The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 347: Go to hell with your beauty and misery (17)

King Pingliang?

Or a woman?

What the hell is all this?

There is no such plot at all!

The maid, who used to be Qiu Zhaodi, has now been renamed Qiu Yuying. She suddenly gave a wry smile when she thought about the plot or something.

Bullshit plot!

As early as when she escaped with her cheap parents, the plot was changed beyond recognition.

The beautiful, strong and miserable He Keji was not sold to a perverted and dead eunuch, and did not suffer those inhuman abuses, so he probably would not have become a big villain.

Qiu Yuying failed to seize the opportunity to be the female host for the first time, but she didn't give up, so she came again for the second time.

Before time travel, she remembered clearly that the heroine Han Donger had a jade pendant she picked up from somewhere.

Han Donger never thought of taking it as her own, but she could never find the owner, so she had to take it with her.

In the later stages of the escape, as the world became increasingly chaotic, the Han family finally ran out of food. What was even worse was that his own father, Village Chief Han, was ill and in urgent need of medical expenses.

Han Dong'er couldn't bear her family to starve, and she didn't want to see her own father die of illness. Although she felt it wasn't appropriate, she still took out the jade pendant she had picked up and went to the pawn shop in the county town.

While shopping for things, I happened to meet a nobleman, and what was even more coincidental was that the nobleman turned out to be the owner of the jade pendant.

Han Dong'er's halo as the protagonist worked wonders. Instead of blaming Han Dong'er, the noble man felt that although this little girl was young, she was rare filial and sensible.

So the nobleman gave Han Dong'er a sum of money and arranged errands for several sons of the Han family.

In this way, under the protection of this noble man, Han Donger's family settled down in the county, and Han Donger also had the opportunity to come into contact with the future upper class society.

Laying a solid foundation for her future rise.

And that noble man also became a great help to Han Dong'er after the establishment of the new dynasty, and was one of Han Dong'er's biggest cheats!

Its importance is no less than the crazy criticism of He Keji, the wheelchair boss!

Why deny this opportunity?

Qiu Yuying failed to catch him, so she wanted to catch this noble man.

Therefore, before several families left the forest, Qiu Yuying deceived Han Donger into the woods nearby.

While she wasn't paying attention, he pulled off the jade pendant secretly hanging around her neck and pushed her into the abandoned trap.

After doing this, Qiu Yuying hurriedly took the jade pendant and ran to meet her family. Amidst the scoldings of her vicious grandmother and cheap scumbag father, Qiu Yuying held the jade pendant tightly while secretly planning her next plan.

Although Qiu Yuying is a bit evil, she is not inherently vicious.

Therefore, she just pushed Han Dong'er into the pit instead of killing her directly.

Qiu Yuying was also worried that Han Dong'er would be rescued and then come back to identify her.

But she thought that as long as she refused to admit it, and there was no third person at the time, Han Dong'er and the others couldn't do anything to her.

Qiu Yuying hid the jade pendant, but before she could take a breath, the Han family actually found Han Dong'er.

Qiu Yuying was really worried for a while, but found that Han Donger did not expose her, let alone come to her to identify or accuse.

Things seemed to have just passed.

Qiu Yuying secretly rejoiced. She knew that in an era without surveillance and mobile phones, it would be difficult for her to be exposed unless there was a witness.

However, Qiu Yuying found that Han Donger and the Han family looked at her differently.

It is estimated that Han Dong'er told his family about the incident of harming her, but there is no evidence.

But everyone in the Han family, including Village Chief Han, was wary of Qiu Yuying.

Qiu Yuying didn't care, but was very proud.

Unfortunately, disaster struck just two days after she was proud.

She is not Han Dong'er. Han Dong'er is a group favorite in the Han family.

As for her, she traveled to a family that was extremely patriarchal.

Not to mention grandma and scumbag father, even the mother in this body hates her daughter from the bottom of her heart.

Qiu Yuying, as the fourth eldest in the ranking and the de facto eldest, has to shoulder most of the housework even if she is only five or six years old and even if she is starved and skinny.

I was ordered around by my family every day, and I had to dig wild vegetables or beg if I didn't have enough to eat.

Qiu Yuying only felt that she had suffered all the hardships she had never experienced in her previous life.

However, as the famine-escape team grew, as the disaster became increasingly severe, and as food was consumed day by day, Qiu Yuying could no longer continue to "endure hardship".

