The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 361: My sister is reborn (5)


When did I learn so many skills?

In addition to painting, he also has medical skills, martial arts, foreign languages... Damn, he can even disguise himself!

Is this the "omnipotence" that comes with space?

I struggled for a while, but still got nothing.

In the end, He Tiantian gave up: Why bother with so much, it’s not a bad thing anyway!

There are so many skills, as long as you know them, you know them, so why care about the reasons?

Of course, He Tiantian also wants to prevent these from being just a flash in the pan.

Including space, those golden fingers may appear suddenly and disappear inexplicably.

Only the skills you truly learn are yours.

Such as painting!

He Tiantian "died" once, woke up again, and lit up the "Talent Blessing Card", and her personality changed somewhat.

She seemed to suddenly wake up and felt that her past self was so shameful.

Whether it is asking for parents, sisters, or being irresponsible to oneself, it is no longer simple selfishness, but has broken through the boundaries of excellence.

If she continues to develop like this, she will definitely become a giant baby and gnaw on the old.

Of course, it is human nature to be lazy and greedy for pleasure.

No one is born willing to endure hardship and struggle. Why do we have to run when we can lie down?

However, there is a big premise for these, that is, you cannot hurt others, especially your closest relatives who love you most.

If your own happiness is based on the pain of your family, you are a complete scumbag.

Now He Tiantian doesn't want to do such a bastard thing.

However, temperament cannot be changed by changing it.

Moreover, her parents have become accustomed to her willfulness and selfishness. If she suddenly becomes very sensible and filial,

Haha, probably her parents will wonder if she damaged her brain by "falling".

It might cause more trouble.

He Tiantian is a person with "secrets". If she is questioned because of her change in temperament, and then she is sent to some medical or scientific research institution for examination, and then the existence of the space is leaked...

No, no!

He Tiantian shook her head crazily in her heart.

He Tiantian never thought about relying on space and the skills that come with space.

However, since you have such a golden finger, you should enjoy it.

Rather than being forced to lose it for some insignificant reason.

If the space suddenly disappeared on his own, He Tiantian would be a little sad and reluctant at most.

But if she was taken away by forceful means because she lost her personality and was noticed by others, He Tiantian would be depressed to death!

Forget it, you are quite a giant baby who is chewing his old age, so just keep on being one.

Anyway, there is a red line in her heart. As long as she doesn't cross it and works hard secretly, she can always "clean up"!

During the past few days in the hospital, He Tiantian carefully studied the space and many skills, thought about it over and over, and finally made a decision.

He stayed in the hospital for a full week and underwent a series of examinations such as CT and MRI. He Tiantian's body indexes were all very normal.

Although it was still impossible to find out why He Tiantian fainted in the first place, the doctor still issued a discharge notice based on the examination results and He Tiantian's actual condition in the past few days.

He's father and mother are still a little worried and want their daughter to stay in the hospital for a longer period of time and observe more.

He Tiantian was not happy, "Mom, Dad, let me be discharged from the hospital. I don't like the smell here. Besides, the ward is so messy that I can't sleep well at night!"

The conditions of wards in tertiary hospitals these days are really hard to describe.

The provincial capital does have relatively luxurious private hospitals.

But when they really get sick, people still trust large public hospitals more.

The ward where He Tiantian lives is a standard six-person room, with each bed separated only by curtains. The patient, family members who accompany the bed, and visiting relatives and friends are constantly coming and going every day.

There is no separate bathroom in the ward. If you want to go to the toilet, you can only go to the public toilet in the corridor.

The smell is really heady.

Not to mention the always pampered He Tiantian, even He's father and mother couldn't help but cover their noses every time they went to the toilet.

After listening to his daughter's words and considering all the inconveniences in the ward, his father and mother agreed to his daughter's request to be discharged from the hospital.

"Let's pay more attention in the future and send the child to the hospital as soon as we find out anything happens!"

He's father and his mother were discussing this secretly.

The couple reached a consensus and then went through the discharge procedures for He Tiantian.

After returning home, He Tiantian relaxed when she saw the familiar and warm home.

He pounced directly on the sofa, and He Tiantian sat down next to Ge You.

"Tiantian, what do you want to eat for lunch? Mom will make it for you!"

Seeing He Tiantian's appearance, He's mother did not scold him, but was very happy.

