family to family.

My mother was born with supernatural powers and was usually afraid of attracting attention, so she suppressed her talent.

Perhaps, in addition to divine power, my mother also has a talent for martial arts. When my father was practicing martial arts at home, or he accidentally saw the He family's boxing manual, my mother learned it.

We can't blame He Xiaobao for automatically thinking about it, but when a person's talent skill is too extraordinary, people around her will think that she is a "genius".

And geniuses or whatever, no matter how shocking things they do, it seems normal!

Besides, no matter why my mother knows martial arts, she is still a close relative of his flesh and blood who loves him, loves him, and protects him.

He Xiaobao only needs to consider that he should learn from his mother, and when he grows up, he can protect her in turn.

He didn't need to worry too much about the rest.

Therefore, He Xiaobao practices very hard. He is smart and willing to endure hardships, and He Tianshi constantly provides him with nutrition and body conditioning.

In just two months, He Xiaobao recovered physically and practiced martial arts well.

After practicing in the morning, He Tian would take He Xiaobao for a walk in the woods and teach him how to hunt, how to identify herbs, and how to predict the weather based on changes in clouds, wind direction, etc.

He Xiaobao is like a sponge, learning eagerly.

This mountain forest has become a natural school and treasure house.

Not only did He Xiaobao learn a lot of valuable knowledge on the spot, but He Tian's mother and son were also provided with sufficient supplies.

However, with the advent of summer, it has not rained, and the mountains and forests in the main film seem to have lost their vitality.

Many animals in the forest also followed their own instincts and began to escape deeper into the forest.

When autumn was coming, some of the traps He Tian set in the woods could not catch even the most common hares and pheasants.

The stream where He Tian often fetched water also began to dry up, and she knew that the drought was already very serious.

The world outside should also be in chaos!

Not to mention that the court will provide disaster relief.

Humph, the emperor's ability to reuse a twisted and perverted cannibal demon is enough to prove that the monarch sitting on the dragon throne is not a wise monarch.

Mentioning that the eunuch who sent people to buy off young boys in a year of famine in order to restore his "manly body", was also the executioner who almost murdered He Xiaobao, He Tian couldn't help but think.

During this time, mother and son were recuperating in the mountains and forests, collecting supplies, but they were not completely isolated from the world.

Every once in a while, He Tian will go to a nearby county.

The first is to buy some daily necessities such as salt and cloth, and the second is to inquire about news.

Therefore, she understood the region she was in, the location of the capital, and the current situation outside.

They live in a country called Dayan.

The Yan Dynasty has been established for more than a hundred years, and the seventh emperor is now on the throne.

The rise and fall of feudal dynasties has its own rules. Generally, by this time, land annexation will be serious, and the people at the bottom will live in poverty.

Once there is any drought or flood, it can trigger large-scale unrest.

If you meet a wise king or a wise minister who can turn the tide, you may be able to stabilize the situation and create a "revival and prosperity".

However, it is a pity that the current emperor is not the master of ZTE, but a faint king who favors the eunuchs.

In fact, disasters have been happening all over the country since the year before last.

There are natural disasters, but most are man-made disasters.

The imperial court sold officials and conferred titles, and all kinds of exorbitant taxes and levies made it impossible for ordinary people to survive.

For example, the river embankment construction that happened around me last year was not actually a river embankment construction. It was just a pretense created by a group of corrupt officials to make money.

Most people would pay to save themselves from having to do corvee labor.

And those poor people who really couldn't afford the money were dragged into working as coolies by those evil-hearted officials.

Not to mention heavy work, even meals are not guaranteed.

Many people died of cold and starvation, or got sick and were thrown directly into the river.

Seeing that there was really no way to survive, the others started a riot and became the so-called "mob".

And this kind of thing is not an isolated case, it happens in many places.

Some even formed large-scale rebel armies and occupied important places such as county towns and prefectures.

He Tian compiled the information he collected from the county and combined it with his understanding of history to make a judgment: Great Yan Dynasty Pill!

In fact, the Great Yan Dynasty did show the decline of the dynasty.

Just last month, a group of "rioters" actually invaded the county town near Gyeonggi Province, which is only more than a hundred miles away from the imperial city.

The emperor was frightened and fled the capital with his most favored eunuchs, concubines, ministers, etc.

Of course, the emperor is definitely not a "deserter". He is going to the palace in the north to escape the summer heat!

It's really ridiculous that it's almost the beginning of autumn, and the emperor actually goes out of his way to "escape the summer heat."

However, after the royal family said this, the people could only listen.

He Tian found out the location of the palace in the north in the teahouse and made a plan in his mind.

"This place is only eight hundred miles away from the so-called 'temporary palace'..."

If it were an ordinary person, it would probably take a while to walk on two legs.

But He Tian is different. She is a martial arts master. After several months of practice, she has developed internal strength and light skills.

By using Qinggong and exerting all his strength, He Tian estimated that he would be able to reach the palace in one day and one night.

It only took half a day to get that thing done.

Come and go, no more than five days.

And He Xiaobao, who had been carefully taught by her, was no longer what he was before.

Let alone He Tian's absence for five days, even if He Xiaobao was left alone in the mountains and forests, he could still survive for a long time!

good! Done!

He Tian thought about this matter several times in his mind and finally made a decision!

So, on this day, she explained carefully to He Xiaobao and left the forest alone.

When no one is around, she will use her energy to move her dantian and jump around.

When there are many people or when she is too conspicuous, she hurries on.

In order to make it easier to travel, He Tian also disguised himself to look like a middle-aged and thin man.

With an ordinary appearance and ordinary clothes, he would not stand out among the crowd.

In this way, He Tian traveled quickly and arrived at the county where the palace was located at noon the next day.

He Tian did not rush to the vicinity of the palace, but went to teahouses and wine shops to inquire about information.

In the evening, Mr. He Tian found out the whereabouts of certain people, and they were in a private house directly outside the palace.

"Sure enough, I didn't accuse you wrongly!"

In this house, He Tian not only found the vicious old pervert, but also several five or six-year-old boys.

Even though he was on the run, this man-eating demon actually wanted to "cure" the disease!

How abominable!

It's not an exaggeration to cut him into pieces!

When he thought about how his son was almost treated as "medicine" by this old eunuch, He Tian wished he could subject this old beast to the ten most severe tortures.

Unfortunately, time does not allow.

However, He Tianshi did not spare him.

Cut off his tendons and hamstrings, remove his jaw, crush his internal organs with internal force, and then cut his blood vessels.

Let him watch himself bleed to death without being able to shout or move!

Huh, he abused those children because they were too weak to resist.

Now let him have a taste of this kind of feeling of being powerless to resist.

After He Tian finished cleaning up the old eunuch, he rescued several children.

When she left the county with several children, the old eunuch did not survive until her blood was drained, but was frightened to death!

However, He Tianshi was not happy because the old eunuch got his due end.

She is in trouble at the moment——

These children are either beggars on the street or poor people who have been sold (abandoned) by their parents and relatives.

He Tianshi rescued them, but they couldn't find their parents.

In fact, even if they could find it, they would reject it from the bottom of their hearts.

Come to think of it, these children went around in hell and saw with their own eyes the perversion, bloodiness, fear, panic and anger of the old eunuch.

Parents and relatives are the ones who push them into hell with their own hands.

They are just children, not saints, and cannot repay evil with kindness.

They did not retaliate against their parents because they cared about the so-called flesh and blood relationship.

Now they just want to cut off their parents and have nothing to do with each other. He Tian cannot bear to refuse such a humble wish...

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