The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 348: Go to hell with your beauty (18)

The king of the northwest defeated the king of Liang. Except for a small group of rebels or separatist forces in remote places, almost all of the huge country was captured by the Wei family.

The capital has long been captured, and the time is ripe for a change of dynasty.

On the advice of his counselors and ministers, the Northwest King led his army back to the capital and prepared to establish a court belonging to the Wei family.

The best thing about the Northwest King is that he did not steal the country from Dayan.

The last emperor of Dayan was killed by rebels, and the rebellious minister who killed the emperor and established himself as king died under the sword of the Northwest King.

When the Northwestern King raised his troops, it was under the banner of King Qin rescuing him and putting down the rebellion.

Rounding things off, the Northwest King avenged the last emperor of the previous dynasty. Instead of being a rebellious minister, he was actually a loyal minister.

It's a pity that the rebellious minister was too cruel and actually wiped out the Dayan royal family.

The king of the northwest wanted to be the most loyal and wise man, and tried to support the emperor of the previous dynasty, but he could not find the blood of the Dayan royal family.

Therefore, under repeated requests from former ministers, sages of the time, and many new nobles, the Northwest King could not refuse and finally sat on the dragon chair.

The name of the new dynasty was Qi, also known as Daqi, and the reign name was Tiantai. The capital was the capital, and the northwest king was also called the Tiantai Emperor.

In June of the first year of Tiantai, Emperor Tiantai officially ascended the throne.

After ascending the throne, Emperor Tiantai rewarded his merits. Former ministers of the previous dynasty, relatives of the emperor of Yan, and new nobles of Qi all received rewards.

The Eight Tigers will be named the founding Duke of the country, also known as the Duke of the Country.

Twelve retainers and generals were granted the title of Founding County Marquis.

Several of the princes were still fighting outside, but their family members received the rewards on behalf of their men.

He Guozhong's later wife, Qin, moved into the Pingnan Hou Mansion with their seven-year-old son and four-year-old daughter.

"Madam, there is someone outside the door asking to see you. They say they are relatives from Mr. Hou's hometown!"

The Qin family had just settled down in the Marquis Mansion, and before she could take a breath, a maid came back to report.

"A relative from Mr. Hou's hometown?" Ms. Qin's face darkened.

His tone also became very bad.

He Guozhong had a wife and children in his hometown, and the Qin family knew about them.

However, Qin's marriage was delayed because of the death of two fiancés and the reputation of being a scheming husband.

When the King of the Northwest raised an army, her father went to fight with him. This year, she was already twenty years old.

Qin's father felt sorry for his daughter and wanted to win over a young and potential low-level officer, so he fell in love with He Erniu, his subordinate.

He Erniu is not young, but he is good at martial arts and knows some tactics of war. He is simply a natural-born general.

The best thing is that He Erniu was lucky. The fellow villagers who were forced to become "mobs" and "rebels" with him died and were injured, and there were not many left.

Only he, no matter whether he went to the battlefield passively or actively, he could come back with all his strength and tail intact every time.

Such a person can soar into the sky as long as he is given a chance.

Qin's father was optimistic about He Erniu, but his nephew was really hopeless, so he wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law.

He Erniu experienced a series of major changes such as building river embankments and being forced to riot. His originally honest and honest temperament also changed.

He doesn't want to be trampled on by others, he wants to be a master.

Troubled times make heroes.

He suffered the pain of troubled times, but he also saw the opportunities of troubled times.

As for my wife and children back home——

To be honest, He Erniu really resented this stupid woman He Tian.

Especially when he was starved, beaten, and escaped death again and again, he hated his wife even more for causing him to suffer these things.

Blame her!

It's all He Tian's fault!

If she hadn't endlessly subsidized her parents' family, if she hadn't deliberately concealed it, he wouldn't have come to build the river embankment.

If he hadn't come here, he wouldn't have suffered so much and almost lost his life.

For such a "cowardly" bastard woman, He Erniu didn't run back and kill her, which is considered a kind heart.

From now on, he would just treat this woman as dead.

The son is innocent, but a real man doesn't even have to worry about his wife, let alone children.

Therefore, He Erniu had a choice.

He told Qin's father: "I did marry my wife and gave birth to a son, but there was a famine in our hometown. A few days ago, I met a fellow villager who said that my wife had fled the famine with her parents' family, but she disappeared."

In troubled times, orphans and widowed mothers cannot survive even if they are not eaten.

"Alas, the two of them are probably gone." He Erniu said pretending to be sad.

In fact, even if his wife and children are still alive, it doesn't matter.

The trouble can be solved with a divorce letter, and He Tian's crime is ready-made: stealing her husband's property.

