The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 351: Go to hell with your beauty (21)

"Big girl! It's really you! Ten years, exactly ten years, you kid, where have you been? Daddy almost misses you!"

Their eyes met in the air, and Father Tian excitedly confirmed: Prince Pingliang is really his daughter, Da Niu Tian!

Haha, great! That's great!

The ancestral graves of their Lao Tian family are smoking, and they are finally about to turn over!

King Pingliang, Prince Chaopin!

His surname is Tian, ​​and he belongs to his old Tian family.

Father Tian was so excited that he had a stroke on the spot. However, his mental quality was really tough and he managed to survive.

Holding the trembling hand of Tian Yaozong, who was also shaking with excitement, the father and son squeezed out of the teahouse with difficulty and inquired all the way to Pingliang Prince's Mansion.

Tian Yaozong wanted to run directly and knock on the door, but Father Tian was more cautious.

He grabbed his son and dragged him to a corner, squatting by the wall, waiting for King Pingliang to return to the house.

It was not until the afternoon, when the sun began to set in the west, that the sound of horse hooves and the chatter of the following people could be heard from the street not far away.

Father Tian, ​​who had not eaten for almost a day, suddenly became energetic when he heard the sound.

He hurriedly stood up and staggered towards him.

In front of the royal guards and the crowd of onlookers, Father Tian burst into tears with excitement, as if he were an old and loving father, and said these sincere words.


In the morning on Zhuque Street, He Tian had already recognized Father Tian.

Although a little surprised, it's not too unexpected.

Based on Father Tian's character and skills, it's not surprising that he was able to survive the famine and wars of the past few years.

And he became the King of Pingliang, the first female king with a different surname in the world, which is really unique and fresh.

I can't say that she is famous all over the world, but as long as someone is interested, they can know her origin and past if they do a little digging.

Knowing that the former Tian Da Niu has become the famous King of Pingliang, as long as Dad Tian is still alive, he will definitely come to visit her.

What surprised He Tian was,

Father Tian found him so quickly!

Perhaps, Father Tian is also in the capital, so he has better information, and he can find it in the shortest time.

Regarding Father Tian, ​​his biological father, He Tian had already seen through his true colors and had no feelings for him.

However, He Tian will not deny Father Tian.

Because in this era, filial piety is king. Not to mention that He Tian is just a king with a different surname. Even if she becomes the empress, she must be filial to her biological parents.

Even if her parents tried to poison her, she could not hold a grudge and continue to be filial.

If he refuses to admit it or refuses to fulfill his filial piety, He Tian will be risking the disdain of the world and will be tolerated by the entire society!

Besides, recognizing Father Xiatian and being "filial" to him is not all a bad thing.

Revenge does not necessarily require a white knife to go in and a red knife to come out. A blunt knife can cut flesh without seeing blood, but it can make people feel heartbroken!


He heard the King of Pingliang calling him daddy with his own ears. Although his tone was full of confusion and probing, at least the other party did not deny his identity.

For Father Tian, ​​this is already a very happy thing.

You know, Father Tian was also worried that Da Niu Tian still held grudges about what happened back then. When he became prosperous and became a distinguished person, he no longer wanted to recognize him as his biological father.

Father Tian did not run to the palace concierge, but waited directly on the street, just in case Tian Niu turned against her, and he shouted in the street.

In front of so many people, and the neighbors on the left and right are all high-ranking officials, he doesn't believe that Sister Tian is not afraid!

As a result, although Tian Da Niu became a queen, she still had a conscience.

Maybe I didn't cry too much with excitement, but I still called "Dad".

He responded cheerfully, with smiles all over his face.

"By the way, there is also your brother!"

Father Tian was afraid of leaving behind his precious son, so he hurriedly waved to Tian Yaozong, "Yao Zong, come on, haven't you been thinking about your sister? It's not easy to meet her, why don't you come over and talk to your sister?"

Tian Yaozong: ...He is almost excited to death, okay? !

King Pingliang, the prince, is actually his biological sister, Tian Yaozong.


This time, Tian Yaozong is really developed!

"Sister! We finally found you! Sister!! I miss you so much!"

Tian Yaozong wanted to be like Father Tian and show some family affection.

However, he was stupid and his acting skills were poor. He squeezed his eyes desperately, but he still didn't shed a single tear.

Father Tian only felt that his son was really unbearable.

But, there is no other way, this is his only son, no matter how much he complains, he can only endure it.

