The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 352: Go to hell with your beauty (22)

When they were fleeing famine, He Tian was separated from He Erniu for only half a year, which should be considered a time when they still had feelings for each other.

However, after He Tian "awakened", he suddenly found that he only felt a little guilty for her husband, but had no attachment or longing for her husband.

After more than ten years, the strong feelings will fade away, let alone the lack of feelings in the first place.

He Erniu, now the Marquis of Pingnan, He Guozhong, was a stranger to the He Tian family.

The only thing He Tian struggled with was the sentence he heard from Qiu Zhaodi about He Guozhong, "My own father is also partial."

It seems that in He Xiaobao's many tragedies, He Guozhong, his biological father, also played a not-so-good role.

He Xiaobao is He Tian's only one and the person she cares about most.

He Tian didn't want his son to suffer any harm, not even the child's biological father.

After parting ways with the Tian family, the Hetian family had Hejiazhai and a certain amount of capital.

At that time, He Tian began to inquire about the whereabouts of He Erniu.

She had already learned from Village Chief Han that He Erniu had arrived in Heyin, so she sent someone to look for him.

After some investigation, He Tian got the news that He Erniu had changed his name to He Guozhong and married his boss's daughter.

Haha, counting the time, He Erniu almost married someone else in the third year after he was taken to Heyin.

A new son will be born next year.

No wonder He Erniu was partial in the original plot.

On the one hand, he has a disabled son born to his original wife whom he hates and has been separated for more than ten years. On the other hand, he has a healthy son born by the "Wang Husband"'s beloved wife who has been raising him by his side. Of course He Erniu, who has already changed his temperament, will Choose the latter.

As the He Tian family who once harmed He Erniu, she felt that she really owed her husband.

But He Xiaobao is innocent, and everything he suffered is not his fault.

He is the biggest victim. As a result, because his past experiences left him disabled, he was rejected by his biological father...

He Tianshi really feels heartbroken just thinking about it!

Fortunately she woke up,

And killed that vicious old pervert.

But He Guozhong still married again and gave birth to a son and a daughter.

He Tian didn't care about this at all.

As a son, He Xiaobao still has admiration and nostalgia for his father in his heart.

However, He Guozhong is no longer his father alone, and he will prefer the son he raised more.

Therefore, if he continues to get entangled with He Guozhong, He Xiaobao will definitely be harmed.

He Tian didn't know if he could survive until Daqi was established in the original plot.

However, He Tian could guess what happened to Mrs. Han and her sister-in-law Wang.

Whether she was sold into slavery, became a poor peasant woman, or simply died, He Erniu would feel ashamed.

With such a biological mother, He Erniu might even dislike He Xiaobao even more.

But now that He Tian has become the King of Pingliang and is sworn brother and sister to Emperor Tiantai, it is hard to say what choice He Guozhong will make.

No matter how this man dealt with it, He Xiaobao, caught between them, would definitely be wronged.

He Tianshi really couldn't bear it.

Unexpectedly, the matter that caused some embarrassment to He Tian was solved by Father Tian.

"Letter of divorce? Did He Erniu write it himself?" He Tian asked eagerly.

Father Tian couldn't tell whether He Tian was excited or annoyed, and was still a little cautious, "He didn't write it himself, but he stamped it with his private seal and went to Jingzhao Mansion to prepare the document!"

Therefore, even if the two parties involved are not present, this divorce letter is true and effective!

He Tianshi was so happy.

She couldn't help but think that if her biological father stopped being a monster from now on, for the sake of his magical power, she would never settle old scores with him again!

"Where's Xiaobao? Has he ever mentioned this child?"

Of course, He Tian acted the most thoughtfully.

The only person she worries about is her precious son.

"Oh, he, he, no, is the daughter-in-law of He Guozhong, who went to the accountant of the Hou Mansion to write a document severing the relationship between father and son -"

Father Tian's voice was trembling.

It is his right as a father to make the decision to dissolve the marriage between his daughter and He Guozhong.

Although there is a suspicion of arrogance, it will not be criticized.

However, it was a bit too much to agree that a step-wife like Qin could write a document severing the relationship between father and son on behalf of He Guozhong.

Although Father Tian is He Xiaobao, He Jue's elder, he is still a stranger with two surnames. How can he still dictate the affairs of the He family? !

"Severing the relationship between father and son?"

He Tian stood up suddenly and looked at Father Tian intently.

