The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 346: Go to hell with your beauty (16)

"Is she, is she a human? Or a fairy?"

Lying on the low city wall, the Northwest King was stunned and stunned.

At first he would rub his eyes to confirm again and again whether what he saw was reality or a dream!

But looking at it, he felt a little numb.

One person, holding two giant axes in his hands, could knock away the Liang Jun next to him with a single swing.

If you apply a little force, you can cut the person in half.

Sweeping thousands of armies, galloping freely among thousands of people, it's like entering an uninhabited land...

These adjectives often appear in word books praising some famous generals.

The Northwest King, who was also a military general and now engaged in rebellion and fought all year round, knew very well that most of these words were exaggerated.

Because no matter how powerful a person is, he will always be alone.

In front of thousands of troops, an individual is as weak and humble as an ant.

However, at this moment, the Northwest King’s views were overturned——

Damn it, there really is such a powerful man who can defeat ten thousand men with one man!

What made him even more unbelievable was that the powerful man who could intimidate tens of thousands of Liang Jun soldiers by himself was actually a woman!

He looked at the women in the crowd who were fighting at will, and couldn't help but murmur to himself, "God, he must be a god..."

The counselors around the Northwest King reacted from the shock, their minds turned rapidly, and they had an idea in an instant.

He shouted at the top of his lungs, "The wise king of the northwest is destined by destiny, and his divine soldiers descend from the sky to unify the country!"

Whether the people around them quickly understood what the counselor was thinking or whether they agreed with the counselor's words from the bottom of their hearts, they also shouted together——

"The Wise King of the Northwest! The destiny of destiny!"

"The divine soldiers descended from the sky and unified the country!"

The guards on the city wall, civilian husbands, etc. all also shouted.

some people,

He really believed in the Northwest King's "mandate from heaven" and actually knelt down, shouting slogans and saluting the "Emperor".

"The Wise King of the Northwest...the divine soldiers descended from the sky..."

Slogans spread from the city walls, and slowly everyone in the city was chanting.

The shouts of dozens of people, hundreds of people...tens of thousands of people gathered together, like a tsunami.

Liang Jun collapsed!

It's scary enough to have a "weird woman" who looks like a human meat grinder.

As a result, the mountain roar and tsunami coming from the Northwest King's camp directly destroyed the psychological defense line of tens of thousands of Liang Jun.


This is a divine weapon from heaven!

Otherwise, how could a woman have such terrifying power?

And the Northwest King who can invite "Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals" is also extraordinary.

Perhaps he is God's appointed spokesperson on earth, the real emperor.

Their King Liang was also very powerful, and he once dreamed of a dragon, but after all, the dragon was just a dragon, not a divine dragon.

The king of the northwest is the dragon that soars in the nine heavens, and he is the one whom God has identified as his true destiny!

With such thoughts, Liang Jun's consciousness completely collapsed.

Some of them turned around and ran away, some abandoned their armor and knelt down to beg for mercy...

King Liang was so angry that he vomited blood and shouted something indiscriminately, but the guards fought to protect him and escaped.

Although King Liang escaped, he only took away less than 2,000 soldiers and horses.

He has completely lost the chance to compete with the Northwest King for the world.

Words such as excitement and surprise can no longer describe the northwest king's mood at this moment.

Without personally experiencing the despair of being in a desperate situation, without witnessing the miracle of turning defeat into victory, one cannot understand the feeling of the Northwest King.

However, the Northwest King was a hero of his time, and he calmed down when Liang Jun was defeated.

He quickly understood the counselor's plan, endured his excitement, and stood proudly on the city wall.

That’s right!

I am alone, my destiny, and this is how I attract the help of divine soldiers!

Gu is destined to compete in the Central Plains and conquer the world!

Throughout history, all founding emperors basically had "good omens."

Either you dream of killing a white snake, or you are born with rays of light.

When the king of the northwest was in trouble, some counselors suggested that he get a good omen to show that he was ordered by heaven.

But the Northwest King, who was born as a military general, did not agree with the good omen.

He only believes in absolute force and strength.

However, at this moment, seeing the excited and roaring soldiers on the city wall, and then looking at the defeated Liang Jun on the other side, the Northwest King suddenly felt that the good omen seemed to be really useful.

Moreover, he is different from those artificially concocted good omens.

He really met the Divine Powers.

Look at the woman in front of you. She has an ordinary appearance and ordinary clothes. At first glance, she looks no different from an ordinary peasant woman.

But he can wield a giant ax weighing dozens of kilograms with one hand, and he can kill among tens of thousands of soldiers and horses alone.

