The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 350: Go to hell with your beauty (20)

Qiu Yuying seemed to be possessed by a demon, and she was determined to fight with the male and female protagonists.

She has become the biggest stumbling block on the road of love between the male and female protagonists, and when she appears in specific events, she looks like a villain who opposes decent people.

He Tianshi: ...Let’s just say, the supporting characters should not get entangled with the protagonists. If one of them fails, they will all become cannon fodder and tools.

Da Qi was established and Emperor Tiantai ascended the throne. However, He Tian, ​​the first female king of Da Qi with a different surname, did not return to Beijing immediately.

She is a mascot that symbolizes Emperor Tiantai’s destiny from heaven.

When pacifying some small groups of rebels or separatist forces in remote areas, He Tian could easily break the morale of the enemy's troops as long as he showed off his divine power in front of the formation.

He Tian's magical power has a somewhat miraculous effect of "conquering the enemy without fighting".

Since there was an opportunity to save troops and promote Emperor Tiantai's power, Emperor Tiantai would let any Tian family go outside to help all the troops to pacify the four directions.

It was not until the autumn of the second year of Kaitai that Daqi completely consolidated all the territory of the previous dynasty, and the armies from all walks of life returned to the dynasty one after another.

He Tian was also among the triumphal procession, and he was the most eye-catching person.

Because of him, Emperor Tiantai once again announced the reward for the He Tian family during the first meeting of the first lunar month.

The king of Pingliang has thousands of households in the city, and he has alchemy books and iron coupons. He is hereditary and can't be replaced!

The king with a different surname was still a woman, which greatly aroused the nerves of the courtiers, nobles and even the clan.

When the first major reward was given last year, Emperor Tiantai mentioned He Tian's Prince Pingliang, but He Tian was not in the capital at that time.

And everyone just thought that Emperor Tiantai might just be talking verbally, in order to appease or scare the rebel leaders who surrendered.

But this time it was different. Emperor Tiantai not only issued an imperial edict, but also ordered the Ministry of Rites to build a palace for King Pingliang and arrange for officials.

This is not a false title that sounds nice in words, but the real treatment of a prince.

Not to mention that the courtiers and nobles were surprised, even the king of Wei and other princes were murmuring in their hearts.

In other words, if King Pingliang is a woman, if he is a man, they will all doubt whether this person is the old man's illegitimate son.

Why are you so nice to her? !

In fact, it was precisely because He Tian was a peasant woman that Emperor Tiantai was willing to make her a king with a different surname and gave her many preferential treatment.

If it were a man, even if he could be a mascot for Daqi, Emperor Tiantai would be wary.

After all, he had captured this beautiful country by force.

Although He Tian has no family or tribe, she has supernatural power. One person can be worth thousands of troops.

Possessing unimaginable power, if he were a man again, haha, does Emperor Tiantai think that his throne is too secure? !

It's better to be a woman. She has no ambitions and no one will follow her. Even if she becomes a king with a different surname, it's just a title.

He Tian did have a son, but Emperor Tiantai observed it carefully.

The young man named He Jue was even less ambitious than his mother.

Originally, he was still under the account of the third child, hoping to use his military exploits to fight for a better future.

As a result, as soon as he heard that his own mother was sworn to Emperor Tiantai and became a king with a different surname, he immediately resigned from his third son and became a leisurely playboy.

Such a child, even if he is a boy, even if he can inherit his mother's royal title in the future, he is just a master of eating, drinking and having fun.

Besides, the reason why King Pingliang is valuable depends on He Tian's natural power. After she dies, the king with a different surname will really just talk nice, but have no power.

... Emperor Tiantai is not a person who acts based on his own whim, let alone a simple repayment of gratitude.

He made the He Tian family a king with a different surname. He considered many factors and made the decision after repeated weighing.

In fact, not only Emperor Tiantai, but also the knowledgeable courtiers and nobles, after a brief period of shock and rejection, began to study carefully, and actually felt that the saint's decision made some sense.

He Tianshi is truly born with divine power. On the battlefield, it would be a human meat grinder.

He Tian did indeed save Jia, and also helped Emperor Tiantai destroy Liang Wang, his biggest rival. His contribution was considerable and he had to be rewarded.

The best thing is that He Tian is a woman, so there is no need to worry about her superiority.

The courts of all dynasties have rejected the existence of kings with different surnames, isn't it because they are afraid that kings with different surnames will have dissatisfaction due to their power.

Men can seek to usurp the throne, but women?

Haha, even if she is ambitious, no one will follow her!