Father Tian was even more confused and hurriedly tried his best to explain, "What about that? He already has another son. He has died as Xiaobao a long time ago."

"Xiaobao is not in the past, but the heir apparent of the royal family. If He Guozhong is such a vanity-seeking and unjust father, he will definitely be dragged down!"

The more Father Tian talked, the brighter his eyes became.

Yes, why didn't I think of this level?

His daughter and grandson are no longer what they used to be.

The daughter's status is higher than that of He Guozhong, and she is more powerful than him.

After kicking such a bastard who abandoned his wife and son, Tian Da Niu will only live a better life.

Of course, when Father Tian thinks of these things, he is not really thinking about Big Niu Tian.

But he suddenly thought that without a husband like He Guozhong, and Tian Da Niu had only one son, He Xiaobao, wouldn't the Tian family be able to get more glory from the palace?

If, ahem, he meant if, He Xiaobao had an "accident".

Tian Da Niu has no successor, can her title be passed on to her younger brother?

I have to say that Tian Yaozong is indeed Father Tian's biological son. The father and son really thought of each other.

It is such a big palace, even if it is demoted to a higher rank in the future, it will still be the Duke's palace.

If Tian Yaozong can become the Duke of the country, then their old Tian family will completely change their family!

Just now, Father Tian felt that he shouldn't take it upon himself to accept the divorce letter on his daughter's behalf, but now, he just feels that he is so wise, actually removing the obstacles in advance!

Haha, maybe this is God's will, God is on the side of their father and son!

He Tian didn't know what Father Tian was thinking, but when she saw Father Tian's eyes rolling, she knew: Yes, her biological father is starting to have evil ideas again.

If there were no accidents, the target of her father's scheme should be her and He Jue, mother and son!

Hetian sighed secretly, alas, just now she was thinking that as long as her biological father was more honest in the future, she would not settle old scores with him.

The result... She was also naive. Nature is easy to change. Father Tian has been calculating for his whole life. How can he change easily? !

"Die me, but also sever the father-son relationship with Xiaobao? Okay! What a He Erniu, how heartless he is."

He Tian pretended to be angry and cursed, "Since you don't care, I'll give up! I, Danniu Tian, ​​am not a stalker. From now on, Xiaobao and I have nothing to do with He Guozhong!"

He Tianshi, oh no, from now on, she can no longer call herself "He Mentianshi".

She wants to restore the surname Tian, ​​and she can also change her son's name.

However, this matter still depends on He Jue’s own thoughts.

Tian Da Niu thought to herself, but on the surface she looked sad, ashamed and angry.

She even forgot to specially accommodate Father Tian and Tian Yaozong and his son. She directly took the divorce letter and the document severing the relationship from Father Tian, ​​and went to the inner courtyard alone.

He was still the steward of the palace, so he arranged the Tian family father and son in the guest room in the front courtyard.

Father Tian felt guilty when he saw that his daughter was a little out of control. He did not dare to act like a prince and obeyed the steward's arrangements.

Anyway, he has already entered the palace, and his future glory and wealth will definitely not be without the father and son.

Three days later, He Jue returned to the capital in a grand manner, dragging more than a dozen carts of loot.

When I saw my mother-in-law, before I could show off, I was thrown in front of me two documents with seals and fingerprints.

"This is--"

He Jue was confused and quickly picked up two documents and read them carefully one by one.

The first is a letter of divorce.

He Jue raised his head suddenly, "Mom, he actually divorced you?"

Tian Da Niu did not answer this question, but asked abruptly, "Bao'er, actually you already know, right?"

When He Erniu left home, He Jue was six years old and had already remembered things.

Moreover, He Jue was smart and precocious. He kept everything about his father firmly in his heart.

After the establishment of Hejiazhai, He Jue began to go out of the mountains and forests to see the world outside.

Tian Da Niu bets that even if He Jue was only in his teens, he would still take advantage of his time out to inquire about the whereabouts of his biological father, He Erniu.

Tian Da Niu believed very much in the son whom she had taught by herself.

Tian DaNiu can find traces of He Erniu, but He Jue can too!

He Jue should have known for a long time that He Erniu joined the army, became an official, married a new lady who was helpful to him, and had a new son.

He Jue has suffered and been sad, but he has experienced major events such as escaping from famine, surviving in the forest, and building a base.

His already tough character has been tempered, and he is no longer a little boy easily affected by emotions.

After instinctively feeling sad, he quickly calmed down and began to hide it for his mother's sake.

