The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 355: Go to hell with your beauty and misery (25)

"No! No matter He Keji, oh no, it's Tian Jue who won't help Han Dong'er, I have to get rid of this hidden danger in advance!"

Qiu Yuying didn't know that her fate had been decided, and her mind was full of tangles at the moment.

On the one hand, she is afraid of the power of the plot. After all, in the original novel, He Keji, the crazy wheelchair boss, is too powerful and has no sense of right and wrong.

He is just like a beautiful, powerful but miserable pervert.

It's not too terrible to offend him, but it would be a blessing to hurt Bai Yueguang in his heart or die.

Boss He's various tortures that were worse than life and death are simply terrifying and frightening to hear.

Qiu Yuying didn't want to fight against He Keji even if she knew that Tian Jue in this life was not the crazy villain he was supposed to be.

But, who can guarantee that Tian Jue is not sinister at heart? Not perverted?

Qiu Yuying has not lived enough, let alone enjoyed all the glory and wealth. She does not want to die easily.

But on the other hand, she and Han Dong'er have become mortal enemies.

Even if she wanted to stop at this time, or even seek peace with Han Dong'er, she might not be able to succeed.

Qiu Yuying is no longer the Qiu Zhaodi who was abused by her scumbag parents. She is a prince and a child, with a title of fifth rank.

If King Wei could sit on that dragon chair, she would be the most beloved concubine in the harem, and even the queen would not dare to compete with her.

Why does she want to beg for mercy from Han Donger?

Even if Tian Jue is a prince, he is still just a minister.

In addition, since ancient times, kings with different surnames have never ended well.

Not to mention that a woman with a different surname, Wang, is simply a heretic in a patriarchal society and will be liquidated sooner or later.

Tian Jue is nothing to be afraid of, right? !

Qiu Yuying tried her best to comfort herself in her heart, and finally made a decision.

It happened that Tian Jue was "ignorant of current affairs" and actually offended King Wei, and Qiu Yuying was even less polite.

She could completely borrow the help of Wei King Wei Songnian,

Kill the Queen of Pingliang and her son, and remove all obstacles that may threaten you!

Pingliang King Tian Tian:......

I really don’t want to get into trouble with the characters in the plot, but that doesn’t mean I’ll let a little villain sit on my head and shit!

Tian Tian did not passively take the beating, nor did she launch a counterattack after feeling that the Wei Palace was clearly targeting the Pingliang Palace.

In fact, as early as the establishment of Daqi, although Tian Tian was not in the capital, he had already sent people to the capital to inquire for information.

She paid close attention to Han Dong'er's whereabouts. In addition, she also carefully investigated the situations in the residences of several princes.

As for Qiu Yuying, a child of the King of Wei, she was really not too low-key. The people sent by Tian Tian to the capital soon discovered that there was such a number one person in the Palace of the King of Wei, and paid special attention to her.

So, thousands of miles away, Tian Tian knew that King Wei had a concubine who had an average appearance but a very good business mind.

Several merchants under King Wei's family, selling glass and high-quality liquor, made huge wealth for King Wei.

And these businesses are said to have something to do with the Qiu family, the concubine of King Wei.

In ancient times when women had no names but only one surname, the difference between Qiu Zhaodi and Qiu Yuying was not big.

At least Tian Tian heard that King Wei's child was Qiu. Her first reaction was: Could this person be Qiu Zhaodi? !

When I met Qiu Zhaodi, she was only a five or six-year-old girl, but it turned out that she knew a lot about the future.

Tian Tian "knows" that her situation is very much like "threading through a book".

Although Tian Tian didn't know what the word "wenshu" meant, she understood the meaning.

Qiu Zhaodi should be a wandering soul from another world who traveled to this world and then took over Qiu Zhaodi's body.

As a person who travels through books, Qiu Zhaodi should have some skills that are only available in other worlds.

Such as making glass, making soap, purifying liquor and even making gunpowder.

The knowledge in Tian Tian's mind is very complex, and there are many skills that she should not know, but she is proficient in them.

Tian Tian also knows what Qiu Zhaodi knows.

Tian Tian is confident that he can do even better than her.

However, there was always a voice in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness telling her: she should not be too high-profile and her character would not be ruined.

Tian Tian doesn't know what her character is, but she knows how to be obedient.

That is, follow your instinct!

Therefore, Tian Tian did not show too many skills, but just looked like a stupid woman with natural powers.

She even dealt with King Wei simply and roughly.

"What? Mom, you went to complain to the saint?"

Tian Jue came back from outside. He had just made a good friend and reunited with an old acquaintance from his childhood. He was originally very happy.