This is so magical and has never been heard of in ancient times.

It is not an exaggeration to say that "magic soldiers descended from heaven".

"He Tian, ​​a civilian woman, has met the prince!"

At the end of the battle, He Tian threw the giant ax aside, tidied up his appearance, and came forward to pay homage to the Northwest King.

"..." She is really an ordinary civilian woman.

The Northwest King was slightly disappointed.

However, now he sees He Tian as not just a benefactor, but as a mascot that symbolizes his "destined destination"!

At this time, the Northwest King remembered the promise he had made secretly on the city wall when he was desperate.

Of course, the Northwest King still wants to recruit a mascot like He Tian who is born with divine power.

"...What? Mother, you are sworn in with the King of the Northwest, Jinlan, and you are also named the King of Pingliang by the prince?"

He Jue followed the Third Young Master's army and galloped all the way. When he arrived at the county town for rescue, the battlefield had been cleared.

He Jue not only saw his own mother, but also heard such big news.

"Yes, Brother Wei was grateful to me for relieving the siege of An County. He also said that I had made great achievements in defeating the enemy. As soon as we met, he recognized me as his adopted sister."

He Tianshi himself felt like it was a dream.

She came to save people, and she really wanted to make friends with the Northwest King.

But she never expected that the Northwest King would be so generous, directly sworn sworn sworn relationship with her, and even granted her the title of king.

Of course, the Northwest King himself is still a self-proclaimed grass-headed king, and his reward is not justified.

However, the Northwest King was already the most powerful force now, and now he has destroyed the Liang King. Although there are still some small groups of rebels, they are no longer a threat.

It was only a matter of time before the Northwest King changed dynasties and became the founding king of the new dynasty.

When he becomes emperor and rewards meritorious officials, He Tian, ​​the "Pingliang King" will be very valuable.

Perhaps, He Tian can really become the first female king with a different surname in ancient times.

He Jue: ...What a shame, my dear mother!

When he left home, he even told his mother that he was going to start a career.

Even if you can't encircle the territory and establish yourself as king, you still have to become a general in the hero's tent.

As a result, he did join the Third Young Master and became a young general who was highly regarded by the Third Young Master.

But his own mother was even more powerful. She hugged the northwest king's thick legs and made him the king!

Alas, as expected, you can't compare with your mother, otherwise you will easily become autistic.

He Jue shed tears silently in her heart.

He wasn't really autistic, just a little sad.

However, he is not jealous of his mother, more importantly, he is proud!

King Pingliang!

After the new dynasty is established in the future, there will be the first female king with a different surname!

Gee, it’s very interesting just thinking about it.

"My mother is born with magical power. One person is equal to ten thousand men. No wonder the prince takes her seriously!"

He Jue is not an ordinary child. He is already smart and has been carefully taught by his mother over the years.

Therefore, after his brief surprise and pride, he began to analyze the reasons.

The reason why my mother was so valued by the Northwest King was not only because of the grace of saving my life, but also because my mother was powerful enough.

It is easy to get a thousand armies, but it is hard to find a general. He Tian may not be a good general, but she can definitely be called "miraculous".

Just the fact that she is powerful is enough for her to get enough respect.

"anything else?"

He Tian looked at his son with a smile and continued to teach his son in a guiding way.

He Jue looked at his mother's smiling eyes, and suddenly thought of the discussion of some soldiers he had just heard.

What kind of sage king of the northwest, destiny, divine weapon descended from heaven——


A divine weapon descended from heaven? !

He Jue's eyes flickered, and he instantly understood why the Northwest King would sworn a sworn sworn brother to his own mother, and even made a woman the prince in an unusual way!

It turns out that he took his mother as a "good omen".

Also, my own mother's magical power is really incredible, and it is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

If it is related to "gods" and "God", it seems to be more convincing to the general public.

But a man of God like He Tian is willing to be the younger brother of the Northwest King, ah, no, she is the younger sister, which is enough to prove that the Northwest King is the destined son chosen by God!

"Mom, I want to resign from the Third Young Master!"

The reason why He Jue was ambitious was not because he really wanted to do something.

He just wants to be able to protect himself and his mother in troubled times.

The troubled times were about to end and a new dynasty was about to begin. Only then did He Jue want to find a reliable lord to take refuge with.

He Jue chose the third young master. In addition to the third young master's personal charm, He Jue was also optimistic about the northwest king.

Invest in advance to find wealth and a future for yourself and your mother.

But now, his own mother has directly made herself the "King of Pingliang". There is no need for his son to fight anymore, and He Jue has given up his efforts.