Of course, He Jue knew that his mother was not an ordinary village woman in the past, but as a son who loved his mother, he still didn't want to make her sad.

The admiration for a father who has been missing for a long time is far less than the mother's years of dependence and careful teaching!

Therefore, knowing that his father had abandoned their mother and son, He Jue was not just sad and self-pitying, but worried about his mother and tried every means to hide the news.

"Mom, I, I -" He Jue met his mother's loving gaze and didn't know what to say for a moment.

It turned out that his mother had known about it for a long time, but just like him, she chose to hide it for his sake.

"You don't have to worry about me. He and I are just a matchmaker appointed by our parents, and we don't have much affection for each other."

"Speaking of which, what happened back then was still my fault. If it hadn't been for me, he wouldn't have been forced to build the river embankment and suffered so many hardships."

"I don't blame him for marrying someone else. I just feel sorry for you——"

Tian Da Niu looked at her son with reluctance in her eyes.

"Mom, to be honest, I don't have much affection for my father. Maybe it's because I'm unfilial or because I have a cold nature."

When He Jue saw his mother revealing her true feelings, he no longer concealed it, but slowly analyzed himself, "When you were a child, you only cared about your grandfather's family, and you were better to your uncle and cousin than you were to me."

"At that time, I couldn't eat good food, I didn't have new clothes to wear, and I would be disliked by my grandmother and bullied by my cousin."

"I prayed more than once, hoping that my father would come back to save me. Unfortunately, when my father came back, he only said a few words to you, and then went out to escort me again."

"I know that my father had no choice but to protect me, but for me, my father really failed to protect me."

He Jue couldn't resent a father who couldn't protect his children, but he couldn't feel the need to rely on or get close to him.

Later, his mother suddenly realized that she had fallen out with the Tian family because of him, and took him to survive in troubled times by herself.

The family affection that He Jue longed for was all obtained from his mother.

Father and so on have just become a symbol and a title.

If He Jue is forced to have any deep feelings for a father who has been missing for more than ten years, it will definitely be difficult.

Of course, if He Jue's remarks were told to others, they would definitely attract criticism.

Because this kind of argument is highly rebellious in this era.

But Tian Da Niu agreed very much. What's more, He Jue had such an idea and was influenced by Tian Da Niu's words and deeds.

After Tian Da Niu awakened, she never instilled anything in He Jue, "I gave birth to you, so I am kind to you", "I broke up with the Tian family because of you, and took you to survive alone in the mountains and forests."

Tian Da Niu would only tell her son bluntly, "Having and raising children is a parent's responsibility, and there is no need to talk about kindness."

"If you raise your children well, that's kindness; if you don't raise your children well, or if you treat them deliberately harshly, that's hatred!"

"As a human being, you must love yourself first, and then take care of others, including parents, partners, and children!"

Tian Da Niu said this not just because she agreed with these views.

More importantly, it is also to prevent the son from sacrificing himself for the heroine like in the original plot!

What kind of infatuated male partner? What kind of beautiful, powerful and tragic villain?

It's all bullshit!

Tian Da Niu just wants her son to live a healthy and happy life.

Tian Da Niu doesn't want to get involved with the heroine or the hero, let alone hurt her son.

After more than ten years of teaching, He Jue has indeed become more "selfish".

I don't have too much emotion and gratitude for He Erniu, my father.

No love, no hate, just treating them as strangers who are related by blood.

If the other party needs him to support him until his death, he will not refuse.

But if he wants to do whatever he wants with his status as "father", He Jue will have no choice but to be an "unfilial and rebellious son"!

Even better now, Father Tian actually got He Jue a document severing the relationship between father and son.

Hahaha, after He Jue read his mother's divorce letter and then his own divorce letter, he did not feel sad or sad about being abandoned, but just wanted to laugh three times.

And then Tian Da Niu asked him, "Both of us, mother and son, have nothing to do with He Erniu!"

"I will no longer be He Tian, ​​and I am going to give myself a name. How about Tian Tian? Although I am about to be a grandmother, I still hope that I can live a sweet life!"

"By the way, and you, do you want to change your surname to Tian with me?"

He Jue directly made a "hurt" expression, "Mom, do you want to pass on the throne of your family to someone else?"

He is an only son, so he should inherit his mother's title and surname.

From now on, he will be Tian Jue, the dignified prince of Pingliang Prince, the future Prince of Pingliang...

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