The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 358: My sister is reborn (2)


With a muffled sound, He Tiantian fell heavily to the ground.

Originally, she just wanted to pretend to be sick, but somehow, she actually fell into a coma.

"He Tiantian!"

"Oh my God, what happened to her?"

"Old Ban, it's not good, He Tiantian fainted!"

Several students sitting around were frightened. The class teacher was also startled and hurried over to check.

"Don't move, don't move. Go outside and call someone."

"By the way, I, I have a mobile phone here. Use your mobile phone to call Yao 20!"

Mobile phones have not been widely used these days, at least for ordinary high school students, not everyone has one.

The head teacher actually carried one, a flip-top one, a certain Torola, a really big brand.

In her panic, she subconsciously wanted her classmates to go to the teacher's office and call someone.

But after saying this, she suddenly remembered that she had a mobile phone in her hand and could call the emergency number.

The head teacher's hands trembled slightly, and she took out her precious mobile phone from her coat pocket. While asking the surrounding students to get out of the way, she pressed three numbers.

Not long after, the sound of an ambulance roared in. The emergency personnel asked a few simple questions and then conducted a general inspection of He Tiantian.

Coma, shortness of breath, cardiac arrest!

The emergency personnel did not dare to delay and hurriedly started resuscitation on the spot.

After some compressions, the heartbeat finally resumed.

The emergency personnel carried He Tiantian into the ambulance.

Seeing this tense and exciting scene, the head teacher who just realized that he should not call Yao Erling, but directly found a car to quietly take He Tiantian to the hospital, couldn't help but feel happy——

Fortunately, I called an ambulance. Otherwise, if I had only considered the impact, I would not have dared to call an ambulance and would have sent the person to the hospital myself.

What if I just got in the car?

He Tiantian lost her heartbeat, and the rest of them could only watch.

If he missed the best time, He Tiantian might be hopeless.

If a student dies, compared to a student who faints and is dragged away by Demon 20, the impact of the former must be worse!

The key is that as a teacher, the head teacher cannot pass the test in her heart.

Seeing He Tiantian being carried into the ambulance, the class teacher slowly calmed down. She asked the class leader to organize her classmates to study while she got into the ambulance.

Sitting in the carriage, the head teacher found the contact information of He Tiantian's parents and called them directly.

He's father was at work and He's mother was doing housework at home. It was He's mother who received the call.

She heard that her daughter had fainted and was being taken to the hospital by an ambulance. The phone receiver in her hand had dropped.

As I walked, my feet felt weak, so I grabbed the bag hanging on the hanger at the door and went out.

Staggering to the hospital, Mother He didn't even notice that she was still wearing home slippers.

"Teacher, where is my Tiantian?"

After searching around the emergency hall like a headless fly, I finally saw a familiar figure sitting in front of the operating room at the end of the corridor.

Mother He rushed over and asked urgently with a tearful voice.

"He Tiantian's mother, don't worry. The child has been sent to emergency room. He will be fine. He will be fine for sure!"

When a student faints in the classroom, not to mention the anxious parents, even the head teacher is worried.

Now the Internet has just emerged and is not as developed as later generations.

However, a headline like "Why did the Demon 20 enter the high school campus? A senior high school student fainted in the classroom for no reason!" was enough to make their local news headlines.

Their high school is a key high school in the city. Some people have made comments in the media before, saying that the burden on students is too heavy now, and that schools, parents and other parties should not put too much pressure on students.

Although it is still unclear why He Tiantian fainted.

However, when words such as "senior year" and "fainting" are put together, the first reaction that comes to people's minds is "Are the students under too much study pressure and the children can't bear it?"

The head teacher didn't want to have a bad impact on the school or himself because of He Tiantian's incident.

Therefore, when she said, "It will be fine," it was absolutely from the bottom of her heart.

"..." How could Mother He be "not in a hurry"?

Her child is still in the operating room, and she doesn't know whether she is alive or dead.

Not to mention she was relieved, she couldn't even sit still. She was like an ant on a hot pot, wandering around the door of the operating room.

"Honey! Where is Tiantian? How is Tiantian?"

Just as He's mother was waiting anxiously and fearfully for the results, He's father hurried over.