My daughter is back to her former self, instead of lying sickly in the hospital bed.

She asked her daughter softly, while bending down to take off the child's shoes and put on slippers.

“Braised pork, braised prawns, sauced pig’s trotters, and oh, yes, stir-fried pork intestines!”

He Tiantian talked about several oily and meaty dishes in one breath.

There was no other way, after staying in the hospital for a week and eating porridge and side dishes every day, He Tiantian's eyes were already glowing green from greed.

Uh, what, she was in a hurry to be discharged from the hospital. In addition to the inconvenience of the ward, it was also because of the greed in her stomach.

Only after she leaves the hospital can she eat as much food as she wants and eat the food she wants.

Mother He was amused when she saw her daughter swallowing hard while talking, "Okay, okay, mom will do it for you!"

This little greedy cat had only been eating sick food for a few days, and ended up being like this.

Mother He went to He Tiantian's bedroom to get a pillow and a thin blanket, stuffed the pillow under her daughter's head, and covered her with the blanket.

He also considerately helped turn on the TV and tuned it to the channel that his daughter usually likes to watch.

After finishing these tasks, Mother He ran to the kitchen, washed and cut everything, and then brought out a fruit plate.

These fruits were not only peeled, but also cut into small pieces and inserted with a small fork.

Mother He did not put the fruit plate on the coffee table, but placed it directly on the sofa beside He Tiantian.

"Tiantian, you eat some fruit first, mom will go buy groceries!"

"Oh, by the way, Mom also bought a mobile phone. I copied the phone number in our phone book. If anything happens, just call Mom directly!"

Mother He was busy for a while, but she was still not at ease. She took out a newly bought candy bar phone and waved it in front of her daughter.

Then he pointed to the landline phone placed on the small table in the corner of the sofa. Next to the landline phone was the phone book.

He Tiantian picked up a piece of apple and ate it happily while staring at the TV. In response to her mother's words, she just nodded casually, "I know, Mom!"

He's mother obviously made very thoughtful arrangements, but she still felt uneasy.

After walking out of the house with the mobile phone and the vegetable basket, Mother He suddenly thought, "Yes, you can just buy Tiantian a mobile phone and save all the important numbers on it. That way, if anything happens, Tiantian will be there." No need to look in the phone book.”

The more Mother He thought about it, the more she thought this method was good. Although she was a housewife, she could watch over her daughter every day.

But her daughter still has to go out and learn to paint, so she can't keep an eye on her all the time.

With a mobile phone, if my daughter is really in trouble, she can call for help immediately!

Thinking of this, He's mother quickly called her husband on her mobile phone.

After listening to He's mother's story, He's father felt that it made sense.

However, He's father is more rational than He's mother, and he has seen some of He Tianxin's mood swings with his own eyes before.

After pondering for a moment, Father He said, "Buy! Buy two identical mobile phones. Xinxin is getting older and it's time for her to have a mobile phone!"

"Ah? Xinxin buys it too? She's still a student!"

Mother He was a little reluctant to give up.

It's not that she doesn't feel sorry for her daughter, but mobile phones are still considered a luxury item these days.

Many working people may not be willing to buy it. He Tianxin is a college student and has no business. What kind of mobile phone does he use?

"Tiantian is also a student! She is younger than Xinxin!" Father He said firmly.

He's mother subconsciously replied, "Tiantian's situation is special. We bought her a mobile phone so that she can contact people at any time. Xinxin——" is healthy. There is also a card phone in the dormitory. Just now When she was in college, I bought her a Han-display BB camera so she could contact her family at any time!

Besides, He Tianxin is studying in college in the provincial capital and can go home every week.

Mother He really couldn't imagine that her eldest daughter would need to buy a mobile phone!

"Xinxin is also our daughter!"

Father He interrupted Mother He's words and said in a deep voice along the end of her voice, "I know you feel sorry for Tiantian, and Tiantian really needs a mobile phone!"

"But, as parents, we must keep a bowl of water balanced!"

"If parents are partial, there will be conflicts between children."

"Also, we can't ignore Xinxin just because she is healthy and sensible."

A better mobile phone does cost two to three thousand, which is equivalent to three or four months' salary of an ordinary worker.

But, again, their family is not short of this little money.

There is no need to cause conflicts at home just because of a mobile phone.

Mother He:......