Of course, everyone is missing, and perhaps they died somewhere long ago. He Erniu was too lazy to bother.

He told the story about He Tian's subsidizing his parents' family, which left him with no money to manage, so he had to build a river embankment, and said: "She and the child are gone, so I won't pursue it anymore!"

The implication is that even if He Tian is not dead and comes to find him again in the future, He Erniu will be able to divorce her.

In times of war, there was not so much emphasis on marriage.

He Erniu had nothing to hide, and he was indeed reasonable. He was not some bastard who abandoned his wife and children. Father Qin didn't pay much attention and still married his daughter to him.

A year later, Mrs. Qin gave birth to a son to He Erniu.

He had a new son, He Xiaobao, etc., and was really forgotten by He Erniu.

He Erniu can be forgotten, but the Qin family still remembers He Erniu, who is now He Guozhong, who has a wife and children in his hometown.

Therefore, when she heard someone reporting back that relatives from Mr. Hou's hometown came to her door, she felt a shadow cast over her heart.

A pretty face, so gloomy that it seemed like it could drip water.

After a long while, Mrs. Qin gritted her teeth and said, "Go and ask, who are the relatives?"

"The Marquis is now of high status, and many people who are beyond his reach want to recognize the Marquis as a relative."

"It's just that the Pingnan Marquis Mansion is not a place where cats and dogs can come in. If there are shameless people like that deliberately trying to get hold of you, huh, I won't let you go easily!"

The maid who responded heard the coldness in Qin's words, was startled, and hurriedly responded, "Yes! I will go and ask for details now."

Mrs. Qin sat at the top with a sinking face, saying nothing, quietly waiting for a reply.

There was already a storm in her heart, and all kinds of random guesses and assumptions kept popping up.

Mrs. Qin felt that she had been waiting for a long time, but in fact, only a quarter of an hour passed when the little maid ran back again.

However, the little maid's face was not very good. She seemed hesitant and frightened, and she didn't know how to speak.

Mrs. Qin had a bad feeling, and she became more and more impatient.

He slapped the table hard and scolded in a cold voice: "Are you mute? Why don't you tell me quickly?"

The little maid was so frightened that she trembled and didn't dare to hesitate any longer. She blurted out: "Back to Madam, the man said he belongs to the Marquis and belongs to the Marquis——"

When it came to the most crucial part, the little maid still stuttered.

Qin became even more angry and smashed the tea cup at hand.

"He said he is the Marquis's brother-in-law!" The little maid yelled this sentence and quickly knelt down, burying her head deeply in her knees for fear of being angered by the Qin family.

Mrs. Qin's eyes widened and she stared blankly at the little maid.

He Guozhong's brother-in-law certainly does not refer to Qin's biological brother.

If her brother came to the door, the maid would respectfully announce "Shiro is here".

Therefore, the person who came to the door, the so-called "Brother-in-law of the Marquis", should be the brother of the woman in front of He Guozhong.

"...He said that his father, the Marquis' father-in-law, is also here."

The little maid lowered her head, but she could still feel Qin's blazing gaze.

Holding back her fear, the little maid relayed the visitor's words to Ms. Qin exactly: "He also said that his father was about to starve to death. His father had a marriage certificate in his hand. If the Marquis deserted his wife and children, If you are a bastard, they will go to Jingzhao Mansion to complain!"


Her chest was rising and falling violently, Qin was angry and angry, and her eyes were a little bloodshot.

If it was He Tian who came to find him, things would be easier to handle. She would just coax the person in and lock him up, waiting for He Guozhong to come back.

But the person who came happened to be He Tian's biological father and He Guozhong's elder.

As He Guozhong's current wife, even if He Guozhong divorces He Tian, ​​he still has to be polite when facing his elders.

Moreover, Mrs. Qin heard some clues from the words relayed by the little maid: The person coming here is not a reasonable and good person, but is most likely the kind of arrogant and arrogant person!

It's a weapon that scares rats. Those who wear shoes are afraid of those who are barefoot.

Now He Guozhong has become the founding hero of the country. He is a dignified Marquis of Pingnan and is extremely valuable.

As for He Tian's family, they are stinky rats and rotten mud that are about to starve to death. If they intend to blackmail, it will be really difficult for the Hou Mansion to deal with them!

"The Marquis is not here, and I, a woman, can't come out to meet guests."

After thinking for a long time, Mrs. Qin came up with an idea. As she said this, she ordered someone to bring two ingots of silver, called the steward of the house, and whispered a few words.

The steward understood Qin's intention, took the money and went to negotiate with He Tian's brother.

After half a day's work, the steward came back wiping his sweat and said, "Madam, everything has been explained clearly. That person is sensible enough to know that his sister was not favored by the Marquis. Now she is gone long ago. Traces, maybe dead."