As a result, when I returned to the palace, before I could share my happiness with my mother, I heard such shocking news.

"Yes, the King of Wei has evil intentions. He secretly manufactured destructive weapons in Zhuangzi, amassed money wantonly, and bribed officials and nobles. As the saint's most trusted and valued sworn sister, I, of course, have to report back to the saint since I know about it. !”

She is a reckless village woman with no political credentials, and she doesn't understand what it means to be "alienated but not intimate".

She is only sure of one thing. My biggest and only supporter is the emperor. If anyone else, even the prince, harms the emperor, I will speak out and remonstrate!

Tian Tian frowned, his face was full of matter-of-factness, and he looked like a vulgar martial artist with a "single-minded" and "straight" attitude.

Although he looks a little ridiculous, he is more loyal than ever.

Tian Jue was stunned for a moment and silently gave his mother a thumbs up in his heart: "It's amazing that my mother can still maintain such superb acting skills in the palace and in front of her own son!"

"But, after all, His Royal Highness King Wei is the saint's biological son. He followed the saint in his wars in the north and south when he was a teenager. He is the most pure, filial and loyal person!"

Thinking in his heart, Tian Jue said something else.

Hesitation was written all over his face, and he carefully persuaded his mother, "Mom, he shouldn't be disobedient, maybe it's a misunderstanding -"

"Even if it is a misunderstanding, I have found out and reported it to the saint. At most, at most, I was reprimanded by the saint like today!"

As Tian Tian spoke, his momentum seemed to weaken.

In the end, I became a little embarrassed.

Tian Jue's eyes flickered, "Mom, did the saint reprimand you?"

"Well!" Tian Tian said in a languid voice with his head drooping and his head drooping, "The saint scolded me for talking nonsense and told me to go back to the palace!"

Got scolded?

Or this kind of swearing?

Tian Jue felt more at ease, and looked at his mother with eyes full of reverence.

As expected of my own mother, she is indeed amazing.

He has just the right sense of proportion, and he also understands people's hearts to the extreme!

The saint was a military commander, and the closer he was to people, the more he would scold them in such a rude way.

If the saint suddenly behaves like an emperor and doesn't even bother to scold him, it means that this person is in danger and has been treated by the saint as an ordinary minister.

"...I'm just telling you, don't make random guesses. A saint can guess what happens to King Wei!" Tian Jue praised secretly, but on the surface he pretended to be helpless to persuade his mother.

As a result, after hearing his words, Tian Tian, ​​who was still weak at first, instantly became energetic, "The saint naturally has his judgment! But I still have to say what I should say, even if the saint is angry!"

"The saint is as kind to me as a mountain. It's all because of the saint's grace that I, a woman from a mountain village, can become a majestic prince."

"The saint treats me like this, so I will naturally respond with sincerity. By the way, not just me, but you as well. You must be loyal to the saint from now on and don't be frivolous!"

"Yes! I will obey your orders!" Although he knew that his mother was acting, Tian Jue still agreed sincerely.

Within two hours, the conversation between mother and son was known to Emperor Tiantai in the palace.

"As expected of a little sister, you are truly sincere to me!" Emperor Tiantai was very satisfied.

A "reckless woman" like King Pingliang was still reliable, unlike some people. Emperor Tiantai had just established his position in the throne and was in his prime, so they began to take sides among the princes.

Among the princes including King Wei, King Han, and King Yan, King Wei, the eldest son of the concubine, was the most publicized.

In the past, I just wooed the courtiers, but now I dare to secretly get explosives!

When he thought of King Pingliang's report during the day and the situation that Emperor Tiantai ordered his personal guards to go to Zhuangzi to investigate, Emperor Tiantai's face became so gloomy that he could shed tears!

Okay, my son is older and his heart is bigger. He probably feels like an eyesore when he looks at me as his father!

Emperor Tiantai clenched his fists hard and his eyes were covered with a layer of ice.

"...Wei Wang Pills!"

When Tian Jue went out to the city to hunt with his mother, he saw that no one was there in private, so he whispered some gossip to his mother.

"Well, just remember one thing, stay away from those princes! Anyway, as long as my mother is here, Pingliang Palace will not fall."

Tian Tian replied lightly, and then changed the subject, "I heard that you have a good relationship with Erlang from Anguo's family? And that girl from the Han family -"

In fact, Tian Tian is most concerned about the latter.

The girl of the Han family is the heroine Han Donger.

"Yes, Fu Erlang has a bold personality. He is the third prince, oh no, a person who His Highness Prince Yan can use. I got along very well with him back in the military camp."