One night, Qiu Yuying got up temporarily to go to the bathroom, and happened to hear her own mother discussing with her father: "How about selling Zhaodi, and it would be good to exchange it for two kilograms of sweet potatoes."

"Selling her? A film about a five- or six-year-old girl? There are children like this everywhere. Who is willing to buy it?"

"If it doesn't work out, just replace her with the big girl from Murata Laohan's family next door——"

"...that's okay. After all, I've raised a child for several years, so I can't handle it!"

When Qiu Yuying heard this, her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

What do cheap parents mean?

What do you mean by exchanging her for the eldest daughter of the Tian family?

Yikes and eats!

Such an idiom that was not at all bloody, but made people's hair stand on end, instantly hit Qiu Yuying's brain, shocking her to the point of almost losing her mind.

No, she couldn't stay with these parents who were worse than animals.

Maybe one day she will be exchanged for someone else's child, and then she will be killed and eaten by someone else!

Qiu Yuying found the jade pendant she had hidden, stole a piece of sweet potato hidden by her grandma, and escaped secretly.

Needless to say, the hardships a five- or six-year-old child went through when escaping from famine alone.

But Qiu Yuying was successful because she had an adult soul and had a lot of knowledge about future generations. Although it was difficult, she really survived.

She followed the memory in the book and explored all the way to Heyin County.

It was here, in a place called "Shengyuan Pawnshop", that the heroine met the second noble person in her life.

However, this plot is only briefly mentioned in the film.

Qiu Yuying only knew the approximate time, but she really didn't know the specific day of the month.

She could only adopt the stupid method of waiting near the pawn shop.

While working as a beggar, I paid close attention to the people walking on the street.

Qiu Yuying was hungry and well-fed, and was beaten several times by beggars who robbed her of her territory. Just when she could hardly hold on any longer, she finally saw a noble man in gorgeous clothes.

is her!

It should be her!

Location: Shengyuan Pawn Shop in Heyin County√

Props: Expensive mutton-fat jade pendant√

Character: Wei Huanian, the eldest daughter of the Northwest King√

Qiu Yuying ran to the pawnshop to buy a jade pendant with great expectations, but she never expected that she would get a completely different ending from the heroine.

She did not become the little sister Wei Huanian liked, nor did she make a wide network of contacts at the Northwest King's base camp. She was taken under Wei Huanian's account and became a maid.

Afterwards, after much wandering, he actually went to the eldest son's mansion.

The eldest son, Wei Songnian, the loser in the future, although he was not killed by the new king who came to power, he also ended up being imprisoned.

If you follow him, you will still have a chance to succeed.

Until now, Qiu Yuying has not figured out what went wrong in the first place. She obviously did the same thing as the heroine, so how could she——

Wei Huanian:......

I am the eldest daughter of the majestic King of the Northwest. Even before my father raised an army and became king, I was still the daughter of a general.

At least there is still some vigilance.

The first time Wei Huanian saw Qiu Yuying, his impression was not very good.

This child was obviously only five or six years old, but his eyes did not have the innocence and ignorance of a child.

Even if the world is not good, the children who survive are too precocious, but they are not as mature as adults.

Moreover, after Wei Huanian accepted Qiu Yuying, he sent someone to investigate and found that this woman was obviously holding the jade pendant, but did not sell it immediately. Instead, she had been a beggar in front of the pawnshop for two or three months holding the jade pendant!

This is very strange!

If Qiu Yuying has a noble character and is unwilling to sell the things she picked up, then why did Qiu Yuying go to the pawn shop to pawn the things as soon as Wei Huanian showed up?

If you want to sell it, sell it early; if you want to keep it for others, keep it forever.

Giving up halfway and choosing the timing so cleverly, it was really hard not to make Wei Huanian suspicious.

In addition, when facing Wei Huanian, although Qiu Yuying restrained herself, she still showed an expression of surprise and calculation.

She thought she was hiding it well, but she didn't know that a young lady like Wei Huanian, who was born into an official family and received a good education, was best at observing people's emotions.

Wei Huanian had already seen through her little idea.

And the most important point can be said to be the advantage of the heroine Han Donger - she has parents, five adult brothers, and a group of nieces and nephews, both old and young.

In troubled times, people are the least valuable, but they are also the most important.

For example, Wei Huanian stayed in Heyin County firstly to raise food and salary for her father and younger brothers, and secondly to recruit troops.

The Han family has so many men who can serve as soldiers, so they will naturally be valued by Wei Huanian.

