The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 345: Go to hell with your beauty (15)

"...Since you have nowhere to go, then come with me!"

He Tian is a mother who hates seeing her children suffer and be wronged.

She couldn't help but feel heartbroken when she saw several little boys who were about the same age as her little treasure, all with fear in their eyes and confusion and despair on their young faces.

Alas, just do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

She doesn't ask for anything in return, she just hopes that when her son is in danger, there will be a kind person who can lend a helping hand.

"We follow you! You saved us, you are our reborn parents!"

The leader is a seven or eight-year-old boy. He is the oldest among the group, and he has a vague sense of being a big brother.

He also said on behalf of everyone: "I don't want to go back to find my parents... We have been sold by them and almost died."

Not too much resentment, just a calm statement of facts.

Seeing the child with such a numb expression, He Tian only felt waves of shame.

Because, in the past, he almost became an unscrupulous parent who abandoned his own flesh and blood!

"We didn't die because you saved us, so our lives are yours!"

After hearing that He Tianshi said that he was willing to take him in, the boy who was the leader said it very seriously.

He Tian's heart ached even more, and he blinked hard to push back the surging tears.

If she didn't wake up in time, her little treasure would be worse than the children in front of her.

And when he was in the devil's cave and being tortured wantonly, was he also so hopeless, helpless, and numb?

She couldn't think about it, she couldn't think about it any more. He Tian didn't dare to think about it because she could hardly breathe anymore.

Putting down those scary thoughts, He Tian gathered his energy, bought a carriage, and placed several children in the carriage.

Because of these children, He Tian cannot use Qing Gong as he did when he came.

However, driving the carriage is not too slow.

Just along the way,

He Tian met some children who were sold or abandoned by their parents.

There were men and women, some sick and injured. Each has his or her own misfortunes, but they are basically no more than ten years old.

By the time He Tian returned to the cave, there were already more than twenty children crowded in her carriage.


He Xiaobao was shocked to see so many friends suddenly appearing.

However, He Xiaobao is kind and sensible, and has the new love of his mother, so when he sees so many children, he does not have any negative emotions such as jealousy or rejection.

"Xiaobao, you are too lonely alone, so I found some brothers and sisters to accompany you!"

He Tianshi explained to He Xiaobao softly.

He Xiaobao was a little excited, "That's great. Although it's enough for me to have a mother, it would also be great to have a few more friends!"

He Tian was really happy to see He Xiaobao, and her worries were relieved.

In this way, in addition to He Xiaobao, a biological son, the He Tian family had fifteen goddaughters and twelve godsons.

The famous Boy Scouts of later generations, the first female general of the Zhou Dynasty, and the three great tiger generals... are now just a group of panicked, thin and pitiful abandoned children.

They didn't know that at this moment, their fate had been completely changed!

He Tian always felt that she was not a good mother.

At least before her awakening, she was definitely not a qualified good mother.

After awakening, when raising He Xiaobao, He Tian was also worried that he might not be able to teach him well.

However, since she had twenty-seven adopted sons and daughters, He Tian suddenly discovered that she seemed to be quite good at raising children.

He Tianshi did not set up any special courses for the children or teach any skills specifically.

Just like how she trained He Xiaobao, she led a group of children to hunt, collect herbs, dig deep wells, and reclaim wasteland in the mountains and forests.

Take them to climb mountains and trees every day, chase prey, or work together to fight against large wild animals, packs of wolves, etc.

In just a few years, the oldest children have become able to stand alone.

The world outside is becoming more and more chaotic. Every time He Tian takes his older children out to collect supplies and see the world, he always brings back a few orphans who have been abandoned or have lost their relatives.

She also rescued several weak scholars, or desperate women and old people who were almost killed by the mob.

He Tianshi did not waste "resources".

Scholars became teachers for a group of children, and old men and women helped with farming, cooking, and taking care of logistics.

He Tian had never thought of occupying the mountain as king. Originally, she just wanted to do some repairs in this mountain forest. When the outside was not so chaotic, she would take her children to find "opportunities."


A few years later, this mountain forest actually formed a village with a population of hundreds of people.

There are houses built by oneself, fields to be cultivated, solid defenses, and a group of boy scouts with extremely high force value and strong cooperative combat capabilities!