"Where's my mother? Where's my sister-in-law and Fugui?"

He Tian didn't seem to notice Tian Yaozong's funny look or the sarcastic look on Father Tian's face.

She glanced at the father and son and suddenly asked this question.

Of course, as a relative reunited after a long absence, it is reasonable to ask other family members.

However, He Tian, ​​who had long seen through Father Tian's true nature, deliberately asked this question, which had a bit of a meaning of "which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted".

"..." Father Tian's expression froze. He looked at the crowd on the left and right, then at He Tianshi, twitching the corner of his mouth and deliberately looking sad, "Your mother and the others are all gone!"

In front of his own daughter and in front of so many people, Father Tian really couldn't tell that in order to protect himself and his son, he sold his wife who had been with him for more than 20 years, his daughter-in-law who gave birth to a grandson for the Tian family, and his direct grandson. if.

Shame on you!

Although human nature is what it is, many people in his situation would do the same thing.

It's just that this kind of thing is easy to say but not nice to hear.

Feeling extremely ashamed and angry, Father Tian didn't want to tell the embarrassing truth, so he told a lie.

It's better to say that people are dead than to say that they were sold.

"Gone? My mother is in such good health, and my sister-in-law is so young, wealthy, and a healthy child. Why is she gone?"

He Tian didn't believe a word of it. Humph, even his own daughter could be killed at will. Father Tian's evil heart was definitely beyond ordinary people.

If Father Tian is forced into a desperate situation, he can kill Mrs. Han and others and eat their meat!

A person like this would let Mrs. Han and the others die instead of using them to exchange for resources that would allow them to survive? !

He sneered in his heart, He Tianshi's words were full of thorns.

Father Tian:......

I know this damn girl is not easy to fool.

Father Tian cursed secretly, but continued to have a sad expression on his face: "Oh, there is nothing we can do about it. Our family went out to escape and experienced too many disasters along the way."

"Drought, war, and banditry, we finally found a place to stay, but before we could live a peaceful life for two days, the epidemic broke out again."

"The people who fled with our family all died and scattered. In some families, the whole family died. How miserable -"

Father Tian's acting skills are indeed superb. As he spoke, tears rolled out of his muddy old eyes.

Tian Yaozong was also very clever and hurriedly agreed, "Yes, yes, eldest sister, it is a blessing among misfortunes that our Tian family can still have my father and me."

"Fortunately, we were lucky enough to follow the army to the capital and barely survive!"

Then he ran to negotiate with the He family and obtained a farm that survived in the capital.


What family? !

By the way, the eldest sister should already know the news that He Erniu has married another lovely wife.

He and his father made the decision and asked He Erniu to write a letter of divorce. The eldest sister wouldn't be angry, right? !

It was rare that Tian Yaozong's mind was spinning so fast. When he suddenly thought of these things, Tian Yaozong's excited heart instantly became uneasy.

He didn't know how to respond, so he had to wink at his biological father.

Father Tian was startled at first, not understanding why his son was winking at him.

Tian Yaozong was still anxious and said the word "he" silently with an exaggerated mouth shape, and then Father Tian reacted.


This incident made Father Tian feel weak.

However, Father Tian has a tough mentality and quick reactions. He finally thought of a "tool man" and wanted to use him to bring up the topic of the He family.

Deliberately looking around, as if searching, Father Tian said eagerly, "Where is Xiaobao? Is Xiaobao okay? He didn't come back with you?"

"Xiaobao is fine. He is still on the way and should be home in two days."

If there is a war, there will definitely be some spoils.

As a dandy who aspires to eat, drink and have fun, He Jue deliberately showed his money-grubbing side.

No military power, only spoils of war.

His dozen or so outstanding sworn brothers and sworn sisters were fighting in the front, earning military exploits and grabbing heads, while He Jue was following everyone to reap the benefits.

For the sake of He Tian and the Boy Scouts, everyone was very tolerant of He Jue, a half-year-old child. Instead of obstructing him, they indulged him very much.

Therefore, in less than a year, He Jue went from a promising young general with both civil and military skills to a greedy and lazy salted fish.

No, the war was finally over. He Jue's sworn brothers and sisters had made many military exploits, but He Jue was dragging cart after cart of gold, silver, jewelry, and ancient books and paintings.

However, He Jue is not old, and his appearance is first-rate. Even though he is as greedy as ever, he will not make people feel disgusted.