He's father works as a driver for a small company. Because he has a car, he hurried over after receiving a call from his wife.

Speaking of his youngest daughter He Tiantian, He's father felt both distressed and guilty.

When He's mother was pregnant, Grandma He happened to have a car accident, but He's father was in the army and could not take care of the family at all.

Mother He was busy taking care of her mother-in-law, taking care of her eldest daughter, and running the housework.

Later, Grandma He recovered from her illness, but Mother He was so tired that she gave birth prematurely.

The little girl had to be born in less than eight months, weighing less than four pounds after landing.

The ears are transparent, and the little hands and feet look like fragile items.

I stayed in the incubator for a full month before slowly recovering.

However, since then, the younger daughter has become very sick. She gets sick from time to time and is often hospitalized.

Father He felt that it was his fault. He was neither a good son nor a good husband, and he even owed his youngest daughter.

It was also because of this incident that He's father took the initiative to change his job and return home.

I found a small company close to home so that I could take good care of my home.

Mother He also felt very guilty for her daughter, feeling that she had failed to give her child a healthy body.

The couple is particularly fond of their sick daughter.

I finally raised the little guy until he was seventeen, and he was about to be admitted to college and grow up, but, something like this happened again.

"Blame me! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have forced Tiantian to study!"

"Yes! Yes, we will never force her again in the future. If she can't get into college, she won't be able to get into it. We'll go to a private school, or simply go abroad!"

He's father and mother cuddled together and finally sat down and waited quietly.

The couple held each other's hands vigorously, and you said something to me in annoyance.

In fact, the economic conditions of the He family are not bad.

Although Father He is just a driver, his monthly salary is one to two thousand yuan.

But they have a house at home.

The He family's old house is in a village in the city. There are six floors built on the family's homestead, and each floor is divided into seven or eight single rooms.

It's not expensive to rent out a single room, only two to three hundred yuan.

But it adds up to a lot. In one month, He Jiaguang can collect more than 10,000 yuan in rent.

In this era, the average salary in their city is only over a thousand yuan.

The rent for a building in the He family is equivalent to the annual salary of an ordinary employee.

As for such "illegal buildings", He's father has one and He's mother has one.

In addition to the old house in the urban village, the He family also has a school district house and two shops in the city center where they currently live.

In other words, even if He's father does nothing, their family will still have enough to eat and drink.

The He family has two children. The elderly on both sides have passed away one after another, so there is basically no big burden.

The only two people who need money are their two daughters.

The eldest daughter, He Tianxin, is in her third year of college this year. Her academic performance is not bad and she should be able to get into graduate school.

Graduate students in 2000 are still very valuable.

After graduation, He Tianxin's work didn't need to be worried by He's parents at all.

The youngest daughter is in poor health and is below average in her studies, which makes her father and mother a little worried.

They can indeed distribute their property to their daughter. They have a building in a village in the city, which is enough for their younger daughter to have enough food and clothing.

But the problem is, that's all the wealth is, if you just sit there and eat the mountain, you'll be empty.

If the younger daughter has no skills and is unable to support herself, if something unexpected happens and the couple is gone, who can the younger daughter count on?

Neither Father He nor Mother He went to college, but they knew that knowledge is the greatest wealth.

The couple really did it for their daughter's benefit, so they urged her to study hard and get into a good university so that she would have an iron job whether she was a teacher or a civil servant in the future.

But at this moment, sitting outside the door of the operating room, the couple regretted——

It’s not like their family doesn’t have money, so why do they have to force their children?

If you fail the college entrance examination, go abroad.

If you can't get good grades even if you go abroad, then just stay at home.

They are still young, so they can earn more money while they can and buy more houses and shops for their children.

Even if the child doesn't know anything, it's still okay to collect rent.

Relying on rent, children will never go hungry.

When they get married in the future, no matter how carefully they choose a reliable son-in-law, their daughter will have someone to rely on for the rest of her life.

... As long as my daughter is alive, all this is possible.

If my daughter is forced to death by them, then, then——

At this moment, the door to the operating room finally opened.

Father and mother seemed to be sitting on springs, jumped up instantly, and rushed directly towards the doctor.

"Doctor, how is my daughter?"

"Is she okay? Doctor, is my daughter okay?"

