The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 357: My sister is reborn (1)

He Tiantian's soul returned to the library space.

There is another book on the huge bookshelf, which He Tiantian has just finished repairing.

He Tiantian glanced at the cover, her eyes a little nostalgic, but not too strong.

There is no way, the moment her soul leaves the world, all her emotions in this world will be stripped away.

The memory is still there, but when you look back on the past again, you are already standing in the perspective of a third party.

The characters in the world, such as the one who likes Ru Tian Jue, and the other who hates Ru Tian’s father, are all pale plot characters.

He Tiantian doesn't have too many strong emotions.

This is a system rule to protect contributors.

After all, "getting into the drama" is too deep. If you can't get out in time, it will make people emotionally confused, confused, and then crazy.

He Tiantian also knew this rule, so she arranged everything before leaving the world!

"By the way, the reward I got this time can be exchanged for a junior gold treasure box, right?"

Thinking of the arrangements she made before leaving, He Tiantian couldn't help but think of the two powerful pills she left for Tian Jue.

This is the entry-level gold treasure chest that was redeemed with 20,000 points as a reward after completing the mission last time.

A bottle of Dali Pills, three pills in total.

He Tiantian ate one by herself and left the rest for Tian Jue.

Whether it is given to a daughter or a granddaughter, it can always continue the myth of the innate power of women in the Pingliang Palace.

In this way, Pingliang Prince's Palace can be regarded as a "mascot" by the court for three consecutive generations.

As for after three or four generations, He Tiantian no longer cares about it.

Maybe the younger generations will work hard, maybe they will nibble on their ancestors, maybe they will take too many Dali Pills, and the inheritance of "divine power" can be engraved in the inherited genes...

No matter what the situation is, it is the fate of the descendants. He Tiantian really cannot guarantee that Tian Jue and his descendants will be rich and prosperous for generations to come.


He Tiantian felt that she had done enough.

And she also personally experienced the beauty of the junior gold treasure box - the prizes are not only available to herself, but can also be given to others!

This is more practical than the prizes in the primary treasure chest.

Therefore, He Tiantian couldn't help but have some expectations. What kind of "surprise" could she find in this junior gold treasure box?

"Yes, Tiantian, do you want to exchange some mother coins?"

Classmate Little D quickly replied.

"Exchange!" He Tiantian gave the answer directly without hesitation.

"Okay! Redeem for the primary gold treasure chest!"

Little D immediately operated, and then he shouted in surprise: "Oh my God, Tiantian, you issued a 'Talent Blessing Card' this time! This is a great prize!"

"Talent blessing card? What is this? Is it used to improve talents?" He Tiantian frowned and asked softly.

"Yes, it can improve talent. It is a bit like another form of 'skill ceiling', except that it does not improve the skill itself, but a certain talent." Xiao D explained carefully.

"In other words, it can make some of my talents reach the ceiling level?" He Tiantian was a little excited.

"That's right! However, this kind of talent blessing card has plot blessing, that is, if it is used in the world, it will have the best effect. If it is used in the real world, the effect can only reach one-third of the plot world!"

Classmate Little D hurriedly added additional explanations, fearing that he would be negligent and let He Tiantian catch the blame.

Although He Tiantian has rarely "tricked" it in recent times, it has been tempered by He Tiantian, a "half-step villain", and has become more rigorous and thorough.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows. She knew that this should be the system's setting, and she didn't want the writer to become too magical in reality.

Originally, it was enough for a writer to acquire skills in the world or black technology that was far beyond this era. If there were more cheats, the real world would probably be ruined!

"okay, I get it!"

He Tiantian didn't want to become a genius in a certain field. In fact, her brain had been systematically developed to a level far beyond that of most ordinary people.

Even if he is not a genius, he is still an elite scholar.

He Tiantian felt that this was enough, and she could continue to use her own methods of brain expansion to make herself stronger.

Instead of using a talent skill card to make yourself a genius in a certain field.

He Tiantian redeemed the prize and put it in her own space.

In addition, after passing through the last world, there are not many survivors in space.

Back then, in the mountains and forests, He Tiantian had to feed twenty or thirty orphans by herself. It was simply unrealistic to rely solely on hunting or farming.

She secretly took out the supplies in the space and gave little by little subsidies to the children.

Now, two-thirds of her already small space has been empty, and she needs to replenish it urgently.