The oldest of them is only thirteen or fourteen years old, and the youngest is only five or six years old. They are male and female, tall and short, and even speak with different accents from their hometowns.

However, they all regard this village as their home and are willing to do their best to protect it.

And He Tian, ​​without even realizing it, became the King of the Mountain.

Well, she doesn't dare to claim the title of king, she is just an ordinary peasant woman with dozens of adopted sons and daughters!

In a bandit den less than a hundred miles away from the village, the bandit leader was deceived by the so-called "ordinary peasant woman".

In order to compete for the resources in the mountains, the bandit leader discovered the existence of Hejiazhai, mobilized his troops and came to plunder.

Before a group of howling boy scouts could be dispatched, He Tian easily pushed a boulder weighing several hundred kilograms in front of the formation, frightening the bandits to death.

In this way, Hejiazhai gained twenty or thirty free strong laborers. They were supervised by children younger than themselves, but they could not have any thoughts of rebellion.

Afraid, they were really scared out of their wits by this strange and powerful woman named He Tian.

Furthermore, although life in Hejiazhai was a little harder, it was more exciting.

Food grew in the reclaimed wasteland in the mountains. Although it was more dangerous in the deeper mountains, prey could always be found.

In this troubled world with constant natural and man-made disasters, Hejiazhai is like a paradise.

If possible, who wouldn't want to live in peace and stability?

Who wants to lick blood? Hanging your head on your belt every day?

At first, the bandits were forced to work by the boy scouts, but after a few days, they all came up with the idea of ​​taking root in Hejiazhai.

...After so many times, when the Northwest King occupied most of the country and was about to quell the chaos in the world, Hejiazhai had become the largest village within hundreds of miles!

There are not only two to three hundred farmers in the village, but also five hundred boy scouts.

Even though these children are young, they are all proficient in martial arts.

He dares to hunt tigers and wild boars, and is not afraid at all when facing bandits and mobs.

They are literate and proficient in the art of war, and some of the older children are natural-born generals.

They managed the Boy Scouts securely without the intervention of Chief He.

The number may not be large enough, but they are definitely the most powerful armed force in this area!

He Tianshi: ...if I said all this was an accident, would you believe it?

Let alone outsiders, even the people in Hejiazhai don't believe this.

They have deified He Tian, ​​the leader of the village, and feel that she is born with supernatural powers and can strategize.

Whether it was Hejiazhai or the Boy Scouts, she had already planned it.

He Tianshi: ...Okay, whatever you say is what it is.

And once people have resources, they will inevitably develop ambitions.

He Tian had never thought about fighting for the king, but with He Jiazhai and the Boy Scouts, she would be driven to fight for it even if she didn't want to.

Even He Xiaobao, now named He Jue by the He Tian family, has vague thoughts of grabbing territory.

Yes, He Tian didn't ask He Xiaobao to call He Keji.

Self-denial and restoration of propriety must be a compliment.

But self-denial means restraining oneself, which means admonishing and warning.

He Tian didn't want to tell her son "what should and shouldn't be done". She just wanted her son to understand: Bao'er, you are a piece of beautiful jade and your mother's darling!

Jue, two pieces of jade put together, what a beautiful jade among beautiful jade!

He Jue liked his name very much, and he was extremely close to, admired and respected his mother.

Now, he is already a young man of twelve or thirteen years old. He has superb martial arts skills and is proficient in poetry and prose. He is well versed in both civil and military skills.

The key is that his appearance is so outstanding that he doesn't look like an ordinary farm boy at all.

He was still a young boy and already had an unparalleled magnificence.

Of course, He Jue now lives a prosperous life and has super skills, so he doesn't really care about being a stinky person.

As he grows older, and as He Jiazhai's strength increases year by year, he yearns more and more for the outside world.

So, after He Jue's thirteenth birthday, he finally got He Tian's permission to let him go, and He Jue and several sworn brothers and sworn sisters led the boy scouts out to conquer the world.

He Tianshi: ...You are indeed a middle-aged boy. With just a few hundred people, you dare to "conquer the world"?

He Tian apparently let him go, but secretly sent someone to follow him all the way.

Whether it was luck or unlucky, He Jue and his party had just walked out of Baili Land when they met the Third Young Master under the command of the Northwest King.

The third son is the most capable son of the Northwestern King. He followed his father in the army and made great achievements in battle.