"As for Dong'er, mother, you know her too. I saved her back then. But it's strange to say that we haven't seen her for many years and we don't have much friendship, but I feel an inexplicable sense of intimacy when I look at her. .”

Tian Jue said honestly.

However, seeing the concern on Tiantian's face, she seemed to care about Han Dong'er.

Tian Jue was smart, and he understood his mother's concerns after a brief thought. He quickly explained with a smile, "I just have a certain affinity with her, and I don't have any other ideas."

"Besides, Dong'er and Fu Erlang are a couple. I, at most, regard Dong'er as my younger sister!"

Tian Tian looked at Tian Jue steadily for a long time, and saw that his eyes were clear and did not dodge, so she knew that he did not speak.

If you think about it carefully, Tian Tian can understand.

Tian Jue is not He Keji, he has not endured those hardships, so even if Tian Jue does not save Han Donger in this life, but still benefits from Han Donger like in the original plot, he will not remember her so deeply.

In the original plot, He Keji's mother was a king-level supporter of the devil, and his father was biased. And he personally experienced the most cruel and twisted suffering in the world, and his whole body seemed to be pushed into a dark and deep hell.

And Han Donger's kindness was nothing less than a light that lit up He Keji's gloomy life.

What Han Donger gave to He Keji was not a simple piece of cake, but a small amount of love from him.

It is so precious that He Keji will never forget it.

In this life, He Tian had awakened. She gave He Keji plenty of love and a sense of security, turning him into a confident and sunny Tian Jue.

There is no shortage of love, and she has not experienced too much darkness and despair. Han Donger is still kind, but for Tian Jue, she is not the only one.

At most, just like now, Tian Jue feels that Han Dong'er is kind and treats her as a little sister who can get close to her.

As for being a universal protector and sacrificing oneself for Han Donger, it is impossible.

After all, Tian Tian has taught Tian Jue for more than ten years, and Tian Jue has a clear understanding: In this world, you are the only most important!

Tian Jue is very selfish, and selfish people are actually incapable of being in love.

Let alone the affectionate male supporting role of "Love is Perfect"!

"Besides, my son actually has a sweetheart——"

At this point, although Tian Jue was shy, he still said it honestly.

Because he still needs the help of his mother to propose marriage for him.

"Oh? Which daughter? Oh, no, I don't have to be a good match. In fact, we are not a wealthy family to begin with. As long as you like it, it doesn't matter if you are a daughter from an ordinary family!"

Tian Tian was so surprised that her words were a little confused.

"Mom, I disappoint you. I don't fall in love with a daughter from an ordinary family. I fall in love with Princess Huayang from Princess Yong'an's family!"

Tian Jue said playfully.

Princess Huayang?

The eldest daughter of Princess Yongan seems to be only fourteen years old this year!

However, the little girl Tian Tian had the impression that she was a bright and generous person.

Although she is not a strong woman like Princess Yong'an, she is still steady, elegant, and has the standard style of a matron of aristocratic families.

He was not looking for any "unique" woman, but instead chose a well-matched clan daughter. Tian Tian couldn't help but praise her son.

In addition, Tian Tian could clearly see that when his son mentioned Princess Huayang, his eyes flashed brightly.

He really likes her, not just using her as a shield or decoration!

nice! You love it!

Tian Tian's biggest wish in this life is to make her son happy, wealthy and healthy!

The next day, Tian Tian ran to Princess Yong'an to talk to her.

Although the foundation of Pingliang Prince's Palace is shallow, he is also a serious prince and has a rich family background.

Princess Yong'an has a good impression of Tian Tian. The key is that Princess Huayang likes her - the little girl is a senior beauty control!

There is nothing to say about Tian Jue's appearance. Even saints often affectionately call him "Yulang". He is a truly handsome man.

Even a heroine like Princess Yong'an also likes a handsome and intelligent young man like Tian Jue.

Lang was interested in having a concubine, so Tian Tian married Princess Yong'an.

However, before Tian Jue and Princess Huayang could finish the six rituals, King Wei hurriedly launched an army to rebel.

Emperor Tiantai had been on guard for a long time, so King Wei naturally failed.

As the most favored concubine and counselor of King Wei, Qiu Yuying was sentenced to hanging. Before she could shout out that she was a prophet, she died three feet of white silk.

"Ding! The anti-virus task is completed, and the reward points are 60 points!"

At the moment Qiu Yuying died, Tian Tian, ​​also known as He Tiantian, who was in Pingliang Prince's Mansion, suddenly heard one after another notification sounds from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

And the power that bound He Tiantian's soul dissipated instantly. He Tiantian recovered his memory and reconnected with the system...

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