Isn't it good to be a happy salted fish and lie down and be the prince of the royal family who depends on his mother? !

The third son indeed has a future, but the Northwest King also has several sons including the eldest son, the second son, and the youngest son.

If the king of the northwest sits on the dragon chair and the Wei family takes control of the country, then there will be a fight for the throne among the princes.

He Jue has read history books since he was a child, and he is very aware of the bloodshed and cruelty of the heir apparent.

If he had no other way out, he could only follow the third young master and fight all the way.

But now, he has a better choice. There is really no need to drag himself, his mother and other relatives into a trap of right and wrong.

"We can also hand over Hejiazhai. My brothers and sisters, if they want to join the army or serve as officials, just follow them!"

He Jue had a clear idea, and his next words became smoother and smoother.

He Tian nodded with satisfaction, "Very good. Neither mother nor son have the ambition to fight for kingship and hegemony. All we want is peace and success!"

Previously, He Tian was worried about the prosperous He Erniu, fearing that if he got rich, he would become Chen Shimei and a vicious stepfather.

There are also male protagonists and female protagonists in this world, who have the aura of invincible protagonists.

He Tianshi and He Jue are both minor characters, especially He Jue, who is the so-called beautiful, powerful and tragic villain.

Although, after He Tian's awakening, he has been trying his best to get rid of his involvement with the male and female protagonists.

But the plot is very powerful, and He Tian has to prevent his son from being driven by some mysterious factors and continue to be cannon fodder for the male and female protagonists!

And that strange Qiu Zhaodi. He Tian didn't know the whereabouts of the other party in these years, but she had a hunch that this girl would definitely appear again, and maybe do something to harm He Jue!

There are so many potential dangers that He Tian must pay attention to.

She couldn't let He Jue hide in the small Hejiazhai all the time. It would be unfair to him.

Even if the son has no ambitions, he should live in a broader and freer space!

Therefore, He Tian chose the Northwest King among many forces. In the past few years, she has been paying attention to the movements of the Northwest King.

For this rescue, even if He Jue's letter of distress was not received, He Tian would come on his own initiative.

The reason is to hold tightly to the golden thigh of the Northwest King, the founder of the country.

In addition to being able to gain power, He Tian also believed that the Northwest King was the future emperor, and he must have national destiny in him.

It’s not that He Tian wants to steal other people’s “dragon energy”, he just wants to use it to offset the aura of the male and female protagonists!

It can be said that Hetian really thought a lot, and her purpose was very simple.

Hejiazhai and the Boy Scouts were created by her accidentally.

She had never thought of becoming a king on her own, but now she successfully made friends with the Northwest King.

The new dynasty is about to be established and the world is gradually settling down. There is no need for a place with certain strength like Hejiazhai to exist.

However, He Tian was once worried that his son had other plans and was unwilling to hand over He Jiazhai and the Boy Scouts.

Now, after hearing these words from He Jue, He Tian only felt relieved.

Her son is very smart, knows how to assess the situation, and understands priorities!

He was not yet fourteen years old, but he already knew the trade-off.

Being so sane and clear-headed, without being abused and without the blessing of the plot, He Jue will never become a big villain, let alone end up with a tragic death.

He Tian had a hunch that she should have changed He Jue's life.

As for the male protagonist, female protagonist, Qiu Zhaodi, He Erniu and others, they don't seem so scary anymore.

He Tian secretly thought about these people, but she didn't know that she, the newly minted King of Pingliang and a divine general descended from heaven, was also being discussed by some people.

"Prince Pingliang? Or a woman? What on earth is my father thinking?"

The speaker was the eldest son of the Northwest King, Wei Songnian, who stayed in the capital and was regarded by some retainers as the future heir.

He looks to be in his twenties, with a tall build and a cold temperament. At first glance, he looks like a warrior who is used to galloping on the battlefield.

When the king of the northwest launched an army, Wei Songnian was at the vanguard. When he was less than fifteen years old, he followed his father in expeditions and made great achievements.

It's a pity that he is not a direct descendant, otherwise, he would have been named the crown prince by the Northwest King long ago.

Even so, the eldest son of a concubine with outstanding military exploits also has a certain status in the northwest king's camp.

Some retainers have already begun to take sides and have chosen the eldest son, Wei Songnian.

"...I heard that this King of Pingliang was born with supernatural power and single-handedly solved the siege of Pingxian County."

A man who looked like a counselor spoke softly to the eldest son.

On the porch outside the door, a person who looked like a maid was eavesdropping furtively...

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