The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 356: Go to hell with your beauty and misery (End)

"Ding! I received a reward of 20,000 points, which can be exchanged for a junior gold treasure box!"

"Ding! Get 500 achievement points."

He Tiantian regained her memory, and the notification sound in her mind was still playing.

The rewards this time are still as generous as the last time.

"Tiantian, you are so awesome, you have completed another anti-virus mission!"

Classmate Little D shook her small round body happily. Although the sound was still mechanical, it showed obvious pride and pride.

Hee hee, their Tiantian is so awesome!

He Tiantian curled her lips and chuckled: "This mission is different from the previous two, but the difficulty level is not high!"

In the first two anti-virus missions, He Tiantian traveled to the "virus" itself.

But this time, she just time-traveled into a minor villain character who had something to do with the "virus".

Yes, the bug in Qiu Zhaodi's book is the side effect of the virus in the system.

The original one was just a standard ancient farming group favor article.

There is no rebirth, no passing through books, and not too many golden fingers.

The heroine, the hero and all the important characters are indigenous, but the author's writing style is very good and her views are very correct. She uses wonderful stories to tell readers that even without too many cheats, the indigenous heroine and the hero can still perform well. A dazzling life.

After all, the wisdom of the ancients is far beyond the imagination of modern people.

Even without the knowledge accumulated by later generations, ancient people could still create brilliance that future generations could not imagine.

Unfortunately, the system was infected with a virus, and this book also had a major bug - a female supporting character, Qiu Yuying, wearing a book.

Qiu Yuying is not a treacherous or evil person, she just maintains herself as a book girl from later generations. She is familiar with the plot and knows the fate of the characters.

The virus opened her eyes to God, and she mistakenly believed that she was "God".

Without He Tiantian's time travel, she would have snatched the opportunity of the heroine step by step, and used the beautiful and powerful villain He Keji who was supposed to be the heroine's help to deal with the heroine.

If you do this, there will be two possibilities -

First, Qiu Yuying took the opportunity that originally belonged to the heroine and killed the heroine with the help of the supporting actor.

And this story about a farming group is from the perspective of the heroine, which is a story about a heroine in a certain sense.

If the heroine is gone, then the pillars supporting this small world will collapse.

As a result, the "virus" Qiu Yuying still destroyed the entire small world.

Secondly, Qiu Yuying replaced the heroine and became the new heroine of the small world, barely supporting the world.

However, don’t forget that the male protagonist and male supporting actor are not fools.

Perhaps in Qiu Yuying's view, they are just characters in the book, NPCs.

However, in this world derived from the Internet, they are real people.

Qiu Yuying used the "prophet" and indeed achieved a temporary victory.

But after all, she is not the real heroine. She does not have the kindness and beauty of the original heroine. She is utilitarian and conspiracy-minded.

As time goes by, the male protagonist and male supporting character will find clues and start to question the entire world.

It is also commonly known as "awakening".

But once important characters such as the male protagonist and supporting actor wake up, and realize that they have actually hurt their destined "noble person" under the misleading of a vicious and evil woman like Qiu Yuying.

They will turn black, become possessed, and then destroy the entire small world!

No matter which possibility it is, the world that was originally running well will be destroyed.

He Tiantian came. Under the suppression of the virus, she lost her memory and was cut off from her classmate Xiao D.

But she still followed her instinct and ruined Qiu Yuying's first plan to seize the opportunity.

This is also the most important time.

After all, without the villain He Keji, it would be difficult for Qiu Yuying to kill the heroine.

Later, He Tiantian did not deliberately target Qiu Yuying, and she did not even take the initiative to get involved with the heroine.

He Tiantian just taught her son carefully and hid in the mountains and grew up in a wretched manner.

On the surface, He Tiantian seems to have changed the plot, and Butterfly has lost the biggest villain in the play.

However, because He Tiantian failed in Qiu Yuying's first attempt, Qiu Yuying, a scholarly girl, suffered a huge sense of frustration.

It also made Qiu Yuying more urgent and utilitarian.

When she was snatching the opportunity to be the hostess for the second time, Qiu Yuying was not so calm. She easily exposed her flaws and was discovered by Princess Yong'an, and then failed again.

Once, twice... the plot seemed to have changed beyond recognition, and Qiu Yuying's self-confidence and pride as a "prophet" were hit one after another.

Qiu Yuying's mentality collapsed.

Although He Tiantian eliminated the original villain, it seems to have changed a major plot point.

However, Qiu Yuying, the "virus", after losing her mentality, embarked on the path of going against the heroine.