"Tian Yaozong said that his father and son just want a place to stay, a shop or a farm, so that they can survive in the capital."

If the Qin family can meet Tian Yaozong's request, then the Tian family will not come to trouble the Hou Mansion, let alone regard themselves as relatives of the Hou Mansion.

Tian Yaozong also said that Father Tian could hand over the marriage certificate and accept the divorce letter written by He Guozhong.

In this way, the Tian and He families no longer have any relationship by marriage.

He Guozhong and Qin will not bear the slightest infamy.

Qin was a little surprised, "Are they willing?"

If the marriage certificate continues to be kept, even if the He Tian family dies, the Tian family will still be the legitimate in-laws of the He family.

But if the marriage certificate is exchanged for the divorce certificate, then, then the relationship with a wealthy noble like Ping Nanhou will be completely cut off.

"When I saw Tian Yaozong, I seemed reluctant to let him go, but he still said this. I guess there was an expert's guidance behind his back."

The steward said objectively.

He and Mrs. Qin both guessed that the "master" in his words should be Father Tian.

"...As expected, people become better with age."

Mrs. Qin sighed lowly.

If the Tian family is greedy and insists on clinging to the Pingnan Marquis Mansion, He Guozhong may be forced to "die together".

Of course, dying together is too serious. At most, the Hou family will suffer some loss of reputation, but the Tian family father and son will end up dead without a burial place.

As for Father Shitian, he is just asking for some benefits. Not to mention He Guozhong, even the Qin family can tolerate it.

Maybe if we get it right, we can get a favor from the Marquis Mansion.

At that time, even if the two families are not in-laws, they can still move around as fellow villagers.

It's better to just break up the skin at the beginning, and end up with a dead end.

"Okay, I will make the decision for Mr. Hou on this matter!"

Qin thought for a moment and then came up with an idea.

Mrs. Qin knew everything about He Guozhong and He Tian, ​​and she also knew He Guozhong's attitude towards He Tian's mother and son.

Therefore, even if He Guozhong is not here now and Qin makes the decision on his behalf, if He Guozhong finds out about it in the future, he will not blame her.

"Get him a village on the outskirts of the city and give him twenty ingots of silver. I'll ask the accountant to help write a divorce letter. I'll ask Father Tian to hand-print his fingerprints and then go to the government to make a record." Mrs. Qin said methodically. commanded.

"Yes, little one, let's do it right now!"

The steward hurriedly bowed to accept the order, and then ran to find Tian Yaozong and his son.

The Tian family had Father Tian strategizing, and the Pingnan Marquis Mansion had the Qin family to make decisive decisions. In this way, without both He Guozhong and He Tian present, their relationship as husband and wife was dissolved.

"Dad, why did you take the initiative to suggest that He Erniu divorce my sister?"

Tian Yaozong took the divorce letter and felt bad luck.

He folded it up randomly and stuffed it into his father's lapel. He said angrily, "He is a noble prince now. If I had a brother-in-law who was a prince, even if I couldn't walk sideways, no one would dare. provoke."

The biggest official Tian Yaozong had ever seen was a county magistrate or a general in the rebel army.

As for the first-grade marquis, tsk tsk, in Tian Yaozong's view, he was a big shot in the sky.

Such a good in-law, such a thick golden thigh, but in the end, I didn’t want it anymore.

If Tian Yaozong hadn't been able to survive all these years thanks to his biological father, he wouldn't have agreed at all.

Father Tian is very thin. After nearly ten years of fleeing and wandering, he has aged more than twenty years.

Although he was only in his fifties, he looked like an old man, with an air of twilight in his bones.

"What do you know? Do you still think that the current Marquis Pingnan is the He Erniu of the past?"

He survived a narrow escape, fought on the battlefield so many times, and had so many lives on his hands.

Such evil stars are the most clear-cut between grievances and grievances.

Why did He Erniu build river embankments back then?

Why were you separated from your wife and children?

Tian Yaozong has no clue, but Father Tian knows it very well.

The He Tian family cheated He Erniu, and the Tian family sold all the fields passed down by He Erniu's ancestors.

None of this can be hidden from anyone.

If the Tian family still comes to make trouble, He Erniu will definitely settle old and new grudges.

There are only two father and son left in the Tian family. They are untouchables, but they dare not go head-to-head with the founding prince.

Accept when things are good and know how to choose, so that you can live a long and smooth life.

In Dad Tian's view, it was a very good deal to exchange a cheap girl who died long ago for a farm in the suburbs of Beijing and enough money.

With land and money, he can marry his son a wife, and then he will have more grandchildren, and he will be a great contributor to the Tian family...

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