Rather than saying that Wei Huanian provided "errands" to the men of the Han family, it is better to say that the Han family provided Wei Huanian with additional troops.

This actually complements each other.

Han Dong'er will be valued by Wei Huanian and regarded as his little sister. In addition to Han Dong'er's kindness and intelligence, there are also factors from the Han family!

Not to mention, his sixth brother Han Liulang has already followed the Northwest King to the battlefield.

Han Donger is not a person of unknown origin or suspicious behavior, but a filial and sensible "military relative"!

Therefore, even though the jade pendant was snatched away by Qiu Yuying, Han Donger followed the Han family to Heyin after all the hard work, and still met Wei Huanian. The plot took a slight turn, but it still returned to normal!

However, Qiu Yuying didn't know that she had already followed the Detachment of Women escorting the grain and grass to the eldest son's military camp.

Due to some accidents, Qiu Yuying finally became the slave of the eldest son Wei Songnian.

Qiu Yuying:......

She is familiar with the plot, has been upset and angry, and also wants to try to change the desperate situation she is most likely to face - wuwu, she doesn't want to be imprisoned with Wei Songnian.

However, after several years of hard work, Qiu Yuying was clearly educated by reality.

In such troubled times, she was alone. Without a strong backer, she would not be able to survive at all, let alone want any glory and wealth!

The Northwest King has not yet ascended the throne, and seizing the throne will still be a matter of several years.

She will stay well in the eldest son's residence first, save some money, and accumulate some connections. In the future -

Qiu Yuying became honest and did not dare to mess around anymore. She stayed in Wei Songnian's mansion as a maid.

Fortunately, she was sent by Wei Huanian. For the sake of his eldest sister, Wei Songnian was able to think highly of Qiu Yuying.

Qiu Yuying was allowed to change her name, and she was also asked to serve in the study, becoming a first-class maid.

Qiu Yuying took the opportunity to get rid of the rustic name "Zhao Di", and did not ask the stewardess of the Young Master's Mansion to give her a name that sounded like a maid's name such as Coral or Cuiwei. Instead, she restored her previous name of "Yuying".

Being the maid of the eldest son of the palace is actually not without its disadvantages.

Especially as the Northwest King entered the capital and became the contemporary hero most likely to dominate the world, Wei Songnian, the eldest son of a concubine, also rose to the top.

The seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door.

Qiu Yuying, the eldest maid that Wei Songnian had to use, was more dignified than the average official lady when she left the house.

If the king of the northwest ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, the eldest son will become the eldest prince, and she will be able to become a palace maid, and maybe even a female official.

Besides, the plot has been changed to a mess a long time ago. Who can guarantee that it will be the third son Wei Yannian who succeeds in seizing the direct line in the future?

The eldest son is totally capable of competing.

Much of the plot has changed, but the main characters in the book remain.

One time when she was out on business, Qiu Yuying met He Erniu. Oh no, his name was now He Guozhong. He was a tiger general who was highly valued by the Northwest King.

Although he came from a humble background and was just a civilian husband who was kidnapped by the chaos, he married the daughter of the Northwest King's retainer and was regarded as a confidant by the Northwest King.

A few months ago, He Guozhong was ordered to lead his troops to pacify the southwest.

Qiu Yuying remembers very clearly that He Guozhong was granted the title of Pingnan Marquis after the establishment of the new dynasty due to his military exploits in the southwest, and was hereditary!

The He family has become a noble with military power. Even He Keji, who was later found, relied on the power of the Hou family to become the strongest male partner who can help the heroine!

Of course, this is the original plot.

He Keji has long gone, but He Guozhong is still there.

And he also went to the southwest as written.

In addition to He Guozhong, Qiu Yuying also secretly inquired about the current status of some important characters.

For example, the male protagonist’s biological father, and the parents and ancestors of several other supporting actors.

They all follow their destined trajectory, either fighting on the battlefield or governing the local area, and they all work hard to make achievements.

...So, Qiu Yuying's "prophet" is not completely useless.

She at least knows the secrets or weaknesses of these important people.

She could remind Wei Songnian to use and win over these people.

Perhaps, she can really change history and turn Wei Songnian from a loser to a winner.

No matter what happened, she could persuade Wei Songnian to let go at the last moment. As long as he didn't rebel, he wouldn't be imprisoned.

Of course, Qiu Yuying still needs some effort to become someone who can control Wei Songnian.

For example, the change of identity, and the display of ability...

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