It would be better to give him a short-term Wang Jue, which not only shows Emperor Tiantai's affection, justice and broad-mindedness, but also allows Daqi to remain such a mascot.

In this way, after some discussion, the court silently agreed with Emperor Tiantai's will.

The imperial decree canonizing He Tian as King of Pingliang was officially issued, and everyone in the capital knew this strange news.

"Oh my god, a king with a different surname? Or a woman?"

"I heard that this King of Pingliang is amazing. He is born with supernatural powers. He is a heavenly soldier and general given by God to the saint."

"No way. How strong can a woman be?"

"You don't know this. My son works under King Chu. He once saw with his own eyes that when the army attacked the city, they didn't use logs. King Pingliang opened the closed city gate with one palm. !”

"...So powerful?" He was simply inhuman, as if he was just listening to a fairy tale.

"Of course, King Pingliang is a divine general descended from heaven. His divine power is beyond the imagination of mortals?"

The people were talking a lot, expressing various surprises and admirations, as well as some artistically processed short jokes.

Soon, many legendary stories about King Pingliang spread among the people.

It was so popular that even in the fields on the outskirts of Beijing, some people joked about the first female king with a different surname in Daqi.

"...Dad, why do I feel that this Prince of Pingliang looks a bit like my sister!"

The Tian family got a farm, but they didn't farm it themselves.

Father Tian is old, but Tian Yaozong doesn't know how to farm and is unwilling to work hard.

So, Father Tian gritted his teeth and bought some Kunlun slaves and let them work in the fields.

With slaves, Tian Yaozong always liked to be lazy, but now he wanders around openly.

As a result, he actually got some information.

On this day, Tian Yaozong came back in a hurry and started yelling when he saw his biological father.

"What? Are you crazy and talking nonsense?!"

Father Tian widened his eyes and looked at his stupid son like a monster, "Who is King Pingliang? She is the sworn sister of the saint and the first queen of Daqi!"

Such a lofty figure is as out of reach as the stars in the sky.

As for Tian Da Niu, she is just an ordinary peasant woman with great strength.

When they were fleeing from famine, their parents, Zhi Qi, dared to go on the road as a woman with a child.

Humph, she was driving a donkey cart, and she put so much food and copper coins in the cart that it was so conspicuous that someone would loot it within two miles.

At first, Dad Tian wanted to give chase and find Tian Da Niu and his son as soon as possible.

But after several days of chasing, he still didn't get any news. Father Tian couldn't help but wonder: Had the two of them been killed for money a long time ago? !

Even though he escaped at that time, the subsequent days of escape were too difficult.

Father Tian made all kinds of calculations. He still had some grain and copper coins in his hand, but he was forced to sell his daughter-in-law, abandon his grandson, and finally even a worthless old woman.

There were five members of the family, but in the end, only Father Tian and his son were left.

This shows the tragedy of fleeing from famine, war, epidemics, etc.

Father Tian felt that the Tian family was in such a difficult situation. As a woman with a child, Tian Da Niu might have died somewhere long ago.

If you go to war, can you still be a prince?

Ha, daydreaming!

"No, dad, listen to me!"

Seeing that Father Tian objected when he came up, Tian Yaozong became anxious and hurriedly explained: "I remember that my sister is also very strong. She can shape a solid copper lock into a ball."

And King Pingliang is born with divine power.

Therefore, in terms of strength, my sister is the same as King Pingliang.

"Also, I have inquired carefully. Prince Pingliang's maiden name is Tian, ​​and her husband's surname is He——"

He Tian's family, his sister is also He Tian's family.

Although Father Tian still didn't believe it, his expression was obviously relaxed.

Upon seeing this, Tian Yaozong hurriedly continued the pursuit, "And the most important thing is that King Pingliang also has a son, who is fifteen years old this year!"

Isn't this just like his cheap nephew, He Xiaobao?

If one is an accident and two are coincidences, but all three characteristics are consistent, Tian Yaozong feels that the King of Pingliang should be his eldest sister!

Oh, Prince Chao Pin, the first king with a different surname in Da Qi, is much better than that piece of shit Ping Nanhou!

The key is that He Tian is his biological sister, his direct bloodline, the kind that can break bones and connect tendons.

The eldest sister loved him so much in the past. For him, she would even give up her own man and son.

If Prince Pingliang is really his eldest sister, then based on her sister's love for him, maybe she will become a prince or something...

Ahem, the throne can be passed down from brother to brother, and it doesn't seem impossible that a prince can be passed down from sister to brother.