But once he became the enemy of the heroine, he lost the opportunity to kill the heroine, and Qiu Yuying became a new villain.

As a result, the plot took a turn with He Tiantian and her son, and got back on track.

Qiu Yuying tried to change the main plot and let King Wei replace King Yan as the crown prince.

Even though He Tiantian didn't know the plot, she still followed her instinct and made a "complaint" move.

Emperor Tiantai learned of King Wei's disloyalty in advance and made full preparations.

The King of Wei hurriedly raised troops, but was easily suppressed by Emperor Tiantai.

As the most beloved concubine of King Wei and the wise man hiding behind the scenes, Qiu Yuying was hanged.

After Qiu Yuying died, the virus disappeared.

The mysterious power that bound the world dissipated instantly, and He Tiantian's mission was successfully completed!

"Tiantian, the mission is completed, do you want to stay in this world, or choose to leave?"

Little D didn't know that He Tiantian was sorting out her thoughts, so she continued to ask in an excited tone.

He Tiantian hesitated for a moment and said slowly: "No rush, wait until I make some arrangements before leaving!"

He Tiantian will not spend her entire life in this world.

However, she has stayed in this world for ten years, which can be regarded as the longest time she has stayed in several anti-virus missions.

Without knowing the plot or that he was a so-called writer, He Tiantian and Tian Jue got along like mother and son for ten years.

She personally educated the child, reversed his tragic fate, and allowed him to grow into a handsome, calm and sober boy with both civil and military skills.

He Tiantian really can't just leave!

She would leave, but her son would also have to be settled.

Of course, "Tian Tian" will not disappear after He Tiantian leaves. She has part of He Tiantian's will and unlimited power, so basically there won't be any big problems.

However, "Tian Tian" cannot fully inherit all of He Tiantian's skills and powerful soul.

"Tian Tian" may become less omnipotent and change slightly. Although it is enough to survive in this world, there is always something missing.

He Tiantian was concerned about Tian Jue and wanted to arrange everything for him in advance!

"Okay! I'll listen to you!"

Little D’s classmate didn’t know He Tiantian’s inner reluctance, but it didn’t matter.

The mission has been completed, He Tiantian can do whatever he wants.

He Tiantian calmed down and pulled his consciousness away from the library space.

As if nothing happened, he continued to manage Tian Jue's marriage.

The king of Wei conspired to rebel, and Emperor Tiantai was heartbroken and furious.

He is a loving father. He has only been emperor for a few years, and his heart has not yet been sharpened as hard as iron by power.

Emperor Tiantai did not directly kill the eldest son who wanted to usurp the throne, but instead imprisoned him in the Wei palace.

In addition to not allowing people in the palace to enter or leave, all supplies are still in accordance with the prince's orders.

Although some of the courtiers secretly discussed that Emperor Tiantai was kind to a woman.

However, it is better for a merciful king than a decisive "wise king" who kills his son or grandson.

Unknowingly, the recognition of Emperor Tiantai in the court became more and more popular.

The other princes were also much more at ease because they were imprisoned in the Wei Palace.

The imperial court began a series of new policies to recuperate and encourage people's livelihood, and the Qi Dynasty also ushered in a prosperous era.

These things outside have nothing to do with Pingliang Palace.

He Tiantian made up her mind not to get involved and to be a qualified "mascot".

If you have the time to interfere with the government affairs, you might as well help your son marry his sweetheart as soon as possible.

Even the affairs of other courtyards on the outskirts of the city attracted He Tiantian's attention more than the government affairs.

"...Aunt Feng is pregnant?"

On this day, He Tiantian received a reply from her servant and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Aunt Feng is one of the several "concubines" arranged by "Tian Tian" for Father Tian. She is a poor woman who lost most of her relatives in the war.

In addition to her, several other "concubines" are also poor people with miserable pasts.

Yes, although "Tian Tian" wanted to cause trouble for Father Tian and Tian Yaozong and his son, he never thought of harming innocent girls.

Originally, she wanted to go directly to a few good prostitutes and explain the matter clearly, and it would all depend on their own wishes.

But in the process of looking for suitable candidates, the stewards chose several women from good families who had experienced ups and downs, some of whom were even down-and-out officials.

For example, this Aunt Feng, although she did not confess her life experience, she only said that she was a poor person who wandered in troubled times.

However, from her temperament, speech and behavior, He Tiantian can tell that she must have a good background and receive a good education.

It's just that when we encountered famines and wars, what was a beautiful flower of wealth was crushed into dust.

She looks like she is almost thirty years old, and her features and eyes are also full of vicissitudes of life, but she is still so demure and beautiful.