It's not that she doesn't care about her eldest daughter, but none of He Tianxin's classmates use mobile phones.

This is not a necessity, but a luxury for special circumstances.

However, what Father He said made sense.

Mother He had never thought of treating the two children differently, but if she didn't pay attention, she might make her eldest daughter feel that she was too partial.

"...Okay! I understand! Alas, I really owed them two sisters in my previous life!"

Mother He couldn't help but complain, but she still listened to her husband's words. When she went to buy groceries, she went to a shopping mall not far away and bought two mobile phones of the same brand, same price, and same color.

It is a brand that is very popular recently. It has dual screens with a flip cover. There is also a circle of diamonds on the outside of the upper flip cover. It is a bright red color and is especially suitable for girls.

Of course, the price is naturally very beautiful, one costs more than two thousand.

He's mother bought two in one go, and the five thousand yuan was gone. Seeing the salesperson happily swiping her card, her body ached.

After buying a mobile phone, applying for a mobile phone card, and carrying a lot of gifts from the salesperson, He's mother went to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables and meat.

When I got home, I saw my little daughter asleep on the sofa with a small fork in her mouth.

Mother He quickly put down her things, took out the little fork, and covered her daughter with a thicker quilt.

Seeing her little daughter's peaceful sleeping face, Mother He's depressed mood finally relaxed a lot.

Alas, it’s all about the kids!

As long as their sisters are doing well, she is willing to spend money and suffer!

After gently placing the mobile phone, gifts and other items on the coffee table, Mother He quietly carried the vegetable basket into the kitchen.

Carefully closing the kitchen door, Mother He began to wash Qieqie gently.

After cutting the side dishes, marinating the sausages, and stewing the pig's trotters, elbows, etc., Mother He looked at the time, took out her mobile phone and left a message on her daughter's BB machine——

He Tianxin, who had just finished a class and was about to go back to the dormitory, heard the beeping of the BB player in her pocket.

She took it out and saw that it was her mother calling: "Xinxin, Tiantian has been discharged from the hospital. Come back for lunch!"

After reading the message, although He Tianxin didn't want to see He Tiantian, a cheater, she missed her parents and home.

Besides, after He Tiantian is discharged from the hospital, her mother will definitely cook a table full of delicious dishes.


Thinking of her mother's good cooking skills and the pig food in the school cafeteria, He Tianxin decided to go home for dinner.

The afternoon class happened to be at 3:30, which was enough time for her to go home.

He Tianxin told her roommates and instead of going back to the dormitory, she went straight out of the campus with her schoolbag on her back.

After sitting on the bus, He Tianxin appeared outside her door in less than an hour.

I opened the door with the key and as soon as I stepped into the living room, I saw my mother wearing an apron, holding a piece of meat in her right hand, holding her left hand under her right hand, feeding He Tiantian with a loving face.

He Tianxin:......

This scene was so familiar, she had seen it countless times in her previous life.

On the surface, He's mother fed He Tiantian like this because the meat was just cooked, and He's mother let Tiantian taste the saltiness to satisfy her craving in advance.

When He Tianxin is at home, He's mother will do the same.

However, He's mother would not chase her into the living room and feed her directly. Instead, she would shout at the top of her voice and call He Tianxin into the kitchen.

He Tianxin doesn't care about everything, she accuses her mother of being partial over such a trivial matter.

Instead, it was through such small things that He Tiantian was raised by her mother to be a giant baby.

I have clothes to put out my hands, food to open my mouth, my parents have to pick me up when I go to college, and I bring all my dirty clothes back every week for my mother to wash.

He is in his twenties and has not even washed his underwear or socks.

After graduation, he became even more exaggerated, pretending to be crazy under the guise of doing art. He couldn't take care of himself and had to be taken care of by his mother for everything.

In later generations, He Tianxin saw news that a certain genius boy was expelled from school because of his poor ability to take care of himself.

At least he is still a genius. He only focuses on study and research, and it is normal for him to ignore the trivial matters in life.

As for He Tiantian, she is nothing. She is cared for as a "cripple" by her parents because of her so-called "sickness" and "artistic dream".

The more He Tianxin thought about it, the more frustrated she became. The good mood she was in because she went home for a big meal disappeared in an instant.

And after hearing her mother say that she also bought her the latest mobile phone, instead of being happy, He Tianxin became even more depressed...

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