He has noble character and broad mind, and has attracted many heroes to his command.

Although He Jue had some ambitions, he was taught by his mother to become a sinister little white rabbit.

But after all, he was young, or in other words, the third young master's personality charm was too strong. After He Jue had a confrontation with him, he directly worshiped him and became his younger brother.

He Tianshi: ...I know you are not the material to be an emperor.

However, He Tian was still complaining, but he felt that his son still had some discernment.

The Northwest King is the most powerful among the current forces, and has the greatest chance of conquering the Central Plains in the future.

As the most valued son of the Northwest King, the Third Young Master may become the heir to the country.

Of course, the most important point is that after some investigation, He Tian learned that He Erniu was taken to Heyin, and Heyin happened to be the sphere of influence of the Northwest King.

If we speculate based on the "future" revealed by Qiu Zhaodi, He Erniu met a noble person and became rich.

Then, the nobleman who supported He Erniu was most likely a general under the Northwest King.

It can be inferred from this that the person who will change the dynasty in the future should be the Northwest King!

And now, He Jue has also joined the Northwest King's camp.

Therefore, no matter what the real "history" is, He Tian will help the third son.

This year, it was finally time for the decisive battle between the King of Northwest and the last rebel army, King Liang.

However, the Northwest King fell into a trap and was besieged by the enemy in a county.

The small county town is so small that it doesn't even have a moat, only a circle of earthen walls.

The Northwest King was trapped and urgently sent out a message for help.

The Third Young Master received the letter from Fei Ge and the news from Tan Ma, and hurriedly led his soldiers and horses to go to the rescue.

On the way, the third young master didn't show any concern on his face, but he was a little worried in his heart.

He only has 20,000 soldiers in his hands now, and his father, the King of the Northwest, estimates that there are still 20,000 to 30,000 remnant troops.

But the King of Liang came out in full force, with a hundred thousand troops.

Even if the third son arrived quickly and joined his father, the father and son might not be able to repel King Liang.

He Jue was young but very smart. Seeing the worries of the third young master, he said carelessly, "Lang Jun, just don't worry, I have already written a letter to my mother, and my mother will lead the people from the village to support!"

Coincidentally, the county where the Northwest King was trapped was only three to four hundred miles away from Hejiazhai.

If we march urgently, we can arrive in five or six days.

Perhaps, their troops had just arrived, and the people from Hejiazhai had also come to kill them.

Third Young Master: ...a small village can only support a few hundred people, and they may all be old, weak, women and children.

For a real war, hundreds of people are like stones thrown into the sea, without even a splash.

Understanding the distrustful eyes of the third young master, He Jue was a little anxious and said hurriedly: "Really, Mr. Lang, my mother is amazing, she, she -" She is so powerful that she can sweep thousands of armies!

However, He Jue swallowed it back halfway.

Because he knew that his own mother's supernatural power was so incredible that even if he saw it with his own eyes, he might not believe it and would think that he was dreaming.

Now that he is talking empty-handed, the Third Young Master will only think that he is bragging!

"Okay, Ah Jue, I believe you!"

When the third young master saw that He Jue suddenly became silent, he thought that the child was embarrassed and angry with him.

Alas, this kid He Jue is both civil and military, and he is mature and steady, but in the end he is still just a kid.

The third young master cherished his talent and really liked He Jue. He couldn't bear to see him sad, so he dealt with it casually.

He Jue is even more depressed!

He secretly thought, hmph, when my mother comes, she will definitely surprise you.

"My lord, the Liang thieves are attacking again. Why don't you let your personal guards escort you and leave first?"

On the short and dilapidated city wall, looking at Liang Jun coming like a tide not far away, the cronies around the Northwest King persuaded him again.


The old thief King Liang surrounded the city as tightly as an iron bucket, and the King of the Northwest would not be able to escape unless his ribs grew wings.

"My life is at risk!"

The Northwest King felt a despair that he had never experienced before. He closed his eyes and thought to himself: If anyone can help me get out of trouble at this time, I will thank you deeply. I, I would like to make him a king and promise him prosperity and wealth for generations to come!

Almost the next moment, the Northwest King heard his cronies cheering: "My lord, look, reinforcements are coming!"

The Northwest King suddenly opened his eyes and saw a figure as if a god had descended, charging into the tide of Liang Jun with great power...

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