Tian Yaozong showed a dreamy smile. He had already begun to imagine that he would successfully recognize his relatives and then become the most beloved younger brother of King Pingliang. He would have wealth, luxury cars, and beauties all at his fingertips.

Not to mention Tian Yaozong dreaming during the day, even the sober father Tian was moved by his son's words at this moment.

Yes, how come the situation of King Pingliang is so similar to that of his own eldest daughter?

If there is a daughter of the Queen, then, can he also be a "Taiwan Emperor"?

"Dad, actually I want to confirm whether Prince Pingliang is my eldest sister. This is easy."

After wiping away the drool, Tian Yaozong showed a rare shrewdness and said, "I have inquired carefully. Tomorrow King Pingliang will return to the capital together with Qin Guogong's army."

"Let's find a higher teahouse in advance, sit by the window, and take a closer look."

They were separated for nearly ten years, but Tian Yaozong still remembered his sister's appearance.

Even if Tian Yaozong couldn't recognize him for a while, there was still Father Tian.

This man is a calculating person to the core. If nothing else, he never forgets to take the marriage certificates of Tian Danniu and He Erniu with him even when he is fleeing from famine, which is enough to prove his "exhaustive plan".

When escaping from famine, it is normal to bring proof of household registration and land and house deeds.

But, a marriage certificate?

By the way, I heard that He Erniu had become prosperous and had become some kind of Pingnan Marquis, but Father Tian took out a marriage certificate from the sole of his shoe. Tian Yaozong was shocked!

While he was pleasantly surprised, he also muttered secretly in his heart: My dear father, you are really amazing!

It was precisely because he saw his father's careful thoughts with his own eyes that Tian Yaozong was so convinced of him.

"Yes! Yaozong, your method is very good. Let's go take a look secretly first, confirm our identity, and then go and identify ourselves!"

Listening to Tian Yaozong's eloquent words, Father Tian's eyes showed relief - his son has finally made progress and started to know how to think!

Before dawn the next day, Father Tian and Tian Yaozong, father and son, got up, hitched a mule cart, and hurried to the capital through the night.

When we arrived at the outer city of the capital, the city gate had not yet opened.

The father and son waited with excitement and longing.

After entering the city, he found a two-story teahouse on Zhuque Street. Father Tian gritted his teeth and took out a silver coin, and finally grabbed a window seat upstairs.

There is no way. Even Tian Yaozong has heard about the news that Duke Qin and King Pingliang's squad have returned to the court. How can the people in the capital not know?

Maybe everyone doesn't pay much attention to Duke Guo of Qin.

But King Pingliang is different. This is Daqi, oh no, the first female king with a different surname in history.

Let’s not talk about ordinary people, even some nobles and officials want to see the true appearance of this legendary woman.

Therefore, this place with a good location and a teahouse on the second floor became the most ideal "grandstand".

Father Tian came early and was willing to give money immediately. Otherwise, if it were later, he would not be able to squeeze in at all!

The father and son huddled near the window and waited until three o'clock in the morning before they vaguely heard the cheers of "The city has entered! The army has entered the city."

Tian Yaozong ignored his hungry stomach and quickly stood on tiptoes, widened his eyes, and looked desperately in the direction of the army.

"Dad! That, that--"

Finally, Tian Yaozong saw a woman riding a tall horse.

She wore armor with a cold light and a bright red cloak. She didn't have any weapons in her hands or on her horse, but she carried an awe-inspiring aura and majesty.

She has an ordinary appearance but a cold temperament. At first glance, she looks like a decisive and decisive battlefield hero.

Tian Yaozong thought it looked familiar, but he wasn't sure.

Because this female heroine in armor did not exactly match the eldest sister Tian Danniu in his impression.

Rubbing his eyes and leaning out, Tian Yaozong looked hard again.

However, the more I looked at him, the more unsure I became.

"Dad! Have you seen it? Is she the real one?"

Tian Yaozong gave up and pinned his hopes on Father Tian.

Father Tian: ...I, I’m not sure.

However, after all, Father Tian is better than his own son. Although he murmured in his heart, he still paid attention.

A flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly opened his voice and shouted to the army that was about to pass by the teahouse: "Big girl, Big girl Tian, ​​I am your father!"

He Tianshi was sitting on the horse boredly, continuing to play the role of the cold and proud mascot.

Suddenly, among the cheering crowd, a vaguely familiar voice was heard.

Her ears moved, looking for the source of the sound, and then she followed the sound...

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