He Tiantian temporarily returned to reality and asked Duan Yong to replenish a batch of supplies.

Regardless of whether it will be used in the next world, the best thing to do is to be prepared.

He Tiantian finished replenishing the supplies, then climbed onto the bed, tightened the bed curtains, and said consciously to Little D, "Okay, let's do the task, and the anti-virus task!"

"Okay, the anti-virus mission world is open!"

Classmate Little D likes He Tiantian’s tasks the most. When he heard this sentence, he immediately announced it happily.

He Tiantian only felt that the space was distorted, and her consciousness fell into darkness!

Class 1, Grade 3, the bright sunshine shines in through the clean and spacious glass windows, making the room warm and bright.

A group of boys and girls aged sixteen or seventeen were lying on desks piled with books, either writing furiously or reciting texts silently.

On the blackboard at the back of the classroom, a countdown was written in huge chalk letters——

"There are still 299 days until the college entrance examination!"

The bold and enlarged chalk words and the numbers that were scrawled out every day gave the students in the class a sense of urgency.

Although we have just entered the senior year of high school less than two months ago, we are already under the pressure of the college entrance examination.

There is a quiz every week and a monthly exam every month.

In fact, the entire high school curriculum has been learned in the second year of high school.

In the third year of high school, except for a few new knowledge, it is basically summary, review, practice questions, simulation, and prepare for the college entrance examination.

College entrance examination!

The most fair and fate-changing exam for countless students in China.

Regardless of gender, regardless of wealth, basically everyone can enter this unified battlefield.

However, this battlefield is still very cruel.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the college entrance examination competition was particularly fierce, and it was a matter of "thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge."

After entering the new millennium, after expanding enrollment again and again, the competition in the college entrance examination does not seem to be so fierce.

Undergraduate admission rates vary across the country, but most are around 30 to 40 percent.

That is to say, out of ten college entrance examination students, only three can go to undergraduate degree.

Although there are junior colleges and private colleges and universities, as parents and children who have studied hard for more than ten years, they still prefer to enter first- or second-tier colleges.

So, there is nothing else but one word - fight!

After entering the senior year of high school, on the first day of school in September, the first thing the class teacher did was to erase the once wonderful blackboard newspaper on the blackboard at the back of the classroom and write down the countdown to the college entrance examination himself!

Every day, the teacher or publicity committee will update the numbers.

From more than 300 days to 299 days, it seems that there is still nearly a year left, but the sense of urgency seems to be a sword hanging over the heads of all the students in the first grade of high school.

Everyone in Class 1, Grade 3, is studying hard, except for one girl sitting in the middle.

He Tiantian felt that her state today was very strange. She seemed to be divided into two people, one was as usual, while the other was in a state of confusion and shock.

"Oh, I just finished the exam and I have to take the monthly exam again. My score in the last monthly exam was almost at the bottom. If I continue to take the exam, I may be at the bottom of the class!"

He Tiantian was so upset that she couldn't care less about her abnormality today.

He Tiantian had just entered the third year of high school and there was such huge study pressure that He Tiantian couldn't bear it.

She has not been in good health since she was a child. She gets sick every year when the seasons change, and even gets hospitalized in severe cases.

Her parents felt sorry for her and would not push her too hard.

Other parents either force their children to participate in various tutoring classes or ask for rankings for their children.

He's father and mother had never treated He Tiantian like this.

The main reason is that they are afraid that their children will be in poor health. If they are too harsh on their children, the children will not be able to endure it.

If they get sick or have an accident, it will be too late for them to regret it.

Although He Tiantian is not the only daughter in the family, she also has an older sister.

But among the two sisters, her parents obviously favored her more.

However, with careful maintenance in recent years, He Tiantian's body seems to be getting better.

Occasionally she would catch a cold when the seasons changed, but she had not been hospitalized for three consecutive years, which made the Hes and his wife finally feel relieved.

The child is no longer sick and crooked, and she has successfully completed her senior year of high school.

Senior year of high school, what a crucial year.

Working hard and working hard for a year can change your entire life.

He's father and He's mother were devoted to their children, so they raised their demands on He Tiantian.

He Tiantian was used to being lazy and had the mentality of "it's almost enough". She didn't want to struggle at all.

Twenty-four hours a day, eighteen or nineteen hours a day, I am reading. Even if I am dreaming, I am memorizing texts and English words.