"Tian Tian" didn't want to choose her at all. She felt that asking her to serve an old man who was almost seventy years old was a humiliation and trampling on others.

Aunt Feng was very happy, and even persuaded "Tian Tian" in turn, "I don't want to wander anymore, I want to live a wealthy life again, and I want my brother to study..."

Father Tian is indeed old, but he is still a selfish and cold-blooded scumbag.

However, he is the biological father of King Pingliang, and he still has two properties in his name.

Moreover, looking at the attitude of "Tian Tian", Prince of Pingliang, the smart Aunt Feng felt that as long as she could act in accordance with Prince Pingliang's wishes, the first queen of Daqi would never treat her badly!

Aunt Feng has experienced too much. She is very clear-headed and knows exactly what she wants.

And if you want to repay, you must give.

She's just being a concubine to a bad old man, so it's actually not that bad.

In other words, King Pingliang did not say anything.

If she spreads the news, girls from ordinary people, even wealthy businessmen or small officials, would be willing to marry their beautiful daughters to Father Tian in order to establish a relationship with Prince Pingliang's palace.

Several other women also have this attitude.

You agree with me, but "Tian Tian" is hard to persuade.

She thought that as long as they could stir up the feud between Father Tian and Tian Yaozong's father and son, and then the wives and concubines of "Mr. Han" would fight and the husband and wife would turn against each other... they would have accomplished their mission.

"Tian Tian" will not treat them badly and will definitely give these women a safe rest of their lives.

As a result, it has only been a few months and Aunt Feng is pregnant?

Even when "Tian Tian" mistakenly thought that Father Tian was his biological father, "Tian Tian" would not really care about the Tian family.

Now that He Tiantian has recovered her memory, Father Tian is a disgusting and shameless scum to her.

He Tiantian didn't even want to care about whether the child in Aunt Feng's belly belonged to Father Tian.

Anyway, as long as the Tian family is in a state of uproar and Father Tian and others no longer have the energy to make trouble with him, He Tiantian will not care about how the concubines are making trouble.

Aunt Feng is pregnant, and indeed Father Tian and Tian Yaozong are separated.

Tian Yaozong was afraid that he would lose the advantage of being the "only son" and frequently made foolish moves.

"Mr. Han" was also found. For her son and herself, she fought with Father Tian.

In anger, Father Tian actually divorced "Mr. Han" and kicked Tian Yaozong out of the house.

Tian Yaozong was shocked and frightened, and he actually came up with a stupid trick of poisoning.

Father Tian died, and Tian Yaozong was sentenced to beheading for killing his father. "Mr. Han" seemed to be frightened. After the death of Tian's father and son, she did not act like a monster again, but guarded the "bastard" and several aunts, leisurely and sweet. Let them live a happy life in their village.

He Tiantian:......

She is not afraid that these people will act like monsters again. She has evidence and trump cards in her hands.

The affairs of the Tian family came to an end, and Tian Jue successfully married Princess Huayang into the family.

The couple was sweet and sweet, and within three months, Princess Huayang was pregnant.

He Tiantian took Tian Jue on a "hunting" trip as usual. In the open mountain forest, He Tiantian secretly handed He Jue a small porcelain bottle: "There are two pills in this. If you take one pill, you will have unlimited abilities!"

Tian Jue:... Damn it, my mother's "supernatural power" is not innate?

Tian Jue trusted his mother very much. When he saw such pills, he had no intention of asking his mother "where the medicine came from."

Hmm, if my mother thinks she should tell him, she will tell him directly.

If his mother doesn't say anything, that means he doesn't need to know about it!

"If I die one day and you still have a daughter, give one to your child. If you pass away, pass it on to your granddaughter or great-granddaughter."

He Tiantian repeatedly warned, "Remember, Dali Pill can only be passed on to girls, do you understand?"

A woman with natural supernatural power can maintain the glory and wealth of Pingliang Palace without attracting the fear of those in power.

As a son raised by "Tian Tian", Tian Jue certainly understands his mother's painstaking efforts. He held the porcelain vase and nodded vigorously: "Mother, save the son!"

Wow, my mother is really worried about him.

With these two pills, even if the naturally powerful King Pingliang dies, Dandy Tian Jue will not be bullied. Their Pingliang Palace will be able to continue their wealth for a hundred years!

After handing over the pills, He Tiantian was completely relieved to see that Tian Jue and Princess Huayang were in love with each other, and that there was no ambiguity between Tian Jue and the heroine Han Dong'er.

"Little D, let's go!"

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