He's father and mother asked eagerly.

The head teacher also hurriedly gathered around, "Doctor, how is the situation?"

The doctor in charge of the first aid did not mind the noise caused by the few people, and said, "The specific cause of the patient's illness still needs to be examined, but he was sent here in time. His heartbeat has been restored, and all body indexes have returned to normal."

"If there are no other emergencies, she should wake up soon!"

He's father and mother were happy at first, and then worried.

I am happy that my daughter has been saved, but I am worried that the cause of my daughter's illness has not yet been found out. What if it is a terminal illness?

The hearts of father and mother seem to be on a high-speed train, going up and down now.

More than an hour later, He Tiantian finally woke up, but she was not particularly conscious yet.

But He's father and mother hurriedly pushed her to undergo various examinations, such as CT, MRI, chest X-ray and X-ray.

After a series of examinations, the results showed that there was no problem with her physical functions.

As for the sudden fainting and cardiac arrest before, doctors could not find the reason.

In the end, we can only start from the psychological aspect.

As a senior high school student, parents have high requirements for academic performance, but He Tiantian is physically weak. The heavy academic work and strong pressure directly crushed the child!

This is the most reasonable and only plausible explanation.

"Don't put too much pressure on your children in the future!" the doctor reminded the He couple with accusing eyes.

In fact, the Hes and his wife regretted it so much that their intestines turned green without the doctor even having to ask.

And then, the phone call from the head teacher made the He and his wife feel even more guilty.

At noon, seeing He Tiantian successfully pushed out of the operating room, the head teacher said goodbye and left.

After returning to school, the class teacher comforted the students and began to check He Tiantian's desk, books and notebooks.

The head teacher thought that maybe some clues could be found in He Tiantian's personal belongings.

At least, she needs to know whether there are other reasons for He Tiantian's pressure besides the college entrance examination.

As a result, the head teacher made an inspection and found something.

The class teacher held a math paper with an "×" on the front, and the score on the paper was only a pitiful 53 points.

This was a test question with a total score of 150, and He Tiantian only got one-third of the score.

But that's not the point. The point is that on the back of the test paper, He Tiantian wrote a lot of words with a pen.

There were some unconscious scribblings, but one sentence attracted the attention of the class teacher——

"I want to paint! I want to study art! I want to take the art exam!!"

The two students sitting in the row behind He Tiantian also said that they had discussed the art exam during class.

The head teacher felt that she should have found the cause of He Tiantian's sudden fainting today!


Holding the latest model of Nomouya, He's father couldn't help but be stunned after hearing the class teacher's speculation.

Mother He, who was still close to his ear and listening to the phone together, seemed to have thought of something and said quickly: "Yes! We learned painting when Tiantian was in elementary school. I remember that the teacher in the tutoring class praised us Tiantian is so talented!”

He's mother definitely suffered from a common problem among parents. She was deeply impressed by the slightest praise her children received (even if it was just polite).

Moreover, He's mother also wore the filter of "loving mother".

In her eyes, her daughter was already very good.

If the teacher praises the child for his talent, then he must have it!

"What a pity. At that time, Tiantian got pneumonia and stayed in the hospital for a full month."

After being discharged from the hospital, they only focused on taking good care of their children, and even delayed their regular schoolwork, let alone any interest tutoring classes.

"Oh, our Tiantian is delayed by her health. She must like painting very much!"

The more He's mother thought about it, the more she felt it was possible, and the more uncomfortable she became, "She must have felt uncomfortable when she heard that her classmates could continue to study painting in college, and then——"

Although Father He didn't know that his daughter had a talent for painting, he loved her very much.

Come on, isn’t it just learning to draw? Learn!

No matter whether they can have a job in painting in the future, as long as their children are happy, their parents will support it!

Let’s just say that if there are conditions at home, even if there are no conditions, parents should bite the bullet and create for their children, right? !

The couple guessed the child's "heart problem" and reached a consensus.

When He Tiantian woke up completely, they said directly without waiting for their daughter to speak: "Tiantian, don't be sad. If you want to learn painting, let's go and learn!"

"Yes, when you get better, we will find the best tutoring class and buy the best painting supplies..."

He Tiantian:......

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