Many generals in the army, such as Qin Guogong, who cooperated with the He Tian family this time, liked He Jue very much, and turned a blind eye to his various greedy behaviors.

Otherwise, no matter how dandy He Jue is, he would not dare to blatantly transport the loot.

"Oh, I haven't seen Xiaobao in more than ten years, and I don't know what this child has grown into."

"However, there must be a good kid with a lot of potential. He looked good when he was young, and he will be better off with a capable mother like you!"

Father Tian said his compliments without much care.

He said it was lively, but he didn't think so in his heart.

A grandson, no matter how promising he is, has nothing to do with their old Tian family.

However, in order to win over his daughter, Father Tian had to deliberately look concerned.

"Xiaobao is so handsome and handsome, and he is as handsome as a banished immortal!"

When He Tian mentioned his precious son, he was extremely proud and showed no humility at all.

Dad Tian \u0026 Tian Yaozong:...

A country brat was praised as a flower.

Do you really think you are the prince when you put on the dragon robe?

However, they couldn't express what was in their hearts, and the father and son had to echo and flatter him against their will!

"Yes! Xiaobao must be particularly promising!"

"Xiaobao knows martial arts? Yes, his father has practiced martial arts -"

Father Tian finally brought the topic to the He family.

But looking around, I felt that it was not good to say this in public, so Father Tian winked at He Tianshi.

Only then did Mr. He Tian seem to realize that after seeing his biological father, he was only "happy" and forgot to invite him into the house.

"Dad, little brother, let's go in and talk!"

He Tian said hello, like a filial daughter and a friendly elder sister, and led the Tian family father and son into the Pingliang Prince's Mansion.

"Hey, okay, I'm finally home!"

Father Tian finally stepped through the gate of the palace, his heart finally relieved.

Why half?

Because if the issue of the divorce letter is not resolved, the other half will not be able to let go at all.

"Big girl, there's something I have to tell you!"

After entering the flower hall, he was welcomed to the front. Father Tian organized his words and began to skillfully tell the story of exchanging a marriage certificate for a divorce certificate.

Of course, Father Tian would never say that he did this for himself and the Tian family.

He pretended to be angry and said, "...After I came to the capital, I inquired about the whereabouts of you and your child. I didn't find you, but I heard about He Erniu!"

"He Erniu, that bastard, is not dead! He changed his name, what kind of name is Guozhong! Damn, what kind of 'loyalty' is he?"

"Big girl, you don't know, he actually married another woman a long time ago. She is the daughter of his boss. Thanks to his father-in-law, he has the opportunity to follow the saint to conquer the world..."

While Dad Tian was making up stories, he scolded He Erniu, a scumbag who abandoned his wife and son.

In his words, he is a good father who cares about his daughter but has backbone.

Although He Erniu became the Marquis of Pingnan, he turned his back on his wife and children. He was a bastard not worth remembering.

"...I made the decision and asked him to write a letter of divorce. We, the daughters of the Tian family, don't want such a shameless person who is greedy for vanity and treacherous!"

Having said this, Father Tian's tone became much weaker, and he looked at He Tianshi cautiously, "Big girl, you, you won't blame me for making my own decisions, right?"

He Tianshi's eyes lit up, oh ho!

Daddy, well done!

Before He Tian returned to the capital, he was thinking that when mother and son returned to the capital, He Erniu would also come back from the war.

There is always a chance for both of them to meet.

Coincidentally, after He Tian established a relationship with Emperor Tiantai, he did not meet He Erniu, who is now He Guozhong.

Because although He Guozhong was also a confidant of Emperor Tiantai, he had been fighting on another front.

Emperor Tiantai went to the capital to open a new dynasty, He Tian went to accompany other generals, and He Guozhong went to the southwest again.

It has been almost two years, but He Tian and He Guozhong, both under the command of Emperor Tiantai, have never met.

He Tian knew that He Guozhong was He Erniu, but He Guozhong didn't know that "Prince Pingliang" was his former wife.

But He Tian knew in his heart that sooner or later the couple would meet.

He Tian did not take the initiative to recognize her relatives, but she also did not deliberately avoid them.

When he introduced himself to Emperor Tiantai, he also mentioned that his husband went to build a river embankment, but there was no news from him.

It's just that there were too many people building river embankments, and there were more than one or two named He. Emperor Tiantai didn't think about He Guozhong.

Perhaps, in Emperor Tiantai's subconscious mind, ordinary men simply were not worthy of a woman like He Tian who was born with divine power...

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