The life of a high school senior is simply not life for humans.

He Tiantian wanted to escape, but she also knew that the college entrance examination was indeed the most important exam in her life.

Even if you can't get into a key university, you still have to get an undergraduate degree.

In this way, you will have an easier job in the future.

He Tiantian didn't want to work in a factory, or as a waiter or salesperson just because she didn't have a degree.

She is the youngest daughter of the He family, how can she serve others?

Mainly it's embarrassing.

How good would it be to be a civil servant sitting in an office, or a white-collar worker in a foreign company, decent and relaxed? !

But...her grades are really not good.

If she took the college entrance examination honestly, she might not even be able to pass the college entrance examination!

He Tiantian lay weakly on the table, spinning a signature pen on her fair and slender fingers.


The self-study class is over.

The students did not get up, but continued to study at their desks.

Only a few students went to the toilet or chatted quietly.

He Tiantian's position is relatively low, not only because she is not good at studying, but also because she is relatively tall.

A girl of 168 is not the tallest, but she is not short either.

After He Tiantian turned sixteen, her body began to develop and she quickly grew taller.

Since then, she has been sitting three rows from the back of the class.

Of course, poor study and low performance ranking are also one of the reasons for sitting in the back.

Like He Tiantian, most of the students sitting in the back had poor grades, and there were even students with special talents in sports or art.

At this moment, there were two students with special abilities talking quietly——

"The art exam will be registered at the end of the month, and I want to apply for S Art."

"I'm going to the capital to apply for the Beijing Film Academy. Alas, but the competition in the capital is too great. I'm worried that even if I pass the art exam, I may not be able to get into the cultural class if my grades are not high."

"I heard that the admission score for the College Entrance Examination of Beijing Film Academy last year was 423. Your grades are usually okay. If you work hard, there should be no problem!"

"Oh, it's more than 400 points, I can't guarantee it!"

Can I get into a university in Beijing with a score of over 400 in the college entrance examination? Or undergraduate? !

He Tiantian's eyes suddenly lit up, and she seemed to have found the password to success.

She secretly turned her head and looked at the two classmates talking behind her from the corner of her eye.

There are two people, one boy and one girl.

The boy is a student specializing in art. I heard that he won the runner-up in some national youth art competition, and he went to great lengths in the high school entrance examination.

The girl is the star of her class. She has been dancing since elementary school and once acted in a TV series. Although she was a supporting role with only two lines, she also appeared on TV.

This girl is the one who said she wanted to take the exam at the Beijing Film Academy.

Their academic performance is not particularly good. In the monthly exam that just ended, their class rankings were all behind He Tiantian.

However, if you are an art student, you can take the art exam.

As long as you pass the art test, you can go to college if you score 300 or 400 points in the college entrance examination!

Unlike ordinary students like He Tiantian, if they don't get 500 points in the exam, they won't even reach the undergraduate qualifications!

Art exam? Art student? !

The college entrance examination only requires three or four hundred points, or even lower!

These words kept swirling in He Tiantian's mind. Suddenly, an idea flashed in her mind -

Isn’t it just an artistic talent? I have it too.

Me, I also learned to draw when I was a child, and the teacher in the tutoring class at that time even praised me for my talent.

Unfortunately, He Tiantian was too young and not in good health at that time. She was not willing to endure hardship, so she gave up after only a few classes.

But, but, compared to the hellish torture of the third year of high school, practicing painting is actually not that hard!

At least the threshold can be lowered and He Tiantian can take a shortcut.

"Yes, I want to paint again, and I also want to take the art exam!"

He Tiantian had an idea in her mind, but soon she hesitated: "Mom and dad may not agree!"

Art students can certainly lower their college entrance examination scores, but it is difficult to find a job after graduation.

Especially in painting, it is difficult to make a living from this major.

He Tiantian knew that her parents felt sorry for her, but recently, they seemed to have become particularly cruel in order for her to get into a good university.

If there was no special reason, and she rashly proposed to learn painting and go to an art university, her parents would definitely not agree.

He Tiantian bit her lower lip, and after a long while, she finally thought of a way.


The class bell rang, and the head teacher walked in with a stack of test papers.

Seeing the test paper, He Tiantian's thoughts became more determined.

She closed her eyes and fell backward softly...

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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